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Tales of Alidaire: The Struggle

Discussion in 'Statistical Roleplays' started by Masquerade, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. Hikari moves to H6 (I4 - H4 - H5 - H6).

    Hikari nodded to her companions, vision darting from the King's to the assassin's side. The White Knight quickly dashed around the table, positioning herself right behind Lady Alexandra as she was hesitating whether to attack the two newcomers or not, but said nothing. If it would come to killing the girls--Hikari would have to do it, or agree to, at least. After all, letting them live in this scenario would only cause suspicion that would be definitely unneeded. She hoped it wouldn't come to this, quickly brushing the stray thoughts aside as she focused on the conflict at hand.

    "Time to act, then." Hikari whispered to herself.

    Hikari waits...
  2. {Helena waits...}

    Helena glared at her companions, completely indifferent to everything going on. She was inwardly furious at the fact that her so-called allies were so quick to defect to working on the side of the tyrannical king, despite any good intentions they had. “Guys, stop! The decision is absolutely NOT final!” releasing her anger on a group of people whom she had been thrust together with by the fates was clearly not the best of ideas, though she could not believe that there was even a question of whether or not to oppose the two newcomers.

    She stood in place, indecisive on whether or not she wanted to attack the king head-on without the support of the allies she had come to know and respect… even through just a short time together. Mai’s haste to oppose the assassins frustrated her to no end. She glanced at Loresai in front of her as she was moving away - the vampire girl was the closest thing she had to a friend in this group. Though their morals weren’t the same, they had the same goal at the moment. She whispered, “Loresai, you’ll assist me, yes? The rest of them don’t understand… Helping the king won’t be following the instructions we were given at all!”
  3. (Bin used S-ability: Arcane Paradox)
    (Bin moved to J5)

    Bin closed his eyes and spoke to Helena softly. "We were told to investigate. This will only further our plans." He looked over to the white mage in the distance. She was the target, but she seemed to have to much resistance to arcane might. Luckily, he had a way, this would not be an obstacle for him. He trusted his magic stick into the sky in a dramatic fashion and spoke in arcane babble. In a flash of light, Bin's Baker outfit evaporated and his colors had become totally inverted. His hat even revealed it self, with the appearance of a generic top hat. He walked slowly towards the end of the table, closer to his target.
  4. [Mai moves to G1 (J4, J3, J2, J1, I1, H1, G1)]
    [Mai uses Hidden Power! +3 ATK stat!]
    [26/30 MP]
    [Mai waits...]

    Mai dashed at blinding speed around the massive pillar, coming up behind the two girls almost immediately. She conjured up any reserves of energy as she looked at her targets. She had only distantly heard Helena speak, but she didn't catch onto the words. Mai's form began to glow as her body increased with hidden power. She felt her heart pumping in her ears as she awaited her opponent's next move. She smiled... their next move could be their last, she though as she outstretched her sword.
  5. Chapter 02: Assassination

    Location: Archaea Castle - Audience Chamber

    Objective: Aid the assassination of the king or get rid of the trespassers!

    Background: ~Troubled Decision~

    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } A
    { } {c} {c} { } { } {c} {c} { } { } B
    { } {c} {c} { } { } {c} {c} {C} { } C
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } D
    { } { } { } {E} { } { } { } {A} {t} E
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } F
    {M} { } { } { } { } {A} { } {P} { } G
    { } {c} {c} { } {L} {I} { } { } { } H
    { } {c} {c} { } {f} {f} {f} { } { } I
    { } { } { } { } {B} { } {H} { } { } J

    Mai's Haste has 2 turns left.

    Mai's Hidden Power has 3 turns.

    Bin's Arcane Paradox has 4 turns.

    Enemy Phase.

    Albert moves to E5.

    "Troublesome rodents in my castle! You'll be exterminated!" the king exclaimed confidently as he dashed towards the white mage, bringing his golden sword down upon her viciously before taking the other and bashing her in the side with it. He turned his head to face his sages. "Find the other girl! She can't have gotten too far away," he ordered them. With that taken care of, the last issue was that of the supposed bakers. Now he turned his fierce gaze upon them with a slight grin. "I assume you'll be helping me take care of these traitors to the empire? Excellent! Be sure to give them no mercy!" Here, he laughed. It was foolish of these assassins to even dare to strike him down. Had they not known the power of the Chaos Knight?

    Albert attacks Nerra! 2 hits! 13 Dmg! 13 Dark Dmg! (ATK)

    Castor casts Blind on D6! [Chance of Blind]

    MP: 25/35

    Castor waits.

    Pollux casts Blind on F7! [Chance of Blind]

    MP: 25/35

    Pollux waits.

