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The Chatlog Thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Shadow, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. <~Shadow> This is a prime example of #coe behavior

    <@Keileon> I think CoE behavior would consist mostly of me twittering something, Nate constantly posting images, etc
    <~Shadow> It's ADHD children running everywhere; this is pretty much CoE behavior...!
    <+Nate> But yeah after reading this article I'm a little more convinced that I might possibly have ADHD.
    <Espy> But like I've run into whatever the version of autistic block is
    <Espy> Er
    <+Starrie> come on guys lets do our own thing and bring peace and balance back to CoE
    <Espy> *artistic block
    <~Shadow> >autistic block
    <+Starrie> LMAO
    <Espy> *ARTIST'S BLOCK
    <Wendy> lol yes
    <@Keileon> Reading the article makes me see how I was misdiagnosed for ADHD
    <Wendy> I giggled
    <~Shadow> I lost it
    <@Keileon> LOL
    <+LordXGigaX> Good job
    <Wendy> chatlogging pls
    <Espy> weqlivcbkun pFUCKING
    <+Starrie> Excuse me while I laugh horribly
    <@Keileon> Autistic Block PERFECTLY fits me
    <+Dark> Chatlog that shit
  2. [22:48] Shadow Shockwing is in human form right
    [22:48] Starrie yes
    [22:48] Keileon ...
    [22:48] Keileon Oh, I thought that was starr asking
    [22:48] Keileon wtf
    [22:48] Starrie what
    [22:48] LordXGigaX WTF
    [22:48] LordXGigaX I thought the same thing
    [22:48] Keileon I WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION ;-;
    [22:49] Starrie such little faith in my memory i see
    [22:49] Starrie okay, i actually understand
    [22:49] LordXGigaX I was about to ask "How the fuck do /you/ not remember that?"
    [22:49] Keileon ^
    [22:50] Starrie for all we know shockwing might be in lightning form
    [22:51] Starrie or a lightbulb
    [22:51] LordXGigaX lolwat
    [22:51] Keileon lmfao
    [22:51] Starrie my mind can never tell
    [22:51] Keileon shockwing is not mimring he can't have a lightning form
    [22:51] LordXGigaX How many Starrs does it take to change a Shockwing
    [22:51] Keileon LMFAO
    [22:51] Starrie OH MY GOD
    [22:51] Keileon THAT WAS TERRIBLE
    [22:51] Keileon WHY AM I LAUGHING
  3. [18:51:49] <+Dark> Given that OWiO is strictly mine (all Spaught did was offer some explanation as to why it was A Thing), I could make it a traditional SP
    [18:52:27] <+Dark> I doubt he'd care either given he's not averse to traditional SP
    [18:52:31] <%Keileon> Shadow seriously FM
    [18:52:38] <%Keileon> If Dark needs experience
    [18:52:44] <%Keileon> It's perfect
    [18:52:45] <%Keileon> :>
    [18:52:49] <~Shadow> crazE already offered AC
    [18:52:53] <%Keileon> o
    [18:52:57] <%Keileon> but
    [18:52:58] <~Shadow> Good try though
    [18:52:59] <%Keileon> pls
    [18:53:04] <+Eebit> It's okay Kuda, we know you have a huge ladyboner for FM
    [18:53:06] <+Dark> faggot, that doesn't mean i don't still want it
    [18:53:07] <%Keileon> pls.
    [18:53:12] Flimzy sees FM and thinks "Fractals of the Mists"
    [18:53:38] <+Dark> I swear, if I have to badger you into the grave about it, I fucking will.
    [18:53:41] <+Eebit> Forsaken Malign would be nice, but I'm still waiting on CS to continue rofl
    [18:53:45] <%Keileon> Is there anyone who's in FM who doesn't want it right now
    [18:53:46] <+Eebit> Shadow plserino
    [18:53:51] <%Keileon> Besides Shadow
    [18:54:05] <@Cerberus> >Shadow TD tho
    [18:54:20] <+Dark> so cazE, AC when??!1 :V
    [18:54:26] <~Shadow> this is the exact moment i ignore everyone and go back to DMF right
    [18:54:31] <@Cerberus> yes
    [18:54:32] <%Keileon> no
    [18:54:36] <~Shadow> ;_;
    [18:54:42] <+Dark> Shadow I will cut you.
    [18:54:44] <%Keileon> fm plssssss
    [18:55:08] <+Dark> and burn your Natural Weed crop
    [18:55:31] <+Dark> Wait shit, that'd just make you high as fuck
    [18:55:39] <%Keileon> I'll skin your pet jagua-- LOL
  4. THIS is what happens when I stay up all night to work on a profile.

    [06:53] Gist my life
    [06:53] Gist qq
    [06:53] Keileon hi gist
    [06:53] Gist hi gm
    [06:53] Gist hru
    [06:54] Espy gah wow i love this song whyyy.
    [06:54] Espy Hi Gist
    [06:54] Gist Hey Espy gm
    [06:54] Gist hru
    [06:54] Espy "gm"?

    [10 minutes later...]

    [07:06] Keileon >tfw I /just/ realize what gist meant by "gm"
    [07:06] Keileon ffs I really am tired
    [07:07] Nate I still don't know. lol i suck at acronyms
    [07:07] Keileon "good morning"
    [07:07] Nate OH
    [07:07] Nate Yeah
    [07:07] Nate Realized it
    [07:07] Espy OH
    [07:07] Espy OKAYYYY
    [07:07] Nate RIGHT before you said it
    [07:07] Espy ^
    [07:07] Espy It was like
    [07:07] Espy "what does she meOH FUCK ME I'M THE STUPIDEST FUCK"
  5. <Nate> OH WAIT I KNOW. So s came in while I was talking and was like "HEY I WANNA BE IN VOLONTER TOO" and then I was like "No s you can't go in Volonter," but of course s wouldn't have that, and just invited himself in. Then he had the audacity to not only expose himself /right in front of everyone/, but he yelled out "Hey, ol, buddy, why don't you come over here with me?"

    This makes just as much sense in context. Perhaps even less.
  6. "Valerie: Darius: *walking toward HQ, Darius hauls a large tree by its trunk hanging over his shoulder. Many of the branches have been broken by being dragged long* /I suppose they wouldn't mind some timber... I have nothing better to do than punch trees down, much to my displeasure./"

    [01:18:16] <+Dark> crazE
    [01:18:26] <+Dark> >I have nothing better to do than punch trees down
    [01:18:32] <+Dark> so Darius is Steve???


