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Recursion [Current Iteration: I, 003]

Discussion in 'Statistical Roleplays' started by Eebit, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Judit moves to F5! (E6>F6>F5)

    Using Pawn Influence, Judit attacks DAFTRON! 5 ATK damage!
  2. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Auntie Em attacks DAFTRON! 5 Int Damage!

    The old woman grumbled as the machine fled. "Come back n' fight like a man ya dumb whatsit!" she cried raspily, shaking her rolling pin at it menacingly. Another bolt of mana flew, although it struck the approaching mechanical foe who she seemed to ignore.
  3. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Yume moves to E6 (E5 > E6).

    Yume uses Coolant Flow!
    MP: 7/15

    Drive Cooldown is Accelerated by 1 Turn!

    Drive Cooldown: 2 Turns.

    Yume chains Special Command: Cycle Mana!
    Effectiveness: +1 MP
    MP: 8/15
  4. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Sashna Basic Attacks DAFTRON! 5 INT damage!

    Sashna's Pinpoints lower DAFTRON's Lightning resistance by 10%!
  5. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Iteration I ~ Level 001

    Location: Magyard Factory -- Entrance Level

    Objective: Defeat all enemies!

    Achievement: Ticket to Ride - Defeat an enemy on the same Turn you rode on the Conveyor Belt. [5 Achievement Points]

    Atmosphere: N/A

    Party Limit: 5/5

    Music: Weapons Factory


    Jericho's Augment: Bulwark has 1 Turn left.

    Jericho's Def. Reduction has 2 Turns left.

    Jericho's Spasm has 1 Turn left.

    Yume's Drive Cooldown has 1 Turn left.

    Yume's Def. Reduction has 2 Turns left.

    Sashna's Stamping Thread: Thunder has 1 Turn left.


    Jericho is afflicted with Spasm!

    . . .

    Jericho cannot Act!


    DAFTRON takes 3 Damage (Judit).

    MODE: Beta Block absorbs damage!
    Beta Block: 7/10
    HP: 20/20


    DAFTRON takes 3 Damage (Em).

    MODE: Beta Block absorbs damage!
    Beta Block: 4/10
    HP: 20/20


    DAFTRON takes 3 Damage (Sashna).

    MODE: Beta Block absorbs damage!
    Beta Block: 1/10
    HP: 20/20

    DAFTRON's Resistance to Thunder Element is Reduced for 3 Turns!
    Thunder Resistance: -10%

    ~ Gauge Step ~

    Jericho | No Change...
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Em | 0.5 X-Levels are Acquired!
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Yume | 1 X-Level is Acquired!
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Judit | 0.5 X-Levels are Acquired!
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Sashna | 0.5 X-Levels are Acquired!
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    {w} {w} {s} {s} {s} {s} {s} {w} {w} A
    {w} {A} { } {s} {s} {s} { } { } {b} B
    {w} {^} { } { } { } { } { } {v} {w} C
    {w} {^} { } { } { } { } { } {v} {w} D
    {w} {^} { } {D} { } {Y} { } {v} {w} E
    {w} {^} { } { } {T} {S} {J} {v} {w} F
    {w} {^} { } { } {E} { } {I} {v} {w} G
    {w} {^} { } { } { } { } { } {v} {w} H
    {b} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {w} I

    ~ Enemy Phase III ~

    ARMATROID moves to C3 (B2 - B3 - C3)

    ARMATROID waits...

    ARMATROID's Innate Property MODE: Beta Block activates!
    Beta Block: 10/10

    ARMATROID's Thunder Resistance Reduction has 2 Turns left.


    DAFTRON moves to G4 (E4 - F4 - G4)

    DAFTRON uses FIST: Puncture Armour on Em (G5)! 6 ATK Damage! Reduces DEF by 10%!
    MP: 10/30

    Em takes 4 Damage.
    HP: 11/15

    Em's DEF is reduced by 10%! ((Current: -10%)
    Def: 2 --- 1 (3)

    DAFTRON's Innate Property MODE: Beta Block activates!
    Beta Block: 6/10

    ARMATROID's Thunder Resistance Reduction has 3 Turns left.


