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The Chatlog Thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Shadow, Oct 9, 2011.


    EspyBounce!: LEAVE Fallen

    Fallen: Grandma: nah we safe

    Fallen: Me: FUCK THAT LETS GO

    Fallen: my dads in the evac zone and the freeway is closed,,,

    Eebit: Good luck Fallen

    Fallen: Ah shit ripples in the water ;-;

    EspyBounce!: Good luck

    Eebit: "Flem: Didn't Eebit dump his spot on me?" If you want it you can have it, provided that's okay with Kuda

    Keileon: Fallen hate to break the mood but this is the perfect chance for me to remind you that you need to get your KeM profile in as soon as possible.

    EspyBounce!: Of course it isn't?!?!?!??

    Shadow: If you die, you won't have to post for RtW.

    Eebit: LOL

    Fallen: Ok time to make my final post in rtw *shot* loljk


    EspyBounce!: Shadow...

    Fallen: FUCK NINJAD

    Keileon: LOL SHADOW



    Eebit: No, no


    Eebit: Kuda will post on his profile every week or so

    EspyBounce!: CL CL there we go a CL

    Eebit: "Where the fuck are you for RtW."

    Shadow: ROFL
  2. Code:
    6:52 PM - DW / StingReay: this chat is ass
    6:53 PM - FlamingClaw: your face is ass
    6:53 PM - DW / StingReay: your ass is a face
    6:53 PM - FlamingClaw: w00t!
  3. 17:49:58  <Cerberus> What is Spr. though?
    17:50:05  <Masquguu> Spr stands for Spirit.
    17:50:14  <Masquguu> Through spirit, one is able to resist enemy magicks
    17:51:25  <Cerberus> ...*I thought it was, like, spryness or something*
    17:51:45  <Shadow> LOL
    17:52:02  <Masquguu> LOL
    17:52:09  <Masquguu> Oh Cerby.... :3c
    17:52:22  <Shadow> What's the c supposed to be?
    17:52:41  <Masquguu> A hand
    17:52:46  <Tyrnyan> SPR is an acronym that stands for semen protocols redux.
    17:52:47  <Shadow> ...o
    17:52:51  <Shadow> LOLWAT
    17:52:53  <Masquguu> Mmm, semen
    17:52:56  <Masquguu> /shot
    17:53:00  <Tyrnyan> Mmmmmmmmmmmmm semen
    17:53:10  <Tyrnyan> ./shotwithsomethingelse
    17:53:12  <Zenovia> lol
    17:53:15  <Shadow> Ahahaha
    17:53:15  <Masquguu> LOL
    17:53:37  <Shadow> Tyran, initiate SPR.
    17:53:44  <Cerberus> LMAO
    17:54:18  <Tyrnyan> But then that means the rules pertaining to semen are changed.
    17:54:29  <Shadow> How?
    17:54:54  <Masquguu> All semen belongs to Masq now.
    17:54:58  <Masquguu> That's how.
    17:55:04  <Tyrnyan> No fuq dat.
    17:55:05  <Shadow> OH MY GOD.
    17:55:08  <Shadow> Oh.
    17:55:10  <Shadow> Okay.
    17:55:19  <Shadow> I think some SPR retooling is in order
    17:55:23  <Shadow> That protocol is fucked up.

    Edit: IRC insanity.

