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Doctor Who : Check

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by Slendalek, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. Interest check for a Doctor Who roleplay. It would have multiple storylines, kind of like the season arcs. I was thinking of keeping the 10th Doctor, where he doesn't die, but still goes through the 11th Doctor's timelines. Learning about River, Amy and Rory, et cetera, et cetera.
    The first two or three people can be companions, and the rest can be important people/aliens who appear throughout the arcs. If you'd like, you can have time-travelling abilities to stick around, but you won't be a fully-fledged companion.

    If you believe you're good at acting as a Dalek, Silence, Cyberman, et cetera, you can be the master of that race. Of course, other people will be allowed to act as one of that race, maybe two if there is no master over it. If you act well, controlling that race, I will appoint you master of the race-- if you so wish. I will also accept a few Time Lord characters, maximum seven.
  2. This seems a bit strange. Having the characters 'appear' only on certain times defeats the purpose of free posting roleplays. and sort of demeans the writer in the sense that they cannot write unless specifically appointed via PM's and such. (IMO) The way you seem to have this all set up into 'appointing people' confuses me, mostly due to the fact that you seem to be allowing characters, but admitting that even through they will be in the roleplay, you will not be paying much attention to them, therefore defeating the purpose of roleplaying altogether.

    If you were considering having enemies and people only show up briefly, it usually occurs when the roleplayer cannot post at regular intervals, and you use that as a workaround, or you use NPC's

    Not to mention that despite doctor who being awesome... this doesn't seem to be constructed in a way that appeals to a creative perspective...

    That's just my observation...
  3. You know, once upon a time I had made a roleplay that focuses on the Weeping Angels. Maybe I could bring it back and you could co-GM with me?
  4. [size=-5]sorry for the sooper late reply DX[/size]
    Oooh. Weeping angels? Sure! o3o
  5. If you do not have interest in the Roleplay nor have any questions related to the Roleplay, please do not post anything off topic or possibly negative about the Roleplay being propose by the OP.

    Also, everyone has their RP preferences. Let's not be bigoted and say that structured RPs deny creativeness. Being able to create something unique while abiding to standards is the core of all well known games that interact with the creativity of their players (D&D for example).

    I should issue you a warning for this post. This was very rude of you.
  6. I'm sorry for going off-topic, but I'd like to know how they were being rude? They were commenting on what they thought of how they thought the roleplay would go about, or asking how it could go about.
  7. "The way you seem to have this all set up into 'appointing people' confuses me, mostly due to the fact that you seem to be allowing characters, but admitting that even through they will be in the roleplay, you will not be paying much attention to them, therefore defeating the purpose of roleplaying altogether. "

    I think it would be rude to say that your roleplay shouldnt be a roleplay. Let's not take this out of proportions though. What happened happened, and I didn't issue any infraction. That's out of my jurisdiction.
  8. Alright, allow me to spare one post of something completely unrelated to the Interest Check. I apologize.

    Spaught here was not being rude in the slightest. I don't know how you took it this way, but his post (which was over a month ago, but this is not a contributing factor here) offered constructive criticism. Interest Checks are meant to be, in a way, the drawing board of all Roleplays--thinking that you will simply have to glance over all the "Yes, I'm interested!" posts is frankly an illusion. Why? Exactly because everyone has their own preferences and opinions. If this were the actual OoC, it would be up to the OP to see how lenient he or she will be concerning these kinds of posts, but all in all, critique is something to be /expected/ in Interest Checks. It is not offtopic, it is not negative, it is simply how they are meant to work.

    There will be no warning issued. Everything further can be taken to PMs or IRC. Thank you.
  9. They... didn't say "that your roleplay shouldn't be a roleplay." They were commenting on the way I was thinking of setting it up, and saying that the way I wanted to set it up would defeat the purpose of having those races/characters/etc in it. And, to be honest, they were right-- I should probably figure out a different way to set it up.

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