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The Chatlog Thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Shadow, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. Owned.
    [19:56:50] <crazE> do you love me now that I have amused you?
    [19:57:02] <+Masq> Nope. My heart has been claimed by another. :p
    [19:57:34] <crazE> D':
    [19:58:00] <crazE> all these minutes for nothing....
    [19:58:18] <crazE> well, I'll still be here for you Masq.... always here for you.... on this bed... here....for you....
    [19:58:19] <+Dark> [19:57:02] <+Masq> Nope. My heart has been claimed by another. :p --- Silver.
    [19:58:20] <crazE> waiting....
    [19:58:23] <crazE> here.....
    [19:58:25] <crazE> for...
    [19:58:26] <crazE> you...
    [19:58:26] <+Masq> DARK.
    [19:58:27] <+Masq> FUCK YOU
    [19:58:29] <+Masq> FUCK YOU
    [19:58:31] <+Masq> FUCK YOU
    [19:58:33] <+Masq> FUCK YOU
    [19:58:34] <@Eebit> dark just owned masq
    [19:58:34] <+Masq> FUCK YOU
    [19:58:41] <@Eebit> did not think this was possible
    [19:58:45] <+Masq> Fuck you too, Eebit.
    [19:58:49] <+Masq> Fuck everyone.
    [19:58:51] Eebit ponders this for a while
    [19:58:55] Masq [Mibbit@hidden-sop.033.23.71.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: FUCK
    [19:59:00] <+Starrmalia> No I don't feel like being fucked thank you very much

    Hak Gimme that big erection of yours... Now. <3
    crazE LOL
    Hak Private room FTW XD
    crazE XD
    crazE Private Part room*
    crazE btw this counts as me winning
    crazE cuz I have wooed you to my massive phallus
    Hak I am a sucker for phalluses anyways.
    crazE LOL
    crazE also you do know that Eebit's a flower? He can't conceive a baby with you anyway
    Hak But yours is one of the most beautiful penises I have ever laid my eyes upon.
    Hak wut o_O
    crazE thank you :3
    crazE and yupp
    crazE go ahead and ask him
    crazE and everyone else
    Hak Because I like Eebit, and he's a flower... Does that make me a vegetarian?
    crazE ^
    crazE you're gonna have to carnivore if you want me though
    crazE cuz I'm one giant german sausage
    Hak I want to get all over you, as raw as I possibly can.
    crazE baby, I'm all yours
    crazE bring some bbq sauce
    Hak Ooh, wanna play it dirty this time?
    crazE :>
    Hak Well, here's your bbq sauce! Do whatever you want to do with it ^_^
    crazE drinks it all
    crazE thx, i needed that ^^
    Hak Good. :)
    crazE ok, now to srs bsnss
    crazE lays out a blueprint of Hak's body
    crazE now, I'll start here at the thigh
    crazE it's gonna get tricky, but I'll maneuver myself around the side, then swoop in
    Hak Okay. Do you want me to lay down, kneel, stand up?
    crazE you're gonna have to be in a mix between standing up and leaning on a wall
    crazE tbh who knows how it'll turn out
    crazE but God speed we get this to work successfully
    Hak Alright. Just tell me how to position, and we'll get to understand this.
    crazE k
    crazE but first
    crazE put this on
    Hak What is it?
    crazE hands over a leather jacket and some glasses
    crazE if this is gonna be an awesome baby
    crazE it needs to be conceived in awesomeness
    Hak It fits perfectly!
    crazE I knew it would
    crazE I know all your sizes :>
    crazE but tbh
    crazE my size is way bigger than your fitting....
    crazE how am I gonna get in?
    Hak Ooh, tough question. I thought you'd thought of that!
    crazE Well, this all kinda happened pretty fast!
    Hak Damn...
    crazE hmm.....
    crazE well, we can't waste this moment
    crazE what can we find that'll ease the trip?
    Hak Nah, we've come this far already...
    crazE grabs a bottle of mountain dew off the table
    crazE ......
    crazE well....
    Hak Hmm....
    crazE if you don't mind the fizzy sensation.....
    Hak I'm always up for new sensations.
    crazE k
    crazE pours mountain dew down Hak's glory
    crazE grab onto something
    crazE this is gonna be a ride B)
    Hak Ooh :3

    And later....

