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Recursion [Current Iteration: I, 003]

Discussion in 'Statistical Roleplays' started by Eebit, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. Yume attacks Zergon! 7 Atk Damage

    Yume moves to G4 (J4 > I4 > H4 > G4), then moves to E4 (G4 > F4 > E4)
  2. Judit uses Castling on Jericho! Jericho is now on Cell G3 and Judit is on G4!

    Using Pawn Influence, Judit moves to E5! (G3 > F3 > E5)

  3. [HR][/HR]

    Iteration I ~ Level 003

    Location: Magyard Factory -- Eastern Sector

    Objective: Proceed through Magyard Factory!

    Achievement: No Group Hugs - Refrain from having an Ally Unit take Damage from an AoE attack which hits three or more Units. [Achievement Failed]

    Atmosphere: Urgent State - The factory's cry echoes through the manufactured hallways. There's so much to be done if all is to go as planned, yet so little time... At the beginning of every Ally Phase, each Ally Unit is given a low chance to gain Quicken for that Turn.

    Party Limit: 4/4

    Music: Weapons Factory


    ZERGON V.1 takes 3 Damage. (Yume)
    HP: -1/50

    ZERGON V.1 K.O.!

    Yume's BOOST increases by 1!
    - ❯❯❯❯ +


    Em's S-Ability Labour of Love activates! Em recovers 2 MP.
    MP: 31/35


    Yume's Quicken fades...

    ~ Gauge Step ~

    Em | No Change...
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Jericho | No Change...
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Judit | No Change...
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Yume | No Change...
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    {w} {w} {w} {d} {w} {w} {w} {w} {w} {w} A
    {w} { } { } { } { } {~} {~} {~} {~} {w} B
    {w} {l} { } { } {t} {~} {\} {~} {C} {w} C
    {w} {l} {~} { } {t} {T} {|} {~} { } {w} D
    {w} {O} {~} {Y} {T} { } {|} {~} { } {w} E
    {w} {l} {~} {~} {t} {~} {|} {~} { } {w} F
    {w} {l} {J} { } {t} {~} {|} { } { } {w} G
    {w} { } { } { } {~} {P} {|} { } { } {w} H
    {w} {l} {l} {E} {l} {l} {|} { } { } {w} I
    {w} {w} {w} { } {w} {w} {w} {w} {w} {w} J
    {w} {b} {R} {Z} { } {w} { } { } { } { } K
    {w} { } { } {V} {K} {w} { } { } { } { } L
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } M
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } N
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } O
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } P
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } Q
    {w} { } { } { } { } {w} { } { } { } { } R
    {w} { } { } { } { } {w} { } { } { } { } S
    {w} { } { } { } { } {w} { } { } { } { } T
    -1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9--1 0-

    ~ Neutral Phase V ~

    Omyon moves to F3 (E2 - E3 - F3).

    Omyon wiggles curiously against Jericho's leg...


    Clom waits...


    Tetteros moves to F6 (D6 - E6 - F6).

    Tetteros waits...

    {w} {w} {w} {d} {w} {w} {w} {w} {w} {w} A
    {w} { } { } { } { } {~} { } {~} {~} {w} B
    {w} {l} { } { } {t} {~} {\} {~} {C} {w} C
    {w} {l} {~} { } {t} {~} {|} {~} { } {w} D
    {w} {~} {~} {Y} {T} {~} {|} {~} { } {w} E
    {w} {l} {O} { } {t} {T} {|} { } { } {w} F
    {w} {l} {J} { } {t} { } {|} { } { } {w} G
    {w} { } { } { } {~} {P} {|} { } { } {w} H
    {w} {l} {l} {E} {l} {l} {|} { } { } {w} I
    {w} {w} {w} { } {w} {w} {w} {w} {w} {w} J
    {w} {b} {R} {Z} { } {w} { } { } { } { } K
    {w} { } { } {V} {K} {w} { } { } { } { } L
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } M
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } N
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } O
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } P
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } Q
    {w} { } { } { } { } {w} { } { } { } { } R
    {w} { } { } { } { } {w} { } { } { } { } S
    {w} { } { } { } { } {w} { } { } { } { } T
    -1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9--1 0-

    ~ Enemy Phase VII ~

    VEKTOID V.1 moves to K4 (L4 - K4 - J4).

    VEKTOID V.1 uses FIST: Megaton Punch on Em (I4). 12 ATK Damage!
    MP: 0/30

    Em takes 9 Damage.
    HP: 11/20

    Em is knocked back to G4.

    SCAN: Motion Detector is on Cooldown for 1 more Turn.


