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Twittering / Random Musings

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Nov 14, 2013.

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  1. Tbh I wish the Republican party was full of Paul Ryans. I feel like at some point we're going to have a splinter group of Republicans who aren't totally reprehensible...
  2. While it's true that the Ryans might just be that much above the others in GOP standing, I'd still kinda like someone who at least wouldn't try to keep people like Merrick out of the Supreme Court. True though, too, that Biden tried the same with blocking a court inductee back near the end of George H.W.'s term. Alright, back to politics as a face at large just kinda sucking right now as we transition out of the traditional line for both parties. At least Ryan didn't attempt to shut down the government. He is trying to save his party; it just kinda goes without saying that the party in its current form is beyond saving (and that Democrats are getting to that point, too). 

    Still, there's things about Ryan to refer to him in my clustering with Cruz in the first place; they're different kinds of Republicans, ultimately, though a hatred of pro-choice philosophies and a love for trickle-down economics keep him from being near the "people who I admire" list... On the other hand, you can call both of those things fairly Reaganesque. So, let's just pretend that's Rick Snyder or Doug Ducey tucked in there alongside Cruz.
  3. There's always that awkward moment when you want to make something known but you don't want people to *actually know*. It's weird.
  4. Started the day off with hosing out a wolf spider on accident while watering the plants. It ran back into its hole, but a ton of water went in with it so I'm expecting it's probably kicked the big one, and I feel a little more bad than maybe most people would because of that.

    @Keileon - I get that way a lot, especially if it's something I'm jealous of among friends or family, since I often think myself petty for feeling that way about anything. It's a problem.
  5. For those with any interest in my egg adoptables

  6. Star Fox Zero is actually extremely fun once you get past the weird controls. It's a bit like Kid Icarus Uprising, in that respect, though I would've still loved a more traditional gameplay style if it brought us real online and local multiplayer modes - not to mention a real co-op mode. I'd give it a 7/10. Props to the big sister for buying it for me out of nowhere on launch day, too. I'm having fun.
  7. Star Fox Zero is actually extremely fun once you get past the weird controls. It's a bit like Kid Icarus Uprising, in that respect, though I would've still loved a more traditional gameplay style if it brought us real online and local multiplayer modes - not to mention a real co-op mode. I'd give it a 7/10. Props to the big sister for buying it for me out of nowhere on launch day, too. I'm having fun.
  8. OK no but really, Lemonade is the best thing ever and I'm???????????
    I don't even need a birthday gift anymore
    @Rose what a queen

  9. <3 happy to help
  10. Well, DnD tonight was intense. We had multiple deaths/near-deaths before we finally took down the Cloud Giant and things started looking up.
  11. Yo, same here. Thanks for that, Rose! I wasn't a huge fan of her previous album, honestly; I got what she was going for, it's just that the sound wasn't up to my personal preference. This feels like a much more musically varied album and all of the additional guest spots are awesome. My man Father John Misty with the freakin' air horn on "Hold Up" just tops it off.
  12. "We are all "lit" in our heart of hearts, dearest Jonathan. We are all lit." - @Eebit, 2016
  13. If anyone happened to be experienced in the land of Android hardware and its handling of emulators, which handheld system would you recommend? I'm leaning towards the GPD XD but won't mind delving a bit deeper into my pockets for something like an Nvidia Shield Portable if it really is that much better.
  14. Today was a good day in the world of boats with boobs.
  15. I'm buying like 12 games for my 360 for the price of a single new one. There's benefits to getting an older system late in the game.
  16. Don't call yourselves things like "trash" or "sluts" for anything, people, it degrades you as a human being. I don't care if it's a joke.
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