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The Ongoing Saga of Moon's [Puppy-]Love Life

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Gold Dullahan, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. Mine's actually only got 2 days so it's not even a full week. It's mostly so you can get used to the people, the building, figure out the schedule... yeah. As for Day 2, nothing exciting except I took another extremely long nap (as most of my naps tends to be). The only other thing is that I think I have a cRUSH ON A STUDENT HELPER AND I DON'T KNOW WHY????????

    In completely unrelated news, I can't stop thinking she looks like Anna Camp even though I'm pretty sure she doesn't actually look like Anna Camp
    Gay Trash was the best answer for yesterday b/c it's tRUE
    I also keep thinking people look like other people and I don't know why (For Fucking Example: Kanaya???? I think it's just because of her hair. Maybe.)
    Also- I signed up for one club that's basically for community service and then I also did GSA with like 2 other girls (Pan and straight) *insert random 3-girl chanting*
  2. RE: Twittering / Random Musings

    Remember the student helper who I thought looked like Anna Camp even though she really doesn't? OK, great. We'll call her AC-senpai from now on.
    ANYWAYS I was walking down the hallways and then she turned the corner and entered that hallway and I saw her and I just like almost had this stupid smile of ungodly size appear on my face (almost) and I just

    I'm so gross I want to pUNCH MYSELF IN THE FACE
  3. RE: Twittering / Random Musings

    Continuing the AC-senpai thing,
    Today at the fire drill our classes were next to each other with her's in front of mine and I was at the font of mine and she was at the back of hers. There were a bunch of people but it aLMOST HAPPENED AGAIN LIKE HOLY SHIT
    i'm so tiny and mushy and puppy love and i just wanna bury myself in flaming coals and never come out like how embarrassing can i possibly be

    In other news crushes always remind me of my AvPD for some reason. And then I remember that I'll probably end up doing literally nothing about any crush/love/etc ever because, ya' know... AvPD. So then 2 minutes later my good mood flew out the window.
  4. RE: Twittering / Random Musings

    Reasons why I'm a gross puppy-love 7 year old #4

    So for last period I had to go up to the 4th floor for Bio. And me, being me, saw a whole pack of people behind me and went "Alright assholes time to hold the door open for 7 hours." And so I'm standing there and people are walking by, and there's like a lot of them? Some of them I recognize from my Bio class or from my friends, some of them just random people- whatever. So anyways- Towards the end, I'm not paying attention but I look back up to see how many people are left and right fucking there would you look at that it's god damn sENPAI. And me, being an awkward fuck, gently waved with one hand (I simultaneously laughed and cringed about this throughout Bio). [ALSO SORRY ANOTHER BREAK IN THE STORY- but you know that stereotypical movie thing where everything slows down it's all kind of out of focus and the MC is just noticing the adorable girl walking past or whatever? Yeah. I swear in that moment I had, like, selective sight b/c all I saw was hER AND I SOUND LIKE A WEIRD ROMANCE NOVEL GOD HELP MY POOR SOUL] And like, barely anybody thanked me except for like, 3 people earlier. But she like sMILED AT ME and she's like "Thank you." And somehow I said "You're welcome." completely normally and that, kids, is why we don't let me talk about my crush experiences.
  5. RE: Twittering / Random Musings

    Reasons why I'm a (creepy) gross puppy-love 7 year old #5

    Ahaha so today we have two pretty small ones.
    1: While on my way to Lit. I saw AC-senpai coming out of her class and we walked past each other
    2: On my way to my club after school (4th floor, going from the 2nd floor), I opened the door to the stairs and she was coming up and then I walked behind her on the stairs and yeah that was it.

    i'm pretty sure this is creepy and gross omg
  6. I think this ongoing saga is deserving of its own thread
  7. ...
    Ok but I saw her again after-school while waiting for my friend Pedro, who I knew from 7/8 at my old school as well, at his locker so we could walk home (@Codasterthedisaster lmao that's 3 Pedro's now). She walked past while talking to somebody... She was wearing this like incredibly green little jacket.
    What a fucking dork.