    Poosh is alarmed when Em's fragile, only too maternal body is sent sprawling past him, and casts another Voltage Bomb at H4. No one is hurt, though Tetteros glances disapprovingly at him.
    MP: 17/45

    Poosh waits...

    {w} {w} {w} {d} {w} {w} {w} {w} {w} {w} A
    {w} { } { } { } { } {~} { } {~} {~} {w} B
    {w} {l} { } { } {t} {~} {\} {~} {C} {w} C
    {w} {l} {~} { } {t} {~} {|} {~} { } {w} D
    {w} {~} {~} {Y} {T} {~} {|} {~} { } {w} E
    {w} {l} {O} { } {t} {T} {|} { } { } {w} F
    {w} {l} {J} {E} {t} { } {|} { } { } {w} G
    {w} { } { } { } {~} {P} {|} { } { } {w} H
    {w} {l} {l} { } {l} {l} {|} { } { } {w} I
    {w} {w} {w} {V} {w} {w} {w} {w} {w} {w} J
    {w} {b} {R} {Z} { } {w} { } { } { } { } K
    {w} { } { } { } {K} {w} { } { } { } { } L
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } M
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } N
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } O
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } P
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } Q
    {w} { } { } { } { } {w} { } { } { } { } R
    {w} { } { } { } { } {w} { } { } { } { } S
    {w} { } { } { } { } {w} { } { } { } { } T
    -1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9--1 0-

    Auntie Em (Baker) *Labour of Love [2]*
    HP: 11/20
    MP: 31/35
    Atk: 2
    Def: 3
    Int: 8
    Spr: 4
    Critical: 3%
    Evasion: 1%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Jericho (Enforcer)
    HP: 19/25
    MP: 19/35
    Atk: 7
    Def: 5
    Int: 2
    Spr: 2
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 3%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Judit (Pawn)
    HP: 30/30
    MP: 9/25
    Atk: 7
    Def: 5
    Int: 2
    Spr: 3
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 3%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Yume (Drive Engineer) *HALFBOOST*
    - ❯❯❯❯ +
    HP: 13/30
    MP: 17/20
    Atk: 7
    Def: 5
    Int: 2
    Spr: 4
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 3%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Omyon (Charge Slug)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 45/45
    Atk: 1
    Def: 3
    Int: 6
    Spr: 3
    Critical: 3%
    Evasion: 2%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Clom (Charge Slug)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 45/45
    Atk: 1
    Def: 3
    Int: 6
    Spr: 3
    Critical: 3%
    Evasion: 2%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Tetteros (Charge Slug)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 45/45
    Atk: 1
    Def: 3
    Int: 6
    Spr: 3
    Critical: 3%
    Evasion: 2%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    KAIZOR (Security Drone Mk. I)
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    RUMOID (Security Drone Mk. I)
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    ZERGON V.1 (Robotic Evictor Mk. I)
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    VEKTOID V.1 (Robotic Evictor Mk. I) *Lay Siege: Yume (2)*
    HP: 50/50
    MP: 0/30
    Atk: 9
    Def: 5
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 2%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Poosh (Charge Slug)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 17/45
    Atk: 1
    Def: 3
    Int: 6
    Spr: 3
    Critical: 3%
    Evasion: 2%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    { } - Empty Cell

    { } - Nonexistent Cell

    {^} - Conveyor Belt (Upward)

    --- When Landed or Passed: Ends Unit's Movement Command and carries them to the end of the Conveyor Belt

    {v} - Conveyor Belt (Downward)

    --- When Landed or Passed: Ends Unit's Movement Command and carries them to the end of the Conveyor Belt

    {~} / { } - Slime Trail Cell

    --- When Passed: Reduces Unit's Movement by 1 Cell
    --- Interacts with Electric Element

    {|} - Glass Barrier

    --- Cannot be Occupied or Passed
    --- HP: 45/45
    --- Def: 8
    --- Spr: 5
    --- CON: 5/10

    {\} - Smashed Glass Barrier

    --- Cannot be Occupied or Passed
    --- HP: 7/45
    --- Def: 7
    --- Spr: 4
    --- CON: 4/10

    {b} - Conveyor Switch

    --- Cannot be Occupied or Passed
    --- Trigger Command: Press! [Reverses the Direction of the Conveyor Belts]
    --- HP: 25/25
    --- Def: 10
    --- Spr: 8
    --- CON: 4/10

    {l} - Storage Locker

    --- Cannot be Occupied or Passed
    --- Trigger Command: Search [Raid the Storage Locker for its contents]
    --- HP: 20/20
    --- Def: 6
    --- Spr: 6
    --- CON: 6/10

