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The Mystics OOC

Discussion in 'Roleplay Archives' started by Rose, Apr 8, 2012.

  1. *pokes IC thread*
  2. -poke poke- Come on, Daen and Cid. XD
  3. *more GM encouraging and poking* Pretty please? With cookies on top?
  4. 7 posts before death.... Huh. I think that's the shortest life span of one of my RPs.
  5. Hope you don't mind if I post, as I was lacking my computer and did not wish to post this off my phone, as it is meant to be a higher quality RP. It may still die, as I have no clue where Cid is, but at least it has a bit more of a chance now.
  6. Your post was fine, no worries. :) Thanks.
  7. I'm going to bug the living fuck out of you guys. Seriously. Go post. Drop this RP and let it die and I will drop kick you and your puppy off a cliff.
  8. I'm assuming you're talking to the people who haven't just recently moved so I don't have to get pissed. o3o
  9. I wouldn't say that to you, Masq. >_> You know that.
  10. -J-, do you mean Cid's character? Cause that would be George, not Bruce. Just wondering.
  11. I noticed that...
  12. Come on. Seriously? This is the one RP I have on here. I'd appreciate it if you had the decency to keep up with it. I know, we're in the exposition and it's not nearly as fun as other parts. It shall get better. I promise. We just need to get there first.

    So, if certain people (You know who you are) who have not posted recently do not post by this Friday by the time I get home from my date without a decent explanation as to why you failed to meet this deadline, I will kick you off, treat your character as if it never existed, and find someone who has more commitment.

    I'm not a mean GM. I try to think of myself as one who is fairly easygoing. I just don't like bullshit, and this is bullshit.
  13. Well hello there. This RP has been brought to my attention by the great and mighty Jonno and Eebit and they have thusly informed me that there is a character of mine who would be a perfect addition. However I am sad to see that it appears the RP might be full so I now turn to you Rose. If you have any more space for one additional character, I would be honored to fill that spot.
  14. Oh hi there! ^_^ I'll have to make up some form of position for you, or if you come back later, I'd say around 9-10 tomorrow, I may have an open position for you. Would you mind PMing me the character sheet to help give me some ideas?
  15. I've got some ideas down for the character but am going to think more about him while at work tonight. I'll PM you when I'm home.
  16. Okay, thanks ^__^
  17. I am leaving in 15 minutes for my date. You have until I post again here to post, certain person I shall not name.
  18. Im sorry, but I think I am going to resign as I seem to have bitten off more then I can chew for what I can post,.
  19. Thank you, Cid.

    And with that, we shall pull what happened in the Harry Potter movies with the actor for Dumbledore. Switch actors around, or in this case, characters. I have tasks for people:

    @Zantok: Please post your character now, and you may have the Treasurer position. Then, just kind of... walk through what's been said and done in one giant post or length of which you choose that is not in one-two lines.

    @Everyone: Please go through your posts once Zantok's character is posted, and change any references to Mr. Tungstin to Zantok's character. We're going to pretend he was always there.

    The show must go on, and things are going to start rolling!
  20. Damn, was going to sign up for this, but I guess Zantok gets the spot :p

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