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Ultimate Tournament 4

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by Zantok, Aug 23, 2012.


Which Option would you like to do for Ultimate Tournament 4? (POST YOUR REASONS WHY!)

  1. Each round the participants are randomly divided into new teams.

    11 vote(s)
  2. During registration each RPer is able to choose who they want as their partner. Both RPers must agre

    4 vote(s)
  3. Each RPer can and must register with two characters and together those two characters are a team.

    1 vote(s)
  4. Screw 2v2. Let's do it 1v1.

    3 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Yes ladies and gentlemen it is that time again for the next and greatest Ultimate Tournament 4!

    Now what is the Ultimate Tournament you ask? At it's most basic point it is a freeform writing fighting tournament but there is plenty of room for you to actually RP the character instead of just fight.

    Matches shall not be only determined by who actually won a match but it shall be a considerable factor. I have my own points system that I will be using as the main judge to determine that winner. I also will take into consideration who the two fighters were roleplayed. If you won by being a complete cheap ass of you typed in l33t speak and used very small sentences, odds are you won't be moved on no matter how much you trashed your opponent.

    Now, for this tournament I want to do something special. I want to have it be 2v2 however there are three very different ways to set up the teams for a 2v2 Ultimate Tournament and each have their pros and their cons. So I'm holding a poll for you all to vote on.

    You MUST post an explanation for why you voted how you did. If you do not post why then your vote on the poll will NOT be taken into consideration. In addition, just because one of the options on the poll is in the lead doesn't mean that will automatically happen. I will also be taking into account the reasonings that each member posted.


    The 4 different options are this.

    Option 1. Each round the participants are randomly divided into new teams.
    Option 2. During registration each RPer is able to choose who they want as their partner. Both RPers must agree.
    Option 3. Each RPer can and must register with two characters and together those two characters are a team.
    Option 4. Screw 2v2. Let's do it 1v1.

    And yes you can vote for more than one option.


    As for myself I'm good with any of Options 1-3. I think 2v2 would be a really cool way to do this tournament as in the past it has always been 1v1. Like I stated before there are pros and cons to each of the ways to handle the selection of teams so before I say anything about them I want to hear what you guys say.
  2. I voted option 2. Reasoning for this being that knowing who your partner is beforehand gives you more time to plan epic combos and such, however just controlling two characters makes for less variety and isn't quite as exciting as a tag match. And besides, you don't really want the RNGods to pair you with someone you won't do a stellar job working with- this is unlikely anyway, because I doubt there are many enemies made among users, but still. Conflicting styles and such. Choosing your partner allows you to sync a bit more easily.
  3. I voted Option 4 because it would probably bring much fun.
  4. I'd vote for 1 although it would be mostly for personal reasons such as I have no experience RPing with anyone here so I'd be at a huge disadvantage when people have partners and plans and I'd be left struggling from the start. I can try to justify it by saying it tests raw ability rather than the connections you have, it evens out the field so no one is at a (dis)advantage. One can use their wit to choose the right partner and be invincible from the start, but why not just have everyone even and see what happens from there. Also, it gives members a chance to broaden their views on roleplaying a certain style. Who knows, maybe everyone will learn a thing or two. Also, each round tests raw ability even more when you are partnered with someone else. You can be partnered with someone who, in the previous round, was an enemy or something and that can lead to plot twists, who doesn't love plot twists. And finally I, for one, know nothing about anyone here so I don't mind who I'm partnered with, so 1 it is.
  5. Option one, for similar reasons as LaTyrrania, because, say, Eebit and Jonno team up (just an example might even be inaccurate, but whatever) they may annihalate because of the fact that they're both makers of ZEJ and experienced Roleplayers. So, plus it tests how well you can adapt, and that's always fun. No, seriously, it is. No sarcasm. Seriously. But anyways, that way you can't just perfect something in your first fight, and then obliterate everyone with it. You need to make knew combos each match. So that's why I vote option 1. Plus, roleplaying two at a time can get frustrating. Also, it won't let me vote off my phone.
  6. I'm going out on a limb to agree with Rose on this one. My reasoning is that, personally, to me, UT as a brand is seeing this big ol' revival/reboot, if you will, and starting it out with something as drastically new as 2v2 battles (and only that) is like completely retooling the system entirely. In essence, what I'm saying is that, by -initially- rebooting UT with 2v2, it just won't "feel" like the UT that once was, and with those facets destroyed, all of our great roleplayers who have joined us since late-mid 2010 (since UT3 was an ultra-flop) won't be able to experience it for what it really was. I vote for Option 4, with the ability to engage in 2v2 battles either as the main focus of another UT entirely, after the initial revitalization, or as an option at the Deimos Moon, or during, say, special events.

