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League of Legends

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Sep 7, 2011.

  1. Definitely me and Eebro then, I think crazE and kuori follow the LCS as well but idk if theyd want to partake in this.

  3. Signed myself in~
  4. [​IMG]

    I'm starting to learn!
  5. Wow.....Don't let Moshi see this thread...he's been looking for someone to play LOL with again. He's just getting back into it, but he used to be better then me at it.
  6. To late... What has been seen cannot be unseen...
  7. Omg we could have a ZEJ ranked team now
  8. @Eebit where the fuck you at
  9. Am I not invited? Am I an outsider? ;-;
  10. you can come if you want to :eek:
  11. My summoner name is Coddydaster, hmu with those invites
  12. I never even finished my climb to 30 LOL.

    I'm so bad at this game anyway
  13. bruh y'all know you don't want to carry my sorry ass

    p.s. first post updated with summoner names for the NA server

  14. We both know I can carry easily. You were there for my Diana penta, remember?
  15. [video=youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcB-FreSnG8[/video]

    Another Void creature, perhaps? <3

    Also apparently most of the people who see this video ignore the description where the beast is described with female pronouns...
  16. yo on the real let's make a ZEJ ranked team

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