    [01:24:50] <%Keileon> Another way Darius is Steve
    [01:25:13] <%Keileon> Steve can carry several trees' worth of wood at once- about 64 cubic meters...
    [01:25:22] <%Keileon> ... but no more than 16 eggs
    [01:25:53] <+crazE> what do you expect he doesn't have any cartons to hold them in
    [01:25:55] <%Keileon> Quick someone give him 17 eggs
    [01:27:27] <%Keileon> Dark's going to help Darius make planks
    [01:27:50] <~Shadow> someone needs to dig straight down and die in a fire
    [01:28:06] <+Dark> Also, technically if you have an entire inventory of stacks, it's~3300 cubic metres of logs
    [01:28:42] <%Keileon> And how many eggs? lol
    [01:28:58] <+Dark> 560
    [01:29:15] <%Keileon> okay wow
    [01:29:28] <+Dark> I call hammerspace
    [01:29:46] <+LordXGigaX> needs more ender chests
    [01:29:52] <%Keileon> If it's hammerspace, explain the need for chests
    [01:29:57] <%Keileon> ... And chests themselves
    [01:31:16] <+Dark> Also I am now imagining that one episode of DBZ where Gohan made firewood for some guy by karate chopping pieces of wood
    [01:31:24] <~Shadow> Every person has a predefined hammerspace with a static amount of materials that can be allotted to it at any time; this is the same principle which the chests operate by-- actually why the fuck are we talking about this
  7. [Sunday 11:48:24 pm] Nate Honestly though CoE is pretty much asexuals anonymous.
  8. This sums it all up well.