    That's not to say that the idea of 2v2 battles doesn't sound tantalizing to me. It is. Very much so. But, to me, I'd personally play UT as it was originally meant to be played as the main focus of our first real reboot of the franchise, much like how Pokemon didn't eliminate 1v1 when introducing 2v2 during its 3rd generation. That would've just felt weird.

    If we were to do 2v2, however, I don't think that, if it were a major focus, players should be able to choose their partners in advance, for the exact same reasons Zar'roc and Tyrant stated, actually. Make it more spontaneous. That'd be quite fun, and I'd probably still join nonetheless regardless of battle focus. Just throwing a personal statement out there.

    At the same time, maybe there'd be problems with certain people getting used to their situation if they were randomly paired with someone new each match, which I wouldn't exactly recommend because then even the winners would have won halfway because of luck. I'd vote for, if I were to prefer 2v2, randomized teams, but once they're set for the first time, that's who you're with for the remainder of the tournament.

    ...and at that same time, it might make people unhappy with who they're paired up with, which, even if it were to just be RP'd like a real situation in which they are forced to adapt... just wouldn't be as fun, which I believe is a very integral part of the RP experience. So really, as far as 2v2 goes... I really don't know. There is no way to make everyone happy with that to the point that keeping it to 1v1 this go-around just makes sense (to me).

    Sooooo... Yeah. What I vote for are 1v1 matches being the major focus, with 2v2 being an option at, say, Deimos (or whatever its equivalent shall be this iteration), or over a special event, and players could choose who they'd like to team up with for those matches. 1v1 just seems like way less of a headache, could be more beneficial for actual character development (which should be important to all of you), more-hearkens back to what UT was originally intended to be, and could just be more fun to act as the primary focus. 2v2 as the main focus is an ambitious idealism, but not one that I think would be very smart or as exciting, as far as the initial reboot goes. I'd say that if we do have a 2v2 thing as the primary focus one day, it could be over an All-Stars series, and players choose who they want to be with, and yadsallaalhahlabla. The skill level of each teammate would be proven ahead of time in a past tournament, that way they'd all be evenly matched upon the host's hand-choosing them for the tournament, and everything would just be much more leveled and fun to deal with.

    At the same time, I say that for people with less experience RP'ing, we could always help them out in any way. Of course, post the typical guidelines in the Sign-Ups first and foremost, like, you know, bring up certain horrific matches, and basically tell 'em, "Don't make it like this." No one-liners, do what you can to characterize your posts and stand out during battles, etc. I actually helped tutor (or attempted to) some of those who needed to gain their legs during UT3 via PM, i.e. giving out general tips on how to capitalize on each post you make/how to make each post matter and flow together perfectly with the last. If any one needed that kind of help, I'd be happy to oblige should time permit it. It's just one of those moral-y things, don'tcha know.

    Also, to those who voted but didn't write out their reasoning yet, remember well:
  7. Voted for Option 1, I think Tyran and others have or will say something explaining this :p

    EDIT: Just read this and now I have to make an explanation. Well if two people can decide their own team and they are really great RPers (ex. Shadow and Masq, Eebit and Jason, etc.) it would kind of be unfair for some new RPers or not as experienced as the others. And I believe that 2v2's are more interesting than 1v1's because more people are involved and with more people, you really can't expect what will happen. <Will write more after>
  8. I'm afraid I have to agree with Jonno and Rose on this one. Not that I have anything against 2v2 matches, but I don't think it would be quite as fun as 1v1 matches. However, 2v2 matches would be great for Ultimate Tournament All-Stars, should that ever happen, because we can have twice as many characters. I'm thinking half from past tournaments, and half original to that tournament. But that's for Ultimate Tournament 5 or 6. :p In any case, I'll probably participate, because I like this roleplay, 1v1 or 2v2. :D
  9. I voted for 1, as I feel there's too much potential for funny or awesome battle setups for it to be done any other way. I'm indifferent to the idea for 1v1 instead, but voting for it seems like I'd be ruining the fun.

