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Real Life Eebit (The Jake Fryer Experience)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by whitesubtitlesoncanadianwinter, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. "I'm supposed to say what cell I'm going to!?"
    'Yeah. A jail cell."
    "Was 'A jail cell' all that you said?"
    "Yeah I think so but jail has to be in all caps, if it's not in all caps edit it now."
    "Are you adding that?"
    "You tried to edit your own fucking thread!"
    "Fuck this shit I'm playing Pokemon. Fucking horseshit girlfriend. What the fuck does she think she's doing? I'm playing Pokemon."
  2. "Fuck this shit, I'm playing Pokemon."

    what a god

  3. krista was totally the one who said this, right? eebit is such a horseshit gf

    This thread is amusing, but can we get who the speaker of each quote is next time? Sometimes it's not the most clear and you only definitively realize after a few lines.

  4. It's a test to see who knows Eebit the best. Obviously.
  5. I feel like you two should have a text font dedicated to you on behalf of your relationship or something.

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