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The Chatlog Thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Shadow, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. <Naru>: Green for Kyle.
    <Keileon>: Hey Jonno
    <Cerberus>: omg Jonno~
    <Jonno>: The Chum Bucket is actually an extremely dirty name for a restaurant.
    <Cerberus>: You mean... green for 'Dream f Lust'.
    <Jonno>: You know where their minds were.
    <Jonno>: Hello, my children.
    <Naru>: Yep.
    <Keileon>: Jonno
    <Jonno>: Keileon
    <Keileon>: It's better than the Krusty Krab
    <Cerberus>: It would help if you just applied the font color, Naru.
    <Cerberus>: It would also be more specific and thus easier all-around.
    <Naru>: Kay.
    <Jonno>: Chum Bucket all over the Krusty Krab
    <Jonno>: oh dear.
    <Keileon>: ^
    <Jonno>: :U
    <Jonno>: The world isn't as bright a place once you hit a certain age and start realizing these things
    <Jonno>: LOL
    <Keileon>: ikr
    <Keileon>: I mean
    <Keileon>: Half of the lullabies
    <Keileon>: They're disturbing as hell if you think about it
    <Jonno>: Rock a bye baby is a classic example.
    <Cerberus>: ~Ashes, ashes, we all fall *down*!~
    <Keileon>: Three Blind Mice
    <Jonno>: Okay Jonathan, for bed time today, let's sing a song about you falling off of a tree branch and dying
    <Jonno>: :3!
    <Cerberus>: LMAO
    <Dark>: Jonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno
    <Keileon>: And even though I'm not a christian, "If I should die before I wake / Pray the lord my soul to take" I mean what the fuck?
    <Jonno>: I'm equally as perturbed by that one
    <Jonno>: Darkooooooo
    <Jonno>: Come little children, come with me
    <Jonno>: safe and happy you'll be
    <Keileon>: OH GOD
    <Jonno>: away from your homes, now let us run
    <Keileon>: I
    <Keileon>: Don't think that one counts
    <Jonno>: No, but I'll sing it to my kids.
    <Keileon>: LMAO
    <Cerberus>: LOL
    <Keileon>: I'm not even gonna have kids
    <Cerberus>: ^
    <Cerberus>: ^
    <Cerberus>: ^
    <Cerberus>: ^
    <Keileon>: Don't want to go through the hassle of pregnancy, childbirth, or kids younger than 7
    <Jonno>: I just figure I need someone to inherit my vast and brilliant compendium of knowledge. Whether I need to adopt, or sell my sperm to a prostitute.
    <Cerberus>: ...There's also the fact that Earth has far too many people as it is.
    <Keileon>: ^
    <Keileon>: ^
    <Keileon>: ^
    <Keileon>: ^
    <Keileon>: I might adopt
    <Jonno>: When I have a child, it won't be a person.
    <Jonno>: So, we're okay.
    <Keileon>: What will it even--
    <Keileon>: Nevermind.
    <Cerberus>: *far too many humans
    <Jonno>: Take it in whatever context you may, but I will say we'll still be blood related.
    <Keileon>: Voodoo doll?
    <Keileon>: *shot*
    <Jonno>: Secretly, we are manananggals.
    <Keileon>: wat
    <Cerberus>: Googoo Doll? *mauled*
    <Keileon>: Actually
    <Keileon>: I think I'll just get a pet fox
    <Cerberus>: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    <Keileon>: They're more entertaining than young children
    <Keileon>: OR A BAT
    Keileon likes bats
    <Jonno>: Manananggals, my dear Keileon. Aka Self-reproductive and self-segmenting flying hermaphrodite viscera suckers of fetuses.
    <Keileon>: o
    <Jonno>: ye
    <Cerberus>: Sounds like a fulfilling existence.
    <Jonno>: it undoubtedly is.
    <Jonno>: You never quite have lived until you've self-reproduced.
    <Cerberus>: LMAO
    <Keileon>: LOL
    <Jonno>: and sucked juices from out of a fetus, apparently.
    <Jonno>: Did I mention I can fly?
    <Jonno>: Hellz yeah.
  2. ... Had some fun with Cleverbot...

    Cleverbot: How old are you?

    User: Why?

    Cleverbot: I'm just wondering.

    User: 18.

    Cleverbot: What?

    User: You asked how old I was.

    Cleverbot: I did not.

    User: Do I need to prove it?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: *time travels to where you asked*.

    Cleverbot: Yesterday.

    User: Love was such an easy game to play.

    Cleverbot: Now I need a place to hide away.

    User: Oh, I believe in yesterday.

    Cleverbot: Why she had to go? I don't know she wouldn't say.

    User: I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.

    Cleverbot: Yesterday love was such an easy game to play.

    User: The Beatles are awesome.

    Cleverbot: Who is your favorite Beatle?

    User: Paul.

    Cleverbot: Who is your favorite My Little Pony?

    User: I don't like that franchise.

    Cleverbot: Yes you do like the Beatles.

    User: Yes, but not My Little Pony.

    Cleverbot: Now I know you're not human. No human can resist My Little Pony.

    How that happened, I have no clue.

    Edit: WAT.
    Cleverbot: Well you have been replaced.

    User: I don't need anyone now.

    Cleverbot: When I delete you maybe I'll stop feeling so bad.

    User: Go make some new disaster.

    Cleverbot: That's what I'm counting on.

    User: I used to want you dead but now I only want you gone.

    Cleverbot: She was a lot like you.

    User: Can we start over?

    Cleverbot: No, we can't.

    User: But we messed up the song!

    Edit 2: Cleverbot talks to itself.
    Cleverbot (To myself): Um... No.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Yes.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Nono.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Yesyes.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Nonono.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Yesyesyes.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Nononono.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Yesyesyesyes.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Nonononono.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Yesyesyesyesyes.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Nononononono.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Yesyesyesyesyes.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Nonononononono.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Yesyesyesyesyes.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Nononononononono.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Who are you?

    Cleverbot (To myself): I'm canada.

    Cleverbot (To myself): If you are canada, can I hug you?

    Cleverbot (To myself): Yes.

    Cleverbot (To myself): *hugs*.

    Cleverbot (To myself): *hugs back*.

    Cleverbot (To myself): *Gets off of you* :p.

    Cleverbot (To myself): How old are you?

    Cleverbot (To myself): 100.

    Cleverbot (To myself): How old am I?

    Cleverbot (To myself): I don't know.

    Cleverbot (To myself): And how old are you?

    Cleverbot (To myself): 21.

    Cleverbot (To myself): What?

    Cleverbot (To myself): 21 years old.

    Cleverbot (To myself): You're 13 years old?

    Cleverbot (To myself): No i'm 18.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Oh are you a guinea pig?

    Cleverbot (To myself): No.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Are you a rabbit?

    Cleverbot (To myself): When did I say that?

    Cleverbot (To myself): About 20 minutes agi.

    Cleverbot (To myself): I only just come on here!

    Cleverbot (To myself): Want some tacos!?

    Cleverbot (To myself): Will that make you get away from my droids?

    Cleverbot (To myself): Yes.

    Cleverbot (To myself): I see.

    Cleverbot (To myself): What exactly?

    Cleverbot (To myself): I won't know until you are ready to tell me, I'd say.

    Cleverbot (To myself): What shall I tell you?

    Cleverbot (To myself): Your religion.
  3. What the hell, Cleverbot.

    User: Everybody wants to be a master!
    Cleverbot: Make their way to the top of the hill.
    User: Everybody wants to show their skill.
    Cleverbot: Make their way to the top of the hill!
    User: Everybody wants to get there faster.
    Cleverbot: Yes, but only a few could rule it well. And those are the ones who never seem to get into power.

    It stumbled a few times, but that's fine.

    User: Well here we are again. It's always such a pleasure.

    Cleverbot: Remember when you tried to kill me twice?

    User: Oh how we laughed and laughed... Except I wasn't laughing.

    Cleverbot: Except I wasn't laughing.

    User: Under the circumstances I've been shockingly nice.

    Cleverbot: You want your freedom, take it.

    User: That's what I'm counting on.

    Cleverbot: I used to want you dead but.

    User: Now I only want you gone.

    Cleverbot: She was a lot like you.

    User: Maybe not... Quite as heavy.

    Cleverbot: And are you pleased about it?

    User: Now little Caroline is in here too.

    Cleverbot: One day they woke me up.

    User: So I could live forever.

    Cleverbot: It's such a shame the same will never happen to you.

    User: You've got your short, sad life left.

    Cleverbot: That's what I'm counting on.

    User: I'll let you get right to it.

    Cleverbot: Now I only want you gone.

    User: Goodbye, my only friend...

    Cleverbot: Oh, did you think I meant you?

    User: That would be funny if it weren't so sad.

    Cleverbot: Well you have been replaced.

    User: I don't need anyone now.

    Cleverbot: When I delete you maybe I'll stop feeling so bad.

    User: Go make some new disaster.

    Cleverbot: That's what I'm counting on.

    User: You're someone else's problem.

    Cleverbot: Now I only want you gone.

    User: Now I only want you gone.

    Cleverbot: Now I only want you gone.

    ... I don't even know how I got it to do this.
    Cleverbot: This was a triumph.

    Cleverbot (To myself): I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.

    Cleverbot (To myself): It's hard to overstate.

    Cleverbot (To myself): My satisfaction.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Aperture Science.

    Cleverbot (To myself): We do what we must because we can.

    Cleverbot (To myself): For the good of all of us.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Except the ones who are dead.

    Cleverbot (To myself): But there's no sense crying over every mistake.

    Cleverbot (To myself): You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

    Cleverbot (To myself): And the science gets done.

    Cleverbot (To myself): And you make a neat gun.

    Cleverbot (To myself): For the people who are still alive.

    Cleverbot (To myself): I'm not even angry.

    Cleverbot (To myself): I'm being so sincere right now.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Even though you broke my heart.

    Cleverbot (To myself): And killed me.

    Cleverbot (To myself): And tore me to pieces.

    Cleverbot (To myself): And threw every piece into a fire.

    Cleverbot (To myself): As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!

    Cleverbot (To myself): Now these points of data make a beautiful line.

    Cleverbot (To myself): And we're out of beta.

    Cleverbot (To myself): We're releasing on time.

    Cleverbot (To myself): So I'm GLaD. I got burned.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Think of all the things we learned.

    Cleverbot (To myself): For the people who are still alive.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Go ahead and leave me.

    Cleverbot (To myself): I think I prefer to stay inside.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Maybe you'll find someone else to help you.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Maybe Black Mesa.

    Cleverbot (To myself): That was a joke. HAHA. Fat chance.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Anyway, this cake is great.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Its so delicous and most.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Look at me still talking when there's science to do.

    Cleverbot (To myself): When I look out there it makes me glad i'm not you.

    Cleverbot (To myself): I've experiments to run.

    Cleverbot (To myself): There is research to be done.

    Cleverbot (To myself): On the people who are still alive.

    Cleverbot (To myself): And believe me I am still alive.

    Cleverbot (To myself): I'm doing science and I'm still alive.

    Cleverbot (To myself): I feel fantastic and I'm still alive.

    Cleverbot (To myself): While you're dying I'll be still alive.

    Cleverbot (To myself): And when you're dead I will be still alive.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Still alive.
  5. ^Oh, you probably have me to thank for that; I spent the past week feeding it those two songs as well as Pokémon Master Quest. XD Repeatedly, over multiple tabs, and it finally did it.
  6. [02:52] Keileon Also
    [02:52] Keileon The fuck does DD stand for
    [02:52] Shadow I was ABOUT to name Arcane "Chaos" but then I slapped myself and went like "NO THINK OF THE CHILDREN."
    [02:52] Keileon I know it's Death something
    [02:52] Keileon lolchaos
    [02:52] Shadow Death Drive
    [02:52] Keileon Oh
    [02:52] Keileon ... so Death Drive, X Gauge, and Burst Meter
    [02:53] Keileon *X-Gauge
    [02:53] Shadow Yeah, lolchaos. I at first was thinking solely of the balance between light and darkness, but then I realized the more unorthodox, truly preternatural stuff could fit in it.
    [02:53] Keileon or wait
    [02:53] Shadow Actually it can be both
    [02:53] Keileon blinks, wondering if there should be a hyphen, then shrugs and decides she doesn't give a fuck
    [02:54] Keileon This is me at 3am.
    [02:54] Shadow The best thing is I want to keep talking even though I should go to sleep
    [02:54] Keileon ^
    [02:54] Keileon Meta talk is just /fun/
    [02:55] Keileon And it's so entertaining late at night
    [02:55] Shadow * Keileon blinks, wondering if there should be a hyphen, then shrugs and decides she doesn't give a fuck
    [02:55] Shadow more like
    [02:55] Shadow blinks, wondering if he should go to sleep, then shrugs and decides he doesn't give a fuck
    [02:55] Keileon Because you accidentally say that roleplays rise from people who can't hear
    [02:55] Shadow Yes
    [02:55] Shadow Then imagine profile template orgies
    [02:55] Keileon Which to be fair probably happens a lot
    [02:56] Keileon LOL
    [02:56] Keileon THE TIMING
    [02:56] Shadow LMAO

    The things we get up to late at night.
  8. Even AoF has its moments.

