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The General Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Keileon, Jul 14, 2012.

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  1. Alright, I'll be sure to bring my cousin and keep him outside to chase 'em away-- *SHOT*.

    Anyway, I've always wanted a dog for those reasons. But my allergies prevent that from ever happening and my dad hates cleaning up after them. The most we'd do if we don't call the cops is probably just try to lock everything up and keep our weapons at hand.
  2. I'm allergic to dogs and yet after 6 years of semi-constant pestering I finally am able to get a dog.
    Now... To find a dog that my dad will approve of. >:T
  3. Kudos; well lol ofc I trust you, that happens to be why I'm asking you/Starr. XD

    But yeah, best thing is to keep everything nailed to the ground and/or under lock and key. Also that sucks not being able to get a dog, but there are certain other animals - parrots or 'keets, say - that would make enough noise to wake the neighbourhood up if a burglar broke in in the night.
  4. Robbers have been known to steal birds around here too. I love my parrots too much to put them in danger. :|
  5. There's always allergy medication, and then if your dad doesn't want a perfectly good houseguard because he's too lazy to clean up after it then he can get all his beer stolen or something.
  6. Surprisingly enough, hes been sober for quite a long time o_O

    Well, school's been going great lately. Really fun, but for the past two days I've been completely out of whack. Been getting long-lasting dizzy spells to the point where my vision begins to blur and I can't even keep my head up for more than a minute. So I've been spending most of my time with my head down. I honestly don't know what's going on with me, and I know it isn't blood sugar or something (I proved it wasn't the case) so this is just confusing me a bit. Perhaps its a draining effect of stress or something. I might go to a doctor about it. (as i'm typing this, I'm feeling dizzy lel) Oh, also getting my class ring either today or tomorrow ^^
  7. Yeah, might want to check with the school nurse. Generally the only school office staff that does anything useful.
  8. It ended up being a combination of not eating and extreme stress. The not eating part truely never gave me problems until now, but considering the past few weeks..yeah, stress has been playing a big part of it. But I'm better today though. Just took it easy and stuff.
    Also, sociology was interesting today: Men do more physical contact when speaking than women. Honestly never truely knew it, but i've seen it.
  9. Got my new headphones today. Two words.

  10. UPS hasn't delivered my class ring yet. Jerks :|

    On another note, I've been having strange dreams lately that are slowly but surely re-introducing my past experiences and the people who were in it. Namely those who had so much impact in my life. Oh, also planetary dreams. One was about Mars being too close to Earth and was visible to the naked eye. It looked cool, just a huge red planet next to the small moon. Doesn't beat the rest of my celestial visions, however. If I could paint, I'd show you how cream-pants worthy they are.

    Ramblerambleramble because I'm stuck in Computer Class.
  11. So I slipped on the ice AGAIN...

    [12:01] Keileon And this time
    [12:01] Keileon I 1. had to go to the nurse's office in a wheelchair
    [12:01] Keileon 2. hurt my knee even more badly than my ankle
    [12:01] Keileon 3. missed first period
    [12:01] Keileon <_<
    [12:02] Shadow Your affinity to ice is simply impressive
    [12:02] Shadow It just wants a hug
    [12:02] Keileon LOL
    [12:02] Keileon It hurt like hell
    [12:02] Keileon My right leg went forward, my left leg(the weak, injured one) went back, and I fell on my side
    [12:02] Keileon The hell does that happen
  12. Kudamon [Ice Affinity] [Vulnerable Wound]
  13. Wouldn't it be more like Immobilize in this case?
  14. Eh, wound works well~
  15. I'm sorry, but how is this funny? :V

    in all seriousness I'm laughing about it too
  16. Apropos:

    Seeing as today is the not-so-strict  third day of Pongal and all (I think I mentioned it's our Thanksgiving), we went to a relatively upscale South Indian restaurant (Pongal is exclusively South Indian; 1-day counterparts exist elsewhere in India; also lol all sanitary Indian restaurants are somewhat upscale). They erved a dessert involving some coconut milk and jaggery. Now this is a very strong mixture that ferments really easily (and is used to make traditional Indian wines and beers, the latter of which is supposedly not as strong as American beer). And today's sweet had a fermented, frothing mixture of the fluid (it shouldn't be fermented; the sous chef left it too long outside) encased in a sweet flour hull. I took an unsuspecting bite of it (fermented and non-fermented coconut milk and jaggery mix smell the same) and almost immediately, my head started pounding really badly and I felt nauseous.

    My question: what exactly do Westerners (every single Western legal adult as well as quite a few underaged people whom I know drink beer on a regular basis, especially the Americans) see in wine and alcohol? a. It tastes godawful; and b. it seems to give instant hangovers (my head is still aching, despite my large mass, which has something to do with damping angovers I hear?). I mean I know some people do it out of frustration, but how do they stand it?
  17. Far as I know, alcohol isn't supposed to give instant hangovers; depending on how much you drink, the hangover can not come at all or come after you wake up in the morning, though this is all from watching one of my friends in his drunker moments. Adding to that, I think the taste differs between each drink, so you really can't generalize...

    Maybe you just had a mild allergic reaction.

    Edit: Also excuse me but I am (technically) an adult and I don't drink. :p

    (granted I'm not 21 but yeah)
  18. Read: "as quite a few underaged people whom I know". Quite a few ≠ all. =P You are underaged.

    But I doubt I had a mild allergic reaction; I have jaggery based foods nearly on a daily basis (jaggery is used really frequently in Tamil cooking, as it's quite a healthy alternative to sugar, which also was not a thing during the conception of Indian cooking =P); and I drink coconut milk from time to time. Besides I've had this sweet before when it's not been fermented, and it tastes okay (not to my taste, but it's quite good still).

    Also, I don't think allergic reactions are characterised by headaches? I thought that as only a side effect.
  19. Allergies have a shitload of ways of expressing themselves, and besides, I've known people who ate, say, peanut butter on a regular basis only to one day suddenly have a peanut allergy.
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