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Twittering / Random Musings

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Nov 14, 2013.

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  1. Literally posting a tweet in the Twittering thread #2meta4me
  2. well here's another tweet for you


    Retweet pls
  3. @"Lord X-Giga-X"


    He actually RESET THE SIN COUNTER in this one.


  4. TIL Latios turns shiny for a few seconds in Pokemon Heroes.

  5. So, this is pretty fucked up. As everyone else has been saying, I'm happy that the daughter survived. The strength under a unified family will hopefully help her cope in this horrific situation as time goes on, but man. I'll let @turbotaxer's words on Facebook speak for the rest of this. I'm pretty sure he won't mind, in this case.

  6. Well said on Turbo's end!
  7. We'd had an exchange earlier that if only it were easier to live up to the old adage "Live every day like it's your last" to its fullest extent! With various avenues of work and school in play, that's pretty hard, but I suppose if you're out there doing your best, that's the best thing you could ask for in the end, whether the end were today or tomorrow or years from now.
  8. [video=youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YG9INjO91Y[/video]​

    Well, this was emotionally affecting, to say the least.
  9. No matter what, when someone asks how your day is say "Life couldn't be any better." It makes your attitude seem supremely great and makes people like you more. Smile more, laugh and try your best. That is my motto that I have been living by.

    Yesterday at a meeting my supervisor asked, "How is everyones day so far?" and I replied "Life couldn't be any better." To which he got so stunned he clapped his hands and pointed to me exclaiming "That's the kind of attitude we need!"
  10. @Vero - Words of wisdom from the birthday boy. I may just adopt this, yet (and least add this to my list of favorite quotes on Facebook). 

    Speaking of birthdays, I suppose now's as good a time as any to mention that we celebrated my dachshund, Twinkie's, 10th birthday yesterday (even though it was actually 2 days ago - my mom has a thing for celebrating it alongside St. Patrick's Day). 

  11. I can't get any videos on YT to play and my internet's perfectly fine. Any ideas?
  12. It's the end of an era. Firefox finally removed the tab groups feature.

    Goodnight, sweet prince.
  13. sleep tight pupper
  14. Found this note that I'd made to myself in an old journal from years upon years ago whilst engaged in a spontaneous burst of inspired spring cleaning a couple of days ago. There's inspiration, and then there's inspiration. This was one of those inspiration moments. It had totally fallen out of my mind until I happened upon it again, and I wrote the opening couple of paragraphs to a book I'd wanted to write for some time that night.

  15. Meanwhile n Minecraft

  16. If anyone here is interested in a paid freelance job in the web design field, please shoot me a PM ASAP. My colleague is looking for assistance in building a new site for his music venue/cafe. Of course, telecommuters are more than fine and he'd probably pay you over PayPal or something.
  17. Define web design? I can do graphics but not the actual coding part of designing a web page.
  18. While I'm nearly certain that he'll be looking for graphic work in the future, this is more immediately for those versed in coding; thanks for asking for the clarification.

    For coders -- if you're at least well-versed in the basics of HTML/CSS, this is pretty much for you.
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