    [Tuesday 08:54:28 pm] Keileon Espy do you have yahoo messenger I still don't know what my accent is
    [Tuesday 08:54:36 pm] Starr I sound like a boy going through puberty
    [Tuesday 08:54:36 pm] Espy Um I do not
    [Tuesday 08:54:38 pm] Nate Espy do you still have that recording of you
    [Tuesday 08:54:45 pm] Espy Nate; nope
    [Tuesday 08:54:47 pm] Nate The one that made me go "rip my ears"
    [Tuesday 08:54:55 pm] Nate Hm... I wonder if I can find it...
    [Tuesday 08:54:56 pm] Keileon welp
    [Tuesday 08:55:12 pm] Espy I really should get my Skype back up and running
    [Tuesday 08:55:16 pm] Keileon I don't want to dig around my comp for skype
    [Tuesday 08:55:49 pm] Espy Kuda; use Vocaroo
    [Tuesday 08:55:55 pm] Keileon But
    [Tuesday 08:56:02 pm] Starr ^@espy
    [Tuesday 08:56:03 pm] Keileon It feels weird just talking
    [Tuesday 08:56:20 pm] Nate FOUND IT
    [Tuesday 08:56:26 pm] Espy Use this paragraph Kuda http://accent.gmu.edu/browse_language.php?function=detail&speakerid=91
    [Tuesday 08:56:31 pm] Nate Starr here's Espy's voice http://vocaroo.com/i/s1iL0sltkyhW
    [Tuesday 08:56:37 pm] Keileon No I don't like that one
    [Tuesday 08:56:46 pm] Espy Oh my fuck RIP my ears
    [Tuesday 08:56:48 pm] Starr Ipod
    [Tuesday 08:56:56 pm] Espy Why the fuck did I max volume
    [Tuesday 08:56:58 pm] Nate Welp
    [Tuesday 08:57:10 pm] Starr Save me the link nate
    [Tuesday 08:57:24 pm] Keileon You
    [Tuesday 08:57:31 pm] Starr Me
    [Tuesday 08:57:32 pm] Espy I'll make a better recording at some point
    [Tuesday 08:57:33 pm] Keileon Speak extremely fast
    [Tuesday 08:57:37 pm] Nate ^
    [Tuesday 08:57:38 pm] Espy I really don't!
    [Tuesday 08:57:43 pm] Starr Does he
    [Tuesday 08:57:44 pm] Espy I got nerves
    [Tuesday 08:57:46 pm] Nate Faster than me.
    [Tuesday 08:57:48 pm] Keileon It took me five replays
    [Tuesday 08:57:50 pm] Starr Makes sense tbh
    [Tuesday 08:57:58 pm] Keileon To figure out wtf you were saying
    [Tuesday 08:58:09 pm] Nate I'm a pretty slow talker, unless I have really short words
    [Tuesday 08:58:25 pm] Nate Where I'm like "I'll just combine all these short words into one BIG WORD"
    [Tuesday 08:58:40 pm] Espy Makes sense why?
    [Tuesday 08:59:10 pm] Espy I got a little nervous so I didn't use either my proper accent or my foreigner accent, but my voice just went to something in between
    [Tuesday 08:59:31 pm] Keileon It sounded cool at least
    [Tuesday 08:59:39 pm] Espy Meh
    [Tuesday 08:59:45 pm] Espy I sound out of place everywhere
    [Tuesday 08:59:47 pm] IroukInverse Brace yourselves
    [Tuesday 08:59:48 pm] IroukInverse http://vocaroo.com/i/s0HEFeTan6vq
    [Tuesday 08:59:50 pm] Nate Imagine Espy with that voice as some call center person
    [Tuesday 09:00:00 pm] Keileon LOL
    [Tuesday 09:00:01 pm] IroukInverse For my absolutely horrendous accent
    [Tuesday 09:00:01 pm] IroukInverse
    [Tuesday 09:00:07 pm] Espy Did you mean: what happens in India already
    [Tuesday 09:00:20 pm] Espy Irouk; PLS
    [Tuesday 09:00:25 pm] Nate Yes but with that accent and speech pattern and SUPERFAST
    [Tuesday 09:00:29 pm] Keileon ^
    [Tuesday 09:00:37 pm] Nate Also Kuori that accent is smexy
    [Tuesday 09:00:37 pm] IroukInverse Espy pls
    [Tuesday 09:00:38 pm] Starr Oh the voice recording worked
    [Tuesday 09:00:41 pm] IroukInverse
    [Tuesday 09:00:47 pm] Espy Yeah we Indians get that kind of call centre service
    [Tuesday 09:00:47 pm] Starr Wtf did espy even say
    [Tuesday 09:01:02 pm] Espy "This is my voice and it's the complete opposite of deep"
    [Tuesday 09:01:17 pm] Keileon I like that accent
    [Tuesday 09:01:20 pm] Espy Meh
    [Tuesday 09:01:25 pm] IroukInverse You and Cerby both Nate
    [Tuesday 09:01:25 pm] IroukInverse
    [Tuesday 09:01:28 pm] Starr Espy trade voices with meeee
    [Tuesday 09:01:41 pm] Nate I think you meant to say that to Kuda, Kuori
    [Tuesday 09:01:46 pm] IroukInverse Both of you
    [Tuesday 09:01:49 pm] Nate o
    [Tuesday 09:02:15 pm] Nate but yeah it's smexy wtf u talkin about it being "horrendous"
    [Tuesday 09:02:18 pm] IroukInverse Basically the first time Cerby heard my voice, it went something like this "omg Kuori I love you"
    [Tuesday 09:02:19 pm] Flimzy Surely my mic isn't THAT bad.
    [Tuesday 09:02:39 pm] Keileon looks at Vocaroo homepage and considers recording
    [Tuesday 09:02:45 pm] Flimzy My guildmates would have told me if my mic is that bad.
    [Tuesday 09:02:49 pm] Nate Meanwhile I'm trying to record something in a conlang I don't even know
    [Tuesday 09:02:50 pm] Flimzy And everyone else sounds shit too.
    [Tuesday 09:03:12 pm] Espy ^
    [Tuesday 09:03:14 pm] Espy I know I do
    [Tuesday 09:03:18 pm] IroukInverse http://vocaroo.com/i/s1XjdCEP0NxH
    [Tuesday 09:03:23 pm] IroukInverse This is just me being silly
    [Tuesday 09:03:27 pm] Starr Everybody here knows my voice already because of my pirateradio broadcasting days
    [Tuesday 09:03:30 pm] Keileon LOL
    [Tuesday 09:03:40 pm] Flimzy Also I'm far too loud
    [Tuesday 09:03:54 pm] Flimzy Which is strange because I'm mumbling
    [Tuesday 09:03:59 pm] Keileon A few people know my voice from Skype and Ustream
    [Tuesday 09:04:00 pm] Nate Kuori tho <3
    [Tuesday 09:04:11 pm] Espy Starr; actually, I don't
    [Tuesday 09:04:19 pm] IroukInverse Cometh
    [Tuesday 09:04:25 pm] Keileon kuori are you british
    [Tuesday 09:04:25 pm] IroukInverse Fite me
    [Tuesday 09:04:27 pm] IroukInverse Fgt
    [Tuesday 09:04:31 pm] Nate Meanwhile I feel like I'm shouting yet It's really quiet on the recording
    [Tuesday 09:04:33 pm] IroukInverse Um, no?
    [Tuesday 09:04:34 pm] Starr I know blendy's voice from his short lived days as an LPer
    [Tuesday 09:04:43 pm] Keileon You kinda sound like it
    [Tuesday 09:04:48 pm] IroukInverse I feel like my obviously fake accent would give it away
    [Tuesday 09:04:48 pm] Keileon Kinda
    [Tuesday 09:04:49 pm] IroukInverse
    [Tuesday 09:04:53 pm] Keileon o
    [Tuesday 09:04:56 pm] Keileon Well
    [Tuesday 09:05:05 pm] Keileon You still sound cool
    [Tuesday 09:05:10 pm] IroukInverse lol
    [Tuesday 09:05:16 pm] Nate I wonder if I have any of my faux scottish accents in my history...
    [Tuesday 09:05:22 pm] Flimzy http://vocaroo.com/i/s1EKYSJJR6Xj
    [Tuesday 09:05:22 pm] IroukInverse It's not authentic, but I've been told it's a nice sounding british accent
    [Tuesday 09:06:31 pm] Nate Nope I don't dammit
    [Tuesday 09:06:33 pm] Keileon I'm going to retry this in a minute because I completely forgot what I was saying but
    [Tuesday 09:06:34 pm] Espy You people have such stereotypical accents!
    [Tuesday 09:06:44 pm] Keileon http://vocaroo.com/i/s0TrfsLs35B0 lower yor volume
    [Tuesday 09:06:45 pm] Flimzy I do?
    [Tuesday 09:07:02 pm] Espy What
    [Tuesday 09:07:04 pm] Espy Kuda
    [Tuesday 09:07:12 pm] Espy What was that at the end
    [Tuesday 09:07:14 pm] Flimzy Kuda this makes you sound like an old lady.
    [Tuesday 09:07:16 pm] Espy ^
    [Tuesday 09:07:19 pm] Keileon "okay no"
    [Tuesday 09:07:21 pm] Espy And then suddenly manvoice
    [Tuesday 09:07:31 pm] Nate Oh my god Flimzy you should do like those list things and stuff like that on YT like VSauce and JWitz and all of those people