    17:58:34  <Masquguu> This is starting to sound like Homestuck.
    17:58:51  <Tyrnyan> I need to see it then x:
    17:58:55  <Masquguu> Where the all the reproductive material of the trolls is gathered and mixed together to create the new generation of offspring.
    17:59:12  <Shadow> That's... erm, interesting.
    17:59:30  <Masquguu> There's something arousing about it.
    17:59:39  <Cerberus> ...
    17:59:42  <Masquguu> But it lacks personal feelings and contact which I love.
    17:59:43  <Cerberus> lmao
    18:00:05  <Masquguu> Cerby, you'll come to find that I am a weird phoque.
    18:00:14  <Naru> ...You find it /arousing/?
    18:00:19  <Masquguu> Quite.
    18:00:20  <Tyrnyan> haha pho and que.
    18:00:21  <Naru> *Slwoly backs away*
    18:00:27  <Naru> *Slowly
    18:00:36  <Masquguu> Okay, Book.
    18:00:42  <Tyrnyan> Your slwoly actions arouse me.
    18:00:43  <Masquguu> We all know you're afraid of anything out of the ordinary.
    18:01:10  <Shadow> I can be slwoly for you
    18:01:14  <Shadow> Whatever that involves
    18:01:19  <Shadow> On second thought, maybe not.
    18:01:21  <Naru> Nah. I just have a dislike of Squick.
    18:01:21  <Cerberus> lolshadow
    18:01:22  <Masquguu> No Shadow.  ;Don't be slwoly
    18:01:26  <Masquguu> I don't want a boner right now
    18:01:29  <Shadow> LOL
    18:01:35  <Shadow> slwoly.
    18:01:59  <Tyrnyan> Oh shahdough~nii, slwol me~
    18:02:10  <Masquguu> LOL
    18:02:19  * Shadow slwols Tyran slwoly
    18:02:26  <Cerberus> LMAO
    18:02:33  <Masquguu> This is too much; I'm dying. X'DDDDDD
    18:03:06  <Nate|phone> I come and see this.
    18:03:18  <Nate|phone> inb4...
    18:03:38  <Cerberus> lol 'come' into this convo, Nate... *mauled*
    18:04:15  <Shadow> I throughly laughed
    18:04:18  <Tyrnyan> Jesus Christ Nate. You just did, and now again?!
    18:04:27  <Shadow> LOL
    18:04:36  <Shadow> I think this chat was too slwoly for him
    18:05:11  <Tyrnyan> It's gotten very slwoly in here.
    18:05:24  <Shadow> Mmm... slwoly.
    18:05:39  <Masquguu> Cerby, we should do something slwoly sometime. :3c
    18:05:58  <Masquguu> I also love how quickly this became An Thing.
    18:06:06  <Shadow> The joys of IRC
  4. Oh Kuda.

    *Nyumi*: Sidenote: every time I see the word "ascend", I think of you-know-what-because-I' m-fucking-obsessed-with- it. :p (Sorry!)
    *Nyumi*: But anyway!
    *Nyumi*: How much do you think the items I sold will fetch me?
    *Keileon*: If that's an innuendo, lol. If it's a Homestuck reference, completely lost on me.
    *Nyumi*: The latter.
  5. Masq do you have certain attractions for people of the enbrated *enebreeted * enbeerated *inebebrated *dronk kind to be aroused by Shadow's slwoness? *hintroxyhint* XD
  6. *still wants to understand the concept of slwol*
  7. The two-part story of how I ragequit Black 2 today.

    Part 1
    Lord X-Giga-X is too lazy to join the chat:
    Good Arceus, this Metang...

    Lord X-Giga-X joined the chat
    Keileon: ???
    Lord X-Giga-X: I've been trying to catch this Metang in a hidden grotto for the past 10 minutes.
    Lord X-Giga-X: Or 5...
    Lord X-Giga-X: idk
    Keileon: So once again Shadow is an hour ahead of me. That'll get minorly confusing.
    Lord X-Giga-X: Point is that I'm running out of PokeBalls trying to catch this thing.
    Lord X-Giga-X: And the worst part is that I didn't save before starting this battle.
    Lord X-Giga-X: So at the rate things are going, I'm gonna end up wasting a Master Ball. >​_>​
    Keileon: lmfao
    Lord X-Giga-X: I'd reset, but I have no idea when I last saved.
    Lord X-Giga-X: ... Welp. I have no choice now.
    Keileon: If you ever waste a Master Ball I can EASILY get you another
    Lord X-Giga-X: Can't believe that happened. >​_>​
    Keileon: (advantage of owning an action replay)
    Keileon: Another advantage: I now have 8 Anticipation Eevee, three of which are shiny
    Keileon: I'll need the new AR version soon though so I don't have to do everything on Black
    Keileon: (slightly too lazy to add White 2 myself)
    Lord X-Giga-X: That entire thing was just incredibly stupid...
    Keileon: ((also the gold paint on the thing wears out after a while))
    Keileon: ACTUALLY
    Keileon: See if you can find the AR Game ID for USA version of White 2
    Nate joined the chat
    Keileon: primarily because I'm sure someone's got 1. the box cloning code and 2. something for hidden grottoes
    Lord X-Giga-X: Hey Nate
    Keileon: Hey Nate
    Keileon: lol
    Keileon: Which grotto gets Vulpix?
    Lord X-Giga-X: Okay really, the only thing that's ever shown up for me in the Route 18 Grotto is a Kingler.
    Lord X-Giga-X: Abundant Shrine.
    Keileon: k
    Lord X-Giga-X: IRDO-012af769
    Keileon: kk
    Lord X-Giga-X: That was just extremely disappointing. Especially since it happened after... /that/...