    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } A
    { } {c} {c} { } { } {c} {c} { } { } B
    { } {c} {c} { } { } {c} {c} {C} { } C
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } D
    { } { } { } {E} {A} { } { } { } {t} E
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } F
    {M} { } { } { } { } {A} { } {P} { } G
    { } {c} {c} { } {L} {I} { } { } { } H
    { } {c} {c} { } {f} {f} {f} { } { } I
    { } { } { } { } {B} { } {H} { } { } J

    Neutral Phase.

    Nara is knocked out of stealth!

    Nara is Blind!

    Nara moves to D8.

    Nara cursed as the sage's magic pierced through her invisibility and blinded her. Her heart started to beat more quickly, but she calmed it as she learned in her training. Pausing, she remembered which way she was facing along with the positions of everyone in the audience chamber. Running forward suddenly, she skidded to a halt right next to where the sage would be. "Nerra, protect yourself first and don't worry about me! These 'bakers' are no ordinary bakers. They must be knights of the king," she shouted to her fellow assassin who was already under attack by the king. "We'll never get anything accomplished with these sages around; I'll take care of them," she growled and jabbed her blades out at the fellow in front of her, blindly.

    Nara attacks Castor! 4 hits! 11 Dmg per hit! (ATK) [Target DEF -5% per hit] [Chance of Disable]

    Nerra casts Shield on herself! [Bestows Protect]

    MP: 37/45

    Nerra screamed as the swords ruthlessly sliced her. She trembled a bit, but stood her ground. "I will do as you say, sister," Nerra said in a quiet voice, yet the fierce determination within it was far from inaudible. She muttered something under her breath and was instantly surrounded by a sphere of green mana, crystalline in structure. It seemed as though it would never break. "Come at me with all your might, negligent king. You'll need every ounce of strength your body can muster," she taunted him. She knew she'd fair much better against the king's attacks than her unprotected sister.

    Nerra moves to C4.

    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } A
    { } {c} {c} { } { } {c} {c} { } { } B
    { } {c} {c} {E} { } {c} {c} {C} { } C
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {N} { } D
    { } { } { } { } {A} { } { } { } {t} E
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } F
    {M} { } { } { } { } {A} { } {P} { } G
    { } {c} {c} { } {L} {I} { } { } { } H
    { } {c} {c} { } {f} {f} {f} { } { } I
    { } { } { } { } {B} { } {H} { } { } J

    Nerra's Protect has 5 turns.

    Nara is Blind for 2 more turns!

    Player Phase 2!

    Alexandra (Noble)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 20/20
    DD: 0/10
    Atk: 9
    Def: 4
    Int: 6
    Spr: 5
    Evade: 3%
    Move: 3 cells

    Helena (Rookie Bowman)
    HP: 35/35
    MP: 25//25
    DD: 0/10
    Atk: 9
    Def: 4
    Int: 2
    Spr: 4
    Evade: 5%
    Move: 3 cells

    Hikari (White Knight)
    HP: 35/35
    MP: 25/25
    DD: 0/10
    Atk: 7
    Def: 4
    Int: 5
    Spr: 3
    Evade: 2%
    Move: 3 cells

    Mai (Dragon Apprentice) *HASTE*
    HP: 30/30
    MP: 26/30
    DD: 0/10
    Atk: 7 --- 10
    Def: 5
    Int: 3
    Spr: 5
    Evade: 3%
    Move: 3 cells

    Loresai (Vampire of the Dark Night)
    HP: 35/35
    MP: 20/20
    DD: 0/10
    Atk: 10
    Def: 5
    Int: 2
    Spr: 3
    Evade: 5%
    Move: 4 cells

    Bin (Oddity Wizard) *ARCANE PARADOX*
    HP: 25/25
    MP: 40/40
    DD: 0/10
    Atk: 1
    Def: 4
    Int: 8
    Spr: 5
    Evade: 1%
    Move: 2 cells

    Albert (Chaos Knight)
    HP: 110/110
    MP: 40/40
    DD: 2/10
    Atk: 13
    Def: 5
    Int: 1
    Spr: 4
    Evade: 4%
    Move: 3 cells

    Castor (Sage)
    HP: 25/25
    MP: 25/35
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 4 --- 5
    Def: 3 --- 4
    Int: 10 --- 11
    Spr: 7 --- 8
    Evade: 2%
    Move: 2 cells

    Pollux (Sage)
    HP: 25/25
    MP: 25/35
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 4 --- 5
    Def: 3 --- 4
    Int: 10 --- 11
    Spr: 7 --- 8
    Evade: 2%
    Move: 2 cells

    Nara (Assassin) *BLIND*
    HP: 35/35
    MP: 30/30
    DD: 0/10
    Atk: 10
    Def: 6
    Int: 3
    Spr: 6
    Evade: 15%
    Move: 4 cells

    Nerra (White Mage) *PROTECT*
    HP: 9/25
    MP: 37/45
    DD: 0/10
    Atk: 3
    Def: 5
    Int: 10
    Spr: 9
    Evade: 1%
    Move: 2 cells

    {t} - Throne (cannot be occupied)

    {f} - Food Table (cannot be occupied)

    {c} - Column (cannot be occupied)

    Alexandra waits.