    Hak I want you soooo bad right now...
    crazE lmao
    crazE it already happened....
    crazE you passed out after two minutes
    crazE kinda got carried away. Knew you couldn't handle all of me, but I wanted to try ^^'
    Hak Oh, really?
    crazE yeah...
    crazE you might wanna go to the hospital to check on youself too
    Hak I already wondered why I have this tingling sensation all of a sudden...
    crazE I saw a some blood after Ifinished
    crazE oh and that's the mountain dew mixing with my formula inside you
    crazE conception sucessful B)
    Hak So... I'm going to be pregnant?
    crazE yupp
    crazE you can move in with me now :3
    Hak Giving birth through my phallus, that's a new thing.
    Hak YAAY :3 <3
    crazE <333333

    y'all can suck it. Hakky's mine B3
  3. [09:42] Jason y u ninja me
    [09:42] Jason nzvfurry
    [09:42] Jason just now sees Hunch's user title
    [09:43] Dark lol
    [09:43] Jason Lol online list fail
    [09:43] Jason Masquerade
    [09:43] Jason IP: [lookup] 07:39 AM Replying to Thread Jason's Index of Entities
    [09:43] Dark Masquerade
    [09:43] Dark IP: [lookup] 03:39 PM Replying to Thread Jason's Index of Entities
    [09:43] Dark wat.
    [09:43] Dark hvjbvjhfxvjxhbvdf
    [09:43] Jason LOL
    [09:43] Dark bitch.
    [09:43] Jason Getting back at you
  4. o u guys XD
    Ziolang: Six pretty much is a Sword version of Expira lol

    Starr: That would give me more reason to make Rioncoune more better

    crazE: wait, crazE's going up against Twelve?

    Ziolang: Everyone's challenging Zio aaaaaaaaaaaa

    Starr: Starr and three would be like

    Starr: Who can blast more mana

    Ziolang: Yes, CrazE v Twelve

    crazE: Expira?

    crazE: LOL

    Starr: Expira has expired.

    Starr: *Shoe'd*

    crazE: SHE'S EXPIRED

    crazE: AAAA NINJA

    Jason: lol zio


    Starr: Since I know Vendetta pretty well, I know what to expect

    crazE: yeah go back to Giga

    Starr: No Blendy, it's better that she has an x to her name

    Ziolang: Don't be hatin, Giga, other people can use Xs

    Starr: That means she belongs to you

    crazE: X-Spira-X

    Starr: inb4davidisjelly

    crazE: Lady X-Spira-X. Giga's Espira Clone Wife

    Jason: Wait, if Giga controls X's... he must have felt the need to get SOMETHING in Espira

    Lord X-Giga-X: LOFL

    crazE: LMFAO

    Starr: Something in Espira

    Lord X-Giga-X: O U JASE

    Starr: brb dying of laughter

    Ziolang: Xs never see more use than they do at the Cult

    Starr: ^

    Starr: Why not Q's?

    Starr: Q is always so lonely

    Lord X-Giga-X: Well played, Jase. Well played.

    crazE: Lord Q-Giga-Q?

    Jason: I hang out with people like David and Masq too much lol
  5. Not as bad as the "Starlight incident", but... it's still bad.
    Death chuckles slightly. "Yes, conversation is rare, especially as I'm not supposed to speak to the living. Which is why your survival benefits me. ;)"

    Jason: I'm glad it does, or I probably wouldn't be talking at all.

    Ziolang: Yes... Well, the sun has set, and night brings more... work. I must be off. ;)

    Starr: Vale: *Stops for a moment* I think I should grab some food. It's nightfall, and I don't know if I need extra energy or not.

