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Real Life Eebit (The Jake Fryer Experience)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by whitesubtitlesoncanadianwinter, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. This is just the cutest topic.
  2. "My immune system is thug level."
  3. "Those who can't do, teach, so what am I supposed to do!?!"
    *cowers in corner*
  4. Jacob: Ew. You double space after periods?
    Krista: Yeah...? That's how it is supposed to be. Unless I'm trying...
    Jacob: *leans in close*
    Krista: *leans in expecting a kiss*
    Jacob: Peasant.
  5. [​IMG]

    one of my shining moments of lucidity
  6. would just like to note that double-spacing after periods is 1. ugly 2. seriously dated and 3. should only be used with monospaced font, if at all.

  7. Best Thing material right here.
  8. Might I just say double-spacing is ugly, full-stop.
  9. "I'd make sweet sweet love to it."  (When talking about what he would do if given a comma pillow)
  10. Jacob. You scandalous mofo you. Or should I say comma fo.
  11. What can I say? I love me some commas.
  12. Conversation on going to Disneyland/world

    "Promise.  Promise we'll go to both."
    "What if I hate the first one."
    "Then we'll break up."  (Say this with Jacob-esqe serious vigor)
  13. LOL.

    What a coincidence, too. My family and I are trying to save up to go to both, as well. I've been to Land... when I was one. Needless to say, it's time to revisit the glory that I once claimed and don't remember at all
  14. *Krista criticizes the gross lack of support in Jacob's bed*
    "I'm going to hang up now bye.... You're just wrong.  An an asshole.  My bed is great." 


    "Would you want to have sex on a trampoline?"
    "YES! Would you not?"
    "You're so boooring."
  15. dafuq who doesn't want to bang on a trampoline
  16. The bed saga continues:

    "You're such a whiny baby... The whiniest of all the babies."
  17. #RelationshipGoals
  18. Last night I gave Jacob my half of the hotel payment in cash.  This is what followed:

    "I feel like the man people rap about."
    *gleefully throws all of the cash into the air*
    After struggling to find the last five dollar bill I find it over a metre away. 
    He says, "Now HOW did that get over there???"

    He also whined for twenty minutes about having to walk me home.
  19. Had the lovely experience of Jacob singing a multi-verse song about flipping a shirt right side out, to the tune of 'Happy And You Know It' .  The final verse included a line about me having great boobs but still having to fix the shirt.

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