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Addlez Plays Danganronpa 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by ShadoeMayari, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. In which Addlez posts screenshots of this weird game because you can't record gameplay on the Vita. Maybe I'll do a proper LP of this later.

    Current progress: Chapter 2 END

    Chapter 1:

    you've changed since the first game i see

    Chapter 2:
    So apparently you can unlock extra (fanservice-y) scenes if you have certain items in your inventory. One of the items is called "Man's Nut" and if you have it you can spy on some girls in the shower. Protag gets a very OOC moment too:

    he gets some poetic lines, though (not gonna post the actual screenshot because WOAH NAKED PEOPLE):

    "Just like chestnuts roasting in an open fire, my urges are boiling, churning, and unloading inside my heart!"
    yeah no shit
    it's to late for that, sweetie
    i don't get the reference someone enlighten me
    wtf peko
    -insert emoji here-
    okay mr. monokuma
  2. I... I don't know what I expected when I clicked MonoBara...
  3. What were you expecting?

    Oh, and while I'm at it, Chapter 3 stuff:

    There's a reference in here somewhere but TITTY TYPHOON
  4. Danganronpa looks like my kind of game. Really gotta give it a go sometime.
  5. I spent my first hour of 2015 playing this game and holy shit chapter 3

    Chapter 3:

    And a single Chapter 4 thing:

    His right eye dispenses Coke and his left has tea
  6. Some more Chapter 4 stuff:

    I also did some backtracking to max a character's relationship values. Apparently you get their underwear and a skill if you do so.

    Also, I found a secret event:

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