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Twittering / Random Musings

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Nov 14, 2013.

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  1. I'd imagine that he has been busy preparing for his long journey around the world tonight! Perhaps, if he comes back to visit us in 2015 (and we're all good little boys and girls), he will be prepared to answer all of our many questions!
  2. I keep getting called a socialist by my grandfather. I tweeted about it, and I was retweeted by a McCarthy bot. Now I'm on the Red Scare Naughty List. Fuck.

    (Filed under: things I never thought I'd have to talk about)
  3. To San Diego I go, tomorrow-ow!

    Unnecessary rhyming is funnecessary.



    ALSO we did Christmas present stuff today. I got some neat stuff, which I'll talk about in greater extent here once I'm back probably.

    If I can catch a connection someplace maybe I'll hit you all up earlier. 

    Until then!
  4. You two have been drinking too much eggnog.
  5. I made it through a week with my grandpa! No explosions! Socialist comments, yes. No explosions!

    Now, I'm babysitting in the NICEST HOUSE EVER HOLY SHIT. The kid is adorable and parents filthy rich. Yes.
  6. The Interview is a dumb movie. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy overhyped. I do not feel more Amurikan after watching this movie. I laughed maybe once. The puppy is the best character. The end.

    4/10 because at least the plot was sort of interesting.
  7. Expected as much. This is the End is the worst film I've ever seen since 2010, for me, tbh.
  8. Good God my roommate would not shut up about This Is The End -- ugh, talk about bein apocalyptic on my brain. James Franco is not a good actor, nor is Seth Rogen, and hopefuly the whole Interview brouhaha will prevent them from teaming up again that I am spared the misery ensuing their antics.

    Honestly am more disappointed in Emma Watson for having participated in the film. I know everyone has a silly side, but This Is The End is beyond silly and more like neuron-destroying stupid.
  9. I have a pretty high opinion of James Franco because I have gone out my way to never see him in anything other than Freaks and Geeks to preserve my false belief that Daniel Desario is a real person.
  10. dear cor not another one

    run moon

    run before the SJWs get you
  11. I think I'm just gonna post random fandom crap so I should remain out of their sights.
    Most likely...

    I love fandom crap

    especially shipping the fuck out of crack ships

    [size=-5]i ship sheebit which is shadowxeebit

    totally not a crack ship[/size]
  13. Ha guess what- 1/10/15 is my ZEJ anniversary *early confetti*
  14. Oh joy! Moon Moon, how would you request that we celebrate this lovely event of you entering our warm and loving embrace?
  15. No one celebrated neither my first nor second anniversaries.
  16. You never mentioned them publicly! How can we celebrate something we are not made aware of?
  17. We should just all party or something idk- maybe get Shadow to dance by using Eebit's moe-pleading-face?
  18. [​IMG]

    There were two more further down.
  19. hey could a mod or admin go into #help on the irc and get one of the admins to whitelist my ip pls? my range 71.* is apparently in efnet's blacklist.
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