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[Freeform | Fantasy] Dream

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by Rose, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. One day, you're sitting in the real world, living out your life, when all of a sudden you feel really drowsy. You nod off, and start to dream.

    This dream is its own little reality. Everyone is inside it and your memories from the previous world are gone. You believe you've always been there, and you are being ruled by a powerful dictator. The city is fancy and modern and high tech, no one dies, and no one questions any of it.

    Except The Resistance. They remember everything of their old life, and they know it's all fake. They want to wake everyone up. And they are willing to fight tooth and nail to do it.

    If you're interested, feel free to post. :3
  2. Omg yes.

    This sounds ultimately interesting, and it makes me wonder how they'll be able to escape from their own dream. I expect cool inception stuff XD

    Will this be like the Matrix where /everyone/ is in one dream, or is this all in the mind of one person? I assume the first due to the resistance, but just making sure. ^^
  3. Everyone is in one dream, which was conjured up by a machine The Dictator made.
  4. Matrixception!!!

    Will the dreamers be able to perform surreal (but not OP'd) actions that may happen in dreams? =P
  5. Little things. Nothing extravagant. My rule is that if you want to do it, drop a post in the OOC and I'll decide if it's too much.
  6. Certainly interested, and once I get home and back to my computer I've got a character that I can put into both this AND the Magnolia versions. :>
  7. Yay~ That's awesome Eebit!
  8. Obligatory Question: Anthropomorphic animals?
  9. D41, man, I think you're going to have to start making some concessions in the anthro department... I could be wrong seeing as the RP is set in a dream world, but I'm thinking that a lot of RPs may not allow them. Just a suggestion, but why not broaden your horizons a little bit to try and play as a human, in order to match some settings?
  10. Probably not.



    You can count me in on this one. I could use a healthy dose of Roseception, and this seems to be more than appropriate for the job. XD But really, sounds as fantastic as everything else does from you, and I support all of your ideas. You know that.
  12. God, almost forgot about this. I'm full of ideas at the moment, very fantasy awesome ones. I need to get them all down. OoC will be up tomorrow along with more fun stuff.
  13. Sounds interesting.

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