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New Affiliate!

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Rose, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. We'd like to give a warm welcome to Roleplay Hell, our newest affiliate! We're so excited to see how enthusiastic and awesome these guys are, and we're positive that they'll make an amazing addition to our forum. Check them out, they have really great features such as a site-wide activity called Superbia. And puns. Lots of puns Also, look for future collaborative site events, because they're going to be awesome!

    ^Click the banner to enter Hell ^​
  2. It will be a pleasure to be affiliated with them. :)
  3. Cool, this finally happened! Maybe this will give me incentive to actually become active over there as opposed to perpetually lurking...
  4. We've announced the affiliation over at RPH. Thanks, guys!

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