    {t} - Research Table

    --- Cannot be Occupied or Passed
    --- Trigger Command: Investigate! [Search through the Research Table's cluttered contents]
    --- HP: 30/30
    --- Def: 8
    --- Spr: 4
    --- CON: 4/10

    {d} - Steel Door

    --- Cannot be Occupied or Passed
    --- Indestructible
    --- Trigger Command: Proceed! [User exits the current Stage in order to continue onward to the next]
    --- CON: 6/10

    {w} - Wall Cell

    --- Cannot be Occupied or Passed
    --- HP: 50/50
    --- Def: 32
    --- Spr: 26
    --- CON: 7/10

    ~ Player Phase VIII ~

    Atmosphere Urgent State grants Judit Quicken for 1 Turn.
    #183 CerberusLycan, Nov 6, 2016 at 8:37 PM
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2017
  4. Judit investigates the table at D5!

    Using Pawn Influence Judit moves to C2!

    Judit investigates the locker at C1!
  5. Yume moves to B4 (E4 > D4 > C4 > B4)

    Yume uses Trigger Command: Proceed on Steel Door (A4)!

  6. [HR][/HR]

    Iteration I ~ Level 003

    Location: Magyard Factory -- Eastern Sector

    Objective: Proceed through Magyard Factory!

    Achievement: No Group Hugs - Refrain from having an Ally Unit take Damage from an AoE attack which hits three or more Units. [Achievement Failed]

    Atmosphere: Urgent State - The factory's cry echoes through the manufactured hallways. There's so much to be done if all is to go as planned, yet so little time... At the beginning of every Ally Phase, each Ally Unit is given a low chance to gain Quicken for that Turn.

    Party Limit: 4/4

    Music: Weapons Factory


    Judit's investigation of the Research Table (D5) concludes with a small bundle of scientific notes on the principles and processes of the act of combining discrete physical matters.

    Connection Recipe (x2) added to the Inventory.


    Judit's search of the Locker (C2) doesn't result in any noteworthy finds...


    Trigger Command: Proceed executed... (Yume)

    The Party finishes its business in the current Level and moves on to the next one!

    ~ Gauge Step ~

    Em | No Change...
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Jericho | No Change...
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Judit | No Change...
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Yume | No Change...
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    {w} {w} {w} {d} {w} {w} {w} {w} {w} {w} A
    {w} { } { } {Y} { } {~} { } {~} {~} {w} B
    {w} {l} {T} { } {t} {~} {\} {~} {C} {w} C
    {w} {l} {~} { } {t} {~} {|} {~} { } {w} D
    {w} {~} {~} { } { } {~} {|} {~} { } {w} E
    {w} {l} {O} { } {t} {T} {|} { } { } {w} F
    {w} {l} {J} {E} {t} { } {|} { } { } {w} G
    {w} { } { } { } {~} {P} {|} { } { } {w} H
    {w} {l} {l} { } {l} {l} {|} { } { } {w} I
    {w} {w} {w} {V} {w} {w} {w} {w} {w} {w} J
    {w} {b} {R} {Z} { } {w} { } { } { } { } K
    {w} { } { } { } {K} {w} { } { } { } { } L
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } M
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } N
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } O
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } P
    {w} {^} { } { } {v} {w} { } { } { } { } Q
    {w} { } { } { } { } {w} { } { } { } { } R
    {w} { } { } { } { } {w} { } { } { } { } S
    {w} { } { } { } { } {w} { } { } { } { } T
    -1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9--1 0-

    Auntie Em (Baker) *Labour of Love [2]*
    HP: 11/20
    MP: 31/35
    Atk: 2
    Def: 3
    Int: 8
    Spr: 4
    Critical: 3%
    Evasion: 1%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Jericho (Enforcer)
    HP: 19/25
    MP: 19/35
    Atk: 7
    Def: 5
    Int: 2
    Spr: 2
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 3%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Judit (Pawn)
    HP: 30/30
    MP: 9/25
    Atk: 7
    Def: 5
    Int: 2
    Spr: 3
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 3%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Yume (Drive Engineer) *HALFBOOST*
    - ❯❯❯❯ +
    HP: 13/30
    MP: 17/20
    Atk: 7
    Def: 5
    Int: 2
    Spr: 4
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 3%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Omyon (Charge Slug)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 45/45
    Atk: 1
    Def: 3
    Int: 6
    Spr: 3
    Critical: 3%
    Evasion: 2%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Clom (Charge Slug)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 45/45
    Atk: 1
    Def: 3
    Int: 6
    Spr: 3
    Critical: 3%
    Evasion: 2%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Tetteros (Charge Slug)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 45/45
    Atk: 1
    Def: 3
    Int: 6
    Spr: 3
    Critical: 3%
    Evasion: 2%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    KAIZOR (Security Drone Mk. I)
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    RUMOID (Security Drone Mk. I)
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    ZERGON V.1 (Robotic Evictor Mk. I)
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    VEKTOID V.1 (Robotic Evictor Mk. I) *Lay Siege: Yume (2)*
    HP: 50/50
    MP: 0/30
    Atk: 9
    Def: 5
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 2%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Poosh (Charge Slug)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 17/45
    Atk: 1
    Def: 3
    Int: 6
    Spr: 3
    Critical: 3%
    Evasion: 2%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    { } - Empty Cell

