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ZEJstuck Art Dump

Discussion in 'Creation Station' started by Gold Dullahan, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. [​IMG][​IMG]
    Im not very proud of that Rose, everything is totally wrong. You're all just too pretty to properly capture through my low skill level *sobs in a corner*

  2. The rose is a nice touch. Me gusta.
  3. I love the little sketch you did of Cody. Super neat style~
  4. Well everyone has a symbol in Homestuck so I was just there like "hmmm.... Rose... what's she associated with..." and at first I was like "DEBATE" but how do you draw debate???
    So then I just drew a shitty rose on your shirt and patted myself on the back for creativity. (Cody is a beaker b/c chemistry and I'm blank because what the hell am I associated with? But the blank shirt I'm wearing has somehow gotten plot importance b/c I'm great as passing my mistakes as intentional.)
    It's ok though, I snuck in debate through your chat handle in ZEJstuck. (and also something else but-hohoho-that's spoilery!)

    Thank you, thank you- I like to call it "try to draw normally using MSP pencil and a mouse"

    Bonus bonus!!
  5. [​IMG]

  6. Hey Moon are you actually a gold Baymax in disguise (@your avatar)?
  7. You got me. Fuck.
    At least cute girls will like me now
  8. Sort of ZEJstuck, sort of not.
    Made talksprites!
    [​IMG]  oh no she's hot
  9. Not really art, but as a progress update: I researched some relevant ZEJstuck shit that has to do with our birthdays!

    Me- Mercuralia, The Festival of Mercury, is the only really significant thing for my birthday. 
    Cody- 1978, a cyclone hit eastern Sri Lanka. 1980, series of earthquakes hit southern Italy.
    Rose- 1909, SS Penguin (ferry) sinks/explodes. 1935, USS Macon (helium airship) crashes and sinks.

    That's important, I swear.
    Also, @Rose @CodastertheDisaster how do you like your talksprites?
  10. It's really great! You're a very talented animator.
  11. TADA- Cast Lineup in a new style!
    (L-R) Me, @CodastertheDisaster , @Rose , Espy, AND 2 mystery ZEJ users!
    First one should be pretty easy to guess, second one however...
    Feel free to speculate on Mystery User!

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