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Obligatory "What're You Listening To?" Thread

Discussion in 'Спам Oстров' started by Eebit, Sep 24, 2011.

  1. Faster - Within Temptation
  2. If You Want Peace, Prepare For War - Children of Bodom
  3. GSC Game Corner - PokeRemixStudio

    I hear Dialga's Fight to the Finish in that o_O

    Wicked Child (Nue) - DJ the S
  4. [video=youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldW2lOT-ZoM[/video]

    SEGA, you have outdone yourselves. Bravo.
  5. Wooden Pints - Korpiklaani
  6. Lunatic Glare (Reisen) - DJ the S
  7. Furry; I must agree!
  8. The modern version's great as well!
  9. Pocketwatch & Knives (Sakuya) - DJ the S

    Yeah, definitely been getting back into DJ the S lately.

    Edge of the Century - Styx

    Feel the way the earth is shaking, fires and floods and hurricanes! A voice cries out in revelation! Say hello to Y2K!
  10. [video=youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuw0JS_KJwU[/video]
  11. Crisis City ~The Flame ~ Skyscraper ~ Whirlwind ~ Tornado~ - Tomoya Ohtani

    Jase, this beats ZUN, sorry. I'll get shit from Shadow for this, but this track is just that fucking epic.
  12. Sweating Bullets - Megadeth
  13. [video=youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAgqPbjoQ0E[/video]

    PROCEED TO LIKE THIS SONG OVER 9K TIMES. It's such a spirited, powerful, beautiful song!
  14. Aces High - Iron Maiden

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