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League of Legends

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Sep 7, 2011.

  1. --Source: League of Legends on Wikipedia

    I've been getting into this game fairly recently, and it's pretty fun. It handles like a Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game, but is more focused on single player domination than amassing tremendous armies and all that jazz. It's pretty fun, and I think that you guys should give it a go, seeing as it's absolutely free, and focused on multiplayer.

    I know that some of you would probably be really skeptical downloading things like this without knowing what they actually are, so check out these screenshots/videos, and hopefully you'll get a better idea of what's going on here~




    League of Legends Usernames (NA Server)
    See Also: Universal Gaming IDs Compendium
    CerberusLycan - @CerberusLycan
    Coddydaster - @CodasterTheDisaster
    crazE101 - @crazE
    TheEebro - @Eebit
    BaKonee - @FallenBro (1)
    TruNoiZ - @FallenBro (2)
    Roymus - @Flimzy
    GenerousGreed - @Gist (1)
    MiserereMei - @Gist (2)
    SeerOfHope - @Masquerade
    NotWD - @"Nebulon Ranger"

    Sign Up Here!
  2. On a slightly related note, DOTA 2 is being made by Valve.
  3. Yes. Thank you, my furry friend, for unveiling such a thing to this old boy! I've been playing this lots and lots bby. :3 Very, very fun stuff... Reminds me of a Little King's Story-esque experience... Only free. <3
  4. Bumping this (over a year later lol) to say that I'm planning on getting back into League. I hope there are others aside from me who play, and I'd love to start playing with you if so! If not, still, give this game a look, and maybe we can enjoy a nice game in the near future. :>
  5. Eebit, I had an account before when I was on my PC, but when I get a new one(1or2 months) Ill play with you guys :p
  6. You can't forget the Coddydaster
  7. Also, Aether Wing Kayle = Aether Flower Eebit
  8. i...

    i don't get it
  9. lelelelelelel.

    I don't play LoL as often, but when I do...

    I get pentakills. (in Co-op vs AI LMFAOROFL!!!)

    I am at the brink of reaching lvl 30. If any of you wanna play, I'm up for it. I'm just known as crazE101 on there, so yeah.

    I regularly play tanks for teams, but I've recently been getting into melee adc's or ranged apc's. I've also been trying to hone myself as a jungler more often (first champ being Nautilus, second being Maokai, third being Fiddles. All freaking junglers!) so some jungling tips or even just having some games where I can fool around would be appreciated!
  10. I'm already lvl 30 crazE and my team is currently in Platinum V about to be in IV and I main support and someones top~

    Add me if you guys like play, SlenderBacon
  11. "This Kog Maw could solve world hunger if he went 0/11/1 to Africa instead of Graves"
  12. LOLWAT.

    Also, charged my laser with Fallen last night. We had a rough start but we still owned LEL.

    Dat Fizz...
  13. So uhh...we made a team, ZEJ Legends ...

    Gonna rape LoL(once we have a fifth that is)
  14. and i will be that fifth... once LoL finishes updating
  15. how do i play this game

  16. Udyr with the patented "get some of everything and never finish a big item" build
    Leona with a sort of support item in Emblem but nothing else (no wards, no sightstone, no philo, etc.)
    Voli also having the "get some of everything and never finish a big item" but also incorporating the "fuck boots" build.
    ...in fact I only see 6/10 boots here. Wat
    //should not be talking as he sucks at LoL >.>
  17. how do i kill enemies

    no seriously i m triblu
  18. I recently tried league, as a couple of you know... And i'm apparently not /bad/ at it.

    @Dark to kill enemies u SHOT'N DA BADGUISARUUUU
  19. As drawn by the creator of both Leona and Diana:

  20. @"Eebit" Those two are the funniest bot duo ever. xD

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