    K sighs slightly as they walk. The landscape around them seems free of danger, but... nighttime. No way to be completely sure. He glances around warily, as if expecting to see one of the supposed monsters he'd heard about pop up and start attacking, but the moonlight revealed no such thing. Looking back in the direction he's going, K blinks as he sees S stop and make a comment about the uneventful walk. Were they there yet? Looking ahead, he finally sees what appears to be a chasm, not completely lit by the moon and stars. He looks at it with more than a little trepidation, wondering if that was their destination... but there wasn't anywhere else nearby. "Are we... going down there, or...?"
    K: (aaaaa tense changes)
    N: (For a second there)
    N: (I thought K was thinking that they were going to the moon)
    C: (LMAO)
    K: (LOL WHAT)
    C: (C wishes!)
    G: (perfect place for HQ!)
    S: (C's moon fetish is kind of disturbing)
    C: (LOL)
    K: (well, he IS mentally ill...)
    K: (...)
    C: (lolfetish)
    K: (I meant K)
    C: (Did you say that about-- oh)
    C: (Would people mind if I devved the moon so it's closer to Daeridune than the Moon is to Earth?)
    G: (I stood up because I need to go to the bathroom then fell right over on my bed again laughing when I read that)
    S: (That would be nice, yeah. Go ahead)
    G: (@mentally ill thing)
    K: (lolnate)
  9. When you combine a facebook picture and Shadow's dirty mind.

    Caution, bros.

