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Bug Reports

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Nebulon Ranger, Oct 25, 2012.

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  1. Image tags won't work with the profile comment system.
  2. Thanks; I'll report that to Tomm.
  3. Whenever I try to Profile Comment:

  4. That's been reported to the plugin author. :)
  5. Very much thank you!
  6. Actually, I noticed that I get that error on my DSi, but it works on a computer.
  7. Doesn't work for me at all, not from the 3DS either. =(
  8. Another problem; ever since you updated MyBB (if that's what the Profile page's format changing means), the comment banner ("You have X unread comment(s)!") will not take me to the Profile but instead refreshes the page I'm on.
  9. Dark's aware of the problem and has been trying to fix it.
  10. I'm suddenly unable to comment on certain people's profiles. And by that I mean that I go to try to comment on their profile, but the text box is gone.
  11. Already reported to me via PM. Looking into it.
  12. My usertitle consistently resets back to the default "Cult Moderator".
  13. ... The hell? Text boxes on certain member's profiles have disappeared again. o_O
  14. I keep telling Dark that I can't comment on his profile and he hasn't addressed it.
  15. I. Have. Been. Trying. To.

    Stop making me out to be a lazy fatass when honestly I have no idea what's even causing this to happen.
  16. Woah, hey, simmer down. wtf. All I'm saying is I've let you know a few times and you haven't gotten back to me about it. You're reacting with twice the hostility you should have read in my post. ._.
  17. When using the 'classic' postview (with the user information to the left of posts instead of above), the 'Like' function does not work properly, nor do 'Likes' display when using the postview. Additionally, the ability to search through a user's 'Liked' posts, or posts they have 'Liked' has disappeared from the profile page. (And also the Like button in ZEJ Dark doesn't quite match the rest of the buttons... but that has been a long-standing issue that Dark is aware of afaik)
  18. I don't have a clue what happened to searching likes.

    Like display is in the templates so the plugin must nit have added it to the classic view. Will take a shot at fixing when I get home.
  19. [​IMG]

    Was previewing a post I was making. Random image tags appeared when I did so. Is that normal?
  20. Doesn't appear to be. Did you try with the default MyBB editor?
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