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The Best Thing You've Seen Today

Discussion in 'Спам Oстров' started by Nebulon Ranger, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. > Thread about player housing on the ESO forums
    > Inevitable blackjack and hookers joke
    > http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/2668992/#Comment_2668992

    This is the best quest in the game. 10/10 would bring drunk-ass Norgred his pants again.
  2. https://twitter.com/Chris24_Sabat/status/699594902443683840

  3. shamrock shake let's go bitches



    Being an adult means I get to go drive myself to the nearest McDonald's and slide my way into the minty deliciousness that is the Shamrock Shake
  4. whoa, the shamrock shake. I can finally find out what the hype is all about. Totes know what I'm doing tomorrow
  5. @Muddy - hope u like mint bcuz get ready for a bomb of mint to go off in your mouth cavern
  6. Shame the nearest known McD's to me is like all the way up on Sheppard, so I can only go there when mum wants to go to IKEA. :(
  7. [​IMG]

    @"Nebulon Ranger" @Starrie
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOwUWCYj7C0
  9. http://www.thisisactuallyhowtotrainyourdragon.com/
  10. [video=youtube]https://youtu.be/A6O1380O-EY[/video]
  11. https://twitter.com/bernieforkin/status/547522186001776641
  12. http://puu.sh/nEtrO/13e55ee135.jpg 

    They didn't, tbh.
  13. [video=youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cR4ADXBkII[/video]
  14. meanwhile in canada...

  15. tim horton's is totally worth hijacking a bus over

    gotta have that shitty hot chocolate
  16. Context: hunting for 1.8.9 Minecraft mods that would pair well with Pixelmon

  17. That's DeDelner's pack. It's actually designed for the Nvidia CUDA API, but in 90% of cases C becomes K in German.

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