    IKAZATOR uses FIST: Puncture Armour on Jericho (F7)!

    IKAZATOR's S-Ability MODE: Supercharge activates! 6 ATK Damage! Reduces DEF by 20%!
    MP: 10/30

    Jericho takes 1 Damage.
    HP: 21/25

    Jericho's DEF is reduced by 20%! Duration Refresh! (Current: -50% [MAX])
    Def: 4 --- 2 (3)

    IKAZATOR moves to H6 (G7 - G6 - H6)

    IKAZATOR's Innate Property MODE: Beta Block activates!
    Beta Block: 10/10

    {w} {w} {s} {s} {s} {s} {s} {w} {w} A
    {w} { } { } {s} {s} {s} { } { } {b} B
    {w} {^} {A} { } { } { } { } {v} {w} C
    {w} {^} { } { } { } { } { } {v} {w} D
    {w} {^} { } { } { } {Y} { } {v} {w} E
    {w} {^} { } { } {T} {S} {J} {v} {w} F
    {w} {^} { } {D} {E} { } { } {v} {w} G
    {w} {^} { } { } { } {I} { } {v} {w} H
    {b} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {w} I

    Jericho (Enforcer) *Augment: Bulwark (1)* *Spasm (1)*
    HP: 21/25
    MP: 10/20
    Atk: 5
    Def: 4 --- 2 (3)
    Int: 2
    Spr: 2
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 3%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Auntie Em (Baker) *Labour of Love [2]*
    HP: 11/15
    MP: 30/30
    Atk: 2
    Def: 2 --- 1 (3)
    Int: 5
    Spr: 4
    Critical: 3%
    Evade: 1%
    Move: 2 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Yume (Drive Engineer) *Drive Cooldown (1)*
    - ➤➤➤➤ +
    HP: 20/25
    MP: 8/15
    Atk: 5
    Def: 4 --- 3 (2)
    Int: 2
    Spr: 3
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 3%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Judit (Pawn)
    HP: 24/25
    MP: 12/20
    Atk: 5
    Def: 4
    Int: 2
    Spr: 2
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 3%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Sashna (Fortune Sewer) *Stamping Thread: Thunder (1)*
    HP: 15/15
    MP: 22/30
    Atk: 2
    Def: 2
    Int: 5
    Spr: 4
    Critical: 4%
    Evasion: 5%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    ARMATROID (Security Drone Mk. I) *CRITICAL* *Thunder Resistance -10% (2)* *Beta Block: [10/10]*
    HP: 2/20
    MP: 16/30
    Atk: 5
    Def: 2
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Critical: 4%
    Evasion: 5%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    DAFTRON (Security Drone Mk. I) *Thunder Resistance -10% (3)* *Beta Block: [6/10]*
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 10/30
    Atk: 5
    Def: 2
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Critical: 4%
    Evasion: 5%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    IKAZATOR (Security Drone Mk. I) *Beta Block: [10/10]*
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 10/30
    Atk: 5
    Def: 2
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Critical: 4%
    Evasion: 5%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    { } - Empty Cell

    {^} - Conveyor Belt (Upward)
    --- When Landed or Passed: End Unit's Movement Command and carries them to the end of the Conveyor Belt

    {v} - Conveyor Belt (Downward)
    --- When Landed or Passed: End Unit's Movement Command and carries them to the end of the Conveyor Belt

    {b} - Conveyor Switch
    --- Cannot be Occupied
    --- Interacts with Lightning Element
    --- Trigger Command: Press! [Reverses the Direction of the Conveyor Belts]
    --- HP: 25/25
    --- Def: 10
    --- Spr: 8
    --- CON: 4/10

    {s} - Screen Cell
    --- Cannot be Occupied
    --- Interacts with Lightning Element
    --- HP: 40/40
    --- Def: 15
    --- Spr: 12
    --- CON: 6/10

    {w} - Wall Cell
    --- Cannot be Occupied
    --- HP: 50/50
    --- Def: 32
    --- Spr: 26
    --- CON: 7/10

    ~ Player Phase IV ~
  6. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Yume moves to F4 (E6 > E5 > E4 > F4).