    Alexandra paled as she watched the assassin get brutalized by her uncle. She admired the young girl's strength of will, but there was no way she could last for too much longer. "Please! Just get out of here while you still can!" she shouted at them, hoping that her pleas would not fall upon deaf ears, though she was afraid that they most likely would. This would be a battle to the death, but she did not want anyone to die. You can't have it both ways... a voice within her mind said, but that just made her angrier and more frantic. She was at a loss as to what to do. She just wanted to run away. Out of the audience chamber. Down the streets. Out the town exit. Far, far, far away from here...
  6. Loresai could hear the archer's words as the king rushed for the mage, brutally slicing at her twice. While the others would almost doubtlessly be shirking away, Loresai stood there, watching. The smell of blood, rich, metallic, and wonderful cascaded into Loresai's olfactory sense, giving her a wide smile. She began to move forward as the king spoke, first to the girls, then to the makeshift party that had just masqueraded as bakers. The words were cruel and controlling. Ordering seeming mercenaries to kill the assassins, as if vampires, strange wizards, and uppity nobles were a part of his army.

    Changing her path from the mage towards the king, Loresai smiled, readying her katana so as to strike the king. A black mist surrounded the area around her and the Chaos Knight as she prepared to stab the thin sword forward. Thrusting, she knew that she would soon smell the fantastic aroma of a king's blood, even if the king had become crazed.

    "Helena," the vampire shouted to the archer urging her to take on the king, "it was not your words that changed my mind, but rather this madman's."

    [Loresai moves to cell F5!]
    [Loresai uses Unseen Stab on Albert! 12 ATK Damage!(7 total damage) Chance of blind! MP: 12/20]
  7. {Helena moves to I9 [J7 - J8 - J9 - I9]}
    {Helena basic attacks Pollux (G8). 9 ATK Damage! Chance of Silence!}

    “Helena, it was not your words that changed my mind, but rather this madman's.”

    The words may not have been the most heartwarming, but as they rang throughout the banquet hall accompanied by the slash of the vicious blade that the vampire carried. Helena was happy to at least know that she would not be alone in taking the fight to the king himself, and even if Loresai was not someone she could call a friend, she was an ally that the rookie bowman could depend upon, and that was good enough for her.

    “Thank you, Loresai…” she whispered as she drifted towards the edge of the room, acquiring a vantage point to begin to pick off the mages who would be the support of the king. She drew an arrow, drawing it shakily to her bow. Bin’s comment rang in her mind as she stood there, preparing to reach the point of no return… This is it, she thought to herself No turning back after this shot.

    The adrenaline in her veins was a powerful force - and one that made her incredibly nervous. Her hands shook as she held the bow with a white-knuckled grip, before she loosed an arrow directly at the mage closest to her. The sound of the flying arrow echoed throughout the room, as Helena waited for the response of the arrow piercing flesh…

    Screwing her eyes shut, she called out blindly and coldly for her allies; a single tear running down the side of her cheek, “I hope the rest of you follow this example… We cannot afford to waste this chance. No matter what.”
  8. Mai skipped a breath as she saw the fragile girl slashed by the massive swords of the Chaos Knight. She stopped in her tracks at the powerful sight, her mind suddenly clearing as shame came to her. How could she have jumped to action to help the very person she despised? She looked more carefully on the fact that these girls were so small compare to Albert... she looked at her own uniform. To watch as a heartless man destroy two girls who fought so bravely in their beliefs was too much. It was a dishonor to what she'd been taught to side with this knight, despite what plans may go for.

    Mai gripped the handle of her sword, quickly dashing forward at blinding speed. She stopped in front of Albert, giving off two powerful slices with her sword across his chest before sliding back to avoid any counter attacks.

    [Mai moves to E4 (G1, G2, G3, F3, E3, E4)]
    [Mai uses Basic Attack on Albert! 10 ATK Damage!]
    [Mai uses Basic Attack on Albert! 10 ATK Damage!]
  9. "Wh-what the HELL do you think you're doing!?" Hikari shouted at the rest, but it was too late to prevent anything rash to be done. They did not appear to understand what Bin and her were trying to say--much less the implications of attempting to assassinate King Albert Valentine at the very moment.

    Clutching her dagger tightly and sighing, she run up to the nearest Sage and slashed it once, knowing there was no turning back now.

    Hikari moves to H8 (H6 - H7 - H8).

