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Twittering / Random Musings

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Nov 14, 2013.

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  1. Nothing beats random depression.
  2. Why are people using the Roleplaying Discussion forum for stuff that should go under Int Checks
  3. I think it has to do with the subject matter. Some people are using it to initiate a discussion of a certain topic, and gaining feedback on it (such as Moon's discussion of slice-of-life genre on a general level, rather than gauging interest, and myself seeking to hear what people think of the concept of a quick-paced, set time to post within statplay).

    That, or people are struggling with what SHOULD be posted there.
  4. Barely the middle of November and a snow day has already been called. I might as well begin my hibernation now.
  5. http://www.deviantart.com/journal/Rebirth-495182004

    @"The Kakuzato" BoI stuff

    @Shadow SR stuff

    @CerberusLycan BoI and SR stuff
  6. >Chapter 59 is done

  7. Please be sub zero already.

  8. * Nebulon Ranger does the same.
  9. Michael Brown decision on Twitter more like "Your fave is problematic: High School Edition." Went to bed last night wanting to punch three teenagers (SCA president in school) and two grown ass men. What the fuck. People are dumb.
  10. I'm getting so much better at traditional shading.
  11. Probably not going to be online most of the day. You might catch me on ORAS though.
  12. Good-ish news to probably lift spirits after the Ferguson debate: http://www.wncn.com/story/27505182/clayton-county-police-rescue-missing-boy
  13. Napping earlier was a bad idea. Missed out on things, and now I'm wide awake with nothing to do.
  14. Screw everyone and everything, I have mashed potatoes and I am unstoppable.
  15. I am a bland, bland, bland person.
  16. No one is bland if they eat mashed potatoes.
  17. ...literally the blandest food on the planet. Everyone knows stuffed potato skins are infinitely superior. =P
  18. What about baked potatoes that were baked like right next to a turkey and get seasoned by all that delish flavored water stuff that comes out as the bird bakes?
  19. Potatoes in general are the shizzle.
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