    Yume attacks DAFTRON! 5 Atk Damage.
  7. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Judit moves to C5! (F5 > E5 > D5 > C5)

    Judit attacks ARMATROID! 5 ATK damage!
  8. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Jericho moves to G6! (G7 > G6)

    Jericho attacks IKAZATOR! 4 Atk Damage!

    Jericho grunted as his muscles spasmed violently. He waited for his little episode to finish, then grit his teeth and charged at the same bot. "Your piss-poor electricity won't faze me you little shit!" he cried out, swinging his massive shield-like gauntlets at it.
  9. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Sashna attacks DAFTRON! 5 INT damage!

    Sashna's pinpoints lower DAFTRON's Thunder resistance by 10%!

    Sashna's Sensitivities effect activates!
  10. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Auntie Em moves to E5!

    Auntie Em attacks DAFTRON! 5 Int Damage!

    "Criminy!" Auntie Em shrieked as one of the mechanical baddies stabbed her––in her old age her hip had locked and she hadn't been able to dodge the assault. She was, however, able to hobble past the youngsters and swiftly tossed a ball of mana at her offender. "I've had about enough of you!" she scolded sourly.
  11. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Iteration I ~ Level 001

    Location: Magyard Factory -- Entrance Level

    Objective: Defeat all enemies!

    Achievement: Ticket to Ride - Defeat an enemy on the same Turn you rode on the Conveyor Belt. [5 Achievement Points]

    Atmosphere: N/A

    Party Limit: 5/5

    Music: Weapons Factory


    Jericho's Augment: Bulwark fades...

    Jericho's Def. Reduction has 2 Turns left.

    Jericho's Spasm fades...

    Em's Def. Reduction has 2 Turns left.

    Yume's Drive Skills are off Cooldown!

    Yume's Def. Reduction has 1 Turn left.

    Sashna's Stamping Thread: Thunder fades...


    DAFTRON takes 3 Damage (Yume).

    MODE: Beta Block absorbs damage!
    Beta Block: 3/10
    HP: 20/20

    Yume's BOOST increased by 1!
    - ➤➤➤ +


    ARMATROID takes 3 Damage (Judit).

    MODE: Beta Block absorbs damage!
    Beta Block: 7/10
    HP: 20/20


    Jericho is afflicted with Spasm!

    . . .

    Jericho cannot Act!


    Sashna's Innate Property Sensitivities activates! Weakness Modifier increases by 25%!

    DAFTRON takes 4 Thunder Damage (Sashna).

    MODE: Beta Block absorbs damage!
    Beta Block: -1/10

    MODE: Beta Block is broken! Spillover Damage transfers to HP!

    HP: 19/20

    DAFTRON's Resistance to Thunder Element is Reduced for 3 Turns!
    Thunder Resistance: -20%


    DAFTRON takes 3 Damage (Em).
    HP: 16/20

    ~ Gauge Step ~

    Jericho | No Change...
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Em | 0.5 X-Levels are Acquired!
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Yume | 0.5 X-Levels are Acquired!
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Judit | 0.5 X-Levels are Acquired!
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Sashna | 0.5 X-Levels are Acquired!
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    {w} {w} {s} {s} {s} {s} {s} {w} {w} A
    {w} { } { } {s} {s} {s} { } { } {b} B
    {w} {^} {A} { } {T} { } { } {v} {w} C
    {w} {^} { } { } { } { } { } {v} {w} D
    {w} {^} { } { } {E} { } { } {v} {w} E
    {w} {^} { } {Y} { } {S} { } {v} {w} F
    {w} {^} { } {D} { } {J} { } {v} {w} G
    {w} {^} { } { } { } {I} { } {v} {w} H
    {b} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {w} I

    ~ Enemy Phase IV ~

    ARMATROID moves to D3 (C3 - D3)

    ARMATROID uses BEAM: Electropulse on Yume (F4)! 4 Thunder ATK Damage! Chance of Spasm!
    MP: 10/30

    Yume takes 1 Thunder Damage.
    HP: 19/25

    Yume evades Spasm.