    [Tuesday 09:07:34 pm] Espy "okay no" was in such a deep voice gdi
    [Tuesday 09:07:52 pm] Nate Dat sudden manvoice
    [Tuesday 09:07:54 pm] Starr Lel
    [Tuesday 09:07:58 pm] Flimzy http://vocaroo.com/i/s13o2P4T1XaO
    [Tuesday 09:08:10 pm] Nate LOL
    [Tuesday 09:08:28 pm] Keileon My answer to that
    [Tuesday 09:08:30 pm] Keileon http://vocaroo.com/i/s1HyZPVPedzq
    [Tuesday 09:08:59 pm] Nate Dammit dyslexia stop making me read r's as n's
    [Tuesday 09:09:21 pm] IroukInverse ...
    [Tuesday 09:09:39 pm] Keileon Flim you sound different than I remember ;-;
    [Tuesday 09:10:02 pm] Flimzy Keep in mind this distorts our voice somewhat.
    [Tuesday 09:10:02 pm] Nate >recording I'm satisfied with
    [Tuesday 09:10:06 pm] Nate >super quiet
    [Tuesday 09:10:10 pm] Keileon Fair enough
    [Tuesday 09:10:16 pm] Starr LOL nate
    [Tuesday 09:10:23 pm] Nate (Also skipping)
    [Tuesday 09:10:38 pm] Keileon So yeah
    [Tuesday 09:10:45 pm] Keileon What is my accent
    [Tuesday 09:11:29 pm] Espy Loooool
    [Tuesday 09:11:31 pm] Flimzy http://vocaroo.com/i/s0nfqE5eexQt
    [Tuesday 09:11:32 pm] Espy @Kuda
    [Tuesday 09:11:45 pm] Espy Kuda; depends
    [Tuesday 09:12:03 pm] Espy I need to look through the accent archive and see what fits closest
    [Tuesday 09:12:05 pm] Nate Yeah Flimzy you should totally do podcast stuff
    [Tuesday 09:12:07 pm] Keileon LOLFLIM
    [Tuesday 09:12:18 pm] Espy Flim; HAHAHAHAHA
    [Tuesday 09:12:30 pm] Starr I sound like tacobell most of the time
    [Tuesday 09:12:31 pm] Espy You have such a Morning Talk Show Host voice
    [Tuesday 09:12:34 pm] Starr Not joking
    [Tuesday 09:12:44 pm] Espy How do you sound like a restaurant]
    [Tuesday 09:12:45 pm] Espy -]
    [Tuesday 09:12:54 pm] Espy Well, a fast–food joint
    [Tuesday 09:12:55 pm] Flimzy How exactly does one sound like tacobell?
    [Tuesday 09:12:56 pm] Starr Spanglish op
    [Tuesday 09:13:03 pm] Espy lol?
    [Tuesday 09:13:13 pm] Espy OH
    [Tuesday 09:13:15 pm] Espy okay
    [Tuesday 09:13:29 pm] Espy I abuse Tanglish a lolt myself
    [Tuesday 09:13:37 pm] Starr I just have that very strange Spanish accent with certain words
    [Tuesday 09:14:07 pm] Starr And I slurr a lot too
    [Tuesday 09:14:08 pm] Keileon I speak a bit too slowly imo
    [Tuesday 09:14:37 pm] -->| Muddy (Mibbit@hidden-4st.l3h.76.201.IP) has joined #CoE
    [Tuesday 09:14:44 pm] Keileon Hey Muddy
    [Tuesday 09:14:46 pm] Starr Muddy!
    [Tuesday 09:14:49 pm] Flimzy http://vocaroo.com/i/s1xWRIBrzI6f
    [Tuesday 09:14:49 pm] strangle__ the people at this taco bell near me are very american
    [Tuesday 09:14:53 pm] strangle__ white power
    [Tuesday 09:15:01 pm] Muddy Hi guys!
    [Tuesday 09:15:03 pm] Espy Mud!
    [Tuesday 09:15:07 pm] strangle__ hi
    [Tuesday 09:15:09 pm] Keileon LOL
    [Tuesday 09:15:17 pm] Nate LOL FLIM
    [Tuesday 09:15:23 pm] Muddy Hi to you too
    [Tuesday 09:15:26 pm] Espy I speak a OMFG FLIM
    [Tuesday 09:15:29 pm] Nate Flim pls tho start doing podcast
    [Tuesday 09:15:30 pm] Nate s
    [Tuesday 09:15:32 pm] Espy ^
    [Tuesday 09:15:36 pm] Keileon ^
    [Tuesday 09:15:39 pm] Muddy ^
    [Tuesday 09:15:41 pm] strangle__ v
    [Tuesday 09:15:43 pm] Espy ^
    [Tuesday 09:15:44 pm] Nate ^
    [Tuesday 09:15:47 pm] Espy PARADOOOOX
    [Tuesday 09:15:48 pm] Muddy spot
    [Tuesday 09:15:52 pm] Nate Dammit got ninja'd to the paradox
    [Tuesday 09:15:52 pm] Starr CoE folks
    [Tuesday 09:16:03 pm] Flimzy I've always /kinda/ wanted to do something audio based.
    [Tuesday 09:16:07 pm] Espy Oh you know that could be vertical brainfuck
    [Tuesday 09:16:11 pm] Espy <<<><<
    [Tuesday 09:16:16 pm] Espy What would that even be
    [Tuesday 09:16:23 pm] Keileon fish
    [Tuesday 09:16:45 pm] Espy lool
    [Tuesday 09:16:46 pm] Nate A school of fish where one of them is autistic
    [Tuesday 09:16:51 pm] Espy LOL
    [Tuesday 09:16:58 pm] Espy Or, y'know
    [Tuesday 09:17:01 pm] Espy Angular brackets
    [Tuesday 09:17:14 pm] Nate Yes but imagination
    [Tuesday 09:17:15 pm] Muddy You're boring Espy
    [Tuesday 09:17:22 pm] Espy lewl
    [Tuesday 09:17:31 pm] Keileon http://vocaroo.com/i/s0ecf8bwrMAk
    [Tuesday 09:17:38 pm] Keileon Every fucking time
    [Tuesday 09:17:48 pm] Keileon I either go way too slow
    [Tuesday 09:17:49 pm] Espy who manvoice
    [Tuesday 09:17:53 pm] Espy *whoa
    [Tuesday 09:17:58 pm] Espy Manvoice on "doing" alert
    [Tuesday 09:18:00 pm] Keileon Or I lose my train of thought
    [Tuesday 09:18:18 pm] Nate Meanwhile I'm STILL trying to get this line from a conlang right
    [Tuesday 09:18:56 pm] IroukInverse Nate
    [Tuesday 09:18:57 pm] Flimzy http://vocaroo.com/i/s0qwaO3BMbzy
    [Tuesday 09:19:04 pm] IroukInverse Instead of that you should make your Sirensong character
    [Tuesday 09:19:05 pm] IroukInverse o3o
    [Tuesday 09:19:07 pm] IroukInverse *shot*
    [Tuesday 09:19:14 pm] Keileon LOL
    [Tuesday 09:19:17 pm] Espy LOL
    [Tuesday 09:19:21 pm] Espy Flim best
    [Tuesday 09:19:24 pm] Espy Flim4Prez
    [Tuesday 09:19:37 pm] Espy Flim'sVoice4God 2016
    [Tuesday 09:19:39 pm] Keileon That made me laugh irl
    [Tuesday 09:19:41 pm] Espy ^
    [Tuesday 09:19:49 pm] Espy Then again I laugh at everything
    [Tuesday 09:20:12 pm] Espy OH
    [Tuesday 09:20:16 pm] Nate And I also keep aspirating this r for some reason. Just ONE of the r's in the line, but I just keep on aspirating it.
    [Tuesday 09:20:19 pm] Espy OH YOU PEOPLE HAVEN'T HEARD MY LAUGH
    [Tuesday 09:20:22 pm] Espy HAHAHA OKAY
    [Tuesday 09:20:27 pm] Keileon oh dear
    [Tuesday 09:20:29 pm] Espy Let's see if I have the audio file
    [Tuesday 09:20:31 pm] Starr No
    [Tuesday 09:20:34 pm] Espy Yes
    [Tuesday 09:20:38 pm] Muddy Oh man
    [Tuesday 09:20:50 pm] Nate How low do i need to turn my volume
    [Tuesday 09:21:02 pm] Flimzy Infinitely
    [Tuesday 09:21:06 pm] Nate LOL
    [Tuesday 09:21:56 pm] Espy k I don't have one BUT my friend does
    [Tuesday 09:22:36 pm] Flimzy Oh. For a moment I interpreted that as you not having a laugh.
    [Tuesday 09:22:42 pm] Flimzy "but my friend does"
    [Tuesday 09:22:43 pm] Keileon LOL
    [Tuesday 09:23:40 pm] Espy LOOL
    [Tuesday 09:25:36 pm] Keileon Oh I managed to get a decent recording
    [Tuesday 09:25:39 pm] Keileon http://vocaroo.com/i/s07v8ElCdrZQ
    [Tuesday 09:25:53 pm] Gist whoa dark
    [Tuesday 09:25:59 pm] Gist when did you go to hell
    [Tuesday 09:26:10 pm] Keileon random gist
    [Tuesday 09:26:13 pm] Keileon is random
    [Tuesday 09:26:14 pm] Espy lolw hat
    [Tuesday 09:26:20 pm] Espy what did you even say kuda
    [Tuesday 09:26:30 pm] Espy OH
    [Tuesday 09:26:38 pm] Espy "I even make typos in speaking!"?
    [Tuesday 09:26:50 pm] Keileon "This is why I should never be on Youtube. I even make typos when speaking!"
    [Tuesday 09:26:55 pm] Gist "this is why I should not be on YouTube. I even make typos when speaking."
    [Tuesday 09:27:05 pm] Gist lel ninjas are real
    [Tuesday 09:27:40 pm] Gist I'm surprised my internal got a better quality than that though
    [Tuesday 09:27:41 pm] Gist e.o
    [Tuesday 09:27:43 pm] Keileon you both got a word wrong