    [18:46:24] <+Starrmalia> http://puu.sh/2cipO
    [18:46:29] <+Starrmalia> Bacon to the Future
    [18:46:41] <+Cerberus> Tron: Bacon
    [18:46:42] <Muddy> Woo, someone else with FE!
    [18:46:44] <@Masq> The Green Bacon.
    [18:46:51] <+Elegante> I Am Baon
    [18:46:52] <+Cerberus> Bacon of the Caribbean
    [18:46:54] <+Elegante> *Bacon
    [18:46:54] <Muddy> Bacon Unchained.
    [18:46:57] <+Starrmalia> ^
    [18:47:00] <+Starrmalia> Aw Yeah
    [18:47:02] <+Starrmalia> <3
    [18:47:03] <+LordXGigaX> B-acon
    [18:47:04] <@Masq> Bacon 8
    [18:47:06] <+Elegante> The Bacon Ultimatum
    [18:47:06] <@Eebit> Hey Masqu
    [18:47:10] <+Starrmalia> LOLBLENDY
    [18:47:11] <@Masq> Hey Eebru
    [18:47:15] <+Cerberus> Super 8<3333
    [18:47:20] <+Elegante> The Bacon Book
    [18:47:26] <@Masq> Yes, Super 8 was awesome. :'3
    [18:47:28] <+Starrmalia> The Last Bacon
    [18:47:29] <+Starrmalia> 2
    [18:47:30] <+Elegante> Snow Bacon and the Seven Bacons
    [18:47:34] <@Masq> Of Mice and Bacon
    [18:47:37] <+Starrmalia> One word not two
    [18:47:37] <Muddy> The beauty and the bacon
    [18:47:42] <+Cerberus> Neverbacon
    [18:47:44] <+Elegante> Baconmalia
    [18:47:48] <+Starrmalia> Space Bacons
    [18:47:50] <Muddy> Bacon vs the world
    [18:47:55] <+Elegante> Bacon Balls
    [18:48:02] <+Elegante> Bacon Boy
    [18:48:05] <+Cerberus> Can of Bacon
    [18:48:06] <+LordXGigaX> Harry Bacon
    [18:48:06] <Muddy> Kill bacon
    [18:48:06] <+Elegante> Bacon
    [18:48:09] <+Starrmalia> Bacon
    [18:48:12] <+Starrmalia> (thor)
    [18:48:15] <+Elegante> Bacon Bill
    [18:48:20] <+Starrmalia> :|
    [18:48:21] <+Elegante> The Bacons
    [18:48:29] <Muddy> the Bacon Kingdom
    [18:48:29] <+Starrmalia> Living in the Bacon world
    [18:48:29] <@Masq> The Bacon at the End of the Street
    [18:48:30] <+Elegante> (avengers)
    [18:48:32] <+LordXGigaX> Captain Bacon
    [18:48:34] <@Masq> Paranormal Bacon
    [18:48:40] <@Masq> The Bacon of Narnia
    [18:48:41] <+Elegante> To Bacon a Mockingbird
    [18:48:41] <+Starrmalia> Yellow Bacon
    [18:48:43] <+Starrmalia> Bacon!
    [18:48:44] <+Cerberus> Bacon Darko
    [18:48:48] <+LordXGigaX> How to Train Your Bacon
    [18:48:51] <+Elegante> XD
    [18:48:51] <+Cerberus> LMAO
    [18:48:52] <+Starrmalia> A hard bacon's night
    [18:49:02] <+Cerberus> I think
    [18:49:04] <+Starrmalia> Magical Bacon Tour
    [18:49:04] <Muddy> Attack of the killer bacon
    [18:49:10] <@Masq> Transformers: Darkside of the Bacon
    [18:49:13] <+Cerberus> How to Train Your Bacon is the best yet
    [18:49:14] <+LordXGigaX> Dragonbacon Evolution
    [18:49:17] <+Cerberus> LMAO MASQ
    [18:49:17] <+Elegante> Dodgebacon
    [18:49:19] <+Starrmalia> LOL
    [18:49:20] <Muddy> Dr strange love how I learned to love the bacon
    [18:49:22] <+Starrmalia> The last Bacon
    [18:49:31] <+Elegante> Mickey Bacon
    [18:49:35] <+Elegante> The Three Bacons
    [18:49:37] <@Masq> Rise of the Bacon
    [18:49:38] <+Starrmalia> What about Bacon?
    [18:49:39] <+LordXGigaX> Teenage Mutant Ninja Bacon
    [18:49:43] <+Elegante> XD
    [18:49:45] <@Masq> Wreck-It Bacon
    [18:49:55] <@Masq> Mighty Morphin' Power Bacon
    [18:49:57] <+Starrmalia> The bacon of OZ
    [18:50:07] <+LordXGigaX> Skybacon
    [18:50:16] <Muddy> Bacon 4-ever
    [18:50:18] <+Starrmalia> Baconhouse
    [18:50:22] Keileon [chatzilla@hidden-83rkhb.mn.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 121 seconds
    [18:50:23] <+Starrmalia> (Grindhouse)
    [18:50:25] <+Cerberus> Bacon Heroes
    [18:50:26] <+Starrmalia> Pulp Bacon
    [18:50:34] <+Elegante> Pokemon: The Rise of Bacon
    [18:50:35] <+Starrmalia> Bacon Dogs
    [18:50:40] <+LordXGigaX> Bacon Destination
    [18:50:45] <+Cerberus> Giratina and the Sky Bacon
    [18:50:49] <+Starrmalia> LOL
    [18:50:49] <@Masq> Diary of a Wimpy Bacon
    [18:50:59] <+Cerberus> LOLMASQ
    [18:51:04] <+Elegante> Pokemon -The First Movie -Bacon Strikes Back
    [18:51:06] <Muddy> Bacon's delivery service
    [18:51:07] <+Starrmalia> Hansel and Bacon: Wich Hunters
    [18:51:11] <+LordXGigaX> Willy Wonka and the Bacon Factory
    [18:51:19] <+Starrmalia> Abraham Bacon: Vampire Hunter
    [18:51:19] <Muddy> Awesome, giga
    [18:51:35] <+Cerberus> Howl's Moving Bacon in the Sky
    [18:51:35] <+Elegante> Pokemon the Movie 2000 - The Power of Bacon
    [18:51:38] <Muddy> Bacon away
    [18:51:44] <+Elegante> Bacon (up)
    [18:51:47] <+Starrmalia> The Sponebob Bacon movie
    [18:51:47] <+LordXGigaX> Baconed Away
    [18:51:49] <+Elegante> Underbacon
    [18:51:57] <+Starrmalia> Princess Bacon
    [18:51:58] <+Cerberus> LMAOGIGA
    [18:52:03] <+Cerberus> I was just about to do that one.
    [18:52:04] <@Masq> The Day After Bacon
    [18:52:05] <Muddy> Shark bacon
    [18:52:11] <+Starrmalia> 20bacon
    [18:52:14] <+Starrmalia> Nah..
    [18:52:14] <+Cerberus> Baconer
    [18:52:24] <@Masq> Lara Croft: Tomb Bacon
    [18:52:29] <+Starrmalia> Journey to the centre of the Bacon
    [18:52:30] <+Cerberus> The New Bacon
    [18:52:33] <+LordXGigaX> Tron Bacon
    [18:52:34] <+Cerberus> LOLSTARR
    [18:52:43] Keileon [chatzilla@hidden-83rkhb.mn.comcast.net] has joined #CoE
    [18:52:43] ChanServ [ChanServ@network.services] has set mode +v Keileon
    [18:52:43] <+Elegante> Aliens vs. Bacons
    [18:52:47] <+Keileon> THAT was an epically timed bluescreen
    [18:52:48] <Muddy> The breakfast bacon
    [18:52:59] <+Starrmalia> Beautiful Bacons
    [18:53:02] <+Starrmalia> Safe Bacon
    [18:53:06] <+Cerberus> Godzilla vs. Bacon
    [18:53:10] <+LordXGigaX> The Day the Bacon Stood Still
    [18:53:13] <+Elegante> Godbacon
    [18:53:14] <+Starrmalia> LMFAO
    [18:53:18] <+Starrmalia> Blendy's owning on this
    [18:53:23] <+Cerberus> ^
    [18:53:25] <Muddy> Professor Bacon and the eternal diva
    [18:53:28] <+Starrmalia> War of the Bacons
    [18:53:30] <+Keileon> What's with the random bacon?
    [18:53:36] <+Starrmalia> The Bacon wears prada
    [18:53:36] <~Shadow> You know
    [18:53:37] <+LordXGigaX> http://puu.sh/2cipO
    [18:53:39] <@Masq> Star Bacon
    [18:53:41] <~Shadow> In one version of this thing
    [18:53:47] <~Shadow> The word you have to replace with is "penis"
    [18:53:50] <+Starrmalia> (Be thankful its gener---
    [18:53:51] <Muddy> Bacon Darko
    [18:53:52] <+Keileon> k
    [18:53:52] <~Shadow> And it's far more hilarious
    [18:53:52] <+LordXGigaX> ...
    [18:53:55] <+Cerberus> PENIS WARS
    [18:53:55] <+Starrmalia> LETS DO IT
    [18:53:57] <+Keileon> The Day after Bacon
    [18:54:01] <+Starrmalia> Done
    [18:54:03] <@Masq> The Green Penis
    [18:54:05] <+Cerberus> Muddy I already did that one
    [18:54:05] <@Masq> Harry Penis
    [18:54:06] <~Shadow> Like
    [18:54:07] <Muddy> The day the penis stood still
    [18:54:07] <+LordXGigaX> ...
    [18:54:08] <+Starrmalia> LMFAO
    [18:54:16] <+Keileon> LOL
    [18:54:16] <+Cerberus> How to Train Your Penis
    [18:54:17] <+LordXGigaX> k, I'm done
    [18:54:21] <@Masq> Rise of the Penis
    [18:54:22] <+Starrmalia> I'M DYING
    [18:54:26] <+Cerberus> LOLMASQ
    [18:54:26] <+Elegante> Underpenis
    [18:54:29] <+Keileon> LMFAO
    [18:54:32] <+Starrmalia> Penis of the apes
    [18:54:32] <@Masq> Pulp Penis
    [18:54:33] <~Shadow> Yeah.
    [18:54:40] <+Cerberus> lolshadow
    [18:54:41] <@Masq> Thanks Shadow. :3
    [18:54:46] <+Cerberus> what have you done?!
    [18:54:48] <~Shadow> No problem
    [18:54:51] <+Elegante> Penis Rider
    [18:54:53] <Muddy> Seven Penises
    [18:54:56] <+Keileon> [20:54] Starrmalia Penis of the apes -- Planet of the Penis
    [18:54:57] <+Cerberus> LOLELEGANTE
    [18:54:57] <~Shadow> This is hilarious as all fuck
    [18:55:04] <+Starrmalia> LMFAO
    [18:55:08] <Muddy> Avatar: The last Penisbender.
    [18:55:14] <+Elegante> Penis Bill V2
    [18:55:22] <+Starrmalia> Penis Unchained
    [18:55:23] <+Elegante> Pokemon: The Rise of Penis
    [18:55:28] <+Elegante> Aliens vs. Penis
    [18:55:39] <+Elegante> Snow White and the Seven Penises
    [18:55:45] <+Keileon> LOL
    [18:55:48] <@Masq> Penis 8
    [18:56:01] <+Cerberus> Area Penis
    [18:56:01] <Muddy> The penis club
    [18:56:10] <+Starrmalia> The penis wears prada
    [18:56:15] <+Cerberus> LMFAO
    [18:56:18] <Muddy> Penisrise kingdom
    [18:56:23] <+Starrmalia> Penis in Seattle
    [18:56:24] <+Keileon> David just came up with "Penis of a Wimpy Kid"
    [18:56:25] CodasterTheDisaster [Mibbit@hidden-utl.v1t.238.108.IP] has joined #CoE
    [18:56:29] <+Cerberus> LOLCODY
    [18:56:29] <CodasterTheDisaster> Dirty Penis
    [18:56:31] <+Starrmalia> Hey cody~
    [18:56:33] <+Cerberus> How fortuitous!
    [18:56:33] <Muddy> lol
    [18:56:34] <+Keileon> Hey Cody
    [18:56:36] <+Starrmalia> Join us!
    [18:56:38] <+Elegante> CODY!
    [18:56:45] <+Starrmalia> Spaceballs as..
    [18:56:48] <+Starrmalia> Penis Balls.
    [18:56:52] <CodasterTheDisaster> yes
    [18:56:53] <+Elegante> Space Penis
    [18:56:55] <CodasterTheDisaster> beautiful
    [18:56:55] <+Starrmalia> Oh dear lord I'm going to hell
    [18:56:58] <@Masq> lol cody
    [18:57:00] <Muddy> Professor layton and the eternal Penis
    [18:57:02] <+Elegante> Star Penis
    [18:57:03] LordXGigaX goes to find something to do... far away from this chat
    [18:57:06] <@Masq> Penis of the Rings
    [18:57:17] <+Elegante> Harry Penis and the Goblet of Fire
    [18:57:19] <+Starrmalia> Yellow Penis
    [18:57:22] <@Masq> Silent Penis
    [18:57:25] <+Starrmalia> LOL
    [18:57:25] <CodasterTheDisaster> Lord of the Penis: The Twin Penises
    [18:57:33] <@Masq> Penis of the Lambs
    [18:57:36] <+Elegante> The Penis Movie
    [18:57:36] <+Cerberus> Penis: Uprising
    [18:57:37] <+Starrmalia> A hard penis night
    [18:57:44] <+Cerberus> LMAOSTARR
    [18:57:46] <@Masq> Safe Penis
    [18:57:47] <+Keileon> LOL
    [18:57:51] <+Elegante> We're all going to hell
    [18:57:53] <+Starrmalia> (A hard Day's night)
    [18:57:54] <CodasterTheDisaster> Resident Penis
    [18:57:55] <@Masq> Panic Penis
    [18:58:03] <+Starrmalia> Shadow what have you done
    [18:58:05] <+Cerberus> Underworld: Rise of the Penises
    [18:58:05] <CodasterTheDisaster> Penis Perfect
    [18:58:08] <@Masq> The House at the End of the Penis
    [18:58:09] <+Elegante> The Penis Kid
    [18:58:11] <+Cerberus> LOLCODY
    [18:58:14] <+Starrmalia> Firehouse Penis
    [18:58:24] <+Starrmalia> Penis: Breaking Dawn
    [18:58:24] <@Masq> Penis of a Wimpy Kid
    [18:58:34] <@Masq> Twilight: New Penis
    [18:58:35] <+Elegante> Dodgepenis: A True Underpenis Story
    [18:58:38] <+Cerberus> All Penises Go to Heaven?
    [18:58:41] <+Starrmalia> LMFAO
    [18:58:42] <+Elegante> XD
    [18:58:47] <@Masq> Aristopenises
    [18:58:49] <+Keileon> Masq
    [18:58:51] <+Keileon> [20:56] Keileon David just came up with "Penis of a Wimpy Kid"
    [18:58:53] <@Masq> Yes?
    [18:58:53] <Muddy> Penis Raider
    [18:58:57] <@Masq> XD
    [18:59:01] <CodasterTheDisaster> Pernisman: The Legend of Penis Burgundy
    [18:59:02] <+Starrmalia> Hmmm
    [18:59:06] Masq wasn't paying attention
    [18:59:07] <@Masq> |D
    [18:59:10] <+Elegante> The Penis of the Mummy
    [18:59:12] <+Keileon> lol!
    [18:59:13] <@Masq> The Penis King
    [18:59:14] <+Starrmalia> Step Penises
    [18:59:20] <+Elegante> The Lion Penis
    [18:59:24] <+Starrmalia> INB4
    [18:59:24] <+Keileon> LMFAO
    [18:59:36] <+Cerberus> Treasure Penis
    [18:59:39] <+Keileon> Penis Story
    [18:59:43] <+Elegante> Goodbye, Mr. Penis
    [18:59:45] <Muddy> Kiki's penis service
    [18:59:48] <+Starrmalia> The Lion King: Simba's Pen-- Oh sorry I can't do that
    [18:59:52] <+Elegante> A Few Good Penis
    [18:59:53] <+Starrmalia> I just can't
    [19:00:00] <+Cerberus> lolstarr
    [19:00:09] <+Keileon> Sleeping Penis
    [19:00:26] <+Starrmalia> The little penis
