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Euthora-Roul ~ Kel en Miir

Discussion in 'Statistical Roleplays' started by Keileon, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. The True Firedrake's explanation uplifted Akensken, and set his heart on a tailwind of hope. The craggy wyvern bowed his head deeply in a show of respect, and responded, "That is a cause I would be honored to follow, ancient one." It was nothing short of what he just barely dared to dream; another dragon, capable and moral, that could see the essence of the problem. The threat to dragonkind in their current time was not humans, to be threatened in return, but humankind's arrogance. He bore resentment for the hunters themselves, just as much as any dragon, but Akensken knew the truly just solution was to abolish humanity's foolishness rather than the race itself. One would perhaps be easier to eliminate than the other, but that was the price of walking the right path. It lightened the Armored Wyvern's wings just to know he may not have to pursue that path alone. In truth, before today, he had not had a mind to walk the course with as much dedication as filled him now-- his goal had merely been to find a secluded den, sustain himself, and avoid the conflict. It had been a while since he had last been in the company of a peer who wanted to change the world for the better. Without one, it was scarcely simple to maintain sight of the worth of all the effort, all the heartache, and all the blood that was required to keep moving forward. With these other dragons around him, not one of them bad enough to be deserving of their present climate, and Feravel's words, Akensken could see the worth again. He was ready to once more start down the path which had already taken so many from him, to free so many more from their torments.
  2. Ira couldn't help the embarrassment that shot through her as the elder dragon repeated her self-proclaimed title. Hearing it from Feravel filled her with both a sense of inadequacy and a feeling of pride. His voice was like a steady flame; powerful, warm and welcoming. Perhaps this is what a father would have been like?

    Then he spoke again and the spell was broken. Suddenly, he was like a reprimanding parent, "kindly" scolding her like a child. The aged dragon knew nothing of what he spoke. Youth is not the same as ignorance! Much to learn about humans? I know enough. She wanted to shout at the firedrake, demand he understand the injustices she's experienced from the barbaric monsters he was defending. But the Firedrake had already moved on, having said his piece he must have just assumed Ira would accept anything he said to her. The Coralwing silently simmered in aggravation, barely hearing anything else the Firedrake spoke.

    "That is a cause I would be honored to follow, ancient one."

    Ira turned to see Akensken, who's expression proved he meant what he said. With a breathy sigh, Ira spoke up next. "Fine."
  3. Feravel mirrors Akensken's head bow, before his eyes flick to Ira as she gives her begrudging agreement. The old dragon snorts and waits for a few seconds, before turning to the two who have not said anything. The Stellar Wyvern and the Golden Firedrake... "I will take your silence as agreement." Feravel sounds amused, and it seems as if there is some room to argue with him, but for now he raises his head to the sky. The blue is now being painted with reds and oranges; the sun is setting.

    "It is getting late," he comments before looking at Stiria. "I know your kind is nocturnal, but the rest of us do not have that luxury. Come, stay with us for a bit." He pauses, seeming about to turn away, but then bows his head again- an odd expression like amusement and resignation visible to those not looking at his face head-on. "You are free to leave if you wish, of course. I will not force any of you to join me on my endeavor."

    This piece said, Feravel approaches the centerpoint of the area formed by the ridge. Using his foreclaws to create a pile of rocks to retain the heat, a spark of flame seems just about willed to life, no visible prompting action from the old dragon to create the flame. He gives this no notice, simply checking the makeshift campfire from a few different angles before addressing the group again.