    [Tuesday 09:27:45 pm] Keileon so
    [Tuesday 09:27:50 pm] Gist hey I tried
    [Tuesday 09:29:13 pm] Espy in, when, alla same thing
    [Tuesday 09:29:53 pm] Keileon flim record more you're funny
    [Tuesday 09:30:06 pm] Nate (And do a podcast)
    [Tuesday 09:30:39 pm] Espy ^
    [Tuesday 09:30:43 pm] Espy Deffo podcast
    [Tuesday 09:30:46 pm] Keileon ^
    [Tuesday 09:31:27 pm] Flimzy sry doing hamwark
    [Tuesday 09:31:29 pm] Espy Do WTNV!
    [Tuesday 09:31:48 pm] Nate When you have no idea what to say and just want to talk in a fake scottish accent http://vocaroo.com/i/s0UNM7PjvG5l
    [Tuesday 09:31:58 pm] -->| crazE (chatzilla@hidden-a9a059.ut.comcast.net) has joined #CoE
    [Tuesday 09:31:58 pm] =-= Mode #CoE +v crazE by ChanServ
    [Tuesday 09:32:01 pm] Espy Oh do the podcast for Desert Bluffs from Welcome to Nightvale!
    [Tuesday 09:32:02 pm] Nate Hi crazE
    [Tuesday 09:32:05 pm] crazE u al sux
    [Tuesday 09:32:16 pm] Keileon lol nate
    [Tuesday 09:32:19 pm] Nate Yeah well I can do a Scottish accent http://vocaroo.com/i/s0UNM7PjvG5l
    [Tuesday 09:32:20 pm] Starr I read that as sax
    [Tuesday 09:32:25 pm] Nate So uh
    [Tuesday 09:32:31 pm] Nate u sux
    [Tuesday 09:32:52 pm] Espy u sax
    [Tuesday 09:32:56 pm] Espy u saxophone
    [Tuesday 09:32:59 pm] Espy i saxophone
    [Tuesday 09:33:07 pm] Espy i sax u sax we all sax for ice cream
    [Tuesday 09:33:10 pm] Starr I'd like to sax but I'm poor
    [Tuesday 09:33:13 pm] Keileon Flim's last two recordings are still best
    [Tuesday 09:33:14 pm] Espy or or or or or
    [Tuesday 09:33:19 pm] Espy i sax u sax we all sax for ballsacks
    [Tuesday 09:34:16 pm] Nate http://vocaroo.com/i/s0S4YOCAN5IB Oh god I mix up s and sh so much
    [Tuesday 09:35:06 pm] Espy Nate; you sound a bit like that kid from um
    [Tuesday 09:35:16 pm] Espy Amrican Dad? kind of
    [Tuesday 09:35:25 pm] Keileon What no
    [Tuesday 09:35:34 pm] Keileon He sounds nothing like that kid
    [Tuesday 09:35:36 pm] Starr 20 users on CoE oxmg
    [Tuesday 09:35:39 pm] Starr Omg
    [Tuesday 09:35:53 pm] Espy Maybe IDEK
    [Tuesday 09:36:00 pm] Espy I don't remember what OH
    [Tuesday 09:36:35 pm] Espy He sounds a LITTLE like Mark Cohen from RenT!
    [Tuesday 09:36:39 pm] Espy *Rent
    [Tuesday 09:37:11 pm] Nate >mfw he looks like a skinnier me
    [Tuesday 09:37:16 pm] Nate (googled it so yeah)
    [Tuesday 09:37:52 pm] Nate Well. Skinnier and his hair is... different from mine, though I could probably convincingly style mine like his.
    [Tuesday 09:39:44 pm] Espy http://vocaroo.com/i/s1W4f4VNVGJq
    [Tuesday 09:39:48 pm] Espy Me saying the thing
    [Tuesday 09:39:55 pm] Espy From the thing I posted
    [Tuesday 09:40:24 pm] Nate What
    [Tuesday 09:40:28 pm] Starr Brbhome
    [Tuesday 09:40:29 pm] Nate What thing
    [Tuesday 09:40:35 pm] |<-- Starr has left irc.paradoxirc.net (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
    [Tuesday 09:40:55 pm] Espy This: http://puu.sh/8Cfwo.png
    [Tuesday 09:40:57 pm] Espy That thing
    [Tuesday 09:40:59 pm] Keileon http://vocaroo.com/i/s0Va8ohqORiR
    [Tuesday 09:41:38 pm] Flimzy http://vocaroo.com/i/s0RckYdIJ9qX
    [Tuesday 09:41:45 pm] Nate o
    [Tuesday 09:41:46 pm] Espy Kuda; you have one of those stereotypical librarian voices
    [Tuesday 09:41:52 pm] Keileon LOL
    [Tuesday 09:42:00 pm] Espy lolflim
    [Tuesday 09:42:08 pm] Espy I want Flim's voice
    [Tuesday 09:42:14 pm] Espy Flim's voice is a thing of beauty
    [Tuesday 09:42:31 pm] Nate It really is pretty great
    [Tuesday 09:42:32 pm] crazE flim's a hoe
    [Tuesday 09:43:53 pm] Flimzy http://vocaroo.com/i/s0PbmfXTEFXw
    [Tuesday 09:44:02 pm] Espy HAHAHA
    [Tuesday 09:44:04 pm] Espy Yes
    [Tuesday 09:44:06 pm] Espy Yes we did
    [Tuesday 09:44:20 pm] Keileon http://vocaroo.com/i/s09FujhXc1k2 --- the last few seconds I was attempting not to break into laughter
    [Tuesday 09:44:38 pm] Keileon LOLFLIM
    [Tuesday 09:45:05 pm] Espy lolkuda
    [Tuesday 09:45:12 pm] Nate adds Flim onto the list of people he could listen to talk for hours
    [Tuesday 09:45:15 pm] crazE guize
    [Tuesday 09:45:24 pm] crazE everyone say "beer can" in a jamaican accent
    [Tuesday 09:45:28 pm] crazE it'll sound like bacon
    [Tuesday 09:46:03 pm] Flimzy http://vocaroo.com/i/s0ZhrpLQHuh2
    [Tuesday 09:46:05 pm] Keileon http://vocaroo.com/i/s1QQMTQ9E5jj
    [Tuesday 09:46:28 pm] Keileon WHAT FLIM SAID
    [Tuesday 09:46:39 pm] Keileon SHADOW PLS
    [Tuesday 09:47:12 pm] Flimzy http://vocaroo.com/i/s0X4GuVRbaJs
    [Tuesday 09:47:20 pm] Nate >starts talking in a Jamaican accent
    [Tuesday 09:47:32 pm] Keileon hgcj.clxhkryfxc
    [Tuesday 09:47:32 pm] Nate >ends sentence with Scottish accent
    [Tuesday 09:47:35 pm] Nate nate pls
    [Tuesday 09:47:38 pm] Keileon FLIM
    [Tuesday 09:47:40 pm] Keileon OMG
    [Tuesday 09:47:40 pm] Espy Yes
    [Tuesday 09:47:41 pm] Espy I want
    [Tuesday 09:47:44 pm] Keileon LOL
    [Tuesday 09:47:44 pm] Espy Do want
    [Tuesday 09:47:55 pm] Nate dat tOO
    [Tuesday 09:48:02 pm] Nate tOOOOooooo
    [Tuesday 09:48:04 pm] Espy LOOOL
    [Tuesday 09:48:08 pm] Espy tOOOOoooooooo
    [Tuesday 09:48:47 pm] Keileon Shadow wake up and listen to that one seriously
    [Tuesday 09:49:18 pm] Espy ^
    [Tuesday 09:49:21 pm] Espy I saved the link
    [Tuesday 09:49:22 pm] Espy Shadow
    [Tuesday 09:49:51 pm] Keileon ... WAIT I CAN DOWNLOAD THESE
    [Tuesday 09:50:06 pm] Espy http://vocaroo.com/i/s16LbPt1YEVd
    [Tuesday 09:50:17 pm] Espy You can't sadly
    [Tuesday 09:50:35 pm] Keileon http://puu.sh/8Cg7I.png
    [Tuesday 09:50:36 pm] Nate What the fuck was that even, Espy
    [Tuesday 09:50:48 pm] Keileon LOL
    [Tuesday 09:51:00 pm] Espy "Shadow tD Shadow FM Shadow Recursion Shadow tOO Shadow ZEJ Shadow PLS!"
    [Tuesday 09:51:06 pm] Flimzy 10/10 Espy
    [Tuesday 09:51:16 pm] Espy That's my normal–ish tone incidentally
    [Tuesday 09:51:22 pm] Espy See what I mean by "high"
    [Tuesday 09:51:23 pm] Nate Well I mean I got what you were saying but like
    [Tuesday 09:51:25 pm] Nate Holy shit
    [Tuesday 09:51:33 pm] Espy [Tuesday 09:51:22 pm] Espy See what I mean by "high"
    [Tuesday 09:51:38 pm] Keileon You sound /French/ wtf
    [Tuesday 09:51:46 pm] Espy [Tuesday 08:54:03 pm] Espy My voice is higher than a stoner
    [Tuesday 09:51:47 pm] Nate That makes sense, in a way
    [Tuesday 09:51:49 pm] Espy I blame Lava kek
    [Tuesday 09:52:08 pm] Flimzy http://vocaroo.com/i/s1PnDZSH5ZNH
    [Tuesday 09:52:21 pm] Shadow I was brbing faggots
    [Tuesday 09:52:22 pm] Nate LOL FLIM
    [Tuesday 09:52:24 pm] Keileon LOL
    [Tuesday 09:52:28 pm] Nate SHADOW PUT THAT IN THE TOPIC
    [Tuesday 09:52:34 pm] Keileon PLEASE
    [Tuesday 09:52:46 pm] Espy http://vocaroo.com/i/s1MowDjG8TBP
    [Tuesday 09:52:52 pm] Espy SHADOW DO IT
    [Tuesday 09:53:03 pm] Espy DO FLIM"S VOICE ON THE THING
    [Tuesday 09:53:11 pm] =-= Shadow has changed the topic to “Welcome to #CoE - http://www.zejroleplaying.org/ || <Flimzy> Did everyone become gay without me again? || Operators - Shadow (Owner), Eebit (SOP), Kuda (AOP) || Now With Voice Acting: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1PnDZSH5ZNH”

