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League of Legends

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Sep 7, 2011.

  1. i started playing today, so, yea. terrible elegante is terrible. only a level 3, and i apparently am only good at assisting, lel.
  2. I just want to add to that post that I dealt the most damage to champions...

    as Soraka
  3. Losing streaks suck.

    But you know what doesn't suck?

    Top Lane Soraka from Flimzy!

    if only there were an award for it, I'd give it!
  4. [youtube]rGFQHxAlPbw[/youtube]
  5. [​IMG]

    And then this happened. Tried to support my ADC @Flimzy with a Kayle and it went well for a little bit...!

    But then their Yasuo got really fed and proceeded to tell Tyran that she needed to uninstall the game. And it all went downhill from there. Fed Yasuo, Teemo, and Akali = no thx bebs.

    (but then again this was mostly a jokes game so lewl) EDIT: Nah we actually just really suck lmao
  6. At least in that game I got over a bit of my "phobia" of playing assassins, especially Kha'Zix. I fed and overall played really poorly one game with him somewhat recently, and avoided jungling with him since. I noticed this game we needed an assassin and not a tank jungler, though, and I'm pleased with how I did.

    Although Teemo still needs to be eradicated form Runeterra for good.
  7. [​IMG]

    Played with @crazE and a couple irl friends and a (support) Fiddlesticks who, after taking my red buff, demanded that my friend give him blue as well. My friend declined, and he declared he would report my friend and feed for the rest of the game.

    Oh well!

    I had a sweet double kill though. Got pincered up top, went into the bush, lured their Malphite in and killed him, then their J4 came to "seal the deal," at which time I ignited him and healed myself, while lifestealing my way back up to health. LCS here I come!

    That's another thing. I didn't take Flash because I meant to replace Ignite with Heal. But then replaced Flash instead by mistake. Whoops!
  8. We should make a 5v5 team LOL

    Main support and I duo'd with diamonds and platinums before
  9. we would have had that game if it weren't for that meddling fiddlesticks. And whatever the hell Mundo was doing.
  10. I was on voice chat with him, he was giggling the whole time and said at one point "Yeah after I died the first time it was just over"
  11. hmm Leeg. Dominion queues are terrible to try to get into; almost half an hour for a wait. ._.
  12. Vi penta in ranked.
    Get on my level
  13. [​IMG]

    Bitch get on my server. ;p
  14. Yo guys, all of you want to do a Fantasy League?
  15. I'm definitely in. I've been meaning to give it a shot, but I don't exactly have irl friends to draft a league with me. I'm the only one who follows the LCS.

    I'd assume a couple of the ED folk would give it a go, as well. If you were to start a league I could point them in the right direction.

    Also, @FallenBro and @CodasterTheDisaster can u pls carry me 2 victoly one day *bats eyelashes*
  16. Just tell when everyone is online and i could set up the league haha

    Nah I'll support you early on, then you'll carry me later <3
  17. Do you want to play now, @"FallenBro"? I'm feelin' in the mood for like, one game.
  18. LOL I forgot that playing with a top teemo who doesn't know what they're doing can be a disaster.

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