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[Freeform] Runic: Before the End

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by ShadoeMayari, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. Okay, before I go any further, this is a prequel to Runic, which you can find over at Magnolia. This takes place three years before James and Isabella became Runics and delves into the background of certain characters.

    Basically: Power Tattoo (aka Runes) attach onto a human host, giving them extraordinary powers, which can vary from shape-shifting to healing. As the host, also known as a Runic, becomes stronger, the Runes spread over their body, before eventually taking over. They become power-hungry monsters, known as Madness Runics. If a Madness Runic comes in contact with a normal human, it can turn them into Runics as well and the cycle starts over.

    Due to large population, Runics are very common in large cities, although the majority of people are not aware of their presence...

    There will also be quite a few original characters that are up for grabs. I'll go into detail later.

    Interest? Questions?
  2. Hm, could be interested.
  3. Maybe, maaaaaaaaybe. I think I'll need to catch myself up with the actual Runic RP as well, but I'm certainly potentially interested~
  4. Well, this RP will have spoilers for the one over at Magnolia, so I recommend that you don't do that. ^^' Although Rose is part of the one over there, but she knows all the spoilers anyway. XD

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