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The Haunted House on the Hill OOC

Discussion in 'Out of Character Discussion' started by Rose, Jun 26, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]

    Never Enter The Mansion...

    Hi there, and welcome to The Haunted House on the Hill! This is based off of a Hetalia fangame called Hetaoni. The plot will be loosely based on the plot of that game. If you want to watch it to find out exactly what we'll be doing, the first part is here and it goes up to 17 1/2.

    The exterior of the house is pictured above, and then I have maps of the interior right here.

    There is an extra floor that is locked and you have to do something special to open it up. I won't post the map for it yet for fear of spoilers.

    So, this is a scary game and I'll tell you now, there will be points when your character WILL die. They may come back in other time loops for you to use again, but again, don't say I didn't warn you. Because I will quote this paragraph. Please be cooperative when I ask you to write up a death post for your characters. It's all part of the plot.

    This is a big mindscrew and very complicated RP, so follow my lead, okay? Okay. :3

    CS Time!


    Have fun guys!
  2. Welp! Here's another one to sign up for whenever I feel able to. I quite enjoy your RP's; the storylines are seemingly brilliant.
  3. Name: Elena Case
    Aliases: Elly, Lenna
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16

    Appearance: Elly is a normal height for her age. She stands at a fairly typical 5'9", but she doesn't particularly like to divulge her weight with others for fear of judgment (though she does weigh about 124lbs!). She has a modest figure which she keeps conservatively covered with baggy clothing such as a pair of grey sweatpants and a slightly-loose white hoody with pick decal on it. She is fairly athletic, and is pretty in-shape because of it, though for reasons stated below, she prefers to stay covered and blending in. Her eyes are blue, and she has shoulder length blonde hair which she often wears in a ponytail, coming through the red ballcap that adorns her head. Elly also wears some white running shoes, though that is nothing particularly important!

    Personality: Elly is modest and quirky, though she is a very kind-hearted girl once one takes the time to get to know her. She is vehemently opposed to injustice, and will stand loyally by a friend who she feels has been wronged in any sense. This is typically when her rough side comes out to play. She is also quite competitive, and can sometimes come off as a touch abrasive because of it. Deep down, however, she has a heart of gold and a great sense of humour with some sharp-tongued with about her. Additionally, she is very verbose, and can speak with something of a silver tongue in order to be as persuasive as she likes.

    Biography: From a young age, Elly was something of a tomboy. She hung out with boys all the time in her days as a child, and was teased by the girls of her school because of it. She never really fit in except for when she was playing sports, and has always been afraid of water because she never learned to swim, due to not wanting to show off her girlish figure to others. Elly, consequently, never got into the girl scene and has always been a bit ashamed of her own body. She tends to feel uncomfortable in her own skin, and therefore chooses to cover herself up in clothing that doesn't exactly show off her figure. She never really stood out from the crowd despite being a gifted athlete and a fairly school-smart girl, but this is entirely okay with Elly herself.
  4. Name: Alice MacDonald

    Age: 17


    Personality: Alice is considered to be somewhat of a badass. She's tough, she has a temper, and she prefers to be left alone. She's also very smart. However, something recent;y changed and she started sitting with these kids at lunch. She didn't say anything, she just sat and ate a sandwich. She began to open up though, and be actually kind of nice. She just takes a while to warm up to people. She's very in to superheroes, especially Marvel superheroes. Her favorite is Iron Man.

    Bio: Her mother died when she was two in a car accident. It is just herself and her father. Her father is lazy and does nothing, which leads her to being the person who pays the bills and cooks and cleans. However, combined with homework, she began to fall behind in everything else, and recently they were threatening to foreclose their house. They already lost their electricity, and she's been using a generator to keep things running.
  5. Mayari's horror RP reminded me of this. Quick bump.
  6. Ack, sorry Jon. I'm going to have ask you to change your character to make him, well, younger. The plot of the RP is a group of high schoolers wanting a good scare and getting more than they bargained for, so... yeah. Sorry.
  7. Yee-ouch. I didn't read anything about that in the initial description. Haha. I knew it was based off of Hetalia, but didn't know that we were following the exact ages too. My earnest mistake- forgive me. :p <3

    Don't worry about it. Maybe I'll have something up in the next day or so, or maybe not. XD I kinda noticed I have to make sure I've regulated the amount of RP's I have on my plate at a time due to school starting soon, anyhow. Good luck either way, seems like an excellent plot, and mayhaps I'll submit something else at a sooner date. <: Still seems like it'll be an excellent RP~! (With that knowledge in tote, I'll probably join up anyhow, after I figure out what the heck I'm gonna do and have time to write it out. XD)
  8. It's alright, no big deal. ^__^ It was a good character, just not for this.
  9. I'll try getting another character here in a few days. Originally I was going to retool who I already had to the specific age bracket, but then I decided he'd be better in another one of your RP's just the way he is. :p So, I'm thinking something entirely new up in my mind. This will be splendid.

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