    Reasons why I'm a gross puppy-love 7 year old #6
  8. Reasons why I'm a gross puppy-love 7 year old #7

    This morning I had APUSH, which is on the third floor. Now our school is basically shaped like a "U" but, uh.. squarer. I guess. So APUSH would be like, at the very tip of the left line going up. So if I made a crappy map, it would be...
    (|)             |
     |              |
     |              |
     |              |
     | _ _ _ _ _|  There

    And her locker is on the third floor-
     |               |
     |               |
     |               |
    (|)             |
     | _ _ _ _ _|   Here

    So I was leaving APUSH to go to Lit, which is on the other side of the U, and lo-and-behold: She's at her locker. And she's in a black shirt, which, you know. Black like, makes everybody 2000% cuter. So I, walking with a classmate/friend/thing, see her and do this ungodly noise that's somehow a cross between gasping, choking, squeaking, and sighing. (no one except my friend heard me ofc, because it was a loud hallway. #blessed)

    And then I also saw her at her locker after school and at that point she had a grey blazer and I hadn't sEEN HER IN A BLAZER BEFORE OK, BLAZER'S ARE CUTE.

    Someday I'll be brave enough to talk to her and finally stop being such a creep...
    Or y'know. AvPD, lmao.
  9. Reasons I'm a gross puppy-love 7 year old #8

    Just a few minutes ago-
    Walking to the bus stop with Pedro. We're talking about locker room conversations at our school. He started by saying how much they all insulted each other in the boys locker room and then I started talking about how the girls insulted them in the locker room too. And at that point we're crossing the street and hOLY FUCKING SHIT- she like, walks past us to get ahead. And I litterally squeak and then backtrack a bit to quickly duck behind a building on the curb. And Pedro's just laughing, really. So then I come back out and sees she's further up the street and he's like "I was trying to think of a way to discreetly tell you, but I couldn't figure one out." And I'm just... I'm like "Pedro, you asshole, I can't breathe!"

    And I'm just laughing and trying to breathe and just, all around freaking out really. For a good minute- since she was visible ahead of us during our walk- I honestly thought she would go to our stop and I was so scared. But she didn't so all is good.
  10. Reasons why I'm a gross puppy-love 7 year old #10

    So me and Pedro had Key Club today (the community service one), so we got out later. We always miss the first bus home after reaching the stop b/c there's always, without fail, a large ass crowd waiting for it and just, no. Do not want to be in that crowded bus. But the second bus came almost immediately afterwards and so we move forward and we're basically at the back of this medium sized line of people getting onto the bus. And then I turn for a second and then immediately start smacking Pedro's shoulder repeatedly because hOLY SHIT WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT- and, as we know by now, sudden capitalization means that Senpai appeared! She was basically crossing the street towards where we were.

    And he turns and then turns back to me and just gives me what I like to call his 'holy-shit-you-fucking-stalker' stare, and I just pull him closer by his shoulder and I'm like "Oh my god, hide me- help me! PEDRO! Have I ever told you that you're my best friend!? Gee, man- I just- I love you! Best friend- This guy! This guy, this guy..." And she walks past without incident (so bullet dodged, probably. IDK man.) and all of a sudden Pedro starts swatting Other Guy's shoulder and at first I'm confused, but then I realize it's because Other Guy knows about Senpai but still doesn't know who she actually is from the school. And I tug his shoulder again like "PeDRo, HoLY fUCK- Stop! NOOO-"

    But then he directs Other Guy's head in her direction and then he's turning to me and he nods and he's like "See, I knew it- It was who I thought it was."

    Also, in other news, I vaguely remembered her name from orientation and one of my friends- who has Chem with her- mentioned her name so and it was what I thought it was so either 1) I have amazing memory OR 2) I'm just amazingly gay???