    [Tuesday 09:55:59 pm] Flimzy http://vocaroo.com/i/s0Qzuj4CngGb

    [Tuesday 10:21:58 pm] Flimzy http://vocaroo.com/i/s1rh1hrM6yxm

    [Tuesday 10:27:59 pm] Shadow http://vocaroo.com/i/s1McPrO7vVKs

    [Tuesday 10:33:54 pm] Flimzy http://vocaroo.com/i/s0sCNJbOgxRi
    [Tuesday 10:33:58 pm] Muddy SO I'M NOT THE ONLY THAT FELT THAT
    [Tuesday 10:34:02 pm] Starrie LMAO
    [Tuesday 10:34:05 pm] Espy LOOOOOL
    [Tuesday 10:34:05 pm] Starrie YOU TOO?!
    [Tuesday 10:34:08 pm] Espy IKR
    [Tuesday 10:34:11 pm] Espy THAT'S PERFECT
    [Tuesday 10:34:14 pm] Nate FLIM LMAO
    [Tuesday 10:34:15 pm] Espy THAT'S IT EXACTLY
    [Tuesday 10:34:17 pm] Starrie COE PAZ ORTEGA
    [Tuesday 10:34:18 pm] Keileon LMAO
    [Tuesday 10:34:19 pm] Muddy I was just waiting for somebody to comment on it


    [Tuesday 10:44:07 pm] Shadow http://vocaroo.com/i/s1mPyetlStzG nope I lied.
    [Tuesday 10:44:24 pm] Espy LOOOOL
    [Tuesday 10:44:27 pm] Eebit True talk
    [Tuesday 10:44:28 pm] Keileon LOL
    [Tuesday 10:44:29 pm] Espy SHadow you're too much.


    [Tuesday 10:53:07 pm] Muddy http://vocaroo.com/i/s1mkX2j6Hxz7

    [Tuesday 10:57:38 pm] Eebit http://vocaroo.com/i/s16IZ6Ik4X8b
  9. [22:10:52] <+LordXGigaX> So how much longer before we should start setting up for the big bang?
    [22:11:37] <%Keileon> I'm ready basically anythime
    [22:11:41] <%Keileon> anytime
    [22:11:50] <+LordXGigaX> Alright then
    [22:12:08] <%Keileon> Though I would leave it for Cerby to actuall post it
    [22:12:14] <%Keileon> +y
    [22:12:21] <@Cerberus> what's my scene
    [22:12:23] <+LordXGigaX> Considering it's that seal of all seals though
    [22:12:30] <%Keileon> blow up third seal
    [22:12:33] <%Keileon> o
    [22:12:39] <%Keileon> Oh right DM.
    [22:12:46] <%Keileon> Um Cerby or Giga then
    [22:12:56] <@Cerberus> What is it
    [22:13:02] <%Keileon> Castle
    [22:13:06] <%Keileon> (again)
    [22:13:13] <@Cerberus> I mean DM
    [22:13:15] <%Keileon> Oh
    [22:13:20] <%Keileon> Golden Firedrake
    [22:13:31] Starrie [kvirc@hidden-7vrenf.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 121 seconds
    [22:13:32] <@Cerberus> does Az slay the dragon
    [22:13:33] <%Keileon> Radiant Era so more powerful than the previous guardians
    [22:13:35] <%Keileon> no
    [22:13:39] <@Cerberus> or does her steed marry it
    [22:13:45] <+LordXGigaX> LOLWAT
    [22:13:48] <%Keileon> wat
    [22:13:55] <@Cerberus> [/Shrek reference]
    [22:13:59] <%Keileon> ... OH
    [22:14:02] <%Keileon> lol
    [22:14:03] <+LordXGigaX> OH RIGHT
    [22:14:05] <+LordXGigaX> LOFL
    [22:14:14] <+Dark> get shREKT
    [22:14:21] <%Keileon> I don't think Euthora has--
    [22:14:29] You have been kicked from #Statplaying by Keileon [chatzilla@hidden-ntr174.static.tds.net]: that was fucking terrible
  10. I DIED
    [Monday 07:43:23 pm] Espy Wjat does that one qualify as eh
    [Monday 07:43:27 pm] Muddy I say "Not a loli" to that one
    [Monday 07:43:27 pm] Espy *What
    [Monday 07:43:44 pm] Espy Mmm okay I can see why from another angle
    [Monday 07:43:52 pm] Espy Hint: that unit has a dick and no boobs
    [Monday 07:44:56 pm] Sukebe so a shadow^
  11. [​IMG]

    IRC during this:
    [01:02] LordXGigaX You know what the ironic thing is...
    [01:02] Keileon ???
    [01:03] LordXGigaX The guy that retaliated against these guys had a hand in the formation of this coalition
    [01:03] Keileon lel
    [01:03] Shadow ...LOL
    [01:03] LordXGigaX Violence solves everything!
    [01:04] LordXGigaX *shot*
    [01:04] Keileon ^
    [01:04] Keileon now let's have tea
    [01:04] LordXGigaX LOFL
    [01:04] Shadow LMAO
    [01:04] LordXGigaX ... Know what...
    [01:04] Keileon LOL
    [01:04] Shadow omg inb5
    [01:06] Keileon LMAO.
    [01:07] Dark also if we're having tea
    [01:08] Dark we can't forget to invite flem
    [01:08] Keileon flimzy
    [01:08] Keileon come join us we're having tea
  12. meanwhile on mc.zejroleplaying.org


