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Username Origins

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by LaTyrannia, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. (Looked around and didn't see any similar threads so hurr ya go)

    Why did you choose the username you have?
    And what about past usernames?

    LaTyrannia is what I've been using for a while, Tyran being a nickname given to me.
    The reason I chose this name in particular is because it sounded cool and since my name is an anagram of The Tyrant I thought I'd choose something similar.
    And then I found out Tyrannia was from Neopets. I was just like "No wonder..."
  2. Uhhh, I typically go by Goliath, and everyone pretty much knows me as Goliath so...

    Um, Goliath was a name I got when I used to play Starcraft a whole lot. I used to like pumping out Goliaths from the Terran faction so I went around from a previous name (Apokalypze) to Goliath. I was mostly around that name for most of the clans (Two clans to be exact) that I was in, within a DooM community. I found out about this place a short time after and had joined up with the Cult people here back when I used to troll with a couple of other dudes, and everyone knew me back then as Goliath (and still do).

    ToLoveIkaros is just a beautified name for my waifu, Ikaros.
  3. Ah, yes, this type of thread. XD I've used about four main usernames, as follows:

    Kiryu. Used to be my most common one, coming from a Yu-Gi-Oh card of the same name(not Godzilla!) which happens to be my favorite card.

    Kudamon, and any variation such as Kuda, Kudamon X, KX(which is actually my "insignia" on drawings), Kuda_Keil, etc. Comes from this thing and is my most common username at the moment.

    Jason and any variation thereof. Used to be my usual alias because of something I don't want to get into right now.

    Keileon, my newest and increasingly common username. Cantonese for "kirin". It just sounded cool.
  4. Seriously? This thread is just coming up now?

    Anyhow; my current username I use for absolutely everything now. I've concluded that CerberusLycan may as well be my official online alias, so there's about a 96% chance that if you see the name anywhere online, it's me (the other 4% allows for some other weirdo using CerberusLycan as a username, which I have only seen once [on Pirates of the Caribbean online] and hopefully never again).
    As for the origin of it... I think I first used it when I was 13. I've always been interested in mythology and cryptozoology. Cerberus is the vicious-- typically three-headed-- dog that guards the entrance to the Underworld in Greek mythology. 'Lycan' are anthropomorphic wolves (say "werewolf" and I'll kill you), and I also tried to make a story revolving around lycan when I was younger. And these two entities were my favorite creatures at the time. They still remain memorable, but not necessarily my favorite. Although I do still get excited when a video game has a Cerberus in it.

    Before CerberusLycan, I used Tachikitarou for about a year. Tachikitarou was a character I was making, who was based off kamaitachi; weasels who fly around on scythes in Japanese mythology.

    Before that, and the furthest one I can remember, is Matthias11. Based off the character in the book Redwall and my age.
  5. Daen is just I name I like, spelled oddly, compared to a more common, "Dain", which is also from the Deltora series, but I can't say more without adding spoilers. Gold, as in, Gold from the Pokemon Manga, Riku is obvious, KH, and Zar' Roc is Alagaeisian for Misery, the sword of Eragon, but obviously I'm slightly different.
  6. My current username comes from a little-known monster raising game called Keitai Denjuu Telefang. The games became infamous because some Chinese pirates decided to do a bad English translation, and called them "Pokemon Diamond" and "Pokemon Jade," which coincide to the Power and Speed versions of Telefang, respectively.

    Anyway, the main antagonist team is the Kakuza party, or, in Japanese,"Kakuza-to." So yeah. The avvy is the in-game sprite for the grunts.
  8. Espeonature was a Miraculous Misspelling of the name I wanted to choose, 'Epsilonature'. I originally did an accidental mutation of Epsilonature into Espeonnature, and then misspelt it as Espeonature. That has become my long standing identifier, and -anyone- called Espeonature or a similar variant will be me; unless someone is trolling.

    Jade/Jade Harley/Jade Espy - Jade Harley is the Witch of Space in Homestuck (the symbol for Space being my current avatar). She's my favourite Homestuck character apart from John Egbert so yeah. Also for Dark: she's into Moe anthropomorphism and sooner or later ends up being a gigantic space canid furry (more like a fox than a wolf, but same difference).