    Starr: (LMAO)

    Starr: (CRAYON LOL)

    crazE: (FAILURE)

    Shadow: (FAIL)

    Jason: (LMFAO.)

    Starr: (GAY DEMON)

    crazE: (LMAO)

    Death: [It was bound to happen]

    Shadow: (SAVED FOREVER.)

    crazE: (LMAO)

    Starr: (LOL)

    Shadow: (And yeah, it was, unfortunately.)


    Starr: Vale: *Steps back outside and goes downstairs*

    crazE: (I guess he broke the fourth wall or something..)

    crazE: (inb4moremilk)

    Starr: (gtfo)

    Death: [Fix it in the log, Shadow?]

    Starr: (quit picking on my Valey)

    Jason: (I actually burst out laughing irl and my mom looked at me like I was crazy)

    Shadow: (I just did)

    crazE: (^)

    crazE: (we can all agree that was totally hilarious)

    crazE: (and worth laughing irl)

    Starr: (brb)

    Death: [k, this is why I hate multi-tabbing, but I hate Character: Character2: more lol]

    crazE: (lol)

    Jason nods silently, then stands to go back down to the third floor.

    Death: [Plus Death is identified by her color, not her name]

    Lord X-Giga-X: (Could have been much worse though, Char)

    Death: [if you're about to suggest it happening during a kissing scene I'm going to kill you]

    Shadow: (LMFAO)

    crazE squeezes Starr's hand comfortingly, feeling a buzz of... something all through out his body. He wanted to feel her against him again...

    crazE: (LMFAO)

    Jason: (LMFAO.)

    Lord X-Giga-X: (... I was going to point out my mistake, but okay...)

    Okay folks, it's story time!
    ... No, not THAT kind of story...
    Shadow: OMG LOL


    Shadow: Okay so

    Copper: Does anyone think it's likely Jase's fursona is a kitsune btw?

    Shadow: Back on lolperuschool today, me and some friends were fooling around. For some reason the subject changed as to who can be the most creepy.

    Copper: ... lol

    Shadow: So I put on my trollface and got a pencil and started drawing some compound pentagram glyph on my desk

    Copper: LOL

    Shadow: And then I made a circle around it, drew 10 Phantasian runes on it

    Copper: I see where this is going

    Shadow: Then I grabbed scissors and ACTUALLY drew blood to draw the japanese kanji for "desire"

    Shadow: At this point my gf was like "The FUCK are you doing."

    Shadow: Then I chanted out loud

    Copper: ... ._.

    Copper: Dude I fucking wish I was there


    Shadow: There was like

    Copper: LMAO

    Shadow: a 5 second pause of total silence of "._." and "o_O"-like reactions before everything just burst out into laughter.

    Copper: Sorry I answered the summoning late but I couldn't find a taxi that would drive to Peru =<

