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So Which Theme Do People Use?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by CerberusLycan, Sep 20, 2012.

  1. I have no idea why. I'm just sort of
    intolerably interested
    to know which theme everybody on the site chooses.

    Currently, I assume there are only two: the generic white one that is completely unremarkable hello bias, and the awesome Portal 2-based one that I extremely prefer here a bias, there a bias, everywhere a--. For some reason, under Theme choices, there's ZEJ Light, and ZEJ Metallic-- aren't they the same? And then the Default is the same as ZEJ Dark.

    So which do people use? Light-- or Dark? And maybe why, if you actually have a reason, and feel like explaining.

    TARDYEDIT: Oh yeah, the Metallic theme is unique and available right now (I feel like I just described some single girl's dating status) with that elegant and shiny ZEJ banner by Kuda~

    Official choices:
    ZEJ Dark
    ZEJ Light
    ZEJ Metallic

    ZEJ Dark ftw *mauled*
  2. ZEJ Dark on desktop. GoMobile theme on my phone.

    And actually it was me who installed the dark theme. :p
  3. ZEJ Light.

    Metallic used to be white and silver. Dunno why it messed up.
  4. ZEJ Dark. Because yes.
  6. The default one because laziness! =3
  7. I use ZEJ Light aka the default MyBB skin with a changed logo courtesy of Jonno. I really have no preference of theme so long as I've gotten used to it, and it works. I don't particularly like the default font of ZEJ Dark (I believe it's Segoe UI but I forget) and I can't use it without what I assume to be the Espira bar stretching my screen... but it is definitely a welcome change from the default blue and white when I'm able to use it.

    Which brings up the question though, does anybody have any themes they'd like to see used on ZEJ? With the option of a theme picker and Dark's know-how, we can probably tailor some of the themes others find to work for ZEJ...

    (also i need my GoMobile skin fixed ;-; )
  8. http://mods.mybb.com/view/apart-night

    I can actually install these myself, never got around to asking. They've been sitting in my UCP for months, though. Personally I prefer the second.

    Edit: Dark fixed Metallic, so I'm using that now.
  9. I've been using ZEJ Dark for the longest time up until literally a few seconds ago, when I just read from Kuda that Metallic had been fixed. My God, this is some ducking glorious stuff right here.

  10. Using Metallic too!
  11. I fail to see what's so good about Metallic??!?!
  12. It has a better color scheme AND banner than both ZEJ Light and Dark and doesn't stretch the screen like ZEJ Dark does.
  13. I guess I just have an attachment to ZEJ Metallic now because of my partial Oriental and Filipino heritage telling me that the '90's R&B-esque logo is absolute perfection and a proper nod to the past.

    Really though, I don't really know. I just like it. LOL

    Then again, I like the majority of the themes and swap around often. It just depends on the day.
  14. and humble too

    Since I got a new monitor that is literally about twice the size of my old one, I guess I could start using ZEJ Dark... only thing is that I absolutely hate Segoe as the default font and I prefer Verdana for some things. But anything is an improvement over the Default... I just don't like immediate change, I guess!
  15. yes well

    my point still stands

    I dunno, I just find the ZEJ Light banner ugly. ZEJ Dark's is a bit better but ehhhhhh
  16. I've made the switch to Metallic... for a long time! Wanted to see dem beautiful new ZEJ logos in action, and once we had Dark edit the post-notifiers, it seemed like the optimal theme. More subdued colour scheme for the win! Still hate the Segoe of ZEJ Dark as a theme, and I guess I have a preference for lighter themes anyway.

    needs moar theme ackshun
  17. Been using ZEJ Dark because while I still dislike the shade of blue it uses, it's a bit easier on my eyes as both my Firefox theme and most of the websites I frequent are dark in color. That's... literally it.
  18. I like the Metallic theme because the default font size as well as the font type is easier for me to read, however, on those off times in a roleplay where there is a light character color, I stay in ZEJ Dark (Red) for the course of being in character and posting for things.
  19. Blech, ZEJ Dark-Red is actually an eyesore for me. I can't stand being in it at all; the red just glares at you and there's waaaaaayyyyy too much of a visual clash for it to be at all aesthetically pleasing for me.
  20. Posting this in Dark (Red) btw;

    I don't know... I like this one better than the blue theme because overall the blue is brighter than the red presented here; maybe the issue of a "visual clash" could be reduced by toning down the shade of red to like, say, somewhere near here but I personally like this one better because yes, this one is darker and is much easier to look at when I wake up in the morning and I don't want to be blinded by phone brightness. Even if I use Metallic most of the time, I use this regularly on my phone because of that.

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