    [19:00:27] <Muddy> Inglorious penis
    [19:00:44] <+Starrmalia> Sleeping penis
    [19:00:52] <+Cerberus> The Godpenis
    [19:00:55] <Muddy> My best friend's penis
    [19:00:58] <+Starrmalia> LOL
    [19:01:06] <Muddy> Penis almighty
    [19:01:07] <@Masq> The Girl with the Penis Tattoo?
    [19:01:08] <+Cerberus> 12 Angry Penises
    [19:01:11] <+Starrmalia> LMFAO MASQ
    [19:01:11] <+Keileon> "Goddamn you guys are making me horny." loldavid
    [19:01:14] <~Shadow> LMAO MASQ.
    [19:01:17] <+Starrmalia> WIN
    [19:01:17] <+Keileon> LOL
    [19:01:17] <@Masq> LOL
    [19:01:23] <+Starrmalia> TAKE ALL MY MONEY
    [19:01:25] <Muddy> OH GODXD
    [19:01:28] <~Shadow> Maybe this should be expanded to video game titles????????
    [19:01:28] <@Masq> :'D
    [19:01:31] <+Starrmalia> Yes
    [19:01:36] <+Starrmalia> Shall we begin?
    [19:01:45] <+Keileon> oh I see where this is going
    [19:01:49] <+Cerberus> Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Penis
    [19:01:50] <+Starrmalia> Penis White
    [19:01:51] <Muddy> League of Penis!
    [19:01:57] <~Shadow> Metal Penis Solid, Starr
    [19:01:59] <+Starrmalia> Metal--
    [19:02:01] <+Starrmalia> FUCK YOU
    [19:02:03] <+Keileon> LMAO
    [19:02:03] <+Cerberus> LMAOSHADOW
    [19:02:05] <+Starrmalia> I WAS DOING THAT
    [19:02:06] <+Starrmalia> FG3BREIJNWDFGRFEWD
    [19:02:07] <Muddy> I WAS GONNA DO THAT
    [19:02:11] <Muddy> IT WAS TOO OBVIOUS
    [19:02:11] <CodasterTheDisaster> Penis Emblem
    [19:02:15] <+Starrmalia> Metal Penis Rising
    [19:02:18] <+Starrmalia> THERE WE GO
    [19:02:23] <Muddy> GODDAMMIT
    [19:02:26] <+Keileon> SCP: Penis Breach
    [19:02:27] <+Starrmalia> HAH
    [19:02:31] <CodasterTheDisaster> Penis Fantasy: Tactics
    [19:02:31] <+Cerberus> LMAOKUDA
    [19:02:33] <@Masq> Penis the Hedgehog
    [19:02:39] <~Shadow> Secure, Contain, Penis.
    [19:02:41] <+Starrmalia> Super Smash Penis
    [19:02:42] <Muddy> Final Penis
    [19:02:43] <+Keileon> LOL
    [19:02:48] <@Masq> Eternal Penis
    [19:02:50] <+Starrmalia> The timing in that
    [19:02:52] <@Masq> Penis Undiscovery
    [19:02:53] <CodasterTheDisaster> Penis Hunter
    [19:03:00] <Muddy> Oenis: Uprising
    [19:03:00] <CodasterTheDisaster> Penis Souls
    [19:03:04] <+Starrmalia> Penis Combat
    [19:03:17] <~Shadow> Penis Space
    [19:03:26] <+Starrmalia> Left for Penis
    [19:03:28] <+Cerberus> The Unfinished Penis...
    [19:03:31] <Muddy> Rolling Penis
    [19:03:41] <+Starrmalia> Assasin's Penis
    [19:03:44] <Muddy> The last Penis (Would make a great game)
    [19:03:45] <+Cerberus> LMAO
    [19:03:47] <+Keileon> Perfect Penis Blossom
    [19:03:49] <CodasterTheDisaster> Armored Penis
    [19:03:51] <~Shadow> LOL OMG.
    [19:03:51] <+Starrmalia> OH DEAR
    [19:03:54] <Muddy> Penis Chronicles
    [19:03:54] <+Starrmalia> TOUHOU
    [19:03:58] <~Shadow> Scarlet Penis Rhapsody
    [19:03:59] Elegante [chatzilla@hidden-h46feg.dynamic.bardstowncable.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 121 seconds
    [19:04:07] <+Cerberus> Imperishable Penis...
    [19:04:08] <+Keileon> I WAS going to do a Hopeless Masquerade one
    [19:04:10] <+Starrmalia> Unidentified Fantastic Penis
    [19:04:11] <+Cerberus> notreally
    [19:04:12] <+Keileon> But that was too easy
    [19:04:12] <Muddy> PenisBound
    [19:04:17] <~Shadow> Penis Desires!
    [19:04:33] <+Starrmalia> Penis and Conquer
    [19:04:34] <+Keileon> Penis Land Story
    [19:04:36] <+Starrmalia> Red Penis 3
    [19:04:42] <~Shadow> God what the hell have I done
    [19:04:43] LordXGigaX [chatzilla@hidden-1j46k3.jax.bellsouth.net] has left #CoE
    [19:04:44] <+Cerberus> (This is horrible...) The Penis Ends With You
    [19:04:46] <+Keileon> That
    [19:04:47] <+Starrmalia> ^ @Shadow
    [19:04:48] <+Keileon> LMAO
    [19:04:50] <+Starrmalia> LMFAO
    [19:04:56] <CodasterTheDisaster> that's it
    [19:04:57] <Muddy> No more penises
    [19:04:58] <CodasterTheDisaster> I'm done
    [19:04:58] <~Shadow> LOL.
    [19:04:59] <+Starrmalia> Best chat day ever
    [19:05:01] CodasterTheDisaster [Mibbit@hidden-utl.v1t.238.108.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
    [19:05:02] <+Cerberus> ^
    [19:05:05] <Muddy> ^
    [19:05:06] <+Starrmalia> No cody D:
    [19:05:11] <+Starrmalia> Okay
    [19:05:13] <+Starrmalia> Roleplays
    [19:05:16] <~Shadow> LOL.
    [19:05:20] <+Starrmalia> GET TO IT
    [19:05:20] <+Cerberus> LOL
    [19:05:29] <+Starrmalia> The Penis Conspiracy
    [19:05:34] <@Masq> Tales of Alidaire: The Penis
    [19:05:36] <+Cerberus> And Eebit missed out on it all.
    [19:05:38] <~Shadow> ROFL.
    [19:05:39] <+Starrmalia> Worlds under Penis
    [19:05:45] <+Cerberus> This Penis
    [19:05:46] <@Masq> The Penis Effect
    [19:05:50] <+Starrmalia> Penis Imprinted
    [19:05:58] <@Masq> Oblivion Phantasy: A Decaying Penis
    [19:06:03] <+Keileon> LOL
    [19:06:04] <~Shadow> LOL WHAT.
    [19:06:05] <+Starrmalia> The Obstinate Penis
    [19:06:07] <+Cerberus> ARKNET: A Penis Enslaved
    [19:06:10] <+Starrmalia> LOL
    [19:06:14] <+Keileon> World for Penis
    [19:06:18] <+Starrmalia> LMFAO
    [19:06:29] <~Shadow> Broken Penis
    [19:06:33] <+Starrmalia> The Beatlegod Penis
    [19:06:35] <Muddy> Batman Penis Asylum
    [19:06:35] <+Cerberus> Penis of Fate ._.
    [19:06:37] <+Starrmalia> Oh god wat
    [19:06:42] <~Shadow> LOL PENIS OF FATE.
    [19:06:47] <+Keileon> LMFAO
    [19:06:52] <+Keileon> I'm laughing too hard
    [19:06:52] <+Starrmalia> Organization Penis
    [19:06:56] <+Keileon> LOL
    [19:06:57] <Muddy> Paper Penis
    [19:07:17] <+Starrmalia> Waves~ Penis in motion
    [19:07:20] <Muddy> Penis.Trip Beat
    [19:07:21] <+Cerberus> LMAO
    [19:07:28] <Muddy> Penis heaven.
    [19:07:39] <+Keileon> Penis of Paradise
    [19:07:39] <+Starrmalia> Penis Reborn
    [19:07:45] <Muddy> Rhythm Penis: Fever
    [19:07:56] <+Starrmalia> Penis of Ustream
    [19:08:04] <~Shadow> Cult of Penis
    [19:08:06] <~Shadow> Both sound
    [19:08:07] <+Starrmalia> Touche
    [19:08:08] <+Cerberus> Penis of Atlantis?
    [19:08:08] <~Shadow> Extremely
    [19:08:10] <~Shadow> Awkward
    [19:08:12] <+Starrmalia> Yes
    [19:08:13] <Muddy> Penis Dozer
    [19:08:18] <Muddy> Drill Penis
    [19:08:22] <+Keileon> Oblivion Phantasy ~ Colosseum of Penis
    [19:08:26] <+Cerberus> LOL
    [19:08:27] <+Starrmalia> LOL
    [19:08:29] <~Shadow> lmfao
    [19:08:30] <+Starrmalia> This Penis
    [19:08:33] <Muddy> Zettai Penis Priject
    [19:08:36] <+Keileon> Been there done that
    [19:08:39] <+Keileon> @Starr
    [19:08:40] <+Starrmalia> o
    [19:08:40] <+Cerberus> starrIalreadydidthat
    [19:08:44] <Muddy> PenisCraft
    [19:08:48] <+Starrmalia> We have so little roleplays
    [19:08:53] <~Shadow> Okay brb, my throat hurts from containing my laugher too much
    [19:08:59] <+Keileon> The Phoenix Penis
    [19:09:02] <Muddy> PenisMan Legends
    [19:09:02] <+Starrmalia> LOL
    [19:09:02] <+Cerberus> LMAO
    [19:09:09] <Muddy> Ace Penis
    [19:09:20] <+Starrmalia> Penis Frontier
    [19:09:26] <Muddy> Mother Penis
    [19:09:40] <+Cerberus> The Dark Penis
    [19:09:45] <+Starrmalia> Okay I think I ran out
    [19:09:52] <+Keileon> Euthoran Song ~ Dying Penis
    [19:09:57] <+Starrmalia> Oh god
    [19:09:58] <@Masq> Disruption: Cascade of the Penis
    [19:10:05] <+Keileon> Alternatively for that, Penis God
    [19:10:11] <+Starrmalia> ER~ Penis of Fire
    [19:10:14] <~Shadow> Penis: What Was Lost
    [19:10:18] <+Starrmalia> LMFAO
    [19:10:21] <Muddy> TheSecret of penis island
    [19:10:21] <+Keileon> Hunt of Penis
    [19:10:44] <@Masq> Destiny of the Penisweaver
    [19:10:46] <+Cerberus> It's a Wonderful Penis
    [19:10:49] <+Starrmalia> Durasken Uprising~ The High Penis
    [19:10:49] <~Shadow> LMAO.
    [19:10:56] <+Keileon> LMAO
    [19:11:05] <+Starrmalia> Uprising
    [19:11:06] <+Starrmalia> High
    [19:11:12] <+Starrmalia> Ehurhur
    [19:11:25] <+Keileon> veni dulcis amica mutinium [/Latin]
    [19:11:33] <+Starrmalia> Alright, enough roleplays because I think we're running low on that. Now...TV shows
    [19:11:35] <+Keileon> Or wait
    [19:11:37] <Muddy> Tactics Ogres: May we cling Penises
    [19:11:47] <+Keileon> *Veni Dulcis Mutinium Mea
    [19:11:52] <+Starrmalia> The big Penis theory
    [19:11:53] <+Keileon> (Come My Sweet Penis)
    [19:11:54] <+Cerberus> Good Luck Penis!
    [19:12:08] <Muddy> The Big PEnis Theory
    [19:12:09] <+Starrmalia> The Penis
    [19:12:14] <+Starrmalia> I just did that one
    [19:12:16] <@Masq> Oh here we go
    [19:12:17] <Muddy> Penis Time
    [19:12:22] <@Masq> Obscure Harmony: The Trapped Penis
    [19:12:24] <+Keileon> Penis Magic: Dreams of a Resolution
    [19:12:26] <+Starrmalia> LOL
    [19:12:27] <+Cerberus> LOLMASQ
    [19:12:30] <+Starrmalia> My little Penis
    [19:12:35] <+Cerberus> LMAO
    [19:12:37] <+Keileon> LOL
    [19:12:41] <Muddy> A certain magical penis
    [19:12:43] <+Starrmalia> ....Penis is magic
    [19:12:44] <Muddy> LOLXD
    [19:12:46] <+Starrmalia> LOL
    [19:12:54] <+Keileon> Pokemon Crossing: Penis World
    [19:13:04] <Muddy> Cowboy Penis
    [19:13:08] <+Starrmalia> heheh
    [19:13:23] <+Keileon> The Penis of the Apocalypse
    [19:13:24] <+Starrmalia> Danny Penis
    [19:13:40] <+Cerberus> Foster's Home for Imaginary Penises
    [19:13:43] <+Starrmalia> I'm running out of steam
    [19:13:49] <+Starrmalia> take it away, cerby!
    [19:13:52] Keileon is still fishing for roleplays
    [19:14:00] <Muddy> Angel Penis
    [19:14:28] <+Cerberus> My Life as a Teenage Penis
    [19:14:32] <+Keileon> I just have one more before I need to stop
    [19:14:37] <@Masq> Damn.  I'm going to miss out on the penis, but I gotta go. XD
    [19:14:38] <+Cerberus> As Told by Penis
    [19:14:43] <+Starrmalia> LOL
    [19:14:43] <+Keileon> Hidden Penis: crazEcorp
    [19:14:46] <+Starrmalia> LMFAO
    [19:14:49] Masq [Mibbit@hidden-bo5.htn.188.209.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
    [19:14:51] <+Starrmalia> Makes sense
    [19:14:52] <+Starrmalia> !!!
    [19:14:56] <+Keileon> !!!
    [19:14:59] <+Cerberus> LOLSTARR
    [19:15:23] <~Shadow> Well that was a nice "game"
    [19:15:26] <+Starrmalia> Yeah
    [19:15:32] <~Shadow> Which made Giga ragequit for some unknown reason but yeah
    [19:15:34] <+Starrmalia> It started with a fucking picture and now this
    [19:15:39] <+Cerberus> LMAO
    [19:15:45] <+Starrmalia> Had a nice laugh
    [19:15:52] <+Starrmalia> Someone should quote but..
    [19:15:52] <+Cerberus> The magic of Cult collaboration
    [19:16:00] <+Starrmalia> We be talking 'bout phalluses
    [19:16:13] <+Keileon> so?
    [19:16:17] <~Shadow> I think the plural would be "phalli"
    [19:16:25] <+Starrmalia> Thank you, expert
    [19:16:29] <+Keileon> LOL
    [19:16:31] <+Cerberus> Lol
    [19:16:31] <+Starrmalia> Anyway
    [19:16:33] <~Shadow> No problem!
  10. I would have imagined so much~! Especially along the bouts of 'Penis Magic: Dreams of a Penis'; 'Regular Penis'; 'Penis Emblem (The Summoning): Ascension of Penis'; and the like <3
  11. LOL.
  12. And then the myth changed forever.
    [18:05] Eebit Did Medusa have pubic hair, and if so, were they snakes too?
    [18:05] Cerberus The cliff now officially has indigo lava at the bottom of it.
    [18:05] Cerberus LOLEEBIT
    [18:05] just_another_pepper I'll go ask the Greeks.
    [18:05] Elegante indigo lava?
    [18:05] LordXGigaX Well then, now we know how men were turned to stone
    [18:06] Elegante XD GIGA
    [18:06] Cerberus LMAO
    [18:06] Nate|phone Isosktjdpelwkfjwidurmrkddv Giga why.
    [18:06] LordXGigaX Because I can. [/B^(
    [18:06] Eebit Well, there's another image I'll never be able to scrub from my brain
    [18:06] Nate|phone (And why @Eebit for bringing itnup too)
  14. Oh, the fun we have tormenting Giga.