    "We can address our course of action tonight without fear of humans. They are not hunting our kind this late into the day." He seems content with what he's said so far, and curls up a few meters from the fire. There is a slight pause, before Feravel briefly and slightly lifts his wings as if to invite the others to join him around the fire.
  4. How cruel the ether was to bade her stay her tongue! Stiria kept her mouth shut and followed the True Firedrake along despite wishing to leave. She could have easily flown off into the night but to fly away now would be pitiful and weak – she had made no argument to their supposed quest when it was delivered to them and so it would have to stay. Stiria snarled. "What exactly is this plan?" she snapped vehemently, beating her wings against the air. "Are we to parade about gifting little morsels of wisdom to an ignorant and easily quashed race with light in our eyes and good tidings in our mouths?" She wanted to gag at the mere thought. Kind? To HUMANS? Bah.
  5. The reluctance and peevishness of his companions failed to dampen Akensken's mood. Doubts and hesitance and pessimism itself could not get through to his emboldened spirit, not even when they happened to find their origin in his very own mind. A sense of purpose-- and an overwhelming gratefulness for the very same-- had overtaken him, and though he would do better to think about the past, wherein he had experienced these same feelings before and seen their consequences, he couldn't help but be confident about facing the future. Even if it was just one other dragon who shared his goals and views, Akensken knew he could stay resolute. So he followed Feravel to the fire, and drew a hunk of metal to his side as he sat down and listened to Stiria as she spoke. Paying almost no mind to her tone, when she was done Akensken responded, "In the past I have traveled with others who had this same goal. We could only ever guess at where to begin, so we roamed the land looking for conflicts between our kind and humans. We helped fellow dragons wherever we could, while trying only to dissuade and drive off humans instead of killing them." The Armored Wyvern paused and took a bite out of the ore, chewing solemnly. "In the end all we accomplished was whittling ourselves down and diverting conflicts in one place only for more perilous ones to arise elsewhere. It was rare for other dragons to appreciate or even understand our reluctance to kill humans, and all the humans did with our kindness was take advantage of it." He glanced meaningfully at Chaneak, and then concluded in the same pensive, neutral, sonorous voice, "But that was a while ago." Swinging his heavy head to look at Feravel, Akensken asked, "What ideas do you have, ancient one?"
  6. Ira hovered closer to the fire, intrigued by the ancient dragon while simultaneously infuriated with his views. She glanced to Stiria as she repeated almost the very same thought Ira herself was having. To fly around and preach? If she found that was to be the goal, the Coralwing would be gone in moments, despite her having already confirmed her assistance. She would have no part in such an endeavor.

    Akensken spoke next; a brief of exactly what Ira knew would be the results of a pacifistic approach. Though the Armored Wyvern didn't seem to display any regrets, however, more a solemn declaration of fact. Was he really willing to try again? She must be missing something. There better be more to this than what's being let on. "It would be just the same to me if every human burned. " Her tone was emotionless and blunt. An unwavering opinion she held to.
  7. “No, Akensken.” Chaneak spoke, breaking a silence he was holding since the conflict had ended. “No, I agree completely.” The golden firedrake stood up, he looked sharply into the armored wyvern and spoke with a blunt tone: “That was a foolish quest. I’m thankful and surprised you managed to learn its lessons without any major harm befalling you.”

    “Magic and Strength, Mercy and Lies, Strategy and Fate.”
    Chaneak considered making a theatrical gesture and climbing on the metaphorical soapbox, but thought better of it, and collapsed back onto his side to wave his talon dismissively. “Surely we’re not above picking whatever makes the most sense in the moment?” Chaneak extended his wingspan over to the battlefield, still littered with ash. “It’s not like we spared more than we incinerated, or that I feel bad about that. Once the fight was serving no more purpose, I saw my chance to the ‘right’ thing and I took it.”

    Chaneak looked towards the sky and grinned, as if his words were sarcastic. “Somewhere out there, I guarantee you, a human and his kind are having this same conversation.” He shifted his eyes to the two dragonesses, who were clearly enamored with their own wrath; hypocritically in Chaneak’s mind. “…and those flightless bastards are meeting it with the same scoffing response!” Chaneak looked at Ira, who he thought he had the highest chance of meeting halfway between the two. At first he looked with anger, but he quickly corrected himself. He wanted more than anything to soothe everyone's mind, and wore a thoughtful, pleading expression to express such. “Don’t you think that reflects poorly on us?”

    “We should have our own interests in mind and keep as much over the human’s heads as possible.”
  8. Feravel waits placidly through Stiria's tirade, watching her with a calm expression as she voices her dissent and sarcasm. The old Firedrake remains silent as Akensken recounts a similar endeavor of his that had not been successful, as Ira gives a single-sentence quip, and finally as Chaneak speaks up for the first time in several minutes. While Feravel gives each of the dragons his attention in turn, it is Chaneak who he deigns to respond to first.

