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If you had to write a book about your life...

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. ...what would the title be? What would the current chapter be called?
  2. Title: The Fucked Up Shit Brittany Does and Deals With
    Chapter: What Do I Want Now?
  3. Signature gif is entirely relevant.
  4. Which one? It's a looping one.
  5. The one with Daenerys and the explosions behind her. :p
  6. Hopes, Dreams, Wishes, and a Hand Full of Horseshit.

    Chapter 20 - "Why Did I Think Chinese Would be Fun to Learn?" and Other Fun Stuff About College Life.
  7. Book: "The Life and Times of Blechy Moods"
    Chapter: "So In Short, Me Me Mem Meh."
  8. The Life and Times of Jonathan Frahm.

    So original.

    Current Chapter: "ChobbyChoopChoop".
  9. All Eyes On Me

    Chapter 18: A Transition from Childhood to College?
  10. I… would like to make a slight tangent and focus some attention on my problems with answering this thread (indeed, threads such as this in general) properly, correctly and most importantly to my satisfaction.

    I shall do so by screen–capturing my previous draft and posting it here. My point will hope to demonstrate itself (please scroll without closing the spoiler for a summary).


    Essentially, I have issues with collecting my thoughts and answering general questions, questions without guided methods to be used to answer, questions in general, to be honest; often I am left with incomplete, derailed, run–on or just plain directionless trains of thought that leave my voracity for the right words unsatisfied.

    My issues are addressed in the link in the image; for convenience's sake I'm linking this sentence to that link.
  11. Decided to resurrect this topic. It just seems like one of them golden oldies that should get people talking.

    Anywho, I'm still thinking something simple for the title, though at this rate, how about Frahm? Chances are I'd be going on enough tangents to invoke a sense of an autobiography with additional biographies of my close family and friends, anyway.

    Chapter 21: Asphyxiating Circumlocution and the Elephantine Exhibition of Transience
  12. "Rain"

    Chapter 14: Poison in the Mind Leads to Bad Times
    Chapter 14: A Gentle Pain
  13. "Everyone Likes My Butt But Me"

    Chapter: What is Adulthood?
  14. "Don't Know Where I'm Going, and Frankly, I Don't Care"
    Chapter: Preparations for a Magical Land

    canada is magical, right
  15. Right...
  16. [​IMG]

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