    Shadow: LOL
  6. Eebit: I just pooped.
  7. [4/5/2012 10:24:44 PM] Eric Gray: JUMP ON IT
    [4/5/2012 10:25:02 PM] Lister Potter III: GET THE FUCK OUT ERIC
    [4/5/2012 10:25:22 PM] Eric Gray: ;)
    [4/5/2012 10:25:46 PM] Eric Gray: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQObWW06VAM
    [4/5/2012 10:25:49 PM] Eric Gray: SOME GROOVY SHIT YO
    [4/5/2012 10:52:00 PM] Lister Potter III: Go to hell Eric
    [1:39:50 AM] Eric Gray: Already there. ;)
    [1:39:56 AM] Jonathan: LOL
    [1:39:58 AM] Eric Gray: Just remember Lister...
    [1:39:59 AM] Jonathan: What the fuck
    [1:40:01 AM] Eric Gray: JUMP ON IT
    [1:40:04 AM] Jonathan: WHAT IS THIS
    [1:40:11 AM] Eric Gray: I don't even
    [1:40:12 AM] Jonathan: Just logged on
    [1:40:14 AM] Jonathan: this is beautiful
    [1:40:21 AM] Eric Gray: We're jumping on it
    [1:40:22 AM] Trevor Fischer: wha???
    [1:40:26 AM] Jonathan: or, as others like to say
    [1:40:28 AM] Jonathan: JUMPING ON IT
    [1:40:28 AM] Jonathan: THAT'S
    [1:40:29 AM] Jonathan: [Thursday, April 05, 2012 8:26 PM] Eric Gray: SOME GROOVY SHIT YO
    [1:40:30 AM] Lister Potter III: GO AWAY
    [1:40:33 AM] Jonathan: [Thursday, April 05, 2012 8:26 PM] Eric Gray: SOME GROOVY SHIT YO
    [1:40:33 AM] Lister Potter III: FUCK ALL YOU LOSERS
    [1:40:35 AM] Jonathan: NO
    [1:40:39 AM] Jonathan: LISTER
    [1:40:42 AM] Jonathan: LETS GET SOME GROOVY SHIT YO
    [1:41:05 AM] Trevor Fischer: Eww, lister. You're supposed to go after the winners, man! And women, at that!
    [1:41:25 AM] Jonathan: Lister has always loved us though.
    [1:41:28 AM] Jonathan: <3333 bby
    [1:41:35 AM] Eric Gray: Eric Gray is currently jumping on it.
    [1:41:52 AM] Eric Gray: I. Can't. Stop. It.!!!!
    [1:42:07 AM] Eric Gray: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQObWW06VAM&feature=player_embedded
    [1:42:13 AM] Lister Potter III: Lister Potter III kick flamezone17
    [1:42:22 AM] Eric Gray: Lol fail
    [1:42:33 AM] Eric Gray: ARUNGA ARUNGA
    [1:42:37 AM | Edited 1:42:41 AM] Eric Gray: JUMP ON IT
    [1:42:50 AM] Lister Potter III: Not a fail when you type something intentionally dumbfuck
    [1:42:58 AM] Eric Gray: Aweh
    [1:43:01 AM] Eric Gray: I love you too
    [1:43:07 AM] Lister Potter III: fuck you
    [1:43:11 AM] *** Lister Potter III removed Eric Gray from this conversation. ***
    [1:43:16 AM] *** Lister Potter III added Eric Gray ***
    [1:43:30 AM] Lister Potter III: Ha
    [1:43:44 AM] Lister Potter III: Jump on that bitch
    [1:43:52 AM] Eric Gray: Arunga Arunga
    [1:43:59 AM] Jonathan: MANBUNGO LIKE
    [1:44:10 AM] Eric Gray: BOOM BOOM BOOM
    [1:44:13 AM] Eric Gray: JUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMP
    [1:44:17 AM] Jonathan: BOOOOOOOOOOM
    [1:44:17 AM] Jonathan: LOL
    [1:44:22 AM] Eric Gray: ON IT
    [1:44:23 AM] Eric Gray: YAY
    [1:44:28 AM] Jonathan: Jonathan jumps on it.
    [1:44:29 AM] Eric Gray: Lister want to jump on it with me???/
    [1:44:30 AM] Jonathan: I'M ON IT
    [1:44:35 AM] Eric Gray: YAY
    [1:44:39 AM] Jonathan: Jonathan holds Eric's hand and JUMPS ON IT
    [1:44:41 AM] Jonathan: BOOM BOOM BOOM
    [1:44:44 AM] Lister Potter III: yeah... no
    [1:44:46 AM] Trevor Fischer: THEES EEEZ DEELIZIOUS!
    [1:44:56 AM] Jonathan: T-REX IS THE BEST NEWCOMER
    [1:44:57 AM] Eric Gray: Eric Gray jumps on Eric's hand with Jonathan
    [1:45:00 AM] Jonathan: BOOM BOOM BOOM
    [1:45:02 AM] Jonathan: LOL
    [1:45:04 AM] Eric Gray: BOOM BOOM BOOM