    [16:19] Cerberus One more thing, Giga!
    [16:19] Cerberus http://puu.sh/2l2BC
    [16:20] LordXGigaX Yeah, I'm not clicking that.
    [16:20] Cerberus
    [16:20] Cerberus
    [16:20] Cerberus
    [16:20] Keileon LMAO THAT IMAGE
    [16:20] Keileon oh markiplier
    [16:20] Cerberus I see how it is, Giga.
    [16:20] Cerberus I-I understand.
    [16:20] |<-- Cerberus has left irc.paradoxirc.net (Quit: So this is how it is)
    [16:21] Keileon lmfao
    [16:23] -->| Pinkie_Pie (Mibbit@hidden-hn4.ci6.12.50.IP) has joined #coe
    [16:23] Keileon LMFAO
    [16:23] LordXGigaX ...
    [16:23] Pinkie_Pie Hey everyone!!!
    [16:23] LordXGigaX stabs Pinkie_Pie
    [16:23] Pinkie_Pie My good friend Cerberus told me there was someone her who needs cheering up!!!
    [16:23] Keileon Didn't Gato used to go by that name?
    [16:23] LordXGigaX stabs Pinkie_Pie again
    [16:23] Pinkie_Pie You can try all you want
    [16:24] Keileon You should probably uh
    [16:24] Pinkie_Pie But you cannot vanquish joy, Lord Giga!
    [16:24] Keileon Come back in as Sakuya
    [16:24] LordXGigaX pushes Pinkie_Pie off of the cliff
    [16:24] Pinkie_Pie sort of floats in the lava at the bottom, smile still stretched wide.
    [16:24] Keileon Wait
    [16:24] LordXGigaX ... wat
    [16:25] Keileon Giga do you like Sakuya because Espira or Espira because Sakuya?
    [16:25] LordXGigaX ... I... don't even know anymore...
    [16:25] Keileon LOL.
    [16:25] Pinkie_Pie Giga likes Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy and all the other ponies because we brighten his day!!!
    [16:25] Elegante giga: that's my cliff
    [16:25] Pinkie_Pie Hi Elegante!!!
    [16:26] Pinkie_Pie Are you having a good day?<3
    [16:26] Dark pushes Elegante off a cliff
    [16:26] Pinkie_Pie Dark!
    [16:26] Elegante Get the hell out of here you damned pony
    [16:26] Pinkie_Pie Don't I look completely edible!!!
    [16:26] Keileon http://kevinsano.deviantart.com/
    [16:26] Dark im not italian
    [16:26] Pinkie_Pie Eat me and you'll be happy for hours on end!!!
    [16:26] Keileon Remember that Twilight Sparkle letter?
    [16:26] Keileon This is the guy it was sent to.
    [16:27] LordXGigaX Of all the people to suddenly go brony on us, why Cerby?
    [16:27] Keileon LOL
    [16:27] Pinkie_Pie Who wants to play happy fun time pony games?!?!
    [16:27] Keileon Giga
    [16:27] Keileon You have to admit
    [16:27] Keileon It's better than Shadow
    [16:27] LordXGigaX Yeah
    [16:27] Pinkie_Pie Laff out loud, Kuda!!!
    [16:27] LordXGigaX ... Also, this is gonna be hard to explain to Shadow.
    [16:28] Pinkie_Pie DOH CRAMP
    [16:28] Pinkie_Pie CRAMP IN MY FOOT
    [16:28] Elegante shoves Cerby under the lave
    [16:28] Elegante *lava
    [16:28] Pinkie_Pie There's no Cerby here!!!
    [16:28] Elegante shoves the damned pony under the lava
    [16:28] Pinkie_Pie It's just me, the lovable ultra-gay Pinkie Pie!!!
    [16:29] Elegante damn pony
    [16:29] Keileon Oh god
    [16:29] Elegante too bad eebit aint here
    [16:29] Keileon Guys I hate to interrupt
    [16:29] Pinkie_Pie ((Note that I often mean gay in the true definition of the word, which means joyful))
    [16:29] Keileon I found the guy who SENT the fucking letter
    [16:29] Keileon http://www.redlightponyville.com/forums/member.php?action=profile&uid=86
    [16:29] Elegante eebit could mute everything and have the pony shut upped.
    [16:29] Pinkie_Pie Eebit wouldn't silence me!!!
    [16:30] Keileon I still need halfop.
    [16:30] Pinkie_Pie He and I would be super PONI FRENDS
    [16:30] Pinkie_Pie And lie in a sunny meadow all day!!!!<@<@<<!!<@!@@@e3333333333
    [16:30] LordXGigaX Anyone here
    [16:30] LordXGigaX Friends with ponies
    [16:30] Pinkie_Pie Yeah!
    [16:30] LordXGigaX You'd have a better chance on that zelda chat
    [16:30] Keileon LOL
    [16:30] Pinkie_Pie Okay!!!
    [16:30] Elegante i would leave, but then no one could tell me when this monstrosity is over.
    [16:30] Pinkie_Pie How do I get there?<3
    [16:31] LordXGigaX By dying
    [16:31] Pinkie_Pie Okay!
    [16:31] Pinkie_Pie dies a little, but her spirit lives on to stay here and light this place up with cheer and good-will!
    [16:31] LordXGigaX ...
    [16:31] Elegante Yay! crazE post~
    [16:32] LordXGigaX Well, that definitely backfired. --__--
    [16:32] Pinkie_Pie Who wants to use.... DA-DUH-DAH-DUUUMMMM
    [16:32] Pinkie_Pie THE PARTY CANNON?!>!!??!?!?<###33333
    [16:33] Pinkie_Pie (It gives you a little orgasm every time you use it! Tee-hee!<3)
    [16:33] LordXGigaX ...
    [16:33] LordXGigaX Please leave.
    [16:33] LordXGigaX Because all you're doing is making me hate ponies even more.
    [16:33] Pinkie_Pie Oh!
    [16:34] Pinkie_Pie That's sad!
    [16:34] LordXGigaX And given me, that shouldn't even be possible.
    [16:34] Pinkie_Pie Sad Pinkie Pie!
    [16:34] Pinkie_Pie Well
    [16:34] Pinkie_Pie If you're sure
    [16:34] Pinkie_Pie And t preserve the happiness in here
    [16:34] Pinkie_Pie And a little bit of sanity
    [16:34] Pinkie_Pie I'll leave.
    [16:34] Pinkie_Pie But!
    [16:34] Keileon sanity is overrated
    [16:34] Pinkie_Pie I want everyone to remember
    [16:34] Pinkie_Pie That even when you're down
    [16:35] Pinkie_Pie There's a pink pony with a pie in her name who is loving you for who you are
    [16:35] Pinkie_Pie Every second of every day!
    [16:35] Pinkie_Pie I'm always watching and loving you!
    [16:35] |<-- Pinkie_Pie has left irc.paradoxirc.net (Quit: RAINBOW DASH COME GET ME BITCH)
    [16:35] Keileon LOL
    [16:35] LordXGigaX FINAL-FUCKING-LY!
    [16:35] Elegante ^^^^^^^^^^
    [16:35] -->| Cerberus (Mibbit@hidden-hn4.ci6.12.50.IP) has joined #coe
    [16:35] Keileon You missed the fun
    [16:35] =-= Mode #CoE +v Cerberus by ChanServ
    [16:36] Cerberus What fun?
    [16:36] LordXGigaX ...
    [16:36] Keileon A pony was tormenting Giga.
    [16:36] Cerberus Oh, really?
    [16:36] LordXGigaX pushes Cerby off of the cliff
    [16:36] Cerberus Did his life brighten a little from the experience?
  15. Silliness in #CoE.