    "Well sung, little one." The dragon sounds almost proud, as if praising a hatchling for a job well done. "I have met my share of humans who wish for peace, as well. They, too, are met with the scoffs of their comrades and kin." Feravel breathes a heavy sigh, briefly closing his eyes. They are not closed long, however, and after a few seconds they are open once more, the light of the fire before him glinting off amber irises. "You four are perhaps not old enough to remember what it was like before Súndávr grew greedy, but it was a time where this debate would be met with surprise from both sides. It would be unheard of to think that we and the humans are at each others' throats."

    With this said, he extends his wings skyward and watches the setting sun. "I do not have a clear plan, for even a tactician must know all the pieces of the game before planning his moves. Until you four came to my aid, I feared I would be doing this alone. But my call was heard, and here you are."

    Feravel refocuses on the group at large. "I have reason to believe that a nest-mate of mine may be actively... what is the human phrase? Stirring the waters. I believe he is further provoking the conflict, and causing the humans to hate us more than the Skyking did." He makes a vague gesture to the northwest with a foreclaw. "I would stop him myself, but it is not the kind of conflict I am sure I can resolve alone. Potentially entering a battle with him without allies... well. There are old dragons and bold dragons, but not both."
  9. Stiria snorted. One dragon stirring the waters – that's what this little come-to-Jesus pow-wow was all about? Even if he was as old as Feravel, how could one singular dragon cause trouble worse than the Skyking? Rubbish, she thought vehemently, amethyst eyes glaring at the flames crackling before them. It did not quell the ire for the stupidity of this situation. She wanted to roar... so she did. "A nestmate? One. Singular. And you want us to help you handle him?" she spat, beating her wings against the air without abandon. "You want us to encircle him? You want us to drown him in a sea of scales and gnaw at his throat?" she continued harshly, stirring up a tizzy of energy which caused the flames to waver in an illusory manner. "No. Being kind to humans and overwhelming our own are not plans I will lend myself to; I refuse," she began to take flight, "Consider yourself lucky I know my limits otherwise you would have a scourge of ether upon your crooked fanged face!" And without waiting for a response, she took off, sending the air around her off-kilter as she tore through it both physically and spiritually.
  10. The old dragon's voice and conviction were captivating, demanding both attention and reverence as if he himself were some kind of ancient deity. Or a father. She could not help but accept his proposals, his words, his voice. But the spell was shattered as Stiria snapped into rage. And she spoke true. Or of what she saw as truth. There was no remorse or apology to her tirade; and a benedictory departure solidified her point. Suddenly and definitively, Stiria was gone. 

    But what of Ireísed of the Roiling Tides? What was her view? What did she believe? Humans were cruel, evil and bloodthirsty creatures. And yet. What was her drive? Did she not seek for rest from her past? Did she not seek peace within? Could such a thing be possible when there is no peace without? Could such a thing even exist? Perhaps she could... or could she?

    "Her voice is sound. I cannot but agree with her. And yet I am willing to see if perhaps I could be proven wrong. At the very least, I am sick of living in fear." Her eyes seek connection to those of the ancient Firedrake's. "I will try your path for now."
  11. The Firedrake tilts his head to watch Stiria leave, appearing unfazed by her tirade. His expression is one of disappointment, though perhaps not surprise- it seems he'd expected as much. "A shame," he says simply after Stiria is out of sight. "One can only hope that she flies through her pride before it gets her injured." Feravel's words sound sincere, and he soon turns back to the remaining dragons, his eyes focused on Ira in particular after her reply.

    The old dragon bows his head in response. "[tip id=1 content=An affirmative]Areín[/tip], her concerns are valid. Were I younger then I, too, would have misgivings at such a prospect. But assure yourselves, friends, that I have neither intent nor desire to turn you against fellow [tip id=2 content=Dragons. Many dragons refer to themselves as this no matter the language they are speaking.]drákiu[/tip] for the sake of sparing the humans." In a fluid movement, the tip of his tail coils loosely around the base of his fire, causing it to flare high in intensity before dying down to its original size. Feravel seems to watch the smoke, flame, and shadows play around the spade of his tail as he continues speaking.