    [1:45:04 AM] Jonathan: LOOOL
    [1:45:06 AM] Eric Gray: WOO
    [1:45:07 AM] Jonathan: JUMMMPPP
    [1:45:11 AM] Jonathan: HAND JUMPPP
    [1:45:11 AM] Jonathan: WEEEE
    [1:45:22 AM] Jonathan: Jonathan holds Eric's hand and jumps on it (Lister) with him
    [1:45:36 AM] Eric Gray: WOLOLOLOLOLOL
    [1:45:38 AM] Trevor Fischer: I detect the banhammer will come out soon.
    [1:45:39 AM] Eric Gray: APACHEEE
    [1:45:40 AM] Jonathan: WOWOWOWWOLWOWLWOWL
    [1:45:43 AM] Jonathan: OYONGOA
    [1:45:45 AM] Eric Gray: I AM THE CHIEF
    [1:45:47 AM] Jonathan: Jonathan slaps Trevor's butt.
    [1:45:49 AM] Eric Gray: I GOT ALOT OF RAPS
    [1:45:52 AM] Jonathan: LOL
    [1:46:02 AM] Eric Gray: Dunno the rest
    [1:46:03 AM] Eric Gray: but
    [1:46:06 AM] Eric Gray: JUMP ON IT
    [1:46:09 AM] Jonathan: I AM THE JONNO
    [1:46:11 AM] Jonathan: I GOT A LOT OF CRAPS
    [1:46:25 AM] Jonathan: I SAY SORRY TO YOUR FAMILIES
    [1:46:28 AM] Jonathan: SORRY TO YOUR FAMILIES
    [1:46:32 AM] Jonathan: FOR THE CRAPS
    [1:46:33 AM] Jonathan: TALKED ABOUT YOU
    [1:46:39 AM] Jonathan: WOWOWOWOWOWOWWOOWOWwOw
    [1:46:39 AM] Jonathan: BOOM
    [1:46:40 AM] Jonathan: BOOM
    [1:46:40 AM] Jonathan: BOOM
    [1:46:44 AM] Jonathan: JUMMMPPPP
    [1:46:44 AM] Jonathan: Weeehawwww
    [1:46:46 AM] Jonathan: Jonathan hugs Eric'shair
    [1:46:57 AM] Eric Gray: I AM THE FLAME
    [1:47:09 AM] Eric Gray: JUMPP
    [1:47:13 AM] Eric Gray: JUMP
    [1:47:15 AM] Eric Gray: BUMP
    [1:47:16 AM] Eric Gray: BUMP
    [1:47:24 AM] Eric Gray: WOO
    [1:47:25 AM] Eric Gray: HO
    [1:47:28 AM] Eric Gray: YO YO YO
    [1:47:32 AM] Eric Gray: HIT IT GANG
    [1:47:32 AM] Jonathan: YO YO YO
    [1:47:38 AM] Jonathan: DIS THE JIGGLYPUFF RAP
    [1:47:41 AM] Jonathan: FOR THE FLAME
    [1:47:45 AM] Jonathan: JUMPINS HIS GAME
    [1:47:48 AM] Jonathan: JIGGLYPUFF
    [1:47:50 AM] Jonathan: JI-JIGGLYPUFF
    [1:47:57 AM] Eric Gray: JON HE TAKES NO CRAP
    [1:47:57 AM] Jonathan: JI-JI-JI-JI-JIG-A-LY-PUFF
    [1:48:01 AM] Jonathan: WE FIND THE SQUIRTLE
    [1:48:07 AM] Jonathan: WE TAKE IT TO THE JIGGLYPUFFS
    [1:48:15 AM] Jonathan: WE SQUIRTLE WE SQUIRT SQUIRT
    [1:48:20 AM] Jonathan: SQUIRTLE ON THE JIGGLYPUFFS
    [1:48:20 AM] Eric Gray: SQUIRT SQUIRT
    [1:48:23 AM] Eric Gray: ON LISTER'S FACE
    [1:48:25 AM] Eric Gray: APACHE
    [1:48:26 AM] Jonathan: JIGGLYYYy
    [1:48:28 AM] Eric Gray: JUMP ON ITTT
    [1:48:28 AM] Jonathan: LOL
    [1:48:35 AM] Jonathan: OYONGAOAOA
    [1:48:36 AM] Jonathan: JUMP ON ITTTTT
    [1:48:38 AM] Jonathan: yhaayayayayay
    [1:48:39 AM] Eric Gray: WOWLWOWLWOWOWLWOWL
    [1:48:44 AM] Eric Gray: ARUNGA ARUGNA ARUGNA
    [1:48:47 AM] Eric Gray: A POW WOW
    [1:48:57 AM] Eric Gray: SMOKE SOME CRACK
    [1:49:04 AM] Eric Gray: AND I'LL BE BACK
    [1:49:08 AM] Eric Gray: ;)
    [1:49:14 AM] Eric Gray: SLAM DUNK
    [1:49:18 AM] Eric Gray: DO THE JERK
    [1:49:19 AM] Jonathan: I just copy-pasted all of this
    [1:49:19 AM] Eric Gray: MACHOKE THE CHICKEN
    [1:49:23 AM] Eric Gray: Me too.
    [1:49:25 AM] Jonathan: just in case someone kicks
    [1:49:27 AM] Jonathan: LOL
    [1:49:39 AM] Jonathan: brb xD
    [1:49:42 AM] Eric Gray: I guess Lister doesn't like to jump on it. :<
    [1:49:49 AM] Jonathan: JUMP ON IT
    [1:49:55 AM] Eric Gray: Posting this in the Chatlog thread
    [1:49:56 AM] Eric Gray: lmao
    [1:50:07 AM] Jonathan: YES
    [1:50:07 AM] Jonathan: and then we'll
    [1:50:12 AM] Jonathan: JUMP ON IT