    ARMATROID's Innate Property MODE: Beta Block activates!
    Beta Block: 10/10


    DAFTRON moves to F5 (G4 - G5 - F5)

    DAFTRON uses FIST: Puncture Armour on Em (E5)!

    DAFTRON's S-Ability MODE: Supercharge activates! 6 ATK Damage! Reduces DEF by 20%!
    MP: 3/30

    Em takes 5 Damage.
    HP: 6/15

    Em's DEF is reduced by 20%! Duration Refresh! (Current: -30%)
    Def: 2 --- 1 (3)

    DAFTRON's Innate Property MODE: Beta Block activates!
    Beta Block: 5/10


    IKAZATOR moves to H4 (H6 - H5 - H4)

    IKAZATOR uses BEAM: Electropulse on Jericho (G6)!

    IKAZATOR's S-Ability MODE: Supercharge activates! 5 Thunder ATK Damage! Chance of Paralyze!
    MP: 4/30

    Jericho takes 1 Thunder Damage.
    HP: 20/25

    Jericho evades Paralysis.

    {w} {w} {s} {s} {s} {s} {s} {w} {w} A
    {w} { } { } {s} {s} {s} { } { } {b} B
    {w} {^} { } { } {T} { } { } {v} {w} C
    {w} {^} {A} { } { } { } { } {v} {w} D
    {w} {^} { } { } {E} { } { } {v} {w} E
    {w} {^} { } {Y} {D} {S} { } {v} {w} F
    {w} {^} { } { } { } {J} { } {v} {w} G
    {w} {^} { } {I} { } { } { } {v} {w} H
    {b} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {w} I

    Jericho (Enforcer)
    HP: 20/25
    MP: 10/20
    Atk: 5
    Def: 4 --- 2 (2)
    Int: 2
    Spr: 2
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 3%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Auntie Em (Baker) *Labour of Love [2]*
    HP: 6/15
    MP: 30/30
    Atk: 2
    Def: 2 --- 1 (3)
    Int: 5
    Spr: 4
    Critical: 3%
    Evade: 1%
    Move: 2 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Yume (Drive Engineer)
    - ➤➤➤ +
    HP: 19/25
    MP: 8/15
    Atk: 5
    Def: 4 --- 3 (1)
    Int: 2
    Spr: 3
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 3%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Judit (Pawn)
    HP: 24/25
    MP: 12/20
    Atk: 5
    Def: 4
    Int: 2
    Spr: 2
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 3%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Sashna (Fortune Sewer)
    HP: 15/15
    MP: 22/30
    Atk: 2
    Def: 2
    Int: 5
    Spr: 4
    Critical: 4%
    Evasion: 5%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    ARMATROID (Security Drone Mk. I) *CRITICAL* *Thunder Resistance -10%* *Beta Block: [10/10]*
    HP: 2/20
    MP: 10/30
    Atk: 5
    Def: 2
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Critical: 4%
    Evasion: 5%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    DAFTRON (Security Drone Mk. I) *Thunder Resistance -20%* *Beta Block: [5/10]*
    HP: 16/20
    MP: 3/30
    Atk: 5
    Def: 2
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Critical: 4%
    Evasion: 5%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    IKAZATOR (Security Drone Mk. I) *Beta Block: [10/10]*
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 4/30
    Atk: 5
    Def: 2
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Critical: 4%
    Evasion: 5%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    { } - Empty Cell

    {^} - Conveyor Belt (Upward)
    --- When Landed or Passed: End Unit's Movement Command and carries them to the end of the Conveyor Belt

    {v} - Conveyor Belt (Downward)
    --- When Landed or Passed: End Unit's Movement Command and carries them to the end of the Conveyor Belt

    {b} - Conveyor Switch
    --- Cannot be Occupied
    --- Interacts with Lightning Element
    --- Trigger Command: Press! [Reverses the Direction of the Conveyor Belts]
    --- HP: 25/25
    --- Def: 10
    --- Spr: 8
    --- CON: 4/10

    {s} - Screen Cell
    --- Cannot be Occupied
    --- Interacts with Lightning Element
    --- HP: 40/40
    --- Def: 15
    --- Spr: 12
    --- CON: 6/10

    {w} - Wall Cell
    --- Cannot be Occupied
    --- HP: 50/50
    --- Def: 32
    --- Spr: 26
    --- CON: 7/10

    ~ Player Phase V ~
  12. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Yume moves to D4 (F4 > E4 > D4).