    "With all said, it is growing late and we should rest for tomorrow's ventures. If any of you still have concerns or misgivings, now is the time to voice them."
  12. Ira had nothing to add and she voiced it. Her mind was swimming with conflicting ideals fed to her by the other dragons, her own experience, and perhaps a few imaginary circumstances. She knew she was young and some of the others had much more experience, but she coild not help but cling to her past... and the effect it had on her present mindset. She just hoped the great Firedrake knew what he was doing.
  13. All seemed to have been said that needed to be said, and so the flight of dragons- minus Stiria- settled for the night. Perhaps some chatter was had here and there, but no large group discussion. The canyon wall sheltered them from the wind throughout the night, and provided them all with reasonable assurance that they would not be ambushed as they slept. Humans were diurnal as well, after all.

    As they settled, the fire had died down to flickering embers, casting a slight orange-yellow light on the rocks around it. But by the time they awoke, Feravel was already back to sitting at the flames, seeming to tend and stoke them- or rather, using his tail spade to cause the smoke and flames to dance around the tip of his tail. His head and wings extended skyward, towards the sun, the old Firedrake seemed to be watching the skyline in some undefinable emotion. Some mix of longing, apprehension, weariness...

    Folding his wings and looking back at the flames, he had watched the thick smoke around his tail swirl amidst the fire, beginning to spread out, touching the ground. He watched for a few moments longer before, with little more than a blink, the fire instantly went out, the smoke dissipating shortly thereafter. His eyes closed for a few precious seconds of peace, before standing and calling out to the other dragons. "We should get moving," he had affirmed. "We must make the most use we can out of the daylight hours, and hope that Stiria has found safety by now."

    And so they moved on.


    It isn't long before the landscape beneath the dragons slowly fades from craggy and barren mountains to sparse forest, with human settlements distantly visible. Feravel occasionally seems to take interest in the distant towns, but ends up continuing to take point in a westerly direction. On rare occasion a human traveling below will take notice and either watch warily or attempt to hide, but no hostile actions are made toward them. The sight must be ridiculous- a massive True Firedrake, a thick-set and huge Armored Wyvern, the long ribbon-like Coralwing Glider, and the relatively small and sleek Golden Firedrake.

    Perhaps the humans do not wish to test their luck against multiple dragons the size of buildings.

    Before long, however, Feravel appears to become more alert, diverting his flight path slightly and roaring out at his comrades to do the same- from under the trees a few crossbow bolts shoot past one of his wings, barely avoiding the edge of the membrane. The Firedrake growls in annoyance as the group is inevitably pulled into combat once more. Circling what appears to be a blacksmithing forge, the Firedrake lands where the trees clear and rears onto his hind legs to intimidate. When he speaks, it is in flawless Common, and his bland tone is likely more than enough for any of his allies who might not understand the language itself.

    "Allow us to pass through and you will not die."

    In response, one of the men shouts an insult back at him, banging his shield with his weapon. Feravel snorts.


    Location: Kurasa Outskirts Forge
    Objective: Defeat all enemies.
    Atmosphere: Heat of the Forge: Fire-Element Basic Attacks and Abilities have a 10% increase to Damage Output, while Water- and Ice-Element Basic Attacks and Abilities have a 10% decrease.
    Music: Unforgiven
    Special: There is a Hidden Achievement on this map.

    {C} {f} { } { } { } {f} { } {b} {b} A
    { } {f} { } { } { } {f} { } { } { } B
    { } {f} { } { } { } {f} { } { } { } C
    { } {V} {f} {f} {f} { } {S} { } { } D
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {R} {t} E
    { } { } {F} { } {T} {r} { } {t} {t} F
    {r} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } G
    {w} {A} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } H
    {w} {w} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } I
    {w} {w} {r} { } { } { } { } { } { } J

    Feravel (True Firedrake)
    "Miçassei Seitir"
    HP: 35/35
    SE: 45/45
    Atk: 12 --- 14
    Def: 7 --- 6
    Psy: 2
    Fai: 5
    Evasion: 4%
    Critical: 7%
    Move: 4
    Burst Meter: [//////////]
    Temper: {//////////}