    Um, yeah. We were jumping on it.

    Eric = Me! :D
    Jon = Jonno
    Lister = Some Dude That Doesn't Like to Jump on It Zantok
    Trevor = Turbotaxer, just a cool bro. :)

    PS: Click the link in the chatlog for full effects of jumping on it!
  8. [1:40:01 AM] Eric Gray: JUMP ON IT
    [1:40:04 AM] Jonathan: WHAT IS THIS
    [1:40:11 AM] Eric Gray: I don't even
    [1:40:12 AM] Jonathan: Just logged on
    [1:40:14 AM] Jonathan: this is beautiful
    [1:40:21 AM] Eric Gray: We're jumping on it
    [1:40:22 AM] Trevor Fischer: wha???
    [1:40:26 AM] Jonathan: or, as others like to say
    [1:40:28 AM] Jonathan: JUMPING ON IT
    [1:40:28 AM] Jonathan: THAT'S
    [1:40:29 AM] Jonathan: [Thursday, April 05, 2012 8:26 PM] Eric Gray: SOME GROOVY SHIT YO
    [1:400 AM] Lister Potter III: GO AWAY
    [1:403 AM] Jonathan: [Thursday, April 05, 2012 8:26 PM] Eric Gray: SOME GROOVY SHIT YO
    [1:403 AM] Lister Potter III: FUCK ALL YOU LOSERS
    ^- LOL ERIC

    23:20 Fallen ...one-liners..
    23:20 Masq lmaoFallen
    23:20 Fallen Masq.
    23:20 Fallen Hello.
    23:21 Fallen How are you, sweetheart?
    23:21 Masq :|
    23:21 Masq I'm out of here. night Shadow.
    23:21 Fallen I've always loved you, why do you push me away?
    23:21 Shadow LMAO
  9. Oh eebit....

