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Bug Reports

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Nebulon Ranger, Oct 25, 2012.

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  1. ZEJ Metallic does not have an IRC link.
  2. It happened again. :-/

    Weird how everytime this happens to me, I'm trying to comment on Kuda's profile.
  3. A couple things; the avatar uploader being broken (which has already been brought to the attention of Dark by several members) which would be nice to have fixed sooner rather than later, so perhaps contacting the author of the plugin installed would be a good way to address that, and the continued mystery 'Like' functionality not displaying on the postview with the information to the left of the post. Would be nice to have those addressed, if possible, as I believe Dark mentioned that he had a plugin in mind that could remedy the Like issue.
  4. Avatar uploads are default MyBB feature, not a plugin. No idea why they're not working.
  5. The URL plugin that you mentioned, not the avatars. My apologies for the wording mixup.
  6. I've already determined that the plugin isn't the problem; disabling it didn't fix the issue.
  7. Leaving the tab on the who's online list or an auto-refresher frequently does not load the banner at the top.
  8. That happened before I installed Google SEO so I think it might be a theme error.
  9. Not a bug report, just a quick note- until the avatar issue is resolved, you may ask an admin to go into the ACP and change your avatar in that manner.
  10. Bug Report: there was a minuscule black pill bug crawling on my hand earlier.

    Glad to do my part for this thread~
  11. Avatars have been fixed!
  12. Logo for ZEJ Metallic seems to have lost part of its transparency. Any idea what's going on with that, or is it just a graphical glitch on the phone I'm using?
  13. Appears to just be your phone.
  14. The online list is no longer autorefreshing every 60 seconds.
  15. Do you have NoScript in stalled? If so, allow JavaScript from zejroleplaying.org and code.jquery.com
  16. I set it so that it'll allow anything other than what I mark as untrusted. o_O

    Oh well. I'll do that when I get home.
  17. yet again unable to comment on Giga's profile

    Why does this keep happening?
  18. Stop getting viruses.
  19. I honestly have no idea. Not even Tomm (plugin author) can figure out why it'd suddenly forget permissions.
  20. The weird thing is it's only certain people; usually Giga for me, oddly...
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