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Twittering / Random Musings

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Nov 14, 2013.

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  1. Had a fever these last couple of days. Last night was absolutely miserable; I got maybe 20 minutes of sleep, I was dizzy and felt like I was going to throw up, I think I was slightly delirious, and water tasted awful so I was dehydrated. Finally getting over it though.
  2. Glad to see you getting better, Kiryu-chan. :<

    Sick Kuda isn't a happy Kuda.
  3. Two wins in a row in the game of Cards Against Humanity
  4. Congratulations for trying to be competitive in a laid-back game.
  5. I wasn't trying to. Thing is, the reason why I'm just entertained by it is because I never have this much good luck in something that depends entirely on chance.
  6. ;P
  7. you only won because the vastly funnier @Eebit wasn't playing kek
  8. These [youtube] tags are quite swanky. Kudos to whomever thought of them.
  9. Is that because of that one time you basically swept us all with a "me" card when the question was asking "Who is the greatest Canadian?"

    Well played, touche, gg, wp.

    And uhh......why tag yourself?
  10. http://puu.sh/6rTiG.jpg

    Manacles cunfurmd
  11. [​IMG]

    Oddly patriotic to some folks, I think.
  12. I'm hooked on The Neighborhood. It's a problem.
  13. I'm hooked on RWBY and Parks and Rec. It's not a problem.
  14. http://puu.sh/6uTPQ.png

    Thirsty hoes.
  15. Got exposed to a couple of new board games, thanks to @The Kakuzato thanks for that.
  16. Taking out actual books. From the library. For research. What is this, the stone age?
  17. ^Huh I still do it. The smell of the paper of newly printed books, alongside the smell of freshly cut grass, and maybe peppermint, they're the best things ever.
  18. WHY do people like the smell of cut grass

    I don't get it
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