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New guy in the house.

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by Swade9wade, Sep 21, 2014.

  1. Heyo faces of ZEJ, or Zej Roleplaying on how you would prefer.  The name is Wade, Swade Wade.  A guy on a never ending quest to hug all the legion girls and slime girls.  A friend of mine by the name Cid showed me this website, and I so couldn't say no to signing up to this seeing I love to roleplay.

    I'm a guy that loves to roleplay, and a fan of creating it to let people come, go, and enjoy that world.  I made a lot from some based on anime, others original, and sometimes some ideas with a twist.  Especially I enjoy creating ocs, concepts, and experiencing other peoples work, pride and joy.  I do get a little bit 'excited' sometimes due to a disorder I have, and sometimes suffer from anixety/panic attacks, but I try to hide it to not worry anyone, and keep it going.

    So yeah, heyo new faces!
  2. Hey there, Wade, welcome to ZEJ! Feel free to call it whatever you'd like - hopefully soon, you'll be able to call it 'home.' Always nice to have a new face around these parts. Things have admittedly gotten slightly quieter (probably as a result of everyone trying to get back into a routine), but hopefully you are interested in taking part in a few roleplays! If I may prod you in a direction, our Interest Checks section is the best place to start your search for some new roleplays. If something there catches your eye, then I'm sure the Game Master would be more than happy to saddle you up and set off!

    Anyway, my name is Eebit. I am one of the administrators around here - all of us (barring @"Shadow") have red names by which you can identify us. If you need a question answered about the way things run around here, how to get started in a roleplay, or just need to talk about anything, then shoot one of us a PM! We will be more than happy to give you an answer. Feel free to just hit one of us up if you need someone to talk to.

    (Conjecture, but @"Black-Moon" is just about to continue on with her journey in the roleplay "La Mort - The Island Called Death" (Interest Check || In-Character || Out of Character) - the boat has (figuratively) not left yet! If you're interested in the premise, I'm sure she'd be more than happy to let you in!)

    Anyway. I hope that you enjoy your stay here. If you're interested in engaging the community in real time, click on the IRC button in the top navigational bar (or just click here) and you will find a fair few of our members in the chat at any given time. Other than that, I think I've covered the majority of the basics, but if there is anything you aren't clear on, you can also consult the "Beginner's Guide to ZEJ" or just ask around! Surely, someone here will be more than happy to answer your questions.

    Welcome again! It's great to meet you!
  3. Thank you kindly man, I'll sure look at the interest check sections, and try to get going on rps before I start setting up my own on here soon.
  4. So Cid roped someone in? Oh God.

    Hey Wade, I'm @"Nebulon Ranger", but most here call me by my old name, Dark. I'm a friend of Cid's IRL. Welcome to ZEJ!
  5. Heyo. I'm Black-Moon/Moon/MoonMoon/whatever and I'm basically the most important-non-important person here. I'm the youngest and I generally post a lot of IC's (though that might just have been for the summer), so I'm basically almost always here. Kinda. Also I see you like Skullgirls.

    Painwheel and Peacock ftw.
  6. Thank you kindly yo two, and yeah I like Skullgirls. I'm not good at it though, but I enjoy playing it.
  7. Oh hi there, Wade. It's good to see new faces coming to ZEJ. I hope you stay a while. :)
  8. Hi! We kind of already met but I'm Rose, another admin here. If you need anything, you can ask me or anyone here. You should totally check out our Galamion section, a fantasy world for you to run around and play in. It needs some love. Make yourself at home, eat some food, drink some tea. Can't wait to see you around!
  9. I don't know how many times I said it, but thank you guys kindly on the welcoming. Means a lot to me.
  10. I've been kind of neglecting the forum lately but I've seen you on IRC, so hi! Welcome to ZEJ. I'm one of our many admins and would be glad to help you if you need it~
  11. Thanks I appreciate it man.
  12. Hey I'm the resident birde whispered and I realized I never posted in this thread so hey I'm the resident birde whispered and I realized I never posted in this thread so hey I'm the resident birde whispered and I realized I never posted in this thread so hey I'm the resident birde whispered and I realized I never posted in this thread so hey I'm the resident birde whispered and I realized I never posted in this thread so hey I'm the resident birde whispered and I realized I never posted in this thread so hey I'm the resident birde whispered and I realized I never posted in this thread so hey I'm the resident birde whispered and I realized I never posted in this thread so hey I'm the resident birde whispered and I realized I never posted in this thread so hey I'm the resident birde whispered and I realized I never posted in this thread so hey I'm the resident birde whispered and I realized I never posted in this thread so hey I'm the resident birde whispered and I realized I never posted in this thread so hey I'm the resident birde whispered and I realized I never posted in this thread so hey I'm the resident birde whispered and I realized I never posted in this thread so hey I'm the resident birde whispered and I realized I never posted in this thread so hey I'm the resident birde whispered and I realized I never posted in this thread so hey I'm the resident birde whispered and I realized I never posted in this thread so hey I'm the resident birde whispered and I realized I never posted in this thread so hey I'm the resident birde whispered and I realized I never posted in this thread so hey
  13. *Goes dizzy eye for a moment, and shakes it off.* Well hey.
  14. when did @Eebit steal cody's account

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