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Discussion in 'Спам Oстров' started by LaTyrannia, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. This boot. *Throws a dirty combat boot at Elegante's head*
  2. CodasterTheDisaster
  3. How about YOU take Zantok?
  4. As long as YOU take Eebit~
  5. Nope, you can take Eebit too.
  6. willingly~

    you can have.... jonno then.... i don't think i've shipped you that way yet
  7. Wow. Thanks guys. Way to make me feel like a giant sack of shit that nobody would want to be within 100 miles of.

  8. Zantok, you know we love you and everything in this thread is in jest. <3

    I like Shadow with you better.
  9. I know. I do it just for the laughs. And besides, I think I like you better with Elegante.
  10. But we all know you've been dying to get back with J00n0 so there you go.

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