    Chaneak (Golden Firedrake)
    "Jack of Wands"
    HP: 30/30
    MP: 40/40
    Atk: 2
    Def: 6
    Int: 10
    Spr: 8
    Evasion: 5%
    Critical: 5%
    Move: 3
    Burst Meter: [//////////]
    Temper: {//////////}

    Ireísed (Coralwing Glider)
    HP: 25
    MP: 44
    Atk: 2
    Def: 6
    Int: 12
    Spr: 5
    Evasion: 7%
    Critical: 3%
    Movement: 3
    Burst Meter: [//////////]
    Temper: {//////////}

    Akensken (Armored Wyvern)
    "Observer of the Mountain"
    HP: 50/50
    MP: 30/30
    Atk: 8
    Def: 9
    Int: 2
    Spr: 6
    Evasion: 2%
    Critical: 5%
    Movement: 2
    Burst Meter: [//////////]
    Temper: {//////////}

    Valence Silverglow
    HP: 30/30
    MP: 50/50
    Atk: 7
    Def: 4
    Int: 7
    Spr: 5
    Evasion: 7%
    Critical: 4%

    "Guard Officer"
    HP: 50/50
    MP: 30/30
    Atk: 6
    Def: 7
    Int: 2
    Spr: 6
    Evasion: 2%
    Critical: 4%

    "Guard Officer"
    HP: 50/50
    MP: 30/30
    Atk: 6
    Def: 7
    Int: 2
    Spr: 6
    Evasion: 2%
    Critical: 4%

    "Guard Officer"
    HP: 50/50
    MP: 30/30
    Atk: 6
    Def: 7
    Int: 2
    Spr: 6
    Evasion: 2%
    Critical: 4%

    "Blacksmith Striker"
    HP: 40/40
    MP: 40/40
    Atk: 9
    Def: 7
    Int: 2
    Spr: 6
    Evasion: 4%
    Critical: 5%
    Move: 3

    HP: 60/60
    MP: 40/40
    Atk: 11
    Def: 7
    Int: 2
    Spr: 5
    Evasion: 2%
    Critical: 8%
    Move: 3

    { } - Forge Fire
    --- Does 10% Max HP damage every turn unit occupies cell
    --- Inflicts Burn

    {f} - Forge
    --- Cannot be occupied

    {w} - Wall Cell
    --- Block Property
    --- Trigger Command: Break the Wall! (Requires 5 Atk or both Act and Move Commands)

    {r} - Rock Cell
    --- Block Property
    --- Trigger Command: Break the Rock!

    {C} - Chest
    --- Cannot be occupied
    --- Trigger Command: Open

    {t} - Tree
    --- Cannot be occupied
    --- Trigger Command: Shake the Tree!
    --- HP: 10/10
    --- Def: 3
    --- Spr: 2

    {b} - Bench
    --- Cannot be occupied
    --- Trigger Command: Search the Bench!

    { } - Starting Cell

    Players may start in any of the yellow Starting Cells.

    [Feravel starts at I6.]
  14. Like her old allies, Stiria has not, in fact, avoided conflict.

    Flying back to the old battleground to investigate it, Stiria had been forced to rest for a while- not to sleep for the night, but rather to "nap". With this further skewing the natural nocturnal behavior of her species, she is still traveling well into morning. Having taken a slight shortcut and soaring over the river Sel Durasken instead of through the mountains, the open terrain makes her easy to spot by a group of wandering humans who had heard about the dead dragonslayers the day before.

    Shouts and bursts of magic greet her from below, and she is forcibly drawn into engaging with these new enemies.


    Location: Sel Durasken Riverbank
    Objective: Survive.
    Atmosphere: Alone: Without your allies, you are on your own and outnumbered. Stiria's Movement increases by 2 at Critical HP.
    Music: Winter's Call
    Special: There is a hidden Special Command on this map.

