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Recursion [Strategy + Out of Character Thread]

Discussion in 'Out of Character Discussion' started by CerberusLycan, Dec 25, 2014.

  1. I should really get Em an ability to revive people.
  2. We should at least get the bag, since it might have something that could revive Sashna. Maybe.

    I'll have Yume Cycle Mana this turn to have enough MP for a Sonic Drive, so Em should probably heal her.
  3. But how  do we move the corpse?
  4. Trigger Command: Fuck Your Unnocupiable Corpse Cell Bullshit Move The Fuck Out Of My Way
  5. I think Nyor is very wise.
  6. Have you considered getting on the conveyor belt at H8 and hoping you get knockback on the corpse?
  7. That definitely sounds worth a shot, but I do wonder if Kerry was hinting at something. Nah, trying to destroy the KO'd bot would make too much sense.

    I'll just send Judit onto the conveyor belt and see what happens. And besides, if she does end up next to the door, I can have her open it and move out of the way with Pawn Influence so Yume can instantly move in to attack Nyor.
  8. The slugs are neutral though, would they attack just by walking by them?
  9. True, true, forgot about that. But even with that in mind, what exactly should we do?
  10. run in and grab the bag, then if it summons the gigaboss we fight it, if it's just some sweet loot, I'll just have Jericho open the door and end it
  11. The Charge Slug description states that it is easily startled, so it wouldn't be surprising that opening the door would prompt a defensive reaction of some sort.
  12. It can see through the door, though. It's just as likely to attack asit is to not. If you want to run in amd grab the bag, Jericho is right by the door. That way we see whats in it, and then you dont have to fight another enemy.
  13. Wow, that was a lot more knockback damage than I expected...! I'll just, uh, open the door and get away as far as I can.
  14. We got this. Judit moves to I5 to get in range, Em moves to H5 and heals Yume as she'll be taking 9 damage in the worse case scenario (disregarding Critical Hits), and Yume uses Sonic Drive on Nyor. Next turn it'll be dead no matter what it does.
  15. Patch Notes: (will apply after this battle)

    -- Auntie Em's S-Ability Labour of Love will no longer be erroneously referred to as an Innate Property in combat logs.
    -- Auntie Em's S-Ability Labour of Love MP regeneration reduced from 8% --> 5%.
  16. So, @Silver, Em is kind of in the way of Judit at the moment and risking that 25% Stun is probably not an option at the moment...!
  17. @Muddy Are we not allowed to move through ally characters? Cause if I move then Yume isn't going to get healed.
  18. The Atmosphere, Silver. Judit needs to move first to prevent triggering that 25% Stun roll, then Em.
  19. Oh okay. Sorry! Will do in just a second!
  20. That went down as I thought it would. I just need Judit to attack and Em to heal Yume and we'll be done with this.

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