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[Freeform] Rose Swan's The Mystics - A JonnoPlea

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by Jonno, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. Hey there, everyone! I just wanted to bring to your attention an RP already up-for-signagey-uppy that I believe will be particularly great, and that is Rose's The Mystics. If you're willing to fill up that one last spot before the roleplay can begin, I'd personally make Zantok come to your house and give you the greatest hug of your life. That, and I'm sure myself, Rose, and the others wanting to participate would be grateful, should this tickle your interest enough to join up.

    Well, check it out and see if it's for you, and if it is, sign right on up! I'm personally vouching for this because I think it will be a wonderful roleplay. Who doesn't like the idea of governing an underground civilization of magical miscreants? This is one of the freshest/most beautifully unique RP's I've seen in a long while, personally, that greatly fits my tastes in both RP-style and subject (yaymagic), kind of like Rose is one of the freshest, most beautifully unique members I've seen in a long while.

    ;) <3 LOOOL, well anyway, go check it out, if you want!

    I know that this board isn't particularly for posts of this nature, but I figured this would be the best way to get some potential faces who might be interested interested in that final spot. Thanks, and g'day, mate!
  2. Holy crap, I missed this even existed. XD Wow, -J-, thanks very much for your compliments and pushing for that RP. I'm glad you're excited about it. <3

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