    Yume uses Sonic Drive on ARMATROID! 8 Atk Damage!
    MP: 2/15

    Drive Cooldown: 3 Turns
  13. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Judit moves to E4. (C5 > D5 > E5 > E4)

    Using Pawn Influence, Judit uses Pawn Strike on ARMATROID! 7 ATK damage!

    MP: 4/20
  14. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Jericho moves to H5! (H6 > H5)

    Jericho attacks IKAZATOR! 5 Atk damage!
  15. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Auntie Em moves to C5!

    Auntie Em attacks ARMATROID! 5 Int Damage!

    Auntie Em scowled, an audible grunt coming from her wrinkled lips as one of the machines continue to harass her. She, however, did not smack it. Instead she retreated from the immediate vicinity and, noticing one of their other foes was about ready to drop, hurled a ball of energy at it. Her eyes, however, returned to her attacker. "You'll get what's a-comin' to ya you damn mechanical ninny!"
  16. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Jericho moves to E5 (F6 > E6 > E5)!

    Jericho uses +Augment: Blade (0/20 MP)!
  17. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Sashna moves to D6!

    Sashna casts Stamping Thread on self! All basic attacks and skills are now the Thunder element!

    MP: 14/30
  18. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Iteration I ~ Level 001

    Location: Magyard Factory -- Entrance Level

    Objective: Defeat all enemies!

    Achievement: Ticket to Ride - Defeat an enemy on the same Turn you rode on the Conveyor Belt. [5 Achievement Points]

    Atmosphere: N/A

    Party Limit: 5/5

    Music: Weapons Factory


    Jericho's Def. Reduction has 1 Turn left.

    Em's Def. Reduction has 2 Turns left.

    Yume's Drive Cooldown has 3 Turns left.

    Yume's Def. Reduction fades...

    Sashna's Stamping Thread: Thunder has 3 Turns left.


    ARMATROID takes 6 Damage (Yume).

    MODE: Beta Block absorbs damage!
    Beta Block: 4/10
    HP: 2/20

    Yume's BOOST increased by 2!
    - ➤➤➤➤ +

    Yume enters HALFBOOST! Damage Output of Basic Attacks increased by 10%!


    ARMATROID takes 10 Damage (Judit). CRITICAL HIT!!

    MODE: Beta Block absorbs damage!
    Beta Block: -6/10

    MODE: Beta Block is broken! Spillover Damage transfers to HP!
    HP: -4/20



    ARMATROID takes 3 Damage (Em).
    HP: -7/20

    ~ Gauge Step ~

    Jericho | 1 X-Level is Acquired!
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Em | 0.5 X-Levels are Acquired!
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Yume | 1 X-Level is Acquired!
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Judit | 2 X-Levels are Acquired!
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Sashna | 1 X-Level is Acquired!
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    {w} {w} {s} {s} {s} {s} {s} {w} {w} A
    {w} { } { } {s} {s} {s} { } { } {b} B
    {w} {^} { } { } {E} { } { } {v} {w} C
    {w} {^} {A} {Y} { } {S} { } {v} {w} D
    {w} {^} { } {T} {J} { } { } {v} {w} E
    {w} {^} { } { } {D} { } { } {v} {w} F
    {w} {^} { } { } { } { } { } {v} {w} G
    {w} {^} { } {I} { } { } { } {v} {w} H
    {b} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {w} I

    ~ Enemy Phase V ~

    DAFTRON moves to E6 (F5 - F6 - E6)

    DAFTRON basic attacks Sashna (D6)! 5 ATK Damage!

