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[Freeform | D&D 3.5 Cleron's World RP]

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by Spaughtyena, Jun 26, 2012.

  1. Cleron's World

    A small Island located off the shores of The sword coast. Tne land is plagued by evil and creatures unlike any seen before. It is rumored that at some time during the mysterious islands history that the gods who created it turned against each other, a battle that ruptured the natural and cosmic balances that the land depended on. The land is in an underlying chaos, and much like the lands it is located in, all those who have sought to bring peace to the troubled land, is forgotten.

    As heroes of the realm, your characters will investigate the island, in an attempt to regain peace and tranquility, and figure out the reason behind all this madness in the process. You will be working together as a team and the roleplay will be very character driven, taking roleplaying seriously as all desistions will make later repercussions during the storyline.


    This roleplay is based off a module I did a ways back and never completed. I think It was high time I set it up again, so I'm hoping to see some more people join this than I did at the gaming table, as I tried it as a tabletop and it proved to be insuccessful.

    All general basic character races based in 3.5 D&D are allowed, including any anthropomorphic races:

    Planetouched (Teifling/Aasimar)

    Since this is a freeform as opposed to an actual statplay, no racial bonuses are going to affect overall performances, race is purely aesthetic.

    Each character will be an adventurer of their choosing and will have the choice between the basic character classes below:

    Paladin (Only play as good)


    Player count 3-10

    If there are any questions please don't hesitate to PM me or post them here!.
  2. Cleron's World? I'm in.
  3. As the two above me said, Kony 201-.....I mean I'm in
  4. Sounds fun, I'm in.
  5. So is this going to be entirely freeform, or are you planning on having rolls in here? I may be interested in this; it really depends on the RPing load and whatnot~
  6. I'd be in if there are rolls and stuff. Something about the dice is attractive. lmao
  7. (Please keep in mind that the basis of the rolls and statistics come from the D&D 3.5 core rulebook DM's Guide and monster manuals (1-5) with a few additional features and house rules ie: luck checks, percentile on natural ones, and the addition of anthropomorphic races without having to look in the monster manuals.)

    This roll play is not entirely freeform, I'll implement rolls during key events (luck, fortitude, will, reflex.) and other things, such as attack rolls. anything else like listen and spot will be determined by the character and what situation there in, as well a persuations and other social checks will be replaced by a general reasoning and how the actual character would respond to the statement being made.

    Currently making Character sheets.
  8. Masq, you surprised me a bit. Didn'f expect you to be into this.
  9. Everyone can join, yes.
  10. After much thought on the matter, I inform anyone still interested in the role-play that the use of dice will no longer be in effect as it would make some parts of the plot unavailable, and lower the amount of open endedness required, I apologise if this makes any of you upset.

    -- D41
  11. Apologies if people thought this was never going to happen, but I have finally completed and (although time consuming) revised everthing I had ever done to make sure it was fair, so yes, this will now commence happening in a matter of days.

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