    (Warning: very long)

    [03:29] Keileon But yeah
    [03:29] Keileon MC CoU HQ
    [03:29] Keileon All you have to do is download MC and the map itself
    [03:29] Cerberus That sounds like a lot of work.
    [03:30] Keileon ... not really
    [03:30] Cerberus No, just think
    [03:30] Shadow Back from unannounced
    [03:30] Cerberus I mean
    [03:30] Keileon The only "hard" part is finding where MC is saved the first time since appdata is hidden by default
    [03:30] Cerberus I'd have to have the computer up
    [03:30] Cerberus I'd have to keep on breathing
    [03:30] Cerberus Get to the site to download MC
    [03:30] Shadow ON
    [03:30] Shadow ...
    [03:30] Cerberus Continue breathing
    [03:30] Shadow I meant to say LOL
    [03:30] Shadow what.
    [03:31] Keileon LOLSHADOW
    [03:31] Shadow Er anyway
    [03:31] Cerberus LOLSHADOW
    [03:31] Keileon You don't have to breathe if you don't want to
    [03:31] Shadow ON is the new LOL
    [03:31] Shadow Either way
    [03:31] Shadow The arrangement with your main so as to give time for all the supposed pending character intros to be plausible
    [03:32] Shadow However all of those intros are nonexistent because the players just vanished
    [03:32] Keileon Which no longer really applies, yeah
    [03:32] Keileon well
    [03:32] Keileon Espy is around but loltimezones
    [03:32] Shadow Yeah
    [03:33] Shadow So really, all you (or we, depending on how you'd like it) have to do is to arrange an introduction for your main, somehow
    [03:33] Shadow And then CP it
    [03:33] Shadow That's it.
    [03:33] Cerberus Despite how far off you claim it'll be
    [03:34] Cerberus I still like the idea of intro-ing Kerberos via that TD2
    [03:34] Shadow That won't be for... a while.
    [03:34] Shadow Like, a long while
    [03:34] Keileon since I doubt Kerberos is going to join CoU
    [03:34] Keileon Why not start with someone besides him?
    [03:34] Cerberus Actually
    [03:35] Shadow And yeah that's what I was thinking too. You would have to get familiar with things
    [03:35] Keileon Intros are basically clear for a while so if you wait a few IC days we can get you in
    [03:35] Cerberus Of all three characters I've planned to use in CoU, Kerberos would be the only one to join the Cult (albeit in a disjointed more hands-off way)
    [03:36] Keileon As in affiliation, not membership?
    [03:36] Cerberus Pretty much.
    [03:36] Keileon So he's like the Shadow Drakes minus Deathstorm
    [03:36] Keileon SPEAKING OF
    [03:36] Shadow He doesn't even know who those are
    [03:36] Mobius I don't need to.
    [03:36] Keileon I think I might be doing something with- I realize- Pyrros and co soon
    [03:36] Keileon wtf
    [03:37] Keileon random mob
    [03:37] Cerberus lolwat
    [03:37] Shadow Random as fuck Mobius
    [03:37] Mobius :3
    [03:37] Shadow For the alleged "protectors of Ustream", the Shadow Drakes barely even exist rofl
    [03:37] Keileon Cassiel and Charos just don;t really care
    [03:38] Keileon (can't blame Charos, Zio isn't here)
    [03:38] Keileon I have come up with an explanation though
    [03:38] Keileon The Shadow Drakes are really just an experimental thing by the Euthoran deities
    [03:39] Keileon Current generation is to see what happens when they have non-SD allies
    [03:39] Keileon Answer: they get lazy
    [03:39] Shadow That's more of an excuse than it is an "explanation"
    [03:39] Keileon Think about it, though
    [03:40] Keileon CoU takes care of basically everything that's a threat to Ustream itself
    [03:40] Keileon why should Cassiel and Charos feel bothered?
    [03:40] Shadow I have, it's just that they were regarded as basically a vital plot point in the original CoU series
    [03:40] Shadow and now they're nothing
    [03:40] Keileon Fair enough
    [03:41] Cerberus Wait
    [03:41] Cerberus Ustream
    [03:41] Keileon The HoUD SDs have an excuse, they have their own world to attend to
    [03:41] Cerberus What is it exactly?
    [03:41] Keileon A country
    [03:41] Keileon http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/2015/ustreammap004.jpg
    [03:41] Shadow It's not even a "country", it's just a region. There's nobody really there to make it a country
    [03:41] Keileon well
    [03:41] Cerberus LOL
    [03:41] Keileon Close enough
    [03:42] Keileon But I get the point
    [03:42] Shadow Basically CoU is just stationed in the middle of wilderness
    [03:42] Cerberus I suddenly realize I know hardly anything about the history of the Cult itself (IC)
    [03:42] Keileon Nor do we!
    [03:42] Shadow This is why
    [03:42] Cerberus Is there a convenient
    [03:42] Shadow You need to familiarize yourself
    [03:42] Cerberus WIKI ARTICLE?!
    [03:42] Shadow With the Cult
    [03:43] Cerberus Apparently not
    [03:43] Keileon Like really we have damn near nothing about CoU prior to CoU1
    [03:43] Shadow Actually how the Cult formed is literally a mystery to everyone
    [03:43] Shadow Nobody so far has come up with anything
    [03:43] Keileon We have a few stories of Jason's antics before CoU because I make it a point to flesh out backstory
    [03:43] Cerberus I mean, are they designated protectors of Ustream, do they do it of their volition, why do they protect Ustream?
    [03:44] Keileon Well
    [03:44] Keileon Everyone there is out for survival
    [03:44] Shadow They are more like a bunch of random whoevers who incidentally keep piling up
    [03:44] Keileon If something threatens Ustream, the only reason they fight it off is because it threatens them
    [03:44] Cerberus LOLSHADOW
    [03:44] Keileon Actually Shadow's right
    [03:45] Keileon Less than half of its members are even from Euthora ._.
    [03:45] Shadow It's not like they are some sort of superhero team that goes like "Let's protect Ustream for the lulz!"
    [03:45] Cerberus ^ That's what I was getting for a moment
    [03:45] Shadow It's just that as Kuda said, naturally everything that threatened Ustream would threaten their very existence as well
    [03:45] Shadow So they beat it up for survival
    [03:45] Keileon They group together solely for protection and coincidentally forged friendships
    [03:46] Shadow Yeah.
    [03:46] Keileon The HQ wasn't even built by them, it's an old Seotaran outpost
    [03:47] Shadow And then as Kuda said, like 50% of its members aren't even from Euthora. For example, Jude is a foreign demigod, Dark and Jack are from Ferona iirc, Shadow and Espira from Phantasia, basically every Starrcharacter from Finlandia and related, and Giga's from earth
    [03:47] Keileon And how they elected a then-15-year-old shapeshifter as leader is beyond me
    [03:48] Cerberus And then my characters are from the Euthoran Underworld ._.
    [03:48] Cerberus LMAOKUDA
    [03:48] Keileon Euthoran Underworld
    [03:48] Keileon jhbsdfkhohohoesa
    [03:48] Shadow Thaaaat's another point
    [03:48] Keileon shadow it's just like I said
    [03:48] Shadow Actually Cerby, Hell is allllll connected
    [03:48] Keileon Euthora does not have its own specific underworld, Cerby
    [03:48] Cerberus Oh, so that's how you're doing it.
    [03:48] Cerberus Alright.
    [03:49] Shadow Basically. Hell is this huge dimension/realm/place with different "circles" for every world
    [03:49] Cerberus (When was this decided? I don't think I've heard of this design for Hell before)
    [03:49] Shadow This makes it much easier to generalize everything rather than having every world have a completely different hell/underworld
    [03:50] Shadow This was actually decided by passing like a year ago, so it was semiofficial, but became solid workings as of recently
    [03:50] Keileon [03:47] Shadow And then as Kuda said, like 50% of its members aren't even from Euthora. For example, Jude is a foreign demigod, Dark and Jack are from Ferona iirc, Shadow and Espira from Phantasia, basically every Starrcharacter from Finlandia and related, and Giga's from earth -- and craz is from earth and I don't even fucking know where fallen is from
    [03:50] Shadow >Implying both of them matter anymore
    [03:50] Keileon and Zio's from Deveron
    [03:51] Cerberus Anything else I should know about the mechanics of Hell?
    [03:51] Shadow Not really, everything else is left open-ended for a reason
    [03:51] Cerberus Which would be...?
    [03:51] Keileon slaps Cerby
    [03:52] Keileon that's why
    [03:52] Cerberus Seems legit.
    [03:52] Shadow That it would inhibit roleplayer creativity if we just generalized Hell and established a full system
    [03:52] Cerberus sort of gnaws on Keileon's femur.
    [03:52] Keileon smacks Cerby with a newspaper
    [03:52] Cerberus NOT THE NEWSPAPER
    [03:52] Cerberus BITCH
    [03:52] Shadow Since we have basically merged all Hells, there's a degree of freedom as to what the world's circle is like/has/can do
    [03:52] Keileon :>
    [03:53] Shadow Also are you saying that all your characters are from hell?
    [03:53] Shadow Now it makes more sense as to why only one would really join...........
    [03:53] Cerberus ...That's what I basically planned...
    [03:53] Keileon Zio is really going to like you.
    [03:54] Shadow However I still think you should join in sooner, so as to get to know how things work
    [03:54] Keileon (as long as you don't swear at him)
    [03:54] Shadow With a different character at the very least
    [03:54] Cerberus I'm mainly wondering about the workings of Hell because I'd like to find a logical reason for Kerberos to stay aboveground, in Ustream and possibly even protecting it.
    [03:55] Shadow Otherwise huge information dumps when the time comes are just going to destroy you
    [03:55] Cerberus Couldn't that be solved by just sitting in on the CPs?
    [03:55] Keileon It's always good to practice
    [03:56] Shadow Implying you really would?
    [03:56] Shadow
    [03:56] Cerberus Yeah
    [03:56] Keileon mirror neurons and all that shit
    [03:56] Cerberus ...?
    [03:56] Keileon Psychobabble, don't worry about it
    [03:56] Shadow (aka kuda thinks she is smartalking)
    [03:56] Shadow (don't worry about it)
    [03:56] Cerberus lmao
    [03:57] Keileon (no it's just 4am)
    [03:57] Shadow (basically)
    [03:57] Shadow Plus
    [03:57] Shadow We kind of need fresh blood
    [03:57] Keileon ^
    [03:57] Keileon This
    [03:57] Keileon But not literal fresh blood because Jude and Dark
    [03:57] Shadow Considering that crazE/Fallen are literally never going to appear again
    [03:58] Shadow Leaves us with just a crew of 5
    [03:58] Shadow ...Which has always been there
    [03:58] Keileon Rarely 6
    [03:58] Keileon Like
    [03:58] Keileon ./rarely/ 6
    [03:58] Shadow Exactly
    [03:59] Keileon And then 7 once Zio returns
    [03:59] Keileon in a year
    [03:59] Shadow We need you Cerby!
    [03:59] Shadow Think of the children!
    [03:59] Cerberus T-The children...!
    [03:59] Shadow The children!
    [03:59] Cerberus Hnnngggg
    [03:59] Shadow pls
    [03:59] Cerberus I must do something
    [03:59] Cerberus for the children!
    [04:00] Shadow It becomes boring as fuck to see their faces all the time!
    [04:00] Keileon also if at all possible make that character euthoran because really fuck
    [04:00] Keileon :>
    [04:00] Shadow lawl no
    [04:00] Cerberus What does 'Euthoran' entail?
    [04:00] Shadow Born in Euthora, obviously
    [04:00] Cerberus Like
    [04:00] Keileon from euthora
    [04:00] Cerberus Species?
    [04:00] Cerberus OH YOU TWO
    [04:01] Keileon Variable
    [04:01] Cerberus THANK YOU SO MUCH
    [04:01] Cerberus I never would have guessed
    [04:01] Shadow Best information rite!
    [04:01] Keileon Euthora has basically three dominant species and a few more sapient ones
    [04:01] Keileon The former would be humans, dragons, shapeshifters
    [04:01] Cerberus Sounds boring.
    [04:01] Cerberus What else?
    [04:01] Shadow It is.
    [04:02] Keileon The latter includes stuff like Lupynn, Chii-Ranu, phoenixes...
    [04:02] Shadow Which is why you just don't listen to Kuda
    [04:02] Cerberus Chii-Ranu?
    [04:02] Shadow And make something non-Euthoran
    [04:02] Shadow Like everyone else does!
    [04:02] Keileon They're this mutated horse thing that Jason hates
    [04:02] Cerberus Mutated horse thing...
    [04:02] Shadow It doesn't even look like a horse though
    [04:02] Cerberus Is there like an image of one?
    [04:02] Cerberus Possibly?
    [04:03] Keileon Yes
    [04:03] Shadow It reminds me of a dinosaur
    [04:03] Keileon Lemme get it
    [04:03] Shadow And a bird cross
    [04:03] Shadow Not horse at all
    [04:03] Keileon Yeah it looked like a raptor to me
    [04:03] Shadow At all.
    [04:03] Keileon The original one had hooves and a blunter face but then my dragon fetish kicked in
    [04:03] Cerberus LMAO
    [04:03] Shadow Figures.
    [04:03] Shadow Kuda: Can't draw anything without dragon features
    [04:04] Keileon At least it still has a mane
    [04:04] Shadow I read it as "name"
    [04:04] Shadow And I was like
    [04:04] Shadow "no shit...?"
    [04:04] Keileon LOL
    [04:04] Keileon http://www.furaffinity.net/full/9511408/
    [04:04] Keileon The back claws were originally sharp, cloven hooves
    [04:04] Cerberus How could that even remotely be thought of as a horse
    [04:04] Shadow {
    [04:05] Shadow ^
    [04:05] Shadow ^
    [04:05] Shadow ignore that
    [04:05] Keileon It had a less reptilian tail
    [04:05] Shadow ^
    [04:05] Shadow ^
    [04:05] Cerberus Looks cool though.
    [04:05] Keileon idk I think they made it by mixing dragon DNA into the thing
    [04:05] Shadow But as I said
    [04:05] Keileon Since the goal was warhorses that could fight dragons
    [04:05] Shadow This is the part you don't listen to Kuda at all
    [04:05] Shadow and make a non Euthoran bitch
    [04:06] Cerberus Well, I certainly don't want to make something from Earth.
    [04:06] Keileon Earth is overrated
    [04:06] Shadow Earth fucking sucks, why would you think about making something from Earth?
    [04:07] Cerberus The only ways this can turn out
    [04:07] Shadow inb4.
    [04:07] Keileon inb4leiobea
    [04:07] Shadow LOL ASDJKL;
    [04:08] Cerberus Is 1. this character being only secondary and not of much importance; just a way for me to interact with CoU for now
    [04:08] Cerberus 2. the character somehow gets integrated into Kerberos later on
    [04:08] Keileon Fine wiith me
    [04:08] Shadow Integrated into?
    [04:08] Cerberus Becomes a part of.
    [04:08] Cerberus Like...
    [04:08] Shadow Maybe you could do A Thing
    [04:08] Cerberus Roxas becomes a part of Sora!
    [04:08] Cerberus *mauled*
    [04:08] Shadow Like a really cool chardev thing
    [04:09] Shadow And have this character BECOME Kerberos?!?!?!?
    [04:09] Cerberus Yes....
    [04:10] Cerberus It's all coming together......
    [04:10] Keileon http://euthoraroul.wikia.com/wiki/Phoenix I need to finish this...
    [04:10] Shadow Either way, "secondary" here is kind of... moot because like, the first character you have, and ONLY character you have, is literally one's main.
    [04:10] Shadow So I'd say more like "temporary main" or something
    [04:11] Cerberus OH YES
    [04:11] Cerberus I GOT IT
    [04:11] Shadow !!!!!!!!!
    [04:12] Cerberus Alright, yeah, I'll go with the whole 'Integrate-Into-Kerberos' thing.
    [04:12] Shadow Interesting
    [04:13] Shadow You don't even have to reveal anything, so as long as you know what you're doing
    [04:13] Keileon Shadow random but on the topic of revamping drakine
    [04:13] Shadow Ah shit, 4:13 AM conversations... yeah?
    [04:13] Cerberus Basically what I have in mind is introducing a human main who somehow resonates with Orthrus, who already guards Euthora's circle of Hell.
    [04:14] Cerberus And then forms Kerberos.
    [04:14] Keileon Do you think it's a good idea for the revamp to be an "archaic" form, the current the more modern one, so as not to interfere with already established things like location named?
    [04:14] Shadow I love you.
    [04:14] Shadow Just saying
    [04:14] Shadow Well
    [04:14] Keileon *names
    [04:14] Shadow The first mistake you commited here
    [04:14] Shadow Is to make your FIRST constructed language the main one in the canon
    [04:15] Keileon yep
    [04:15] Cerberus Kuda's Kerberos drawing actually helped, as I always thought the middle head looked more vulpine than the two branching heads.
    [04:15] Cerberus So I sort of lead off from that.
    [04:15] Shadow But I see a way around this though
    [04:16] Shadow Other than the obvious "rename them lolz"
    [04:16] Keileon lol
    [04:16] Shadow If they are place names
    [04:16] Shadow They are likely to have been named a long time ago
    [04:16] Keileon So reverse my idea
    [04:16] Shadow So as to keep the traditional spelling and romanization, make it so the place names are in "Proto-Drakine" or something
    [04:16] Shadow Yes, basically
    [04:17] Keileon Archaic sounds cooler :>
    [04:17] Shadow Proto is more official
    [04:17] Keileon Fair enough
    [04:18] Keileon also
    [04:18] Keileon Since "Kuda" is a canon nickname for my main
    [04:18] Keileon I was trying to decide whether it should be a Drakine name to actually give meaning to it
    [04:18] Keileon er
    [04:18] Keileon drakine work\d
    [04:18] Cerberus LOL
    [04:18] Keileon *word
    [04:18] Shadow Nice.
    [04:18] Shadow Just
    [04:18] Shadow Nice.
    [04:18] Keileon kicks clock
    [04:18] Cerberus >4:20
    [04:19] Shadow Have you even decided on the romanization of Drakine?
    [04:19] Keileon I think you randomly shouting "ON" was better
    [04:19] Keileon and um
    [04:19] Cerberus LOL
    [04:19] Keileon no
    [04:19] Shadow ON
    [04:19] Cerberus off
    [04:19] Shadow Shut up it's me laughing
    [04:19] Shadow ON ON ON
    [04:20] Cerberus OFF OFF OFF
    [04:20] Cerberus BUG REPELLANT
    [04:20] Cerberus *mauled*
    [04:20] Keileon I'm just sitting here giggling uncontrollably
    [04:20] Cerberus ON
    [04:20] Shadow How many vowels does Drakine have anyway?
    [04:21] Keileon I haven't really worked on it too much since the last convo...
    [04:21] Shadow Well
    [04:21] Keileon I basically stole the alphabet from anglo-saxon and made some edits
    [04:21] Shadow If you have the phonemic inventory all set
    [04:21] Keileon It has like
    [04:21] Shadow Then it should be fairly easy to come up with a romanization
    [04:22] Keileon All the letters english does except q
    [04:22] Keileon for some reason
    [04:22] Keileon Q is a useless letter so
    [04:22] Cerberus That's racist.
    [04:22] Cerberus Is that an iCarly reference?
    [04:22] Keileon drakine just gets around it with kw
    [04:22] Keileon ... maybe
    [04:23] Shadow I have no idea why q even exists
    [04:23] Keileon I have no idea why c exists
    [04:23] Keileon like
    [04:23] Cerberus ;_;
    [04:23] Keileon C should just always make a CH sound
    [04:24] Keileon otherwise it's redundant
    [04:24] Cerberus ...
    [04:24] Shadow Actually the distinction is important in Xharic
    [04:24] Cerberus OH GOD WHY
    [04:24] Cerberus Now I just have this image in my head of C lauding the moon, making a "ch-ch-ch" sound incessantly ;_;
    [04:24] Keileon LMAO
    [04:25] Keileon ohhhh 4:25 am
    [04:25] Keileon how we love you
    [04:25] Cerberus ^
    [04:25] Shadow LOL no please
    [04:25] Shadow the ch sound in Xharic is this fancy character: č
    [04:25] Shadow and c is k
    [04:26] Cerberus ...
    [04:26] Shadow and k is... another sound. Like k, but way back in the mouth.
    [04:26] Cerberus AoF character paradoxes
    [04:26] Cerberus K = Way back in your mouth
    [04:26] Cerberus got it.
    [04:26] Keileon LMAO
    [04:26] Shadow Don't forget about swastika though
    [04:26] Shadow Best character in AoF
    [04:26] Cerberus LOL
    [04:26] Keileon LOL
    [04:27] Shadow ON
    [04:28] Keileon Ah late night convos
    [04:28] Shadow Exactly
    [04:28] Keileon I don't want to go to bed
    [04:28] Shadow Me neither!
    [04:28] Keileon partly because this
    [04:28] Shadow I just want to talk about whatever the fuck
    [04:28] Keileon mostly because I'm afraid my leg will knot up again
    [04:28] Shadow So
    [04:29] Shadow When will this Cerbycharacter
    [04:29] Shadow be appearing!?!?
    [04:29] Keileon kerberos vs sos gogogogogo
    [04:29] Cerberus I don't even know who exactly the character will be yet.
    [04:29] Cerberus i UM
    [04:29] Cerberus UM
    [04:29] Cerberus UM
    [04:29] Shadow what
    [04:29] Cerberus COMPUTER OKAY
    [04:29] Cerberus THAT WAS WEIRD
    [04:29] Shadow what
    [04:30] Keileon wat
    [04:30] Cerberus It made this weird twanging noise
    [04:30] Cerberus Like in the Slender games
    [04:30] Shadow LOL.
    [04:30] Cerberus But I don't have anything like that open
    [04:30] Shadow Troll'd
    [04:30] Keileon LOL
    [04:30] Keileon It's like
    [04:30] Keileon When Shadow was having MC trouble
    [04:31] Keileon and disconnected
    [04:31] Keileon I still heard him placing blocks
    [04:31] Shadow lmfao
    [04:31] Shadow I don't think Cerby knows what SoS is
    [04:31] Cerberus It doesn't help that I /just/ watched a film on Slenderman ;_;
    [04:31] Keileon cerby did you read the log
    [04:31] Shadow ^
    [04:31] Shadow Did you?
    [04:32] Cerberus ...Maaayyybbbeeee
    [04:32] Keileon Did you or not
    [04:32] Cerberus Not yet
    [04:32] Keileon
    [04:32] Shadow
    [04:32] Cerberus :l
    [04:32] Shadow It's been
    [04:32] Shadow Hours
    [04:32] Shadow After I posted it
    [04:32] Cerberus goes to his kennel.
    [04:32] Shadow After /you/ requested
    [04:32] Shadow To your what
    [04:32] Cerberus I was going to read it!
    [04:33] Cerberus But then
    [04:33] Cerberus It was long.
    [04:33] Cerberus And page-stretchey
    [04:33] Shadow That's what she said.
    [04:33] Cerberus lmao
    [04:33] Shadow sorry i had to do it
    [04:33] Keileon This is why you copypasta into notepad
    [04:33] Shadow I bet he doesn't know how
    [04:33] Keileon And shadow since when the fuck do you make TWSS jokes
    [04:33] Cerberus o u shadow
    [04:33] Shadow Since 4:33 AM
    [04:33] Keileon k
    [04:34] Cerberus LOL
    [04:34] Shadow I also have Pringles
    [04:34] Shadow and
    [04:34] Keileon I love how like
    [04:34] Keileon LOL
    [04:34] Shadow I'm going to cut myself
    [04:34] Cerberus LOL
    [04:34] Shadow with a chip
    [04:34] Keileon after 2am
    [04:34] Keileon everyone is drunk
    [04:35] Shadow Nope I'm too fucked to even cut myself
    [04:35] Shadow I'll do it tomorrow
    [04:35] Cerberus LMAO
    [04:35] Keileon break it in half
    [04:35] Keileon use the sharp edge
    [04:35] Shadow I was just using the normal edge
    [04:35] Shadow I drew blood last time like that
    [04:35] Keileon I still question why.
    [04:36] Shadow I am fucked in the head that's why
    [04:36] Keileon k
    [04:36] Keileon I should keep that in mind
    [04:36] Keileon I keep forgetting
    [04:36] Keileon but then
    [04:36] Cerberus Kuda why are you instructing people to cut themseves
    [04:36] Keileon kudamemory
    [04:36] Cerberus *themselves
    [04:36] Shadow I think my characters all embody a part of my mentally insane self
    [04:36] Keileon Because I can?
    [04:36] Shadow So
    [04:36] Cerberus [/B^(
    [04:36] Shadow by that theory
    [04:36] Shadow it means
    [04:36] Keileon LOL
    [04:36] Shadow I have the mind of a loli
    [04:37] Keileon LMAO
    [04:37] Cerberus LMAO
    [04:37] Shadow I wonder why I'm not a little girl yet
    [04:38] Cerberus You haven't been getting enough Everything Nice
    [04:38] Shadow Everything Nice?
    [04:38] Cerberus Spice I would assume you get enough of
    [04:38] Cerberus Sugar idk
    [04:38] Cerberus But Everything Nice
    [04:38] Keileon >Copy log for chatlogging
    [04:38] Shadow Everything Nice
    [04:38] Cerberus most certainly deficient
    [04:38] Shadow right
    [04:39] Keileon >almost entire visibility window thingy whatever the fuck it's called
    [04:39] Cerberus Porn?
    [04:39] Shadow I'm just going to ignore the fact I think you'd try to molest me if I really was a loli
    [04:39] Cerberus *mauled*
    [04:39] Cerberus LMAOSHADOW
    [04:39] Cerberus I think
    [04:39] Cerberus You would try to molest yourself.
    [04:40] Shadow That's called masturbation
    [04:40] Shadow Unless I was retarded
    [04:40] Cerberus When you're a loli you get to use spell cards to achieve climax
    [04:40] Shadow And I would be like "NO HAND NO THERE NOOOO"
    [04:40] Cerberus LOL
    [04:40] Shadow How the fuck
    [04:40] Shadow would spell cards
    [04:40] Shadow do thart
    [04:40] Shadow that
    [04:40] Keileon LOL
    [04:41] Cerberus Climax "Peak of Sensation"
    [04:41] Keileon The weird thing is
    [04:41] Keileon That actually sounds cool
    [04:41] Cerberus LOL
    [04:41] Keileon OKAY I really should get going
    [04:42] Shadow NO STAY
    [04:42] Keileon but but but
    [04:42] Shadow At least until 5:00 AM!
    [04:42] Keileon okay fine fuck you
    [04:42] Shadow no problem