    Unmarked Map:
    {C} { } { } { } {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} A
    { } {~} {~} { } {~} {~} { } {~} {~} B
    { } {~} {~} { } {~} {A} { } { } {~} C
    {~} {~} {~} { } { } { } { } { } { } D
    {~} {~} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } E
    {~} { } { } { } { } { } {B} { } { } F
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {Z} G
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } H
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {D} { } I

    {C} { } { } { } {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} A
    { } {~} {~} { } {~} {~} { } {~} {~} B
    { } {~} {~} { } {~} {A} { } { } {~} C
    {~} {~} {~} { } { } { } { } { } { } D
    {~} {~} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } E
    {~} { } { } { } { } { } {B} { } { } F
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {Z} G
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } H
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {D} { } I

    Stiria (Stellar Wyvern)
    "Ethereal Guardian"
    HP: 25/25
    MP: 45/45
    Atk: 2
    Def: 4
    Int: 11
    Spr: 6
    Evasion: 7%
    Critical: 3%
    Move: 4
    Burst Meter: [//////////]
    Temper: {//////////}

    "Guard Officer"
    HP: 50/50
    MP: 30/30
    Atk: 6
    Def: 7
    Int: 2
    Spr: 6
    Evasion: 2%
    Critical: 4%

    "Guard Officer"
    HP: 50/50
    MP: 30/30
    Atk: 6
    Def: 7
    Int: 2
    Spr: 6
    Evasion: 2%
    Critical: 4%

    "Sorcerer Initiate"
    HP: 30/30
    MP: 70/70
    Atk: 1
    Def: 5
    Int: 10
    Spr: 7
    Evasion: 7%
    Critical: 3%
    Move: 2

    "Sorcerer Initiate"
    HP: 30/30
    MP: 70/70
    Atk: 1
    Def: 5
    Int: 10
    Spr: 7
    Evasion: 7%
    Critical: 3%
    Move: 2

    {~} - Water
    --- Movement ends upon entering cell
    --- Movement reduced to 1 until leaving cell
    --- Variable chance of Drowning

    { } - Bridge

    { } - Sand
    --- Displaceable

    {C} - Chest
    --- Cannot be occupied
    --- Trigger Command: Open

    { } - Starting Cell

    Stiria may start in any of the yellow Starting Cells.
  15. Ira followed in silence, still baffled by her own decisions the previous evening. What was she doing? The question was only further brought to debate when the flight is forced to divert to the ground and Feravel shouts some kind of warning at a claw-full of humans. This cycle was getting repetitive and only solidifying Ira's reservations toward the endeavor. But she had given her word. She'd give it a try. She comes to a hover near the old Firedrake. His presence was... comforting.

    Probably should have left with Stiria.

    Ira starts in J6!
  16. Stiria starts at G2!

    The flight back to her hopeful temporary home had gone smoothly enough up until some pitiful humans had made a scene below her. Did they truly think they could best her? Ignorant fools, she thought vehemently as she beat her wings and changed her course. Down to them she flew with her body ablaze in ethereal might -- the world was about to give thanks to the dragoness, for she would crush the human scum like worms and burn their corpses till no remnant of their pitiful lives could be found in one piece.
  17. Akensken starts in H8.

    The sun greeted him brightly that morning, and saw his spirit solidified. It was not a dreary dread of merely getting by that Akensken faced the day with any longer, but a strong sense of higher purpose; a will to see change. The events as they had ended up playing out the previous night were unfavorable, no doubt, but at least there were ultimately three companions with him who shared his great goal, when he truly needed only one. The objective Feravel had provided them-- dealing with one of his own kind, another True Firedrake-- did not deter the Armored Wyvern as it had the Stellar. Akensken had experienced cruelty at the claws of a dragon no differently than he had from the hands of a human, and it was in large part due to the actions of one of their own that the land had become so terrible in the first place. Skyking Súndávr...

    'When I was young, my parents sang songs in remembrance of unity,' Akensken thought, recalling how Feravel had mentioned the time before humans had turned against dragons last night, 'and dirges for the loss of peace itself.' The memories made his wings restless. His parents had been as confused and angry and sad at what the world around them had become as Akensken was now. With each passing day he understood more and more their mourning of the harmony that had been forgotten-- a harmony that had been replaced by a grievously twisted refrain, a heartbreaking song that played on and on. He had never seen or heard the harmony his parents talked about, but he had come to long for it all the same. As a slew of arrows whipped by their flying formation and led them to dive down into another battle, Akensken felt that resolve in his stomach and his heart. A part of him cursed the fact he was continually forced to add his own tune to the omnipresent discord, but he knew he must admit that was the only way to lead the music to its end.