    Hikari attacks Pollux! 7 Damage.
  10. (Bin moved to cell J7)
    (Bin uses Projectile Teacup on Pollux (8-4) 4 damage dealt)

    Bin clawed at his face as he watched all his allies ignore his plan. I suppose it was inevitable. Bin thought to himself. This is obviously a madman we're dealing with. Bin sighed as he felt the reliability of the moment crumble into dust. Who knows what would happen to him and his new "friends" now. One thing was for sure, it was better to help than to simply stand there and whine that it wasn't his plan being acted out. He turned around and hurried to the other side of the table. Wishing to act as soon as was possible for him, he summoned a teacup from out of nowhere. It was decorated with what appeared to be drawings of Bin himself, in a tutu. Bin himself had not expected this and tripped over his own foot in surprise. Too late to interrupt the spell itself however, which hurdled the teacup into the head of the sage, Pollux.
  11. Albert takes 12 Dmg! [Mai's first hit (MISS)]

    HP: 98/110

    Albert is Blind!

    Pollux takes 12 Dmg!

    HP: 13/25

    Pollux evades Silence!

    Chapter 02: Assassination

    Location: Archaea Castle - Audience Chamber

    Objective: Aid the assassination of the king or get rid of the trespassers!

    Background: ~Troubled Decision~

    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } A
    { } {c} {c} { } { } {c} {c} { } { } B
    { } {c} {c} {E} { } {c} {c} {C} { } C
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {N} { } D
    { } { } { } {M} {A} { } { } { } {t} E
    { } { } { } { } {L} { } { } { } { } F
    { } { } { } { } { } {A} { } {P} { } G
    { } {c} {c} { } { } { } { } {I} { } H
    { } {c} {c} { } {f} {f} {f} { } {H} I
    { } { } { } { } { } { } {B} { } { } J

    Mai's Haste has 1 turn left.

    Mai's Hidden Power has 3 turns left.

    Bin's Arcane Paradox has 3 turns left.

    Enemy Phase.

    Albert uses Violent Vortex! Hits Loresai and Mai! 4 hits! 18 Dmg per hit! (ATK) [First hit (MISS) on Loresai][First hit (MISS) on Mai][Second, third, and fourh hits (FAIL) on Mai (R-Ability)]

    MP: 28/40

    "The bakers! They were but mere assassins in disguise!! DAMN IT!!" the king shouted with immense anger, filling the audience chamber with his voice. His body shook with rage and he gripped his large swords tightly. "How could I have let my guard down? I was foolish! Thinking no one would be stupid enough to challenge me, yet here you are..." his voice trailed off. "I'll put you to death like the damn dogs you are." Albert roared suddenly and spun around with his swords outstretched, slicing the two women assaulting him multiple times. Again and again, the powerful weapons slashed at their bodies before the king stopped and plunged the tips of both weapons into the floor with great force, not caring if it ruined the beautiful marble or not. "You do not know the consequences of what you have done, but I'll be sure to put it on your gravestones."

    Albert waits.

    Castor moves to A8.

    Castor casts Flare on Nara! 24 Fire Dmg! (INT)

    MP: 9/35

    Pollux moves to F8.

    Pollux casts Blind on I8! [Hikari evades Blind][Helena is Blind]

    MP: 15/35

    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {C} { } A
    { } {c} {c} { } { } {c} {c} { } { } B
    { } {c} {c} {E} { } {c} {c} { } { } C
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {N} { } D
    { } { } { } {M} {A} { } { } { } {t} E
    { } { } { } { } {L} { } { } {P} { } F
    { } { } { } { } { } {A} { } { } { } G
    { } {c} {c} { } { } { } { } {I} { } H
    { } {c} {c} { } {f} {f} {f} { } {H} I
    { } { } { } { } { } { } {B} { } { } J

    Neutral Phase.

    Nara takes 18 Dmg!

    HP: 17/35

    R-Ability Survivalist activates! [Evade +1%]

    Nara uses Blend! [Target becomes Invisible]

    MP: 24/30

    Nara cringed as she was engulfed in the mass of fire. She bit her lip, aching to scream out in pain. Her skin was singed, and looking at it made her a bit sick to her stomach, but she shook her head. This wasn't the time. Honestly, she felt like breathing a sigh of relief. The bakers had turned out to be allies...somewhat. They certainly didn't seem to have a liking of the king. She wouldn't take any help for granted. Taking that into consideration, she snarled and gazed at the man in front of her. "All right, you son of a bitch. Let's play some games," she said before completely vanishing from sight. She moved away from the sage, but her footsteps were skillfully silent, just as she was trained.

    Nara moves.

    S-Ability Dedication activates! [+1 MP Recovered]

    MP: 38/45

    Nerra moves to B4.

    Nerra was frightened. The king had just effortlessly mowed down the ones who had tried to defend her and her sister. And there was nothing she could do about it. Despite her training, she felt like crying. She wanted to make them better, but they were beyond salvation at the moment. That's when she realized that there was still one left standing. She had miraculously made it out of the way of all the king's violent efforts. "Stay strong...please," she called out and waved her staff. A green spherical barrier appeared to surround Mai. "That should keep you safe." It was only a temporary fix. Nerra would have to stay on top of the girl to make sure she stayed healthy, for the king would certainly be able to whittle her down with such powerful attacks in due time, though the girl did seem to be rather adept at close quarters combat.

