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Britt's Shit

Discussion in 'Creation Station' started by Rose, Jul 10, 2015.

  1. I recently got a tablet and I've been kind of experimenting with drawing on it with the paint program that's on it. It's horrible, horrible stuff right now and I don't even want to post it but I probably should... So yeah gaze upon my works and despair.

  2. That's kind of neat! I kind of like the "scribbly" style -- always been a fan of that. Don't be afraid to share your future works, friendo :>
  3. I second @Eebit - don't be afraid to share your art amongst friends! For a first effort on an iPad, I commend you; I can't operate my handiwork on any tablet, sans maybe the Wii U GamePad, worth shit and applaud those of all skill levels who somehow can. I also dig that you've worked with isometrics on the phone, and also concur with Eebit when it comes to the overall style being pretty neat. There's room for much improvement over time, but for starters, you've got a nice groove goin' on, bub. Keep it up!
  4. I like the paint effect. Works really well with the scribbly style.
  5. Yeah, this. ^ I definitely wouldn't dislike it if you moved in this direction further with your artwork. I think further exploration of the style could flesh it out as something as an individualistic callback to you yourself as an artist.
  6. [​IMG]

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