    2 and 3 however I strongly oppose. Two seems like a drag, it would get stale very quickly, and I don't feel it holds the potential 2v2 give us. Three is this problem to the extreme. There's absolutely no point in it whatsoever unless you hate both interaction and 1v1 combat.

    EDIT: I want to restate, I chose one both for setup AND the fact that we would be able to see more variety in combo skills and such.
  10. I voted for both options 1 and 2. Personally, I'm more in favour of the first than the second... for a number of reasons, actually, but I could also be swayed to proceed under option four. Let's get into a little bit of detail, however...

    With option one comes a number of things - we get to have something new in the way of the Ultimate Tournament series. It had been previously carried on as a one-on-one RPing tournament, which was all well and fine, but after the colossal flop of UT3, I think it is time for some change to be implemented for the sake of changing up that formula. Contrary to Jonno, I feel that this is something that UT could benefit from. The characters get something to talk about in the Tavern (or its equivalent in this Tournament), such as strategy with their partner, or whatever. Forming secret alliances... anything, really. It gets people to meet each other out of character as well - obviously when you are planning all of your battle strategies, you will need to be flexible with your metagaming to include whosoever is your partner for the round. It allows us to strengthen community ties by having new friends made over a good RP, and that's what UT started out as. I think it's something that was absent in the last iteration, too - that sense of community that was forged in both the first UT and the second, when we all RP'd in the Bellona Tavern.

    Additionally, it provides some flexibility in partnerships. I personally find the allure of the chance aspect of the thing very tantalizing; we get to practice working with all different sorts of people. That's just another aspect of the RP, right? Learning to adapt to whatever you are dealt. It just strikes me as fun.

    On the other end of the spectrum, I voted for two. It seems like it could yield some promising teams, pitting powerhouse with powerhouse to destroy everyone else. There are plenty of teams here, and more than one dark horse. It could spawn some rivalries that would later be settled in other ways, and rankings could be kind of fun too. I envision it almost like in the doubles mode of Mario Tennis for the GBC/GBA, and that was a hell of a game.

    Frankly, I just don't feel like a 1v1 would be the best way to go, considering how we fared in the last embodiment of the storied series that is UT, but hey, I'd end up being okay with it if it were to end up that way~
  11. Reason for Option #1) New partners, new strategies, interesting pair-ups

    Reason for Option #2) Be comfortable with the person paired up and work much more through strategies out better than some random person

    Reason for Option #4) Somedays I just don't like people.
  12. [12:53:57 PM] Jonathan: LOL
    [12:54:09 PM] Jonathan: I definitely see the appealing behind 2v2
    [12:54:17 PM] Jonathan: Kinda am more behind that than 1v1 for this go-around now
    [12:54:34 PM] Jake: Don't change your position because I said it baby ;D
    [12:54:47 PM] Jonathan: don't feel the need to express a change of opinionnnn online though, since 1v1 is already greatly overburdened :5
    [12:55:07 PM] Jonathan: I'm not changing my position because you said it; I'm changing it because I read the truth in what you said :>
  13. I first saw this and started off thinking #s 2 & 3 would be good-- #1 seemed much lesser in comparison. Then, I read most of the comments by other people. And damn if I wasn't influenced. I ended up voting only for #1, because the suggestions of #s 2 & 3 getting stale were a realistic realization, and would be bound to be uneventful eventually.

    Also, although-- obvious from my join date-- I've never participated in an Ultimate Tournament yet, for Ultimate Tournament #4, there seems a vague fittingness for there to be 4 fighters in each battle. Or maybe I'm just a nerd like that, with coincidences and random fittingness and such.

    But anyways yeah. This seems like another ZEJ RP to look forward to.
  14. can i make a character who has summon frog knights

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