    Nerra casts Shield on Mai! [Bestows Protect]

    MP: 30/45

    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {C} { } A
    { } {c} {c} {E} { } {c} {c} { } { } B
    { } {c} {c} { } { } {c} {c} { } { } C
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } D
    { } { } { } {M} {A} { } { } { } {t} E
    { } { } { } { } {L} { } { } {P} { } F
    { } { } { } { } { } {A} { } { } { } G
    { } {c} {c} { } { } { } { } {I} { } H
    { } {c} {c} { } {f} {f} {f} { } {H} I
    { } { } { } { } { } { } {B} { } { } J

    Nerra's Protect has 4 turns left.

    Nara is Blind for 1 more turn!

    Player Phase 3!

    Alexandra (Noble)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 20/20
    DD: 0/10
    Atk: 9
    Def: 4
    Int: 6
    Spr: 5
    Evade: 3%
    Move: 3 cells

    Helena (Rookie Bowman) *BLIND*
    HP: 35/35
    MP: 25/25
    DD: 1/10
    Atk: 9
    Def: 4
    Int: 2
    Spr: 4
    Evade: 5%
    Move: 3 cells

    Hikari (White Knight)
    HP: 35/35
    MP: 25/25
    DD: 1/10
    Atk: 7
    Def: 4
    Int: 5
    Spr: 3
    Evade: 2%
    Move: 3 cells

    Mai (Dragon Apprentice) *HASTE* *PROTECT*
    HP: 30/30
    MP: 26/30
    DD: 2/10
    Atk: 7 --- 10
    Def: 5
    Int: 3
    Spr: 5
    Evade: 3%
    Move: 3 cells

    Loresai (Vampire of the Dark Night) *KO*
    HP: 0/35
    MP: 12/20
    DD: 1/10
    Atk: 10
    Def: 5
    Int: 2
    Spr: 3
    Evade: 5%
    Move: 4 cells

    Bin (Oddity Wizard) *ARCANE PARADOX*
    HP: 25/25
    MP: 34/40
    DD: 1/10
    Atk: 1
    Def: 4
    Int: 8
    Spr: 5
    Evade: 1%
    Move: 2 cells

    Albert (Chaos Knight)
    HP: 98/110
    MP: 28/40
    DD: 5/10
    Atk: 13
    Def: 5
    Int: 1
    Spr: 4
    Evade: 4%
    Move: 3 cells

    Castor (Sage)
    HP: 25/25
    MP: 9/35
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 4 --- 5
    Def: 3 --- 4
    Int: 10 --- 11
    Spr: 7 --- 8
    Evade: 2%
    Move: 2 cells

    Pollux (Sage)
    HP: 13/25
    MP: 15/35
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 4 --- 5
    Def: 3 --- 4
    Int: 10 --- 11
    Spr: 7 --- 8
    Evade: 2%
    Move: 2 cells

    Nara (Assassin) *BLIND*
    HP: 17/35
    MP: 24/30
    DD: 0/10
    Atk: 10
    Def: 6
    Int: 3
    Spr: 6
    Evade: 15%
    Move: 4 cells

    Nerra (White Mage) *PROTECT*
    HP: 9/25
    MP: 30/45
    DD: 0/10
    Atk: 3
    Def: 5
    Int: 10
    Spr: 9
    Evade: 1%
    Move: 2 cells

    {t} - Throne (cannot be occupied)

    {f} - Food Table (cannot be occupied)

    {c} - Column (cannot be occupied)

    Alexandra uses Graceful Curtsy! [User ATK and INT +25%]

    MP: 12/20

    "Oh no...," Alexandra muttered to herself as she watched Loresai succumb to her uncle's power, whilst Mai was lucky enough to get out of the way of every hit. Had he no mercy? No. "You're not my uncle anymore. You're NOTHING like the man you used to be!!" Alexandra unsheathed her saber. It had been rather unnoticeable before, but she was not apt to leave it behind anymore. She gave her uncle a little curtsy before pointing the blade at him. "Chaos Knight Albert Valentine, you are no longer fit to run this country. May blood spill blood, for I'll die before I see you reign upon this throne for another day!" she shouted. Her heart was beating rapidly. Knowing this...this thing, it would probably have no mercy on her like it had no mercy upon her allies. He's not my uncle anymore. He'll lash out at me in any case. He used to love me, but...no. Not anymore. It's over. For him. I'll continue on for as long as I can, she thought defiantly, more determined than ever to not give up.