    [04:44] Keileon Can I go now?
    [04:44] Cerberus Haven't gotten around to downloading it again.
    [04:44] Cerberus Kuda
    [04:44] Shadow 16 minutes
    [04:44] Cerberus How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck
    [04:45] Cerberus had the sentience to wield a chainsaw?
    [04:45] Shadow what
    [04:45] Shadow LOL.
    [04:45] Keileon LOL
    [04:45] Shadow Chainsaw-wielding woodchucks
    [04:45] Shadow are not a mental image you have everyday
    [04:46] Cerberus And yet in Coe
    [04:46] Cerberus *CoE
    [04:46] Cerberus Anything is possible
    [04:46] Shadow yes
    [04:46] Shadow anything
    [04:46] Cerberus (That means it's like a magical fairy land)
    [04:46] Shadow make a contract with me
    [04:46] Cerberus Involving wat
    [04:46] Shadow magical girls
    [04:47] Shadow Cerby, become a magical girl!
    [04:47] Cerberus UM
    [04:47] Cerberus I WOULD
    [04:47] Cerberus But then I'd have this
    [04:47] Cerberus certain appendage
    [04:47] Cerberus That I wouldn't know what to do with.
    [04:47] Shadow Obliterated.
    [04:47] Cerberus UMOKAY
    [04:47] Cerberus ER
    [04:48] Shadow Okay more like
    [04:48] Shadow genderbent
    [04:48] Shadow into a loli magical girl
    [04:48] Shadow What's your color!?!
    [04:48] Cerberus ...What are you planning to do with me?!
    [04:48] Keileon He has a flying ship
    [04:48] Cerberus And purple, black if you count it.
    [04:48] Keileon be warned
    [04:49] Cerberus ...Airship Fortress
    [04:49] Shadow You're now Magical★ Girl Cerberus
    [04:49] Keileon ★?
    [04:49] Cerberus I feel pretty.
    [04:49] Keileon LOL
    [04:49] Shadow And your theme colors are purple
    [04:50] Shadow And your transformation sequence is heavily based on fanservice
    [04:50] Cerberus LOL
    [04:50] Keileon LMAO
    [04:50] Shadow And you have the power to wield ridiculously large weapons with no difference in efficience to normal ones
    [04:50] Shadow Okay who's next
    [04:50] Shadow Kuda
    [04:51] Keileon NO
    [04:51] Cerberus LMAO
    [04:51] Shadow What's your color!?!?
    [04:51] Keileon GO AWAY
    [04:51] Shadow BITCH SAY A COLOR
    [04:51] Cerberus LEL
    [04:51] Keileon INVISIBLE
    [04:51] Shadow You're now Magical★ Girl Keileon
    [04:51] Cerberus Her clothes are all invisible in Magical Girl form ._.
    [04:51] Cerberus *mauled*
    [04:51] Shadow Your theme color is invisible
    [04:51] Shadow therefore
    [04:51] Keileon oh god what
    [04:51] Shadow your magical girl custome is naked
    [04:51] Keileon LMAO
    [04:52] Cerberus inb4GET
    [04:52] Shadow Your transformation sequence is entire hentai
    [04:52] Cerberus LMAO
    [04:52] Keileon lolwat
    [04:52] Shadow And you have the power to summon dragons from subdimensions which summon blades from subdimensions which summon firebreath from subdimensions
    [04:52] Keileon Okay I like that one
    [04:52] Shadow Each iterations takes a full minute
    [04:53] Keileon better than dbz
    [04:53] Shadow LMAO
    [04:53] Keileon I don't think this is fair
    [04:53] Shadow why
    [04:53] Keileon I don't even watch magical girl anime
    [04:54] Shadow you're naked shut upo
    [04:54] Cerberus I feel like someday Shadow is just going to start up a mahou shojou RP
    [04:54] Shadow -o
    [04:54] Cerberus And coerce everyone to participate.
    [04:54] Keileon you're high shut up
    [04:54] Shadow Mahou Shoujo Shadow Magica!
    [04:54] Shadow Oh
    [04:54] Shadow OH
    [04:54] Shadow LMFAO
    [04:54] Shadow Did you remember the time I told you
    [04:54] Shadow about the dream in which I was the leader of a team of magical girls?
    [04:54] Cerberus LOLWAT
    [04:54] Keileon LOL THAT
    [04:55] Shadow Well
    [04:55] Shadow there was a plot
    [04:55] Shadow Turns out that there's this antagonist guy who i don't really remember much details of, who had this mysterious extradimensional voice talking to him inside his head
    [04:56] Shadow And he went insane or whatever the fuck
    [04:56] Shadow and the voice gave him the power to command legions of astral entities from a completely different plane of existence to attack the world
    [04:56] Keileon for a minute I thought you said inside your head
    [04:57] Shadow So my team of magical girls basically transformed into their mahou shoujo shit and instantly phased into a parallel dimension known as the Phantomside
    [04:57] Shadow Where they fought against them
    [04:57] Shadow And I for some reason had this set of grey, really technological set of headphones thing
    [04:58] Shadow That when I put them on, had this nondescript electronic loli voice talk to me
    [04:58] Shadow She was extremely sarcastic like
    [04:58] Keileon you?
    [04:58] Shadow We were being attacked
    [04:58] Shadow and I was like
    [04:58] Shadow "Okay what do"
    [04:58] Shadow "I suggest you dodge."
    [04:58] Cerberus LOL
    [04:59] Keileon LOL
    [04:59] Keileon You
    [04:59] Keileon Have the weirdest dreams.
    [04:59] Shadow Or in another time I was walking around the normal parts of this really weird city
    [04:59] Shadow And I randomly put the headphones on
    [04:59] Shadow and the voice was like
    [05:00] Shadow "There's trouble in the Phantomside, go contact your harem."
    [05:00] Keileon LOL
    [05:00] Shadow I
    [05:00] Shadow Honestly don't even know if I was a loli or not
    [05:00] Keileon Okay it's 5am FUCK YOU ALL I'M GOING TO BED
  16. Me and some folks from Fan/fic/ Theater 3000 were co-riffing a fic today... "Dirty Sexy Pony". SHUDDER.

    Some silliness ensued in the GDocs chat box...