    Sashna takes 3 Damage.
    HP: 12/15

    DAFTRON's Innate Property MODE: Beta Block activates!
    Beta Block: 10/10


    IKAZATOR moves to F5 (H4 - H5 - G5 - F5)

    IKAZATOR basic attacks Jericho (E5)! 5 ATK Damage!

    Jericho takes 6 Damage. CRITICAL HIT!!
    HP: 14/25

    {w} {w} {s} {s} {s} {s} {s} {w} {w} A
    {w} { } { } {s} {s} {s} { } { } {b} B
    {w} {^} { } { } {E} { } { } {v} {w} C
    {w} {^} {A} {Y} { } {S} { } {v} {w} D
    {w} {^} { } {T} {J} {D} { } {v} {w} E
    {w} {^} { } { } {I} { } { } {v} {w} F
    {w} {^} { } { } { } { } { } {v} {w} G
    {w} {^} { } { } { } { } { } {v} {w} H
    {b} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {w} I

    Jericho (Enforcer) *Augment: Blade (3)*
    HP: 14/25
    MP: 5/20
    Atk: 5
    Def: 4 --- 2 (1)
    Int: 2
    Spr: 2
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 3%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Auntie Em (Baker) *Labour of Love [2]*
    HP: 6/15
    MP: 30/30
    Atk: 2
    Def: 2 --- 1 (2)
    Int: 5
    Spr: 4
    Critical: 3%
    Evade: 1%
    Move: 2 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Yume (Drive Engineer) *HALFBOOST* *Drive Cooldown (3)*
    - ➤➤➤➤ +
    HP: 19/25
    MP: 2/15
    Atk: 5
    Def: 4
    Int: 2
    Spr: 3
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 3%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Judit (Pawn)
    HP: 24/25
    MP: 4/20
    Atk: 5
    Def: 4
    Int: 2
    Spr: 2
    Critical: 5%
    Evasion: 3%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    Sashna (Fortune Sewer) *Stamping Thread: Thunder (3)*
    HP: 12/15
    MP: 14/30
    Atk: 2
    Def: 2
    Int: 5
    Spr: 4
    Critical: 4%
    Evasion: 5%
    Movement: 2 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    ARMATROID (Security Drone Mk. I) *KO*
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    DAFTRON (Security Drone Mk. I) *Thunder Resistance -20%* *Beta Block: [10/10]*
    HP: 16/20
    MP: 3/30
    Atk: 5
    Def: 2
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Critical: 4%
    Evasion: 5%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    IKAZATOR (Security Drone Mk. I) *Beta Block: [10/10]*
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 4/30
    Atk: 5
    Def: 2
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Critical: 4%
    Evasion: 5%
    Movement: 3 Cells
    X-Gauge: {/////}{/////}{/////}

    { } - Empty Cell

    {^} - Conveyor Belt (Upward)
    --- When Landed or Passed: End Unit's Movement Command and carries them to the end of the Conveyor Belt

    {v} - Conveyor Belt (Downward)
    --- When Landed or Passed: End Unit's Movement Command and carries them to the end of the Conveyor Belt

    {b} - Conveyor Switch
    --- Cannot be Occupied
    --- Interacts with Lightning Element
    --- Trigger Command: Press! [Reverses the Direction of the Conveyor Belts]
    --- HP: 25/25
    --- Def: 10
    --- Spr: 8
    --- CON: 4/10

    {s} - Screen Cell
    --- Cannot be Occupied
    --- Interacts with Lightning Element
    --- HP: 40/40
    --- Def: 15
    --- Spr: 12
    --- CON: 6/10

    {w} - Wall Cell
    --- Cannot be Occupied
    --- HP: 50/50
    --- Def: 32
    --- Spr: 26
    --- CON: 7/10

    ~ Player Phase VI ~
  19. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Judit attacks DAFTRON! 5 ATK damage!
  20. RE: Recursion II [Current Iteration: I, 001]

    Jericho attacks DAFTRON! 6 Atk Damage!

    Jericho moves to F4! (E4 > F4)

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