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Twittering / Random Musings

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Nov 14, 2013.

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  1. So what's new-- *shot*
  2. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/263/e/2/oh_my_god_my_wrists_by_timber_k-d7zu4cr.png

    After months of excitement and secrecy, Timber finally finished my request.

    I am extremely satisfied.
  3. Things seem to be looking up.
  4. Mashing through the last sections of the Statistical Tutorial feels nice after having let it rot for so long. Hopefully this brings more activity to Galamion (once I get my shit in order) and the Statplay section.
  5. My English proficiency exam results came in earlier today. Got a 107/120 and am extremely happy.
    I'll definitely be applying for University of Toronto since it asks for a minimum of 100 and two more uni's which I still haven't decided on. If all goes well, I'll be spending a full year in Canada starting September next year!
  6. "English proficiency exam"

    You took the TOEFL iBT then? =D Good job—I got a 107 too, as a matter of fact!
  7. Yep, that's the one! And cool, good to know I got a score as good as one so good with languages like you!
  8. Congrats Muddy, that's fantastic! Hopefully U of T works out for you. It sounds like a cool opportunity that I'm sure you'll really enjoy.

    And plus, if you need anything, you're just a hop, skip, and a jump from a good number of us Canadian ZEJians. we don't bite don't worry
  9. Keileon: >alarm clock goes off
    Keileon: >Half asleep, I reach for my dresser
    Keileon: >Attempt to answer phone instead
  10. I have done this before. Only my phone is my alarm clock when I use one.
  11. Had to write a discussion post for my History of Popular Culture course before noon tomorrow. Since I obviously won't be waking up before then, I decided I would do it now. Then I ran into that thing where you have to pick a title. Here are some of the beta ones:

    >"Coexist: A Fancy Way of Saying I Can't Pick a Side"
    >"I wrote this after ferrying my drunk-ass friends around for an hour"
    >"Go the fuck to sleep"
    >"My girlfriend is tired and lying in bed beside me"
  12. "Coexist: A Fancy Way of Saying I Can't Pick a Side" is fairly much the best title ever.
  13. why do I bother trying anymore
  14. Pretty much for the same reason everyone else does: we don't really have any other option, or at least that's how we perceive it.
  15. saw this on dA

  16. literally just noticed that the Driftveil Drawbridge theme from BW1/2 contains the cry of a Charizard in the background
  17. Heading into New York. Still a couple hours out. Gonna be heading into Chinatown once we're there.

    I probably won't be on much at all today, we start heading back at 7 PM, and it's a five hour drive.
  18. [​IMG]

    and not a single post was in FGL or Spam Cesspit

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