    Morals of this story:
    -I'm gay
    -I'm probably a stalker?
    -I'm definitely a creep, holy shit
    -I'm disgusting and puppy love, like literally WHY DID I DECIDE TO HIDE??? WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT????
    -I'm a landfill
    -Why am I still doing this thread that literally no one on this website cares about?
    -My friends are unhelpful asshats
    -I accidentally folded paper into a heart last week during Bio and now whenever I'm bored I can't help but origami more hearts and it's become an inside joke with most of the girls I have any class with that I'm selling 'Origami Masterpieces, $20 per' when really I've been hoarding them all in my folder because I think they look cute and I could never part with them (well, except for 3: two I gave to my teachers and one I gave one of them as a replacement after there's, which was the original from Bio, got messed up) and hOLY FUCK DO YOU THINK IT'S BECAUSE OF HER??? RE: I'm disgusting and puppy love
    -I need to make myself not like her and fast.
  11. Reasons I'm a gross puppy-love seven year old #11
    Third time's the charm...?
    So, yeah! Basically that whole situation again, except with me being possibly 2000x more shy and awkward. Please pray for my sanity and swift recovery
  13. So the friend of mine who has Chem with Senpai (really good friend, best friendo at school... yo.) is going to be called Weenie from this point on.

    So anyways, today I had French as my 3rd class that day. I was there with Weenie- I actually have every morning class with her (genderfluid, usually female)- but on that schedule day we have different lunch times. And our science classes were our fourth class of the day, which decides which lunch you have. So I had lunch and then Bio but she had Chem and then lunch. (These are lunches A and B, respectively. My Bio class was supposed to have B as well, but during the first week my teacher requested to have our schedules changed around because there was some sort of issue)

    So since I had lunch anyways, I offer to walk with her to Chem (as I usually do on these days) since we're generally in the middle of some sort of conversation.

    We get up there and walk to the Chem room, which has students waiting outside, and at the same time Senpai comes into the line from the other end of the hallway. (Side note: She was wearing black which caught me off guard because what even is a guard I don't know)

    And then:

    Me: *nudges Weenie* You should ask her if she's coming to Philosophy on Monday.
    Weenie: Ask her yourself.
    *pause where I just stare at her awkwardly*
    Weenie: *sighs and waves her hand* Senpai!
    Senpai: *walks over*
    Weenie: My friend has a question. *steps away from in front of me since she's blocking Senpai's line of vision*
    Me: *sweats profusely* Ummm.... W o w. Wow, actually she has a question, soooo- *hides behind Weenie*
    Senpai: *is confused* what?
    Weenie: She's just shy. *me making disapproval noise in the background* She does have a question.
    Me: *drowns in sweat* ¿Um? ¿Maybe don't lie to her?
    Weenie: *sighs* are you coming to Philosophy?
    Senpai: Oh, yeah!
    Me: *laughs awkwardly* H a h a, see Weenie? See how easy it was to ask your question? h a h a h a h a- I'll just excuse myself. *escapes*

    Afterwards we had another class together and she told me that after I left, she said the whole "Sorry, she's shy." thing again and Senpai just went "Awww" and I???
  14. Breaking News:
    Yesterday Weenie went and told Senpai I wanted to be her friend and apparently Senpai was essentially like "Aww! Ok, I'll try and talk to her." and so apparently she wants to be my friend and also said "Aww" again in reference to me and also apparently said I'm 'nice' and I'm???
    Like, please provide evidence to support your answers??? I'm not nice??? I'm??? Not??? No??? Why would she want to be friends with me??? Like??? Je suis le déchets reine??? Everything I've ever done can attest to my horrible personality??? Elle est la reine de ma cœur???



    I also randomly thought "what if we were pen pals tho" and then made a joke by saying we'd probably be more like "quill-quaintances" and I'm pretty sure Weenie will never look me in the eye again because of my bad humor...

    (excuse the random poor French in the post- I've been doing that lately and I don't know why, tbh)
  16. We sat on the bus together and also had a conversation and I feel so alive but also very dead because cONVERSATION but also hOW DO YOU CONVERSE
  17. ALSO-

    Last week or so, when leaving Philosophy Club, she introduced me to a friend and also said my name the first time (i lIKE HEARING MY OWN NAME, MAKES ME FEEL CARED ABOUT OK, FITE ME).