    Alexandra waits.
  12. Mai moved at amazing speeds, smoothly dodging the swift swings of the huge blades. She landed on one knee, looking up with a wily smile, but it was quickly wiped from her face. Still caught in her quickened timespeed, she watched as Loresai silently fell to the ground, droplets of blood flying from her body as the last blade in Albert's grip tore from her body.

    Mai froze. She couldn't believe that this man had already taken one of her allies down, and the battle had only begun. This man was pure evil, no mercy!

    "You are the very person I have been taught to defeat..." she murmered as she gave the man a murderous look. "You will have no mercy from me..."

    Mai swiftly lashed out at Albert, easily sliding under one arm and slashing out at his right kidney and tearing his robe, then hopping over his shoulder with a slash to his collarbone, brown crimson fur flying from her blade as she landed perfectly balanced. Mai quickly turned to defend herself from the obviously powerful Chaos Knight.

    [Mai uses Basic Attack on Albert! 10 ATK Damage!]
    [Mai uses Basic Attack on Albert! 10 ATK Damage!]
    [Mai waits...]
  13. The White Knight had, luckily, evaded the sight-deteriorating incantation the Sage had launched at both her and Helena, but the latter wasn't so lucky. Watching in horror as Albert almost destroyed Loresai in a brutal spinning technique, she focused once again and dashed forward at the retreating enemy, positioning herself to his right seeing that his previous spell had targeted a wider area of effect, and so she slashed once. He is... powerful. Can we really win?, Hikari doubted as the strike connected, or so she thought.

    Hikari moves to F9 (H8 - G8 - G9 - F9).

    Hikari attacks Pollux! 7 Damage.
  14. {Helena moves to G9 [I9 - H9 - G9]}
    {Helena basic attacks Pollux (F8). 9 ATK Damage! Chance of Silence!}

    Her tears had not been misplaced - the rest of the team had changed their minds enough to assist her in her moral crusade against the tyrannical king. Though when she reopened her eyes, she found that her vision had faded; she could not see. Helena screamed in anguish, before abruptly stopping; realizing it futile to do so, seeing as the only senses she could rely on were touch and sound to locate the inhuman thing which had rendered her in such a state. Clumsily, she felt her way along the wall, attempting to make her way to where she had last seen - or rather, heard - the sage cast its spell on her.

    From her new position, she turned to face what she assumed was the direction of the sage. Inelegantly, the rookie bowman nocked an arrow to her bow, before letting it fly directly towards the sage that had blinded her; she hoped it would connect again, with some otherworldly luck…
  15. (Bin moved to I8)
    (Bin uses Projectile Teacup on Pollux (8-4) 4 damage dealt)

    Bin peeked from under the table as the vampire baker was defeated by Albert. For a moment he winced in fear. This was no joke. This wasn't a rouge archer, this wasn't a mentally retarded investigator, this was a very real threat, and something had to be done fast. He had a spell that would probably be effective on Albert, but now was not the time to cast it. In leaped over to where Hikari and Helena where fighting, in an almost animal-like fashion and began to cast another spell. He realized, his mana was running short too quickly, he wasn't fully ready for a fight like this, he didn't even have a real weapon. Bin cleared his mind of such pessimism and finished the teacup spell, this time with far more mastery than his first casting. The teacup was decorated with an abstract painting of what appeared to be humans in some type of white uniform. Bin sent the cup flying in an arc over Hikari's head and hopefully into the head of the opposing sage.
  16. Albert takes 10 Dmg!

    HP: 88/110

    Pollux takes 12 Dmg!

    HP: 1/25

    Pollux is Silenced!

    Chapter 02: Assassination

    Location: Archaea Castle - Audience Chamber

    Objective: Aid the assassination of the king or get rid of the trespassers!

    Background: ~Troubled Decision~

    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {C} { } A
    { } {c} {c} {E} { } {c} {c} { } { } B
    { } {c} {c} { } { } {c} {c} { } { } C
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } D
    { } { } { } {M} {A} { } { } { } {t} E
    { } { } { } { } {L} { } { } {P} {I} F
    { } { } { } { } { } {A} { } { } {H} G
    { } {c} {c} { } { } { } { } { } { } H
    { } {c} {c} { } {f} {f} {f} {B} { } I
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } J

    Mai's Haste fades.

    Mai's Hidden Power has 2 turns left.

    Bin's Arcane Paradox has 2 turns left.

    Helena is Blind for 2 more turns!

    Mai's Protect has 2 turns left.

    Enemy Phase.

    Albert attacks Mai! 2 hits! 13 Dark Dmg per hit! (ATK) [Both hits (MISS)]

    "So the day has come when my own FAMILY has turned against me?!" Albert roared and slashed wildly at Mai with his blades, but with his impaired vision, he just could not get a hit in. "You know what, Alexandra, my beloved niece? Just TRY and kill me if you can! Your words may be bold, but it can't hide the weakness in your heart," he shot at her, filling the room with his crazed laughter.

