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Twittering / Random Musings

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Nov 14, 2013.

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  1. I downvoted that post in my heart.
  2. Yes, I have been listening to copious amounts of Nicki Minaj. Pink wig, thick ass, give em whiplash.
  3. So I'm doing another rerun of Awakening and I just finished Chap. 6. (From now on known as "FE 14: The Hype is Real Saga" or "FE14:HRS")

    Had most of the people going down the left, Kellam and Panne/Lon'Qu in the middle by [Spoiler, but we all know who it is]. So on the right, I had Stahl/M!Avatar with Avatar there to protect Stahl so he could level up. I also had Miriel/Ricken. Ricken had not leveled since his join (so level 3) and I believe Miriel was LVL 8. They had no supports as of yet, so Miriel (current lead) had only base boosts.

    She plowed through the whole fucking left side with literally 1 HP.
  4. FE14:HRS #2- Miriel is still too fucking OP, I recruited the Bae, and Sumia/Sully is the most majestic of all things

    Finished chap. 9. Fucking Miriel being an OP BAMF Bae again, gdi. This time she's like... lvl 14 I think? Destroyed the reinforcement Wyvern Riders, killed half the other units, killed boss: 8 HP since first turn. And like, she had 50-58% chance of being hit each time, but she fucking dodged repeatedly? And she was paired with Virion (Who was low heath and needed to be paired to survive) and they haven't supported, so like- Basic boosts. Like... Damn.

    Also Tharja. Why is my Bae the creepy one? How did this happen? Why? (After recruitment she got a critical her first battle. I might have made an ungodly noise of joy.)

    Also I can plow through any fucking defense with Sumia/Sully (Sumia as lead, Sully as backer). Like, they have A support, Sumia is lvl 20 base class (or was last fight, just promoted her), Sully is lvl 15 base. And- I- They're so magestic. They're so OP. Not as OP as Miriel. No one is as OP as Miriel. But still.
  5. I know I said Hinoka would be my avatar, but then I made this shitty self-portrait and...
  6. Just can't wait to be done with midterms. It's been a long, exhausting week.
  7. Hooray. I'm employed. I'm a barista. I can make people coffee. Good coffee. For better money than my water park job.
  8. Can you mail me some Britt-Brewed coffee omg
    I don't care if it gets cold or takes forever on snail mail
    I'll even accept coffee sent in spirit
  9. I hate Mondays and corrupt mods.
  10. >corrupt mods

    dunno why you're at ZEJ then AAYYYYYY
  11. Yeah, our mods all love Mondays.
  12. B/c of Cod's ZEJstuck prompt I'm actually inspired to make it a thing... uuuuuu, just posted a bunch of things already written for it. *dies b/c removing color codes without removing other formatting is exhausting*
  13. just gonna say ZEJstuck is the greatest
  14. [​IMG]
  15. Oh on the subject of college, guess how much I'm paying for undergrad


    *whoop whoop*
  16. Congrats to both Mudd and Kam, btw. :)
    MSPARP is down but still had RP fun times. I was Gamzee, typos b/c mobile
    So fun, omg
  17. All this time later and I still don't understand the appeal of Homestuck.

    You should totally come visit me in the east end of Toronto at some point next year! I live at Danforth and Main.
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