    This Monday after Philosophy I saw her outside and I asked her which way she was going (because she either goes the same way as me or a second route) and we were going to the same way that day and so we walked with her friendo (the one from last week). I mean I say that but friendo walked ahead of us by quite a bit and Senpai basically walked with me and also she walks very close to me and I don't know what to do because I'm not used to such a casual, easy, and friendly proximity I almost screamed interally (our elbows almost touched and i freaked out because "oH GOD I ALMOST MADE CONTACT, I COULD'VE UPSET HER, DAMN"... yeah... I guess most people just don't walk super close with their friends like that, or they do and I just didn't notice until Senpai). Anyways, as we approach my bus stop, friendo's bus (a dif. route than mine) turns the corner so she breaks into a run to catch it. Senpai continues walking with me and then stops as I do. I ask her where she's going and she says she has to continue up that way to get to her mom's house (I think her parent's are seperated/divorced because of some of her wording, but I'm not gonna say it's 100% true until I can confirm it b/c I don't want to be rude) So then I look at her and I'm like "Wait, so why are you standing here?" and essentially her reply (paraphrasing here) was "It's kind of late and I don't want you to have to stay here all alone." Club officially ends at 4 PM and I probably got to the stop at like 4:07-ish or something, Senpai waited with me for my bus until it came at 4:33 PM, she's such a puppy I just want to hug her. Also we were standing very close and internally I was just trying to calm myself down and for some reason this happened in my head:
    "She's not that pretty, She's not that pretty, She's not that pretty, She's not that pretty, She's not that pretty-" *Senpai brushes hair back and slightly reveals earring* "fUCK NO WHY DID THAT SUDDENLY REMIND ME OF HOW PRETTY I ACTUALLY FIND HER, THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE C R  A   P"

    Then yesterday I passed her locker after school and basically- (if I say Senpai, it was actually her name and not me saying Senpai... I do that some times when I'm being supar seekrut)

    Me: Oh, hey Senpai, which direction are you going today?
    Senpai: Ah, I'm going towards ___, you?
    Me: Same direction, every day. *gets too nervous to ask to walk together, politely nods* See you, tomorrow Senpai!
    Senpai: Yeah!

    *walks out, lingers outside to bother this one girl who I know, lingers further to then bother this one dude I know- he's great. Puts in earbuds and starts walking, crosses street. Sees green from corner of eye and vaguely similar hair color, dismisses*

    Senpai: *creeps into view with small smile* Hey! Were you with me the whole time?
    Me: *removes earbuds like polite individual* Ah, maybe! I was bothering *guy's name* in front of the thing and just started walking, so we might have ended up going at the same time.
    Senpai: Oh, yeah! *gestures to dude and girl walking with her* Have you met ___ and ___?
    Me: I have met no one. (actual quote b/c I'm a loser)
    Senpai: *turns slightly* This is Gold, guys!
    Dude and Girl: *greeting*
    Senpai: Do you want to walk to ___ with us, that's where I'm catching the bus? (A major-ish bus stop. It's a minute or so further from my usual one so I don't usually go there) It has the *bus I don't take but goes to my stop* and the *my usual bus #* too.
    Me: Yeah, sure!

    It was actually very funny because I naturally weave around when I walk. So if there's a group of 3 (like the trio of older students) and they're walking ahead of me, I will stay behind them but naturally weave to from side to side as gaps open and provide walking space on that side of their group. So originally I was walking to the right of all of them but they naturally began moving a bit more to the right so I started going just a tad slower and weaved into the left side where a new gap was emerging (next to Senpai, actually, since she was at the left of the group) and she noticed me and just got really surprised. It happened a couple times and it was great. I felt great.

    It was so great.

    It's so cool? Like??? She introduced me to like, 3 of her friends??? That means we're friends now, right???


    I'm just very happy to be her friend- Weenie asked me once why I kept trying to talk to her and I was like "Ah, I really want to be her friend!" to which Weenie rolled her eyes and went "friend, yes- of course." but no, really, I'm just very happy to be her friend. Fuck the usual opinion, I fucking loVE THE DAMN """FRIENDZONE""", YES, LET ME BE YOUR FRIEND SO I CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY IN WHAT EVER WAY YOU WANT ME TO- EVEN IF THAT MEANS JUST BEING YOUR FRIEND. she's so nice and she smiles a lot and she's very pretty and very sincere and she also likes to write and she has a very gentle voice that makes me smile and yES I'M VERY GAY, HOLY SHIT SO GAY, THAT IS ALL

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