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Twittering / Random Musings

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Nov 14, 2013.

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  1. ParadoxIRC a shit
  2. Great start to the year. Let's celebrate by blowing up a fireworks factory!
  3. omg sausage balls man ;-; yummy
  4. Well we missed that- lol.
    Guess I'm officially 1 year (and a day) in ZEJ years?
  5. Aw yes, I got a recommendation letter from a professor of mine. My chances for getting into U of T just got a bit higher!
  6. Excellent work! I hope you get in -- any of the UTs you specifically want to get into?
  7. Inspiration is coming back ever so slowly.
  8. I come in, make two comments, and am immediately insulted, gg
  9. Fuck you editor pls go die thx
  10. I can't feel my feet. I have sprinted in heels. Don't sprint in heels.
  11. Just got called a troll on Twitter for pointing out someone fudging a graph of CAD v USD exchange rates by setting the scale to 0.2. May be significant in currencies but I don't think parity benefited average Canadians very much. 
  12. Better than the anti-American bigot that I was called for calling the shoes the Republican chick was wearing for her party's anti-State of the Union address ugly. Those were fucking ugly shoes.
  13. TIL more people are assholes than I originally thought.
  14. I was texting my debate coach about the tournament that we're going to in Pennsylvania in a couple weeks, and since we can't afford a bus we're taking a convoy of cars driven by chaperones. Because my coach's car is so small, he's renting a van and he decided that the Student Congress squad gets to ride with him.

    Me: I call shotgun on the way up to Pennsbury.
    Pratt: Ha! Now you ride in the trunk!
    Me: I'll make you coffee...
    Pratt: No bribes. I will probably flip a coin or hold a ridiculous competition for shotgun.
    Me: I'm all for a ridiculous competition, but that could mean you end up with Lucas...

  15. Ok so Joni Ernst has no fashion sense whatsoever (and she has unironically uttered the phrase "I castrated pigs on a hog farm" in a campaign ad which is neither here nor there) but is this really the takeaway you got from her speech???

  16. For the most part it was the same garbage the Republican party is known for spouting off besides her personal history and Amurika. Keystone Pipeline bullshit, Obamacare sucks, no abortion, etc. The Keystone Pipeline is going to be the big thing this year though. Even though it will only create 50 permanent jobs. And won't increase our energy independence at all. 
  17. Bought a red dress with a flapper-fringe.  Now I can just stand in the corner and twirl forever.
  18. You don't know how jealous I am.
  19. http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/6454550/
  20. summary of my day: dragon politics
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