    Part 2
    Lord X-Giga-X: OH SHIT!
    Lord X-Giga-X headdesks
    Keileon: ???
    Lord X-Giga-X: Decided to catch an Amoongus for trading purposes, only to forget that "Master Ball" was shown as last used item.
    Keileon: Yay code abuse!
    Keileon: lmao
    Nate: LOL
    Keileon: Dude lmao
    Lord X-Giga-X: So in the span of an hour, I wasted both of my Master Balls!
    Lord X-Giga-X: ARGH!
    Keileon: Okay yeah I'll get you a couple later
    Mobius joined the chat 7 seconds ago
    Mobius: We should all play pokemon online
    Keileon: Hey Mob
    Lord X-Giga-X: I just... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa​aagh...
    Lord X-Giga-X: I mean, I have more Master Balls I can trade over from Black, but...
    Lord X-Giga-X: That was just... idk if this could beat that one stupid moment in HG...
    Lord X-Giga-X sighs and turns off 3DS

  8. So, it turns out Kony is currently residing here at ZEJ.

    Cid: I imagine Nate like a Hypno.
    Keileon: lol
    Cid: Seriously.
    Cid: Hes Smart, Likes the Psychic Type, and he steals little children.
    Keileon: LOL
    Cerberus: ...Nate does what?
    Cid: Steals little children.
    Cerberus: ...er....
    Lord X-Giga-X joined the chat 10 minutes ago
    Cerberus: Hey Giga~
    Cid: I had to make that joke.
    Cid: Lol
    Cid: Would have worked better if I used Giga. And changed Likes the Psychic Type to "is Sometimes a little Scary"
    Cid: Or maybe Shadow.
    Keileon: wb giga [/late]
    Lord X-Giga-X: ... Except I don't steal little children.
    Cid: You cant hide it Giga.
    Cid: Yes you do.
    Cid: You break into nurseries and take them during recess.
    Cid: Your a bad man.
    Lord X-Giga-X: Not to mention I'm 20! Why the fuck would I want to steal little children when I could easily just- ... Know what, I'm just gonna stop there...
    Cid: Wtf PMD, since when am I the sassy type >​.>​
    Keileon: LMAO
    Cid: Whatever, Riolu for me.
    Cid: And Giga lol.
    Cid: I know why you would steal little children.
    Cid: Because you hate black children, but because you are black, if you had a child it would be black.
    Cid: So you steal little white children.
    Lord X-Giga-X: Except I don't like children!
    Cid: And then when they grow above the age of 6, you rip off their skin and use it to make your human skin coat.
    Cid: Your right Giga. You dont like children.
    Lord X-Giga-X: So really, if I did steal little children, it wouldn't do me any good.
    Cid: You LOVE children, and your obsessed with them.
    Lord X-Giga-X: ...
    Cid: You steal them as much as you can.
    Cid: Your like a child in a candy store when you go into a nursery. Lots of young children to steal.
    Cid gives Giga a new born and walks away
    Lord X-Giga-X: ... Anyway, point is I hate children, and you're an idiot.
    Lord X-Giga-X: Next topic.
    Cid: Nope, you dont hate children.
    Lord X-Giga-X: Yes, I do.
    Cid: You hate /black/ children. We already covered this.
    Lord X-Giga-X: I hate /all/ children!
    Cid: And I for one think that Racist Pedophile Robber Murderers are evil.
    Cid: And that makes you evil.
    Lord X-Giga-X: What is this conversation even?!
    Keileon: Giga was evil anyway
    Cid: If you hate all children, then why do you have that child skin coat on?
    Cerberus: You sound like you'd make a wonderful father, Giga.
    Cid: I know.
    Cid: He should consider keeping some children, and training them to steal more children for him.
    Cid: But thats his choice.
    Cerberus: brb
    Lord X-Giga-X: My choice is this...
    Cid was kicked in a rather boring way.
    Keileon: Cid no
    Cid joined the chat
    Cid: Ok. Ok. Ill stop.
    Keileon: You got a detail wrong anyway
    Cid: And which one is that?
    Keileon: When they go over age 6, he doesn't rip their skin off
    Cid: Oh?
    Cid: Oh right, he just gives them to Shadow for his Loli Army.
    Lord X-Giga-X: ...
    Keileon: He injects animal DNA in them to make experiments like Hexidos