    "We will be more careful this time, yes?" called the Armored Wyvern to his comrades, looking pointedly at Chaneak. "We can leave whoever will be left, but we should let each other know before we start lifting our throats."
  18. “Don’t make a mockery of me now” Chaneak barked back, offended. He stood in the middle of the party, but beside the mountain of a dragon in particular, frowning upwards. The two side by side made for a stark contrast between their build and features. “I thought I made my stances clear last night? Or should I charge directly into crowds, and pick fights with other dragons over land to better mimic my peers?”

    Chaneak glanced over to the forge, and replaced his sneer with a smile. Inviting me over to human’s playpens though, that I can get behind. The light from the forge gave a spark to Chaneak’s eyes. Tellar, similarly, gave off a fantastical glow in this place. Bit and pieces of it had to be forged in similar structures. It was such hard work to get into one unnoticed or undisturbed as a dragon that he had built fond memories of playing with them when he got the chance. He loved seeing what he could do with such a controlled fire. Maybe he could convince his somewhat stuck up party members to let him play with it for a while? The old drake did say “passing through” but surely there was some reason they landed there in particular. Unfortunately, the sickly firedrake had used up his time to ask with whining, and the humans had drawn their weapons.

    But maybe this encounter would be be his chance to play with it?

    (Chaneak Starts in I8)
  19. [​IMG]

    Location: Kurasa Outskirts Forge
    Objective: Defeat all enemies.
    Atmosphere: Heat of the Forge: Fire-Element Basic Attacks and Abilities have a 10% increase to Damage Output, while Water- and Ice-Element Basic Attacks and Abilities have a 10% decrease.
    Music: Unforgiven
    Special: There is a Hidden Achievement on this map.

    {C} {f} { } { } { } {f} { } {b} {b} A
    { } {f} { } { } { } {f} { } { } { } B
    { } {f} { } { } { } {f} { } { } { } C
    { } {V} {f} {f} {f} { } {S} { } { } D
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {R} {t} E
    { } { } {F} { } {T} {r} { } {t} {t} F
    {r} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } G
    {w} {A} { } { } { } { } { } {A} { } H
    {w} {w} { } { } { } {F} { } {C} { } I
    {w} {w} {r} { } { } {I} { } { } { } J

    Feravel (True Firedrake)
    "Miçassei Seitir"
    HP: 35/35
    SE: 45/45
    Atk: 12 --- 14
    Def: 7 --- 6
    Psy: 2
    Fai: 5
    Evasion: 4%
    Critical: 7%
    Move: 4
    Burst Meter: [//////////]
    Temper: {//////////}

    Chaneak (Golden Firedrake)
    "Jack of Wands"
    HP: 30/30
    MP: 40/40
    Atk: 2
    Def: 6
    Int: 10
    Spr: 8
    Evasion: 5%
    Critical: 5%
    Move: 3
    Burst Meter: [//////////]
    Temper: {//////////}

    Ireísed (Coralwing Glider)
    HP: 25
    MP: 44
    Atk: 2
    Def: 6
    Int: 12
    Spr: 5
    Evasion: 7%
    Critical: 3%
    Movement: 3
    Burst Meter: [//////////]
    Temper: {//////////}

    Akensken (Armored Wyvern)
    "Observer of the Mountain"
    HP: 50/50
    MP: 30/30
    Atk: 8
    Def: 9
    Int: 2
    Spr: 6
    Evasion: 2%
    Critical: 5%
    Movement: 2
    Burst Meter: [//////////]
    Temper: {//////////}

    Valence Silverglow
    HP: 30/30
    MP: 50/50
    Atk: 7
    Def: 4
    Int: 7
    Spr: 5
    Evasion: 7%
    Critical: 4%

    "Guard Officer"
    HP: 50/50
    MP: 30/30
    Atk: 6
    Def: 7
    Int: 2
    Spr: 6
    Evasion: 2%
    Critical: 4%

    "Guard Officer"
    HP: 50/50
    MP: 30/30
    Atk: 6
    Def: 7
    Int: 2
    Spr: 6
    Evasion: 2%
    Critical: 4%

