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Magic Players? Yu-Gi-Oh? etc.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Ultimatum Void, Oct 30, 2012.


So do you play card games?

  1. Yeah totally, all the time dude.

    4 vote(s)
  2. Sometimes if I have nothing else to do.

    8 vote(s)
  3. Card games?

    0 vote(s)
  1. I recently bought an MtG Deck Builder/Starter kit! Anybody have tips? =D
  2. :'D ilu

    Practice practice practice. Find a color you like and make sure that you don't forget how to play. Don't become discouraged, and make sure that you find a color you like. That's about all I can offer... Welcome to the Magic community! :'D
  3. I think I really like Blue/Green. One of the starter decks is Blue and Green and it looks really utile and IDK I haven't really PLAYED it yet there's a huge Magic community at university so I want to play with some of my friends there.
  4. I have some MtG cards, but I have no clue how to play, lol
  5. So friends of mine over on another IRC convinced me to download DevPro. Apparently it's DN, but like times a million. I'm a bit sketchy on the concept since DN works just fine for me, but I'm deciding to give it a go anyway, because yolo. I'll let you know how I like it maybe idk.
  6. So the simulator was pretty sweet, but it's also pretty unstable due to the fact that it's a personal project. DN is probably where my heart will lie for the time being, even if I have to deal with all the trolls in the world over there.
  7. So while I was gone yesterday, I bought myself the Yu-Gi-Oh! Cyber Dragon Revolution structure deck. So many Cyber Dragon shenanigans in this deck, although now I have the tools necessary for irl Cyber End Dragon.

    I also got 4 Token cards this one guy tried to offer to someone because he didn't want them. Of course, the guy he was offering them to didn't want them either, so I pretty much took them because why the fuck not.
  8. I'm trying to find a way to play MtG online, but aside from the actual MtG Online by Wizards of the Coast I haven't really found anything good. I'm looking into Cockatrice currently but I have no idea how well online play works :/
  9. A new post in this thread? wtf

    So while I was gone today, I went to Target. There, I found several boxes of Yu-Gi-Oh! Legendary Collection 3 (the one with The Seal of Orichalcos). Because I hadn't seen this particular Legendary Collection in a long time, I decided not to pass up the opportunity and buy it.

    In addition to the seal, this also came with Dark Necrofear, Guardian Eatos, and Five Headed Dragon. (Great, because I can never have enough Grodis in my collection.) I also got Dark Magician of Chaos, Berfomet, another Dragon Master Knight, Millenium Shield, two Blue-Eyes Toon Dragons (o-okay...), two Dark Horus, and a bunch of other things that I'm too lazy to mention right now.
  10. asdf

    all that did was remind me that I lost FGD in storage

  11. Got some mail from Shonen Jump, which obviously means a new Yu-Gi-Oh! card. Today's acquisition is Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Evening Twilight:


    Also, those Chimeratechs...
  12. (LATE AS HELL REPLY BUT) I find LackeyCCG is the best program for not only online Magic but online CCGs period
  13. Chimeratech Overdragon still needs to be banned.

    actually limiter removal deserves to be looked at too

    Was going to make a Phantom Beast deck but there's very little support for it.
  14. I'm currently using a Traptrix anti-meta deck which has gotten a lot better since I got my hands on three copies of Dionaea, bless her little lolita heart.

    For magic I'm building an Animar EDH deck and another Modern deck. Currently using a modern Extortion/Constellation deck.

    Also, I used traptrix before they were HATrix heroes.
  15. [​IMG]


    Also if Sultai Charm is any indication this charm cycle is going to be INSANE. You thought Boros Charm was OP? How about Ultimate Price/Naturalize/Sift for three mana?
  16. I'm still a bit iffy about a wedge set. Not because I don't think it'll be absolutely amazing, but because I don't really use two-color decks very often let alone three.

    Speaking of best, I be a rocking and rolling with a standard mono-red deck made completely of commons and uncommons. [except for Burning Anger which will hopefully get replaced soon if it hasn't been already.] It'll smash an insane 9 damage on turn two on it's best runs and a measely 3 on its worst. Turn three I'm either murdering whatever creatures you hold dear or smashing you again for 5-12 damage. Turn four the guy that's smashing you becomes unblockable to secure the win. Unless my opponent runs a deck that can kill my creature turn 1 or 2, I'm pretty well set. As an added bonus, it can play solidly on 1-3 mana. Steady flow to 3 mana is prefered, but it can stand its own with 1 or 2 long enough for you to get more land.

    Satyr Hoplite x4
    Akroan Crusader x4

    Hammerhand x4
    Inferno Fist x4
    Flamespeaker's Will x4
    Thunderous Might x4
    Messenger's Speed x4
    Burning Anger x4

    Titan's Strength x4

    Hot Soup/Prowler's Helm x4

    Mountain x20
  17. I like wedge sets for just that reason-- it makes it really easy to get mana fixers for said three-color decks.

    Ahhh, good old Red Deck Wins. If you don't mind me making a suggestion? I know what you're trying to do with Prowler's Helm/Hot Soup, but in a deck that's probably making a lot of tokens, you want ways to prevent blocking rather than granting unblockability to just one creature. The card you're looking for is Blinding Flare-- target your opponent's dude to disable it, then target one of your own creatures for the Heroic Trigger. It's cool like that.

    If I were making this deck, I'd replace the Flamespeaker's Wills with a full set of Nyxborn Rollicker-- you probably want a third one-drop for consistency, and if you draw it too late, it's a Heroic trigger with an eventual 1/1. Your choice, though-- might be good if your opponents are trying out some weird artifact shit.
  18. Oh, I forgot I put Dragon Mantles in there; Sideboard the Burning Angers for those. Blinding Flare is also in the sideboard.

    The deck is actually built around Satyr Hoplite. Akroan Crusader is just there for a placeholder in case I can't mulligan to a hoplite. The deck runs like this:
    Turn 1: Drop Mountain, Drop Hoplite
    Turn 2: Drop Mountain, Target Hoplite and attack [If your opponent has a creature in play by now, use Hammerhand to stop it from blocking then use any other 1 cost spell; preferably Titan's Strength for the high damage hit and the scry.] Deal 3-9 damage this turn.
    Turn 3: Drop Mountain if able, enchant with thunderous might if possible. Drop Hot Soup. [Pay close attention to the cards you have this turn and you can hit the opponent again for 4-12 damage this turn.]
    Turn 4: Equip Hot Soup, unblockable hit for the win.
  19. [​IMG]


  20. Holy shit crystal beasts can do something now o.o

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