    Cid: Actually that makes even more sense!
    Cid: Giga, I shall say you are no longer a child stealer.
    Keileon: (giga just be aware we're playing, we know you don't steal children. :>​)
    Cid: Instead, you are a Pedophile Rapist Robber Scientist.
    Keileon: (you make them yourself with Espira)
    Lord X-Giga-X: LOFL KUDA
    Cid: Yes, but those ones he doesn't keep. He sells those ones to slavery.
    Cid: Because they are part black.
    Keileon: No, they're blue
    Keileon: Fucking Blue Kids, a rare breed
    Keileon: Which is why they go for quite a bit of money
    Cid: Indeed.
    Cid: hmm, so what kind of slavery does he sell them into?
    Cerberus: I come back and see this.
    Cid: Regular servant work?
    Cid: Or perhaps he sells them as sex slaves.
    Lord X-Giga-X: None of your fucking business, Cid.
    Lord X-Giga-X: ... Cid, wtf...
    Lord X-Giga-X: Just... wtf...
    Keileon: I'd assume so.
    Keileon: LOL
    Keileon: That was worth the ninja
    Cid: Probably for some weird Avatar style cosplay sex.
    Cid: That must be it.
    Cid: It has to be. Am I right Giga?
    Lord X-Giga-X: Okay, no. What I actually do is find some weak army and then sell them to them, wait until they win a war, have said children betray said army, and then rinse and repeat.
    Keileon: Nah
    Flimzy was killed by Shadow's supervirus.
    Cid: So your Kony?
    Keileon: LOL GIGA
    Cid: Oh my god Giga is Kony. We should have seen it.
    Cid: I mean, hes black, and he steals children.
    Cid: He has to be Kony.
    Keileon: AHAHAHA
    Lord X-Giga-X: ... And suddenly, I'm Kony hiding out in Florida.
    Cid: Yep.
    Cid: Thats why he cant be assassinated.
    Cid: Because they cant find him.
    Cid: And why? Because they think hes in africa
    Cid: When really, HES IN FLORIDA.
    Cid: Brb, calling the FBI.
    Cid: They will get right on this.
    Cerberus: LOL
    Cid: And if they dont, then my sniper can do the job just fine.
    Cid pulls out a BB gun and pretends its a sniper rifle
    Keileon: idk, Florida's a big state
    Lord X-Giga-X: -sniper rifle +owl person
    Cid: True, we might need the entire army after him.
    Cid: Oh wait, but they are in Africa.
    Cid: What a predicament.
    Cid: Prediciment*
    Keileon: (Also he's helping /my/ goal of lowering the population of the human race)
    Cerberus: LMAO
    Cid: So.
    Cid: If your not a PedoRapist.
    Cerberus: ...You spelled it right the first time, Cid.
    Cid: And your Kony.
    Lord X-Giga-X: Meanwhile, this conversation's making me want to kill a child.
    Keileon: Predicament is correct
    Cerberus: LOL
    Lord X-Giga-X: brb
    Starr joined the chat
    Keileon: LOL GIGA
  9. Part two of the above conversation. 
    Keileon: my signature has been updated with the funniest thing I have read since gigadrunk
    Cid: I already have it Kony.
    Cid: It is too late for you.
    Cerberus: inb4 Review Mode.
    Cid: Your location shall be found.
    Cid: + I saved a Cache of the website before he did that.
    Lord X-Giga-X: O U KUDA
    Cid: So Kony, what poor defenseless African town will you be assaulting next?
    Lord X-Giga-X: Actually, I'm gonna be assaulting a defenseless Canadian town.
    Cid: Good luck with that, I dont live in a town.
    Keileon: (psst go for somewhere in egypt because you can hide behind the yu-gi-oh tablets)
    Lord X-Giga-X: Or city.
    Cid: Nope.
    Cid: I dont live in a city either.
    Lord X-Giga-X: Whatever you live once I get the info from Dark.
    Lord X-Giga-X: +in
    Lord X-Giga-X: Cid, you got my imagination confused with Kuda's.
    Cid: Mr Kony.
    Cerberus: Hey Tyran~
    Cid: I have a question. Why are you a Child Rapist/Murderer/Scientis​t/Kidnapper/Pedophile?
    Tyranyanyanyanmotherfuckers joined the chat
    Cid: Were you born this way?
    Keileon: Hey Tyran
    Lord X-Giga-X: I am what I am because you're an idiot.
    Tyranyanyanyanmotherfuckers: Ellllo.