    Albert waits.

    Castor waits.

    Pollux waits.

    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {C} { } A
    { } {c} {c} {E} { } {c} {c} { } { } B
    { } {c} {c} { } { } {c} {c} { } { } C
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } D
    { } { } { } {M} {A} { } { } { } {t} E
    { } { } { } { } {L} { } { } {P} {I} F
    { } { } { } { } { } {A} { } { } {H} G
    { } {c} {c} { } { } { } { } { } { } H
    { } {c} {c} { } {f} {f} {f} {B} { } I
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } J

    Albert is Blind for 1 more turn!

    Pollux is Silenced for 2 more turns!

    Neutral Phase.

    Nara moves.

    There was nothing left the sage could do. It seemed as though he ran out of mana. He's just a waste of space at this point, she thought and drew nearer to him before lunging out of her invisibility with a flurry of calculated blows that she had plenty of time to premeditate beforehand. She couldn't keep her mind clear though. Those bakers...who were they? They weren't truly assassins like she and Nerra were, right? And even the king's own niece was siding with them. It was an interesting turnout, but she was not going to take it for granted. Her and her sister needed any help they could get. She didn't want to admit it because of her pride, but they had definitely been way in over their heads. No amount of training can prepare one for a battle against someone so powerful...

    Nara attacks Castor! 4 hits! 11 Dmg per hit! [Target DEF -5% per hit][Chance of Disable]

    S-Ability Dedication activates! [+1 MP Recovered]

    MP: 31/45

    Nerra casts Cure on herself! [+8 HP Recovered]

    MP: 27/45

    R-Ability Preservation activates!

    Nerra casts Cure on Nara! [+5 HP Recovered]

    MP: 25/45

    Nerra closed her eyes and chanted a healing spell to help alleviate her own wounds. Sparkles of light surrounded her and entered her body causing a shimmering wave of light to cover it but for a mere second. With the condition of Nara on her mind, she focused intently and sent a dazzling array of light towards her sister, the sparks entering her body and performing the same tasks as it was on herself. When she opened her eyes, she saw the brave woman taking on the king head-on easily dodge more of the king's mighty blows. She was nearly awestruck. But how much longer would it last? She stood at the ready should the woman need more support.

    Nerra waits.

    { } { } { } { } { } { } {N} {C} { } A
    { } {c} {c} {E} { } {c} {c} { } { } B
    { } {c} {c} { } { } {c} {c} { } { } C
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } D
    { } { } { } {M} {A} { } { } { } {t} E
    { } { } { } { } {L} { } { } {P} {I} F
    { } { } { } { } { } {A} { } { } {H} G
    { } {c} {c} { } { } { } { } { } { } H
    { } {c} {c} { } {f} {f} {f} {B} { } I
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } J

    Nerra's Protect has 3 turns left.

    Nara is no longer Blind!

    Player Phase 4!

    Alexandra (Noble)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 12/20
    DD: 0/10
    Atk: 9 --- 11
    Def: 4
    Int: 6 --- 8
    Spr: 5
    Evade: 3%
    Move: 3 cells

    Helena (Rookie Bowman) *BLIND*
    HP: 35/35
    MP: 25/25
    DD: 2/10
    Atk: 9
    Def: 4
    Int: 2
    Spr: 4
    Evade: 5%
    Move: 3 cells

    Hikari (White Knight)
    HP: 35/35
    MP: 25/25
    DD: 2/10
    Atk: 7
    Def: 4
    Int: 5
    Spr: 3
    Evade: 2%
    Move: 3 cells

    Mai (Dragon Apprentice) *PROTECT*
    HP: 30/30
    MP: 26/30
    DD: 4/10
    Atk: 7 --- 10
    Def: 5
    Int: 3
    Spr: 5
    Evade: 3%
    Move: 3 cells

    Loresai (Vampire of the Dark Night) *KO*
    HP: 0/35
    MP: 12/20
    DD: 1/10
    Atk: 10
    Def: 5
    Int: 2
    Spr: 3
    Evade: 5%
    Move: 4 cells

    Bin (Oddity Wizard) *ARCANE PARADOX*
    HP: 25/25
    MP: 28/40
    DD: 2/10
    Atk: 1
    Def: 4
    Int: 8
    Spr: 5
    Evade: 1%
    Move: 2 cells

    Albert (Chaos Knight) *BLIND*
    HP: 88/110
    MP: 28/40
    DD: 5/10
    Atk: 13
    Def: 5
    Int: 1
    Spr: 4
    Evade: 4%
    Move: 3 cells

    Castor (Sage) *DISABLE*
    HP: 10/25
    MP: 9/35
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 4 --- 5
    Def: 3 --- 4 --- 3 --- 2
    Int: 10 --- 11
    Spr: 7 --- 8
    Evade: 2%
    Move: 2 cells