    Eebit joined the chat
    Fallen: http://www.zejroleplaying.org/showthread...
    Keileon: eeeeeeeb
    Eebit: holyu shit why are uyou guys a WAKE
    Jasper O: Eebit! Hullo!
    Keileon: Because nocturnal
    Eebit: Heya!
    Jasper O: Why are YOU?
    Keileon: Also Fallen is six hours behind you
    Jasper O: Exactly, khya
    Eebit: Because I was just at sa friends house
    Jasper O: Ah.
    Fallen: Hawaii ft
    Eebit: Yeah...
    Fallen: *ftw
    Eebit: Hawaii sux i ontario dis
    Fallen: Actually get me off this fucken rock o_o
    Jasper O: Do you miss me, JEeb.
    Fallen: I want to go the mainland
    Jasper O: Z
    Fallen: Eeb, I thought you were playing Jasper before LOL
    Keileon: Eeb help me sneak into Canada
    Jasper O: You're in Hawaii, Fallen?
    Eebit: I did one time
    Eebit: it was funny
    Eebit: I think
    Eebit: I can't really remember it thou
    Eebit: gh
    Jasper O: You played moi?
    Eebit: Kuda what if I visited you one day
    Eebit: that'd be p funny
    Keileon: lol
    Eebit: Also alcohol is bad.
    Eebit: Do not drink it, kids.
    Eebit: Bad.
    Jasper O: Why do you bring up Alcohol?
    Keileon: For some reason I get the impression you're either drunk or just very tired
    Keileon: LOL
    Fallen: LOL
    Keileon: AHAHAHA
    Eebit: I don't know what you're ta;lking about Kuda.
    Jasper O: ^
    Eebit: You liar.
    Eebit: :|
    Keileon: I AM LOL'ING IRL
    Jasper O: I meant for tha to go to Khya's post about eebit being drunk or tired
    Eebit: Drinking is bad for you
    Eebit: don't do ity
    Keileon: Hey Fallen go quote that in the chatlog thread
    Eebit: ZEJ is down
    Eebit: so fuck uoi
    Eebit: uoi
    Eebit: you
    Eebit: lol..................
    Keileon: Yep you're drunk
  10. warnded for falsified chatlogging
  11. Eemad.
  12. I have an epic moment

    crazE gets up slowly, his whole body completely and entirely sore and causing him to wince dramatically. He is about to advance toward Shadow before his caze suddenly diverts toward Starr, his blood running cold. There was a thick pool of blood around her. "S-Starr!" he calls out, quickly limping over to her and kneeling down, picking her from the crimson mess she lay in
    Fricai: (before his caze)
    Fallen: (Don't worry, she's just having her period)
    Fallen: (*shot*)
    Dark: (his caze)
    Shadow: (LMFAO)
    Starr: (LMAO)
    Dark: (did you mean cazE? :X)
    Fricai: (LMFAO FALLEN.)
    Lord X-Giga-X: (LOFL)
    Fallen: (For once? I've been funny for a while :p)
    Shadow: (Stop dreaming, kid)
    Fricai: (Shadow keep that in the log)
    Dark: (>​Hormonal_teenage_boy)
    Shadow: (But THAT was hilarious)
  13. Keileon: brb

    Keileon: Back with cereal

    Bald Guy joined the chat 16 seconds ago


    Keileon: LOL

    Go away, Bald Guy.

    Keileon: DARK LOL

    Dark: I had to pull that reference.

    Keileon: You know what's funny

    Dark: ???

    Keileon: I kept thinking, "I swear, if this summons Giga..."

    Dark: LOL.
  14. Uh huh....
  15. tell me you got the joke, giga.
  16. Shadow: ----- OoC Break -----
    Kyton -----> Jason.
    Jason: ... wait...
    Jason -----> Keileon.
    Shadow: LOL
    Keileon: Why did I do that? o_O

    Oh Kuda. XD
  17. [​IMG]
    average day on cowcraft admin chat (blue text)
  18. Wait... Chatzy's back?

    If so...

  19. "hormonal_teenage_boy" nuff said
  20. <TheBrawlinator>: Hey umm.... do you want to see something? lol
    <Shadow>: Hm?
    TheBrawlinator hugs you super tight, because he loves you
    <TheBrawlinator>: Well I brought a present
    *** TheBrawlinator is now known as Jonno
    <Shadow>: LMFAO

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