    Cerberus: LOL GIGA
    Lord X-Giga-X: This is all part of my master plan to kill you.
    Keileon: Poke him with a cue-tip, Giga
    Cid: Ah hello Ms Tyran, would you like to help me interrogate Kony?
    Cid: He is being very uncooperative.
    Cerberus: LMAO
    Tyranyanyanyanmotherfuckers: I would not like to participate in anything with you <3
    Cerberus: Uncle's getting angry.
    Cid: Fine. Roooo in my fin.
    Lord X-Giga-X: I'd prefer not to spend an hour on this stupid conversation.
    Cid: fun*
    Tyranyanyanyanmotherfuckers: Okay.
    Tyranyanyanyanmotherfuckers: l.
    Tyranyanyanyanmotherfuckers: Moving onto finance.
    Cerberus: What conversation /would/ you prefer to spend an hour on, Giga?
    Keileon: LOL
    Lord X-Giga-X: lol
    Cid: Oh I have a number of conversations we could spend numerous hours on.
    Tyranyanyanyanmotherfuckers: Giga wants finance.
    Tyranyanyanyanmotherfuckers: *w*
    Lord X-Giga-X: No finance.
    Cid: Like Gigas blue skin. There are many theories I have come up with as to how he obtained that.
    Goliath joined the chat
    Keileon: I think someone in this chat is drunk
    Cerberus: Oh, wonderful. Hey Gol~
    Keileon: lol hey gol
    Cid: Like for example, maybe he was a jellyfish who evolved legs, and a brain.
    Cid: And lungs.
    Cid: And then just walked onto land.
    Cid: Or maybe he fell into a can of permanant blue paint.
    Keileon: No, he ate too much silver
    Cid: But the most likely one is that he is an alien.
    Keileon: [/actual skin condition]
    Lord X-Giga-X: ... You've been spending too much time with Dark.
    Tyranyanyanyanmotherfuckers ditched the chat.
    Keileon: LOL ALIEN
    Lord X-Giga-X: Why hasn't anyone changed that message back? XD
    Cid: And that would make Giga A Pedophile/Alien/Child Rapist/Robber/Murderer/B​lack Man/Kony.
    Keileon: Cid stop being redundant
    Cid: And Bald. Dont forget Bald.
    Keileon: A child rapist IS a pedophile
    Cid: True.
    Cid: And Kony IS Black.
    Cid: So Alien/Child Rapist/Robber/Murderer/K​ony
    Keileon: Also I don't think Giga's bald
    Cid: Yes he is.
    Lord X-Giga-X: Thank you!
    Lord X-Giga-X: No, I'm not.
    Keileon: No, his hair is green
    Cid: He has to be bald, or the space time continuum would rip apart.
    Cid: Fuck I murdered that word.
    Cid: Now im an Idiot/Murderer
    Keileon: He's like, "Screw the rules, I have green hair!"
    Cid: Yes, green hair.
    Lord X-Giga-X: Then by that logic, you existing should have destroyed the space time con- LOL
    Cid: perhaps when he was younger.
    Keileon: No he still has it
    Cid: Giga, go Super Saiyan and I will stop being a redundant asshole.
    Cid: You have 5 episodes.
    Cid: Ready. Set. GO!
    Lord X-Giga-X goes super saiyan in only 1 episode
    Lord X-Giga-X: [/B^(
    Cid: Im sorry, thats not Super Saiyan, thats Super Saiyajin.
    Cid: You Lose.
    Cid: Now I shall annoy you twice as much.
    Cid: And past the grave
    Lord X-Giga-X: Sore loser.
    Cid: Nope, there is a difference
    Keileon: Consolation prize: Get Out Of Jail Free card
  10. Oh those Peruvians.
    Keileon: (And then Mob said I needed a boyfriend that wasn't peruvian and Nitori just went "aw")
    Cerberus: Nah, get a Peruvian boyfriend. I hear they can do wonderful things with their elbows.
    Nate: lmao Nitori
    Cerberus: *mauled*
    Keileon: LOL
    Shadow: LMFAO CERBY
    Nate: My aunt has a Peruvian husband.. /not sure if random or not
    Shadow begins giggling madly
    Shadow grabs Cerby
    Cerberus: OH GOD WHAT IS THIS
    Shadow proceeds to disembowel Cerby
    Keileon: LMAO.
    Shadow uses Cerby to paint bizarre iconography on walls
    Cerberus: ...Peruvians also have strange pastimes...
    Shadow mutilates Cerby with a creepy smile on his face
    Keileon: Must be the full moon.
    Cerberus: LOL
    Keileon: (I think that deserves chatlogging from the elbow comment)
  11. And I somehow pull out win from fail.