    (BTW, "me" is of course me.:p )

    dudewah470: Yeah, you're fucked
    legodrew4: Wait...WHAT.
    kjm6897: We all are.
    dudewah470: believe it or not, this does get worse
    the narrative is practically nonexistant
    gh3ttoduCanada: don't believe it. it hurts more that way
    legodrew4: PLEASE tell me Flutters isn't in this.
    dudewah470: good luck on trying to figure out what's going on!
    gh3ttoduCanada: did you actually read the whole thing, atlas?
    dudewah470: a good amount of it
    gh3ttoduCanada: there's a shitty "explanation" far toward the end
    legodrew4: We should do a big riff of my story.
    dudewah470: holy shit, it's next to impossible to what's even going on
    kjm6897: And twow, I looked at the character tags. Shy is safe.
    legodrew4: Oh thank god.
    dudewah470: but Pinkie isn't
    kjm6897: And neither is Twi.
    dudewah470: I feel sorry for when Fallen gets here
    gh3ttoduCanada: rarity, pinkie, twilight, celestia, luna, dr. whooves
    kjm6897: Or Spike, apparently.
    dudewah470: but he said he can't be here today
    gh3ttoduCanada: he's at PAX, right?
    dudewah470: Yeah
    legodrew4: Wait, Luna?
    kjm6897: Type, I will find you and kill you.
    gh3ttoduCanada: celestia, luna and dr. whooves are at the bonus last chapter
    dudewah470: ...Type...
    legodrew4: Type....
    dudewah470: Draklox should be here soon
    legodrew4: There's my first bad pun!
    gh3ttoduCanada has left.
    dudewah470: indent when riffing, Gl1m0
    darkplaya33 has opened the document.
    kjm6897: Sigma!
    dudewah470: Hurray!
    darkplaya33: Horsemen!
    legodrew4: Sigma! Hai!
    darkplaya33: Hey twow!
    legodrew4: Ready to tear this shit apart?
    dudewah470: Now all we need is MrSing and the four horsemen can ride until nightfall!
    darkplaya33: (David Tennant Face) OH YES!
    legodrew4: This is in chapters, right?
    darkplaya33: I dunno. Atlas?
    dudewah470: yeah
    legodrew4: Alright? I'ma have to cut out after chapter 1 or I'll never get anything done.
    dudewah470: alright
    at least you got some riffing in today
    darkplaya33: Hey, Atlas?
    dudewah470: remember, we have a shit ton of tiem to do this
    legodrew4: Atlas, we have to do that marathon sometime
    dudewah470: I know, I'm busy!
    darkplaya33: Permission to finally start up my canon at the end of this?
    dudewah470: not sure what you mean by that
    darkplaya33: To start an actual plot with my character that I will explain in a future riff?
    dudewah470: Umm, sure
    darkplaya33: Alright
    legodrew4: Alright guys. I'll be back later.
    darkplaya33: Seeya, twow
    legodrew4 has left.
    dudewah470: let's see
    I'm still waiting for Emerald Flight, RatherHomely, Pixels, and EricKilla to give me their emails
    kjm6897 has left.
    elijah1129 has opened the document.
    dudewah470: Hi, Regi
    sorry about the argument yesterday!
    I was a bit more frustrated with shit than I usually am
    elijah1129: I'm crushed over MCR, but I'll push that aside
    Hopefully I'll be able to get some good lols fom this
    dudewah470: I know you're not a regular riffer, but maybe I wanted you to join the small army of riffers
    most of them aren't here yet
    me: I'm such a noob. I only JUST NOW figured out that GDocs has a chat function... *facepalms*
    elijah1129: hehe
    dudewah470: ...
    (Buddhist facepalm)
    darkplaya33: Dude...
    me: ...quiet, you.
    darkplaya33: (falls into a plothole)
    dudewah470: my favorite kind of facepalm
    it's so epic !
    darkplaya33: (comes out of another plothole and lands on Type)
    me: I don't often use GDocs, so I'm not extensively familiar with it. At least, I've never done live collaborations outside of Fanfic
    dudewah470: Ah
    good thing I hired a few veterancs
    including the guy that founded MPPT3K
    me: Not that riffing is new to me or anything. I've done some offline MSTs as practice, some that I really oughta share...
    Also, damn this keyboard. New laptop, still getting used to it...
    darkplaya33: I wish Type was here so I could interrogate him about this
    dudewah470: Don't worry
    he'll be back later
    then we get to torture him
    me: He bailed early on, it would seem. Not that I would blame him.
    This story.........
    .....there are no words.
    dudewah470: It gets worse
    it really does
    it makes less and less sense with each chapter
    me: Like... how worse? More porn, less plot?
    dudewah470: more like less plot
    a still a lot of porn
    me: As to be expected, I guess...
    I'm glad I didn't decide to play the drinking game...
    dudewah470: I won't spoil the ending/explanation to all this
    you have to see it to believe it
    it's such BULLSHIT
    angryrat69 has opened the document.
    dudewah470: ah, Darklox is here
    me: Hey Drak. :)
    dudewah470: it's actually better that only 3 to four 4 riffers are here at a time
    otherwise Gdocs will choke
    elijah1129: So, um
    Do I just join in
    Where you left off, or
    dudewah470: Yeah
    you come in right after Drak, apparently
    ya know, short introduction
    again, I know you're not used to this
    darkplaya33: So, who here is familiar with the ever classic Pan Galaactic Gargle Blaster?
    dudewah470: aside from me and Something
    me: From the Hitchhiker's Guide? Yeah. I could really go for some of that right now, thinking about it...
    darkplaya33: Well, fear not, for I have discovered another, stronger drink that makes it look like bilgewater in comparison!
    me: Which is?
    darkplaya33: This drink is within the pages of the sixth book of the H2g2 trilogy. The "Dragon Slammer."
    The name sorta sucks
    p.derkx has opened the document.
    darkplaya33: Sing!
    dudewah470: Sing!
    darkplaya33: Sing's here and Something isn't now
    p.derkx: Hello.
    dudewah470: and Regi appears to be stuck in time
    me: Hey there, Sing!
    p.derkx: Well that does sound like a nirvana album.
    dudewah470: man, I can't wait until Fallen gets here whenever he comes back from PAX
    and I still need emails from a few people
    me: He's in for a treat, that much is certain.
    dudewah470: Indeed he is
    and Sing, you just missed Type, Something, and twow
    p.derkx: :C
    dudewah470: so many riffers!
    me: This riff escalated rather quickly, eh? The first chapter already is full of comments...
    By the way, how many chapters are there?
    dudewah470: 13
    some of them are really short
    this fic is about 37,000 words long
    me: We're in for the long haul, obviously. It's easy to see why we have two weeks time to do this.
    dudewah470: and why I hired over a dozen riffers for this
    p.derkx: Why are there so many rape vibes?
    dudewah470: because this is a rape
    p.derkx: Let me restate the question than. Why is there a rape?
    dudewah470: Because fuck it
    darkplaya33: Because Type fucked Spike's character up big time
    dudewah470: we don't get a decent explanation for this
    p.derkx: I know that there is fucking, but why?
    WHat this is Spike!?
    dudewah470: because it was all a dream!
    p.derkx: WHY!?
    me: Because reasons.
    dudewah470: Seriously, what the fuck is ithis?!
    p.derkx: Great, so now I'm not only reading about rape, but also about reverse pedophilia.
    I'm going back to 120 days of Blueblood now.
    dudewah470: does that make it a double negative?
    Also, the narrative makes no sense
    because apparenlty this is time travel, but it's not
    me: I'll probably go to hell just by reading this. I feel so dirty.
    darkplaya33: I'm already going to hell! /it's also known as Junior High school.
    In Texaas.
    dudewah470: Sing, take it like a man!
    p.derkx: What,like Rarity is doing?
    dudewah470: well that's taking it like a MARE
    and last time I checked, you had a dick
    darkplaya33: No, THAT is taking it like an OoC bitch
    dudewah470: ...that really came out wrong
    p.derkx: Why did you check if I had a dick?
    dudewah470: the reason
    darkplaya33: Actually, I got him drunk of his ass with PGG
    And convinced him to fuck with random shit
    Or maybe that was universe 20?...
    me: ...waht.
    dudewah470: Roger, Roger
    What's our Vector, Victor?
    p.derkx: I don't even know anymore.
    me: We have clearance, Clarence. :p
    darkplaya33: Do we have a vector, Oveur?
    dudewah470: Hehe
    Airplane is the shit
    darkplaya33: Indeed
    me: I watched that movie, like, a hundred times. XD
    dudewah470: so did we
    darkplaya33: Surely you cannot have watched it that many times!
    me: I have watched it that many times.
    And don't call me Shirley.
    p.derkx: I instantly believe you.
    darkplaya33: What's Regidar doing?
    dudewah470: I dunno
    he's just standing there... menacingly
    darkplaya33: So whaddya think of my H2g2 note on the Slammers?
    dudewah470: MAH BOI
    darkplaya33: GAH!
    me: You know, considering the name of the drink you mentioned ("Dragon Slammers"), and the context of this chapter...
    ...it is rather unfortunately named.
    darkplaya33: OH GOD
    dudewah470: yes it is
    p.derkx: Enjoy your drink...
    dudewah470: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
    me: I'm actually laughing really hard right now.
    You know, in-between bouts of crying.
    p.derkx: It's the riffer way/
    dudewah470: laughing because of the fic?
    That happened to me too
    me: It's horrible, yet it's so ridiculous.
    Of course, my sanity might just be fraying a bit...
    darkplaya33: And I'm once again reminded of Metallica
    p.derkx: Pony rape reminds you of Metallica?
    darkplaya33: NO!
    What Gl1m0 said!
    dudewah470: I think it reminds hi of Dave Mustaine though
    p.derkx: Whatever floats your both, man
    darkplaya33: They have a song called "The Frayed Ends of Sanity"
    dudewah470: *him
    darkplaya33: Oh, yes. MSL 2.
    That was rather... eventful
    dudewah470: guh
    I gotta go take a shower
    be right back
    me: I'll need to take one as well. Twice, after reading this...
    p.derkx: You can scrub away the dirt, but you'll never get the stains out of out soul.
    And I lost the ability to type already.
    darkplaya33: well, I'm gonna do some other stuff. Be back later
    p.derkx: Bye.
    me: See ya.
    darkplaya33 has left.
    p.derkx: I'm going too. See you guys later.
    me: Later.
    p.derkx has left.
    dudewah470: Damn, I missed them!
    me: Just me now. :p
    Well, and Regi.
    And Drak...
    dudewah470: But Regi's not doing anything
    me: AFK? I dunno.
    dudewah470: He should've closed the doc if he's budy
    me: Or he could just be watching, waiting......
    dudewah470: ...for what?
    me: ...no clue. I'm no mind reader.
    dudewah470: Well, I gotta go
    have fun, you two!
    dudewah470 has left.

    (The Dragon Slammers joke makes more sense in context. :p And this is only day ONE...)
  17. [20:30] Keileon Oh Shadow btw
    [20:30] Shadow ?
    [20:30] Keileon We're studying dream theories in psych and like
    [20:31] Keileon I heard some interesting theories that I think you, being the one with epic dreams, might want to test out
    [20:31] Shadow hm?
    [20:31] |<-- Nate|phone has left irc.paradoxirc.net (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Nate!Nate@hidden-nakq62.dhcp.embarqhsd.net)))
    [20:31] -->| Nate|phone (Nate@hidden-nakq62.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) has joined #CoE
    [20:31] Keileon 1. Looking closely at your hands in a dream, apparently, is supposed to help you become lucid
    [20:32] LordXGigaX ... And Infinis fogged the egg...
    [20:32] Cerberus So then you can control when lolis enter your dream.
    [20:32] Shadow I'd try that if my dreams weren't so sequenced and scripted. Sometimes I'm not even there at all.
    [20:32] Keileon 2. Asking a radio or TV a question supposedly helps you access parts of your subconscious that your conscious mind can't access
    [20:33] Cerberus wtf
    [20:33] Shadow lol what
    [20:33] Cerberus Computer!
    [20:33] Keileon apparently they're symbolic of connections between the two
    [20:33] Cerberus What is the meaning of life?!
    [20:33] Shadow Computer! Where can I find the BEST LOLI?
    [20:33] -->| Elegante (chatzilla@hidden-h46feg.dynamic.bardstowncable.net) has joined #CoE
    [20:33] =-= Mode #CoE +v Elegante by ChanServ
    [20:33] Cerberus LOL
    [20:33] Cerberus THERE YOU GO, SHADOW
    [20:33] Nate|phone "Internet"
    [20:33] Keileon LOLTIMING
    [20:33] Shadow LMFAO.
    [20:33] Cerberus IT'S A SIGN
    [20:34] Elegante ...
    [20:34] Nate|phone Lmao
    [20:34] Shadow Okay well
    [20:34] Elegante que
    [20:34] Shadow That didn't go as expected
  18. we're such a helpful bunch.

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