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Twittering / Random Musings

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Nov 14, 2013.

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  1. Growing up my mom would always be like "It's around time for Maghrib, start turning on the lights!" (Maghrib being the 4th Islamic prayer time). I can totally sit in the dark to watch TV or whatever but it's always kinda odd because I'm so used to having the lights on that late.

    In other news school's giving stress and it's not even that hectic yet
  2. I really want an adult version of Freddi Fish. Any recommendations?
  3. After a quick google search I found this thread on another forum. Might be what you're looking for?
  4. Leisure Suit Larry
  5. Love how my best friend and I can just chat for an hour or two about our respective troubles with SJWs and concepts they don't like to admit exists.

    Cathartic as hell.
  6. Maybe not that adult...
  7. Well, any of the Telltale Games then. I highly recommend their Walking Dead series. Wolf Among Us seems pretty fantastic too.
  8. Religion is humanity attempting to rationalize that which it doesn't understand.
  9. Just wanted to watch SO. Please, universe, was that too much to ask for?

    I mean you can't leave me hanging once you burn the main female /alive/ at the end of Thursday's episode. My god.
  10. Joined Tinder with a friend today as a way to make friends. Right. Great idea.
  11. Isn't that just the tumblr version of dating sites?
  12. Maybe...? I'm not sure what you mean by that.
  13. Anyone know a relatively inexpensive brand and/or set of colored modeling clay that preferably has large amounts of blue, black, and white clay?

    Has to be able to be baked or something to dry/harden.
  14. My mom wants me to cut and dye (not sure if she means fully or like, highlights) my hair but the question is
  15. Rainbow.
  16. How large? What are you planning to make?
  17. This, but bigger.


    The little guy's about... four inches long, I want to say? I didn't have enough for any greater detail. Probably going to make a new one closer to a foot long.
  18. http://store.steampowered.com/app/282560/

    RollerCoaster Tycoon World available for preorder, and releasing two weeks before Christmas.

    Yeah, you guys may not see much of me this winter.
  19. Who are you again?
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