    Lord X-Giga-X: ... Did not want to fight this trainer. I am so screwed.
    Keileon: Who?
    Lord X-Giga-X: Preschooler on Route 3.
    Lord X-Giga-X: ... This is why I should have had my /other/ Volcarona in my party.
    Keileon: Seeing as you're "screwed" I assume either low health in White Treehollow/Black Tower or traini-- lol
    Keileon: This just in: Giga's losing to a 4-year-old
    Lord X-Giga-X: ... Lv 35 vs 2 Lv 61 Pokemon, yet I'm doing decent somehow.
    Nate|phone: >​ingame trainers
    Chinook: rofl
    Chinook: you're about to lose to a preschooler
    Chinook: what a terrible trainer.
    Lord X-Giga-X: Oh hey, I won.
    Chinook: Oh damn nice.
    Chinook: Congrats 2 u
    Nate|phone: GEWD ONE
    Chinook: your inner man is still within
    Keileon: Nate I just remembered something
    Nate|phone: And you just beat a preschooler... Should we uh... call the authoeities?
    Lord X-Giga-X: inb4accidentalPokeBallpu​rchasing
    Nate|phone: I really think that battle was a lose-lose situation there
  12. My fail at phrasing.
    16:18 Cerberus: And there are no blond teens on Safebooru!
    16:19 Tezzeret: o.o
    16:21 *** ShiningStar is now known as SleepingStar|bbl
    16:22 *** crazE joined #CoE
    16:22 +++ ChanServ has given voice to crazE
    16:22 Cerberus: Dammit, why are there so many sexy, scantily-clad girls?! Some people need pictures of thin, blond-haired young men!
    16:22 Tezzeret: o_O
    16:22 Cerberus : ...um. Hi crazE~
    16:22 crazE: . . .
    16:22 Cerberus: LOL
    16:23 *** Dark quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Dark|2)))
    16:23 *** Dark joined #CoE
    16:23 +++ ChanServ has given voice to Dark
    16:23 Cerberus: I-I'm trying to find a picture for a character, you see...
    16:23 Shadow: That was extremely awkward.
  13. Cerberus: there was a whole discussion on the breasts of Touhou characters in here.
    Nate: Yes
    Shadow: Yes.
    Nate: Honestly, that isn't the worst that could come
    Nate: Far from it really
    Shadow: Oh, of course.
    Nate: We could be talking about Yukkuris... WHich while they LOOK all cute and stuff...
    Shadow: I could complain /other/ things
    Shadow: about*
    Nate: ohgodonceyoustartreading​aboutthem
    Shadow: ohgod
    Shadow: Yukkuris
    Cerberus: ...I keep on forgetting to have Ebrethiel notice Rina's breasts. I mean, darn, you know? He went right to the cell next to hers, and I just blanked.
    Nate: They're downright terrifying once you read about them
    Shadow: lmao
    Shadow: cute acrobatics
    Cerberus: Ah well. He was focused on the Gunner~
    Shadow: Dat GunnerGirl <3
    Nate: ...@Yukkuris
    Shadow: LOL
    Nate: The timing of that