    { } - Nonexistent Cell

    {^} - Conveyor Belt (Upward)

    --- When Landed or Passed: Ends Unit's Movement Command and carries them to the end of the Conveyor Belt

    {v} - Conveyor Belt (Downward)

    --- When Landed or Passed: Ends Unit's Movement Command and carries them to the end of the Conveyor Belt

    {~} / { } - Slime Trail Cell

    --- When Passed: Reduces Unit's Movement by 1 Cell
    --- Interacts with Electric Element

    {|} - Glass Barrier

    --- Cannot be Occupied or Passed
    --- HP: 45/45
    --- Def: 8
    --- Spr: 5
    --- CON: 5/10

    {\} - Smashed Glass Barrier

    --- Cannot be Occupied or Passed
    --- HP: 7/45
    --- Def: 7
    --- Spr: 4
    --- CON: 4/10

    {b} - Conveyor Switch

    --- Cannot be Occupied or Passed
    --- Trigger Command: Press! [Reverses the Direction of the Conveyor Belts]
    --- HP: 25/25
    --- Def: 10
    --- Spr: 8
    --- CON: 4/10

    {l} - Storage Locker

    --- Cannot be Occupied or Passed
    --- Trigger Command: Search [Raid the Storage Locker for its contents]
    --- HP: 20/20
    --- Def: 6
    --- Spr: 6
    --- CON: 6/10

    {t} - Research Table

    --- Cannot be Occupied or Passed
    --- Trigger Command: Investigate! [Search through the Research Table's cluttered contents]
    --- HP: 30/30
    --- Def: 8
    --- Spr: 4
    --- CON: 4/10

    {d} - Steel Door

    --- Cannot be Occupied or Passed
    --- Indestructible
    --- Trigger Command: Proceed! [User exits the current Stage in order to continue onward to the next]
    --- CON: 6/10

    {w} - Wall Cell

    --- Cannot be Occupied or Passed
    --- HP: 50/50
    --- Def: 32
    --- Spr: 26
    --- CON: 7/10

    ~ Level Complete ~

    Experience Table

    [+2 Exp] - Level Completed

    [+3 Exp] - Security Drone Mk. I
    --- x2 KO

    [+6 Exp] - Robot Evictor Mk. I]
    --- x1 KO

    [+2 Exp] - No Player Character KO

    [+2 Exp] - No Excess Processes Used

    [-1 Exp] - Neutral Unit Provoked

    Total: 17 Experience Points

    Achievement No Group Hugs was failed...


    Leveling Area

    Judit Staunton (Pawn) | Current Level: 3
    4/10 + 17 EXP ⇒ 21/10 EXP
    Judit LEVEL UP!
    +3 Stat Points
    +1 Skill Points
    +2 Upgrade Points
    Next Level: 11/32

    Yume (Drive Engineer) | Current Level: 3
    4/10 + 17 EXP ⇒ 21/10 EXP
    Yume LEVEL UP!
    +3 Stat Points
    +1 Skill Points
    +2 Upgrade Points
    Next Level: 11/32

    The rest of the Party seem as if they'll be joining VEKTOID V. 1 and all the Charge Slugs for a tea party...


    Drops Area

    Spare Parts (x2) - A jumble of nuts, bolts, and some scrap metal. Incredibly useful, or annoyingly useless? Perhaps only time will tell-- for now, the verdict is in the eye of the beholder. [Component / Can be combined with other Components found around Magyard Factory]

    Gold Obtained: 23 Units


    As always, make sure to update your profiles; X-Gauges, the new Points, etc. Additions or changes to Skills/Abilities should be brought up in the Strategy Thread or directed to me in chat. There might be a break of a few weeks until the next update while we get our new Allies, but I hope we can keep moving forward with Recursion soon!
    #186 CerberusLycan, Nov 13, 2016 at 4:18 AM
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2017

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