    Kuda edit: For reference, Minecraft cut off my first comment. That's supposed to say "there is a giant fucking hole in the side of my house".
  13. meanwhile in the srs channel

    [04:55] Shadow He could very well reach that "speed tier" with proper guidance
    [04:55] Keileon Will Espira be surprised the first time Kyton actually blurs out???
    [04:56] Dark speaking of that's something I need to figure out how to actually use with Jude
    [04:56] Keileon steam moves very quickly
    [04:56] Shadow LOL
    [04:56] Dark kek
    [04:56] Keileon No really
    [04:57] Shadow he meant as in the bona fide technique as opposed to steam shenanigans
    [04:57] Keileon Heat -> steam -> water molecules moving very rapidly
    [04:57] Keileon o
    [04:57] Keileon er
    [04:57] Keileon atoms
    [04:57] Keileon not molecules
    [04:57] Keileon both work tho
    [04:57] Shadow Jude is supposed to be obscenely fast too, yeah
    [04:57] Keileon Wait no molecules.
    [04:57] Keileon how do i chem
    [04:58] Shadow water is a molecule you fuck
    [04:58] Keileon ^
    [04:58] Dark #ChemistryFagging
    [04:58] Nate Yeah molecules.
  14. [00:03:34] <+Dark> Oh shit
    [00:03:37] <+Dark> I just realised
    [00:03:46] <%Keileon> ???
    [00:03:47] <+Dark> Fallen's officially back tomorrow my time
    [00:03:53] <+Dark> It's the 15th here
    [00:03:56] <%Keileon> orite
    [00:04:06] <+LordXGigaX> Well gee, isn't that convenient
    [00:04:16] <+crazE> hands*
    [00:05:34] <~Shadow> literally everyone's coming back this year
    [00:05:38] <+Starrie> !!!!
    [00:05:44] <~Shadow> Like... really haha
    [00:05:48] <+Starrie> can't wait for crayon
    [00:05:52] <+Starrie> i really missed him
    [00:05:53] <%Keileon> >everyone
    [00:05:53] <%Keileon> >two people
    [00:06:06] <+Starrie> you forgot one more
    [00:06:06] <%Keileon> One week, guys.
    [00:06:11] <+Dark> Now we only need Shadow to come back to forum roleplaying!!!
    [00:06:15] <+Starrie> LOL
    [00:06:16] <+LordXGigaX> Fallen, Char
    [00:06:18] <~Shadow> fuck you
    [00:06:23] <+Dark> #getrekt


    [00:16:31] <+Dark> Pike Us is sucks a dick
    [00:16:34] <+Starrie> zaiek should make a monopoly game for SoS
    [00:16:39] <+Dark> Wait
    [00:16:48] <+Dark> Did I actually just
    [00:16:51] <+Dark> LFINGERS OP
    [00:16:54] <+Starrie> WOW
    [00:16:59] <+LordXGigaX> WOOOOOOOOOOOW
    [00:17:12] <+crazE> LMAO
    [00:17:16] <+Dark> *is SUCH a dick
    [00:17:29] <~Shadow> holy fuck the typo
    [00:17:33] <+LordXGigaX> Good job!
  15. <Cerberus> Did Espy ever decide which character she was using
    <Keileon> >she
    <IroukInverse> I believe he's still using his support
    <Cerberus> I remembered Espy was male while typing that sentence and thought of going back to edit it but just didn't end up caring enough
  16. [Monday 12:17:12 am] Shadow oh my god why
    [Monday 12:17:18 am] Shadow I will murder you Soul
    [Monday 12:17:33 am] Zakken THIS WASN'T SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU, BUT OKAY
    [Monday 12:18:14 am] Zakken I'LL GLADLY ACCEPT MY DEATH TOLL
    [Monday 12:18:41 am] Espy casts Lv42 Arise on Zakken!
    [Monday 12:18:55 am] Espy casts Lv91 Reraise on Zakken!
    [Monday 12:21:51 am] Shadow casts Oblivion on Zakken gg wp
    [Monday 12:22:36 am] Sukebe inb4 Zakken is nickname for penis
    [Monday 12:23:05 am] Sukebe http://puu.sh/8SaK8.png Re: Zakken
    [Monday 12:24:02 am] Zakken top kek
    [Monday 12:26:00 am] Espy excuse
    [Monday 12:26:15 am] Espy lv91 reraise precludes the expelling effects of oblivion
    [Monday 12:26:30 am] Espy So Zakken is Expelled, but then automatically brought back
    [Monday 12:28:54 am] Nate But then he got oblivion'd by shadow
    [Monday 12:28:55 am] Nate so gg
    [Monday 12:29:28 am] Shadow My Oblivion is LvMAX and my innate makes it completely undispellable
    [Monday 12:30:01 am] Nate How do you dispell oblivion
    [Monday 12:30:05 am] Espy Excuse u
    [Monday 12:30:13 am] Espy My Innate negates other Innates
    [Monday 12:30:22 am] Espy pwnd/10
    [Monday 12:30:45 am] Shadow Oh, but my R-Ability negates the activation of other Innates
    [Monday 12:31:03 am] Espy But my S–ability ignores R–abilities that involve negation
    [Monday 12:31:31 am] Nate And my R reverses all S-Abilities on their user
    [Monday 12:31:33 am] Shadow Fool, you forget about my S-Ability, which suppresses all other S-Abilities as well
    [Monday 12:31:36 am] Espy Furthermore, >Reraise—it's literally in the description, that it brings back people from Oblivion or any Expelled states
    [Monday 12:31:51 am] Espy But that's countered by MY R–Ability
    [Monday 12:32:11 am] Espy Which means your S–ability suppresses itself
    [Monday 12:32:21 am] Espy Causing a paradox and exploding on you
    [Monday 12:32:41 am] Shadow I intentionally did that. Now I'm literally Oblivion'd, powering my X-Ability
    [Monday 12:32:43 am] Espy GG WP 200% Piercing ATK damage on yourself
    [Monday 12:32:45 am] Sukebe So basically you're saying soul's dick exploded on shadow
    [Monday 12:32:49 am] Espy …
    [Monday 12:32:54 am] Espy i lost it
    [Monday 12:32:59 am] Shadow you just had to ruin our power fantasies
    [Monday 12:33:01 am] Shadow gg wp
    [Monday 12:33:07 am] Espy tyran is op as fuck

    EDIT: This all really makes just as much sense in context I assure you.

