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Holidays and Vacations

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by Zygardia, Oct 5, 2011.

  1. Not fully leaving, but am going to be forced to be a bit less active for about a week thanks to exams.
  2. Not fully leaving either, but being forced into less activity due to limited opportunities to get on now. Laptop has been taken from me, so yay.
  4. NEVER thought I'd ever post in this thread, but this particular time, it'd make no sense not to...

    Okay, so apparently, I'm going on a cruise for a couple of days. Now normally, when I'm away from home, I have some form of access to the Internet, usually somewhat limited. Well guess what? This time, I WON'T be on during those days. You know why? Because apparently, access to the Internet costs $30 for 45 minutes! Yeah.

    So unfortunately, you guys aren't gonna be seeing me at all until sometime on Monday or Tuesday. Most likely Monday, but... yeah...

    Anyway, it'll be a while before I actually have to go, so I'm gonna be online until about 11am EST. After that, I'm gone.
  5. $30 for 45 minutes?!


    (Anyway, have fun. But I'm afraid of anything that floats so that have fun is sorta empty. Oh, and don't raid the food very much. If the internet's expensive....imagine cinnamon buns and bacon. "So Yeah")

    EDIT: Heheh....Georgie..<3
  6. Woah, a cruise that actually has internet? (despite the high cost but yeah)

    Hope to see you return soon. ^^
  7. I'm back! :D In case you were wondering, my internet has been down for weeks due to me having to stay somewhere with no (free) internet while my house undergoes repairs. The good news is, I have the (again, not free) internet for about a week and a half, a little birthday present to me. The bad news is, after that, I'll probably be without the internet again for some time. Also, I could only get the internet connection on my computer, so unfortunately, that means I haven't had and still won't have a connection to my Wii U. :( On the bright side, I have quite a few games that have been keeping me busy, so it isn't all bad. :p Anyway, I'll try to be as active as possible, and I even have some cool ideas for what I can do, but I can't get into anything too deep right now, just in case I go into an extended period of absence again. Anyway, it's great to be back, even if it might only be for a week and a half.
  8. I am back. That is all.
  9. Tell me some news.

  10. And then you'll be gone again in a few days, so why do you even need to tell us that?

    On a related note, I'm back.
    And honestly surprised nothing's happened in the two RP's I'm in while I was gone. o_O
  11. Well guys, I'm off to Florida. I'll be away from home for a full week, so if I can't find internet access I'll see you guys on Wednesday/Thursday. It'll be awesome!

    See you there Giga :>
  12. Apologies for the unannounced disappearance, but I had some personal issues to sort out~ However, I'm back on track now, and I will set up the Interest Checks for at least 1 RP posthaste (Mirror Magic is top priority <3)! However, I have a couple of tidbits of information which I need to relay, and I will do this in the respective fora~
  13. Messieursdames, an inconvenient dearth of internet restricts me from posting for a week. I am posting this from school, and I have sufficient time solely to post this (we do not get internet in school otherwise, and I am using the teacher's computer). I doubt Espy Dearest will be able to post either as we share internet. </3 Until then, à plus tard!
  14. Going to be away for the next few days. Will be back on Monday. Wi-Fi access is only a maybe at this point, but I will definitely not be at the chat.
  15. Going to San Francisco for like 4 days or something starting Tuesday o no wot will happen to all the RPs I've been so so active and posting in and have joined o dear I hope you'll all survive

    no but srs going to make several topics from now until I leave because I've been quite inactive anyway you fuqers better post in them
  16. Je suis rétourné, m'amis! Thanks to a wonderful series of events leading to some commotion on the streets, thereby cutting several cables in and around the neighbourhood, it had seemed that the entire community went without internet. May I simply iterate how much of a fuckpain in the derrière Espy and Flamberge had been in a state this past, quoi, un, deux weeks? Hauteclère has also had gone into withdrawal, and I swear, those fucking masculins are feminine to the core, physically.

    En passant, did you know Espy has a pair of beautiful legs for a fattypants? You would see him swim and you would think 'oh fuck, how and why not moi-même?'
  17. And it appears we will not have internet for one more forever! This is Lævateinn, signing off from school internet. </3
  18. Disregard the above, if you please, it appears that the incharges had sent some technicians to fix the problem.
  19. I'm gone for a week tomorrow, only interwebs will be from phone and/or ipod, so, yeah, I may not post at all in the next seven days.
  20. Apparently I forgot about this place. Huh.

    Blame my bookmarker. I expect it to throw back ZEJ when I key in 'Z', but it didn't, for a while. Then I remembered that ZEJ exists when Lava informed me of her absence until coming Tuesday, so here I am.

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