    Lunate Espeonature - combination of the Greek character (as in letter, not person) Lunate Epsilon combined with the Espeonature.
  9. It's a Crush 40 reference, because Crush 40 are fab. Here be some edumacation:

  10. The Origin of Zantok? Ummm. Well... I made it up and it sounded cool.
  11. ^LOL! The simplest explanation so far eh - 100 points to Griffindor for that! XD
  12. lolHarry Potter

    but @Zantok, that explanation was fab.
  13. Initially started out in 2007 as StingReay, Reay being my last name, as a reference to the original Roller Coaster Tycoon. Later switched to STT (short for Sting the Trainer) at Pokémon Acanthite, later to Darkmaster for some unknown reason, and then shortened that to Dark. I guess you could say I chose the name because I'm mostly awake at night.

    I like you even more now.
  14. First name was "TheFallenOne" which I randomly made after playing some zombie games and no this isnt a reference to the Transformers movie, I made the name before that. Later I switched to "GopherMaster" which was a very weird month for me, basically I was everyone's bitch that month. Then I became Captain Failen, a reference to Captain Falcon and how much I failed. Then I became "Failen_Bot v2" Because I can create robots like literally, I can engineer some stuff that could blow some of your minds away and then this brings me to my current name: Failed Creation. This is going to be my youtube channel for gaming videos once I get a capture card and some software.
  15. Well ever since I joined SoA (Sega of America forum), I have been known as *ShiningStar*. In fact, that is my username in every forum I go to! As to how I got such a name, well I was born with it in the Andromeda galaxy!

    When massive amounts of hydrogen and helium gas was being compressed into this ball of heat and energy, a star was being "born". Inside of the newly formed star, was a being made of pure, radiant, energy. Like some of the rare stars in the nebula, this energy being could speak. It was sentient! But unlike the other stars, this being grew larger and brighter with every happy, positive thought from a species on Earth known as "humans". With the time span of over thousands of years, the energy being eventually got so large and radiant that it eventually became the star it lived inside of.  

    Due to the vast amount of energy received from those pure and innocent thoughts, the star became so radiant that it was the brightest one in the vacuum of space. In fact, it was so bright that it could be seen from the Milky Way galaxy. Eventually the star couldn't contain the energy inside of it and fell to Earth, impacting a young human girl who lived there. The two beings fused to create a new creature. A *Starbeing*. Two adult humans came rushing into the site of impact. They were presumably the girls parents. Upon uncovering the girl, they saw that she shone brightly, like a star. She was bioluminescent and has sparkling strands of hair made of stardust. Her left eye had three glowing star tattoos slightly below it.

    "What do we call her now" one asked.

    "Maybe BrightStar girl?" the other replied.

    "No, that is too complex."


    "I don't know about that one."

    After taking a closer look at the girl's features, the name finally hit the male human. "What about *ShiningStar*?"

    The female human picked up the young *Starbeing* and said "Perfect!"
  16. I opened the dictionary, fell in the middle of "g", gist sounded the neatest to me at the time.

    "Ofeverything" was an addendum that kind of stems from my inner conceit.

    I've used this username since... I joined GaiaOnline in 2005.
  17. Initially it was Dark, which I came up with after playing Pokémon Platinum, but now it's Nebulon Ranger, which stems from this.
  18. Eebit, as many people here know by now, comes from an old video game for the GameBoy Colour/TCG called Magi-Nation, which is pretty similar to Pokemon at its very core, but had a lot of different mechanics and was a pretty niche game overall. One of the 'grunt' Dream Creatures (which are basically the Magi-Nation equivalent of Pokemon themselves) in the game was called an Eebit, and as I progressed through the game, I thought it would be hilarious if I amassed an army of them to end up beating the game. Ultimately, I did so, and immortalized that quietly in one of my first usernames all the way back in 200...6 I think. Boy, how time flies.
  19. Pretty much in love with the FFT series, and Cid has always been my favourite character. In turn my name became Cid because I could.
  20. @"Rose Hathaway", a question. Does your username come from that one vampire movie that is coming out soon (the name escapes me), or did you change Swan out for Hathaway because of your striking resemblance to Anne Hathaway?

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