    Sukebe [10:37:21 PM] Alan: [02:32:05] <Sukebe> So basically you're saying soul's dick exploded on shadow
    [Monday 12:38:29 am] Sukebe [10:37:29 PM] Alan: Now, if only Shadow was a girl...
    [Monday 12:38:30 am] Espy And I'll be GMing
    [Monday 12:38:35 am] Espy LOOOOL OMG
    [Monday 12:38:54 am] Shadow I didn't know you thought about me that way Soul
    [Monday 12:39:17 am] Nate Prepare yourself, Shadow is becoming loli
    [Monday 12:39:19 am] Zakken Those logs are totally fake
    [Monday 12:39:21 am] Espy SoulShadow
    [Monday 12:39:23 am] Espy I ship it
    [Monday 12:39:28 am] Nate I can literally feel it.
    [Monday 12:39:36 am] Espy ARE YOU FEELIN IT NOW MR KRABS
    [Monday 12:39:47 am] Nate He is exhuding a palpable aura of loli
    [Monday 12:39:55 am] Espy NANI SORE
    [Monday 12:39:58 am] Zakken uguu
    [Monday 12:40:15 am] Shadow S-Soul-sempai...!

    EDIT: i keep losing it

    [Monday 12:41:28 am] Sukebe Zakken Those logs are totally fake
    [Monday 12:41:38 am] Sukebe http://puu.sh/8SbFY.png
    [Monday 12:42:50 am] Zakken THAT PICTURE IS TOTALLY FAKE
    [Monday 12:43:26 am] Nate [denial intensifies]
    [Monday 12:43:42 am] Espy [soulshadow intensifies]
    [Monday 12:44:22 am] Nate [yuri intensifies]I MEAN WHAT
    [Monday 12:45:18 am] Sukebe Soul would not keep her hands out of her own pants if she were female
    [Monday 12:45:37 am] Dark ShadowSucka?
    [Monday 12:46:07 am] Nate I DO CHRISTEN THIS SHIP
    [Monday 12:46:10 am] Nate SHADOWSUCKA
    [Monday 12:46:30 am] Nate throws a bottle of wine on it


    [Monday 12:47:45 am] Nate ...o
    [Monday 12:47:47 am] Nate I suck.
    [Monday 12:47:53 am] Sukebe No no
    [Monday 12:47:55 am] Sukebe Shadow does
    [Monday 12:47:58 am] Sukebe and so does Soul
  17. Suddenly, bad troll.

    * Kulala (Mibbit@hidden-iul.blt.4.172.IP) has joined
    <Espy> In part because I love the gimmickiness
    * Espy is now known as Dororo
    <Kulala> Nah you just love the cock in your ass
    <Shadow> rofl what
    <Dororo> Which Kulala are you
    <Dororo> Are you Kururu's cousin
    <Kulala> Stop talking to me Dorito
    <Kulala> sick freak.
    <Dororo> Okay crazy
    * Dororo is now known as Espy
    <Kulala> Why you changing your name dorito?
    <Espy> Regardless
    <Shadow> Good job I instantly lost track of what's even happening
    <Kulala> Are you embarrased that im right about you
    <Shadow> and I'm supposed to be a veteran at this
    <Espy> Shadow; dwai
    <Kulala> you like the cocks in your ass
    <Espy> I have no idea what's going on either
    <Espy> And I'm apparently a part of it
    <Nate> We need a reset button
    <Kulala> Dortio here is gay
    <Kulala> and im calling him out for it
    <Shadow> <Nate> We need a reset button --- yes
    <Espy> ^
    <Espy> !reset
    <Kulala> You all need to shut the hell up
    <Shadow> !reset
    <Kulala> only i can chat here
    <Shadow> Alright, bro
    <Espy> Okay someone's going on ignore
    <Shadow> But look
    <Shadow> People are also chatting
    <Kulala> But look
    <Kulala> i dont give a fuck
    <Espy> IDC
    <Kulala> I dont give a fuck
    <Kulala> I
    <Kulala> DONT
    <Kulala> GIVE
    <Kulala> A
    <Kulala> FUCK
    <Shadow> I don't think anyone else does for the matter lol!
    <Shadow> gg wp
    <Shadow> no re
    <Espy> /kick kulala
    <Shadow> 4/10
    <Shadow> That's all I can give you
    <Shadow> Please retry
    <Shadow> I think you can do a little better
    <Espy> Ah yes please
    <Espy> Do so
    <Kulala> How about you go die in a terrorist attack like 9/11
    <Kulala> funny shit right there
    <Kulala> bitch
    <Shadow> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35410575/Images/Reactions/you_tried.png
    <Kulala> Cant see the image fat fuck
    <Kulala> try again
    <Kulala> fat fuck
    <Kulala> fat ass
    <Kulala> fat shit
    <Kulala> fat pig
    <Espy> Shadow please
    <Kulala> Shadow is a fat pig
    <Espy> Kick this motherfucker
    <Kulala> shadow is a fat pig
    <Kulala> his mom is a fat pig
    <Shadow> This is almost hilarious
    <Kulala> his dad is a fat pig
    <Kulala> his brother is a fat pig
    <Shadow> No I correct that, this IS hilarious
    <Cerberus> ^
    <Kulala> his sister is a fat pig
    <Kulala> his kids will be fat pigs
    <Kulala> his wife will be a fat pig
    <Espy> Appropriate for Kulala http://media.tumblr.com/57bb146a55fa7021e0a0bdfa4a9ae11f/tumblr_inline_mgjwz2ICsE1roqm64.jpg
    <Cerberus> his invisible cat is a fat pig
    <Shadow> However you're lowering your score as you're going; you'll going to need to try a bit harder than that
    <Shadow> if you want to be a good troll
    <Espy> i am a fat pig wait what
    <Nate> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25556894/Pics/reactions/Insulting.gif how I see Kulala
    <Espy> ^
    <Kulala> 8========================================D
    <Kulala> 8========================================D
    <Kulala> 8========================================D
    <Kulala> 8========================================D
    <Kulala> 8========================================D
    <Kulala> 8========================================D
    <Kulala> 8========================================D
    <Kulala> 8========================================D
    <Kulala> 8========================================D
    <Kulala> 8========================================D
    <Kulala> 8========================================D
    <Kulala> 8========================================D
    * Keileon has kicked Kulala from #CoE (no)
    <Shadow> And here we go
    <Espy> Yep, ignore it is for you
    <Espy> Thank you
    <Nate> wooooooooooooow
    <Espy> THANK you
    <LordXGigaX> wtf was that even
    <Espy> Welp. That was a thing that happened
    <Nate> he mad
    <Shadow> The last resort of all bad trolls
    <Cerberus> [insert hopelessness in the human race here]
    <Shadow> Spamming
    <Shadow> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35410575/Images/Reactions/rage.gif this is pretty much what happened here
    <Espy> Can't see
    <Espy> Pls reupload
    <Shadow> really
    <Cerberus> I think we best move on to productive conversation.
    * Kulala (Mibbit@hidden-iul.blt.4.172.IP) has joined
    <Espy> NO
    <Kulala> 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8================
    <Cerberus> Oh welcome back
    <Espy> KEILEON
    <Kulala> 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8================
    <Kulala> 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8================
    <Kulala> 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8========================================D 8================
    kulala!*@* added to ignore list.
    * Keileon sets ban on *!*@hidden-iul.blt.4.172.IP
    What the fuck even happened.
  18. My internet aspires to one day attain to the standards set by Kuda's internet.

  19. But I got b& for my bad internet ggggg

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