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Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Rose, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. Hey guys,

    If you have been paying attention to my signature, I run a blog.
    It would be really awesome if you guys could do one or more of many things:

    1. Follow. You can follow by email.
    2. Leave comments. Suggestions for posts, comments on posts in general with an opinion, anything.
    3. Tell your friends to follow.
    4. Send in questions to brittanysramblings@gmail.com
    5. Whatever else will help gain me traffic. It would be gr9.

    Thanks guys <3
  2. Just to let you know, I've been keeping up with your blog since it's started and have thoroughly enjoyed what you have to say. You're convey intelligence in your posts; that's more than I can say for 80% of the other starting bloggers out there. xD I'll start letting other people know about it, and I'll throw a line out there on my Yahoo! journalism-centric Twitter once I pump some new articles out myself for cross-promotion.
  3. I'm not much of a talker or a commenter, but I do read your blog and it gets the Zantok Seel of Approval
  4. [​IMG]

    If you're looking for comments, I'd be happy to oblige every now and then, naturally! I've been reading along as you post stuff (I get the email notifications and read what you have been up to), and I do quite enjoy your writing style. Maybe you could throw us ZEJians a bone and let us know when you've tossed a post on up? Might get a few more readers that way. :>
  5. I can arrange that. I also made a Facebook Page for it, and I post updates there. Likes would be awesome, though I think I made a bunch of you like it by invite.
  6. Updated my blog, and letting you all know as Jonno requested:

  7. It's without a doubt that Zimmerman will be leaving town as soon as the inevitable civil court case is over if he hasn't already. I'm not sure what to think about the case as a whole, because as you said there's room for reasonable doubt on the account of the fact that no real evidence can be accounted for. Now, the whole Casey Anthony thing was another story. My memory is a bit blurry concerning her case, but I find that she should have been completely bagged on with the greatest sentence she could possibly be given, just like we all know OJ Simpson killed his wife but the evidence for that case was taken without a warrant (if I remember correctly) so he basically walked, but was still arrested years later for something extremely idiotic by means of the laws of karma.

    As per the death of Cory Monteith, man, that is such a bummer. He was out of rehab and apparently on a complete rebound in life, even in its last few days according to friends, family, and anyone else who had been in contact with him recently. No substantial amount of alcohol was found in his system, so he wasn't intoxicated by form of any liquor from the party he had leading up to his death, and I'm even starting to wonder if there were even any drugs in his system as could be appropriately believed considering what had all just gone on a little while before he passed. It would be really weird if he just dropped dead of natural causes at 31, but it happens to people even much younger than that. It's all by chance, and it's totally crazy.

    I had surmised that there was a big career in the movie industry or in some other prime time television show following the end of Glee. He was an excellent actor and his singing wasn't half-bad either. In short, he will forever be sorely missed. I'm wondering how they're going to pay tribute to him on Glee, and what they're going to do with Finn's character. Would they dare to kill him off? I'm honestly hoping that they do. After all, death happens. It's a part of life. It should be covered at some point by the show with on of the mains, and they could hold a really great tribute ceremony for him and all of that. I just think because of how important his character was, and the fact that he's unfortunately passed on so young in the real world, that Finn should come to a similar end. I dunno. Just a random thought there.

    I have a lot of respect for Glee. Even if it's cheesy, some show needs to fill that void, and I'm saying this as somebody who's coincidentally not really even watched a full episode of the thing. And hey, at least the people who are a part of it can actually sing. That's more than I could say for other shows of a similar ilk.

    As far as the Texas Abortion law goes? Screw that, man. Only five clinics are even able to carry on with abortions in the state right now while the rest of them have to all be re-faceted. While this can easily be resolved by Texas natives who are stuck in a pickle just getting their abortion in say, New Mexico, it's just completely inconvenient and stupid. I never thought abortion rights were even something that should have ever been an issue with politicians- just leave everyone's rights alone. Would you rather have teenage girls dying by shoving coat hangers into themselves to stab and kill the fetus like what was happening before medical abortions were appropriated in the US? That's on you, you 19 Texas lawmakers who passed HB2. That's on you. Can't wait for the massive coalition coming your way. This will be fun to see unfurl.

    EDIT: Apparently, the initial autopsy showed no signs of substantial alcohol, but what was in his system mixed with heroin found in the advanced tox-screen ended up becoming a fatal cocktail for him. Cory had so much promise and it's sad to see him die so young, especially considering that it didn't need to happen. Jeez.
  8. I've been reading your blog. Makes for really interesting reading, especially when I'm trying not to fall asleep; I like your effervescent style (reminds me of me XD), and the whole blog seems fun.

    [This may not be the best description but I'm sleep deprived so go away. I do like the blog still though.]
  10. Just to let you know here, I've still been keeping up with your blog posts, even through the busy days. I like your writing style -- how you're able to convey your awesome personalities through your postings is just awesome. I've laughed on several occasions reading your work. I remember in particular, "Congratulations. Have some balloons from Oriental Trading," among other hilarious ones strewn across your postings. You maintain the ability to have in-depth and serious conversations with your audience when the situation calls for it as well, which is totally cool and respectable. I'll keep on keeping up with ya on your blog and elsewhere. Keep it up!

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