    Pollux (Sage) *CRITICAL* *SILENCE*
    HP: 1/25
    MP: 15/35
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 4 --- 5
    Def: 3 --- 4
    Int: 10 --- 11
    Spr: 7 --- 8
    Evade: 2%
    Move: 2 cells

    Nara (Assassin)
    HP: 22/35
    MP: 24/30
    DD: 2/10
    Atk: 10
    Def: 6
    Int: 3
    Spr: 6
    Evade: 15% --- 16%
    Move: 4 cells

    Nerra (White Mage) *PROTECT*
    HP: 17/25
    MP: 25/45
    DD: 0/10
    Atk: 3
    Def: 5
    Int: 10
    Spr: 9
    Evade: 1%
    Move: 2 cells

    {t} - Throne (cannot be occupied)

    {f} - Food Table (cannot be occupied)

    {c} - Column (cannot be occupied)

    Alexandra moves to E6.

    Alexandra rushed in now, saber at the ready. She skidded to a halt right behind her uncle. "Yeah, I'll show you weakness," she nearly growled and slashed the king right across the back ruthlessly, leaping back quickly to gain space between her and him. "It doesn't take strength to rid the world of someone like the person you've become," she stated simply, pointing her weapon at him. "It takes justice." With that, she yelled and lunged forward, embedding her saber right into her uncle's back. She closed her eyes as she felt the weapon pierce his body. Though she knew it was the right thing to do, she still couldn't help but feel sickened at the idea. She stabbed her own family member in the back, both metaphorically and literally. What's done is done, she thought, shaking off the bad feeling the best that she could.

    Alexandra uses Slash, Distance, Lunge on Albert! 2 hits! 15 Dmg per hit! (ATK)

    MP: 2/20
  17. Hikari slashed once again with her bladed weapon at the weakened Sage, hopefully with enough force it would knock it out unconscious and have one less enemy in a battle she wasn't even sure they could win. She jumped above the falling Sage, and turned quickly to the other that was currently being assaulted by the mysterious assassin. She caught a glimpse of Albert attacking--and missing--Mai, while Alexandra lunged to perform an attack of her own.

    "Just one more before the King..."

    Hikari attacks Pollux! 7 Damage.

    Hikari moves to D8 (F9 - F8 - E8 - D8).
  18. Mai swiftly dodged the two blows with almost elegant ease, bending and flexing around the thick steel blades. As she watched Alexandra stab her own uncle, a feeling of justice seemed to flow through her. The blood of a family extinguishing the tainted of their own for the betterment of the world. Mai felt a powerful amount of respect, swinging her blade forward.

    "Alexandra..." Mai called her between herself and Albert, "You're doing the right thing." Mai nodded to Alexandra approvingly, a sincere look in here eye.

    Mai then turned her attention to the man in front of her, blinded and in a blundering rage. Mai charged forward in a glowing blue flash, flying into Albert head-on and stabbing her blade into him. Using the momentum, she front-flipped over Albert and pulling her blade out painfully.

    Mai landed on the other side and gave a challenging look to Alexandra. "You know him best; how long do you think we can last against him?" Mai then quickly dashed around to both confuse and face the Chaos Knight.

    [Mai uses Basic Attack on Albert! 10 ATK Damage!]
    [Mai waits...]
  19. (Bin moves to H7)
    (Bin waits)

    Bin leaped closer to Albert, still on his fours. Albert did seem to be steadily going down, and Bin felt he should be aiding that process. Attacking with a spell now would be foolish due to the odd aura he had used to aid him in attacking the sages, or originally, the white mage. Before he planed to even worry about casting a spell, he figured the best things to do would be to use his other newer skill, which would allow him to slowly drain the life of the maddened king, with no less than a song. Given, it had a chance of failure, but attempting to use it would still greatly benefit the onslaught. He made his way, but he was moving too slowly, as everyone else continued to act around him...
  20. {Helena moves to F7 [G9 - G8 - G7 - F7]}
    {Helena uses Snakebite on Albert (E5). 9 ATK Damage! Chance of Poison!}
    <MP: 19/25>

    Remaining silent due to her lack of ability to see, Helena simply let her mind’s eye paint the scene for her. She imagined where Alexandra would be standing in proportion to where the corrupt king’s voice was ringing from, as well as the former’s attack ringing powerfully off of the armour and echoing throughout the gold room. Helena hoped she would regain her sight shortly, for it was only a matter of time before the king would turn his sights on the rest of the party. She prayed they would not meet the same fate as Loresai.

    Stealthily, she moved towards the mental scene before her. She had no idea if she were even travelling in the right direction, but nonetheless, she began to channel her Mana Cycle into an arrow, willing it to have the venom of a viper… “This, oh king, is a sentiment to your ‘leadership,’ and may this poison run through your bloodstream like your poison has run through your country!” She prayed she wouldn’t miss, and let her arrow fire…

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