    Cerberus: ...I keep on forgetting to have Ebrethiel notice Rina's breasts. I mean, darn, you know? He went right to the cell next to hers, and I just blanked.
    Nate: They're downright terrifying once you read about them
    Taken out of context because I can
  14. Cerberus: I'mma go play more Touhou.

    Cerberus ditched the chat.

    Shadow: Alrigh--

    Keileon: lol k

    Shadow: That's okay, fuck you too!

    Shadow: Bitch.

    I laughed harder than I should have.
  15. I am psychic!

    Lord X-Giga-X rolled a bucket filled with 100 rocks. The bucket kept 55 rocks inside.
    Raivis Galante rolled a bucket filled with 100 rocks. The bucket kept 44 rocks inside.
    Lord X-Giga-X: inb433
    Keileon rolled a bucket filled with 100 rocks. The bucket kept 33 rocks inside.
    Lord X-Giga-X: OMFG
    Keileon: LOL WHAT
    Raivis Galante: XD
  16. We spent at least an hour trying for 27.

    Mobius: if I win

    Gilbert: hua what

    Mobius: Shadow is my superwaifu

    Shadow: If I win

    Keileon rolled a bucket filled with 100 marbles. The bucket kept 27 marbles inside.

    Mobius: HGAHA

    Mobius: GOHERHOE

    Dark: YES.

    Shadow: ...Nevermind.

    Lord X-Giga-X: LOFL

    Mobius: Kudamon27

    Keileon: AHAHAHA

    Gilbert: FUCK

    This was followed by Shadow ragerolling dozens of times- never getting 27- and Mob and Gol making ShadowxKuda jokes.

    Gave me a good laugh and a fair amount of satisfaction.
  17. How does this even work?!

    Lord X-Giga-X: Also, when's DS starting? :p
    Shadow: I don't know what you're talking about.
    Lord X-Giga-X: That thing we've been waiting for you to actually start for a year now.
    Shadow: I still don't know what you're talking about.
    Lord X-Giga-X: http://www.zejroleplaying.org/forumdisplay.php?fid=20
    Shadow: Thread doesn't exist.
    Lord X-Giga-X: k, let me link something that /does/ exist then.
    Lord X-Giga-X: http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml
    Shadow: OH, NOPE. I'm not clicking serebii. I'm not getting anywhere near that.
    Shadow: I've been resisting spoiler temptations since forever.
    Keileon: LMAO
    Lord X-Giga-X: http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml
    Lord X-Giga-X: http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml
    Flimzy: Oh btw, you guys probably already know this
    Shadow: Not. Fucking. Clicking.
    Lord X-Giga-X: http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml
    Keileon: On that note Giga, I'm avoiding Serebii for the same reason- any Wi-Fi or DW stuff going on?
    Flimzy: Actually nevermind, I'll get back to you on this.
    Shadow: Still not clicking anything.
    Lord X-Giga-X: There is a Gothirita thing.
    Lord X-Giga-X: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pokemon_Mystery_Dungeon:_Magnagate_and_the_Infinite_Labyrinth
    Lord X-Giga-X: It's not Serebii. :p
    Flimzy: Is is giga trying to troll with PMD spoilers?
    Shadow: THAT doesn't have spoilers, so I'll click that alright.
    Shadow: OH GOD.
    Lord X-Giga-X: HAH!
    Keileon: What is this thing with Gothorita?
    Keileon: LOL
    Lord X-Giga-X: +ALMOST, but still

    More from 1% Chance!
    Raivis Galante rolled a bucket filled with 100 marbles. The bucket kept 60 marbles inside.
    Lord X-Giga-X rolled a bucket filled with 100 marbles. The bucket kept 29 marbles inside.
    Keileon rolled a bucket filled with 100 marbles. The bucket kept 1 marbles inside.
    Lord X-Giga-X: 1!
    Keileon: <_<
    Raivis Galante rolled a bucket filled with 100 marbles. The bucket kept 17 marbles inside.
    Lord X-Giga-X rolled a bucket filled with 100 marbles. The bucket kept 1 marbles inside.
    Lord X-Giga-X: ...
    Keileon: LMAO
    Lord X-Giga-X: k, I deserved that
    Raivis Galante: XD
    Keileon rolled a bucket filled with 100 marbles. The bucket kept 1 marbles inside.
    Raivis Galante: XD
    Keileon: LOLWTF
    Lord X-Giga-X: WHAT'S GOING ON XD
    Raivis Galante: inb4 1
    Raivis Galante rolled a bucket filled with 100 marbles. The bucket kept 79 marbles inside.
  18. The fuck, Spaught?

  19. ^Um, sodomise DOES mean to have furry procreation. =P
    In other words... yeeeaaah...

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