    "Guard Officer"
    HP: 50/50
    MP: 30/30
    Atk: 6
    Def: 7
    Int: 2
    Spr: 6
    Evasion: 2%
    Critical: 4%

    "Blacksmith Striker"
    HP: 40/40
    MP: 40/40
    Atk: 9
    Def: 7
    Int: 2
    Spr: 6
    Evasion: 4%
    Critical: 5%
    Move: 3

    HP: 60/60
    MP: 40/40
    Atk: 11
    Def: 7
    Int: 2
    Spr: 5
    Evasion: 2%
    Critical: 8%
    Move: 3

    { } - Forge Fire
    --- Does 10% Max HP damage every turn unit occupies cell
    --- Inflicts Burn

    {f} - Forge
    --- Cannot be occupied

    {w} - Wall Cell
    --- Block Property
    --- Trigger Command: Break the Wall! (Requires 5 Atk or both Act and Move Commands)

    {r} - Rock Cell
    --- Block Property
    --- Trigger Command: Break the Rock!

    {C} - Chest
    --- Cannot be occupied
    --- Trigger Command: Open

    {t} - Tree
    --- Cannot be occupied
    --- Trigger Command: Shake the Tree!
    --- HP: 10/10
    --- Def: 3
    --- Spr: 2

    {b} - Bench
    --- Cannot be occupied
    --- Trigger Command: Search the Bench!


    One of the humans barks an order at the one leaning against the forge, who raises both hands in a "what?" gesture. Feravel seems to snort again as the other humans eye the four dragons apprehensively. The Firedrake briefly spreads his wings out, still standing on his hind legs, a swirling aura of flame encircling his body. He does not move from his spot, but drops down onto all fours, the fire on his back and wings flaring up in blazing intensity.

    "Let us not delay for too long with these enemies," he comments to his allies, ignoring the exchange between Akensken and Chaneak. "A prolonged battle when we are outnumbered is inadvisable."

    [Feravel casts Memiça! Damage Output +10%, Critical +5%.
    MP: 38/45

    Feravel waits.]
  20. [​IMG]

    Location: Sel Durasken Riverbank
    Objective: Survive.
    Atmosphere: Alone: Without your allies, you are on your own and outnumbered. Stiria's Movement increases by 2 at Critical HP.
    Music: Winter's Call
    Special: There is a hidden Special Command on this map.

    {C} { } { } { } {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} A
    { } {~} {~} { } {~} {~} { } {~} {~} B
    { } {~} {~} { } {~} {A} { } { } {~} C
    {~} {~} {~} { } { } { } { } { } { } D
    {~} {~} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } E
    {~} { } { } { } { } { } {B} { } { } F
    { } {S} { } { } { } { } { } { } {Z} G
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } H
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {D} { } I

    Stiria (Stellar Wyvern)
    "Ethereal Guardian"
    HP: 25/25
    MP: 45/45
    Atk: 2
    Def: 4
    Int: 11
    Spr: 6
    Evasion: 7%
    Critical: 3%
    Move: 4
    Burst Meter: [//////////]
    Temper: {//////////}

    "Guard Officer"
    HP: 50/50
    MP: 30/30
    Atk: 6
    Def: 7
    Int: 2
    Spr: 6
    Evasion: 2%
    Critical: 4%

    "Guard Officer"
    HP: 50/50
    MP: 30/30
    Atk: 6
    Def: 7
    Int: 2
    Spr: 6
    Evasion: 2%
    Critical: 4%

    "Sorcerer Initiate"
    HP: 30/30
    MP: 70/70
    Atk: 1
    Def: 5
    Int: 10
    Spr: 7
    Evasion: 7%
    Critical: 3%
    Move: 2

    "Sorcerer Initiate"
    HP: 30/30
    MP: 70/70
    Atk: 1
    Def: 5
    Int: 10
    Spr: 7
    Evasion: 7%
    Critical: 3%
    Move: 2

    {~} - Water
    --- Movement ends upon entering cell
    --- Movement reduced to 1 until leaving cell
    --- Variable chance of Drowning

    { } - Bridge

    { } - Sand
    --- Displaceable

    {C} - Chest
    --- Cannot be occupied
    --- Trigger Command: Open


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