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Obligatory "What're You Listening To?" Thread

Discussion in 'Спам Oстров' started by Eebit, Sep 24, 2011.

  1. Double post, but.

    Bringing in the mood of the season in the very best way - the Homestuck way!

  2. "Home" - Phillip Phillips

    A combination of Jonno and my friends putting this on as we drove around tonight to go out and... do 'things' has made me really dig this song. Great tune.
  3. Time for Heroes - The Milk
  4. Funnily enough...

    Heroes of Our Time - Dragonforce
  5. Race Windows XP - Stickheadz32
  6. Hybrid - Julie Nurly
  7. Razia's Shadow playlist (Live at Joe's Pub) - Thomas Dutton (et al.)

    I found this band a long while ago, and this album specifically is a big conglomeration of a bunch of artists working together to make a musical story pan out. Recently, however, it apparently underwent rewrites to become a possible actual musical on Broadway, which would be absolutely kickass. This is a live performance of the album, which you can (and should) read about here.
  8. Demon(s) - Darkest Hour
  9. [video=youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIBf2PvZoiE[/video]
  10. "Slow Days" - The Koustiks

    I posted a link to this on Jonno's Facebook page, since I know that he and I share pretty similar music tastes, but I really dig this song and I hope that you guys do too (if, you know, anyone actually listens to others' music selections in this thread!). It's a song from an upstart band from my area, and they're very blink-182 inspired in some aspects. If you enjoy it, definitely toss them a 'Like' on Facebook or YouTube. I'm sure they'd appreciate the publicity!
  11. [youtube]rm7bTvTtXJg[/youtube]
    I really love the mellow feeling of this song; I find it's quite relaxing. Also, it's really catchy. And the fact that it's a song dedicated to a particular show I happen to like as well has nothing to do with my liking of it, of course. :p
  12. Shout at the Devil - Mötley Crüe

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